You're missing the point. Those cars aren't given to them by boosters. They are obtained by the family or by the player through a dealership. The dealership will operate one of a few different ways. They will either:
1.) Charge a very low rate on the car
2.) Set up "financing"
3.) Have a relative with excellent credit co-sign the loan/lease
As Blue Chips would call it, there are "friends of the program" everywhere. All the while, coaches sit back and go to the NCAA and reporters.
As for Notre Dame vs. Iowa City, there may be more teams, but it's Notre Dame. Everything done in that city is magnified, especially when the local paper isn't exactly "Irish friendly".
"Well, my wife assassinated my sexual identity, and my children are eating my dreams." -Louis CK
Killian wrote:Sampson gets in trouble because phone records are very easy to obtain and trace.
I still think Sampson had to go over the phone calls, since he broke that rule RIGHT after getting busted for the same rule, but what you typed is why I still don't attribute any sort of shadey dealings to Sampson and his staff. If they REALLY wanted to make phone calls and use those calls for dirty tactics they could easily get a pre-paid phone or a trac phone or insert any of the other countless ways to make calls that can't be traced by the university. Not to mention all the loopholes with being able to text kids and receive incoming calls and what not.
I'm still shaking my head that Kelvin would let something so trivial fuck up his legacy and the IU program for the next 3 years.
"Our staff is going to ensure that anyone who attends this University and wears the Indiana uniform will make this privilege among their highest priorities and not treat the opportunity as an entitlement,'' Crean said in a statement. "We fully expect our student-athletes to accept the responsibilities academically, athletically and socially that come with representing one of the top programs in college basketball history."
Sampson was already on NCAA probation when he took the Indiana job for making 577 improper phone calls between 2000 and 2004 while the coach at Oklahoma.
Now you're trying to tell me I wasn't on these boards back in 1999? Geez, Mace, you couldn't be more wrong about....well, everything. I was on the Rome boards in 1999 and have been on these boards since. I do not recall any other Hawkeye fans back then, but that was a long time ago so maybe there were. I just remember talking shit about Nebraska's thugs and pissing people off because I was 18-19 years old at the time and pissing people off was quite humorous back then. Now I don't ever talk shit unless provoked by tards like yourself.
Not that any of that really matters. Seriously, Mace, you're dead wrong on a lot of things. I find it humorous that you say you've been a Cubs fan 40 years (I've been a Cubs fan my whole life to, just not as big of a fan as I am a Royals fan), because that means you're quite a bit older than me. So you're 40-something and you talk trash on an internet message board? Wow, that's about all I need to know about you. Seriously, bro, that's pathetic. In a way I feel bad for you because you've probably led a tough life. Hey, i'm not a shrink, so don't come asking me for any advice on how to get your life turned around, but I do offer up at least some sympathy. But even though you've led a tough life, does it really make you feel better about yourself to talk shit on the internet?? I know you're not talking shit away from the computer because I think we can all assume you're 5-foot-nothing and weigh 100-and-nothing. Why can we assume that? Because everyone knows internet tough guys are exactly that. Real tough guys don't have to hide behind a computer. I'm pretty sure Chuck Norris isn't calling people names on message boards.
But in all seriousness, this is the last time I'm ever responding to one of your posts. It's a childish argument, and the better man (which I am) knows to walk away. Again, I'm sorry your life sucks, but talking shit on the internet doesn't make it any less pathetic.