Mister Bushice wrote:How about we go with Truman either fixing his fucking board time clock settings or recognize that I'm in PDT and that I have never posted on this board at 3:26 AM my time EVER? Thems my beauty sleep hours.
Dude. You want me to go back to school, and you can't sort out fucking internet time zones or your own personal board settings?
…All of which does nothing to dispel the notion that you were piss-drunk in the middle of the night posting in stupid defense of a gutless Loser on an Internet message board.
Some people are happy drunks, and some people are mean drunks.
And then some people are stupid drunks. Far more curious is that many of these same people
remain stupid when they're sober.
BTW, I am
very comfortable with time zones, Bushie.
Right now it is Midnight PDT. In analog that is when the little hand is on the 12, and the big hand is on the 12. I know, hard to figure.
I don't really wanna know where your hands are.
Not that it's a big mystery they're stuck at 6:30.
I'm guessing you posted this in a misguided attempt to bring the fun-nay. Please re-read my "half the Board" reference and get back to me with evidence to the contrary. TIA.
Mister Bushice wrote:Truman wrote:For now. But I reserve the right to change my mind later.
Good save, but "replace my mind" might juust be a better call.
I suggest - Abby Someone
Loved that movie. 'Specially the parts where Dr. Frankenstein or Igor would utter the words "
Frau Bushice" from deep in the castle and the horses outside would go nuts….
Mister Bushice wrote:Truman wrote:Goos is a sackless flaming pile of fuck.
No, KC Paulie is.
Looks like Lack of Originality isn't exclusive to Paul.
IKYABWAI was named for KC Paulies posting style
Denies his fatness, called out R-Jack, then welched out.
Has stolen takes from people on other boards SEVERAL TIMES and has been caught, and then spins it like a medal of pride.
Changes sports team affiliations more often than he does his underwear, of course the underwear is harder to reach than the TV remote.
Marcus Dinsdale
Posted, re-posted, documented, established, substantiated, validated, buttressed, corroborated, recorded, supported, witnessed, attested, authenticated, certified, confirmed, sustained, verified, clinched, nailed, settled, deposed, folded, spindled, and mutilated.
Paul's foibles have been given more run longer than an off-Broadway
Cat's play.
But that doesn't necessarily make him fat. Now.
Oh, please. you called out someone else to post pics without doing so yourself? You DO know who pulled that shit last time and got busted, right? Man up or shut the FUCK up.
Get real, Truman. Don't EVER ask anyone here to do that if you have NOT done it yourself first.
Sage advice… Were it applicable.
Oh, you're pro'lly gonna hafta work for it, but my mug
has been made readily accessible on these Boards – even this one. So if you don't mind, I'll continue to drag your ass up-and-down this thread at my leisure….
Well, we don't exactly keep company, but you're chasing the wrong rabbit here. Goober is at times funny, usually sarcastic, hell he's busted my ass on occasion, it's true we're cool but he hasn't come anywhere close to being the fat fucking retarded loser that is the essence of everyday KCPaul. If I had to keep company, Goobs is on my "Have a beer with" list. KC Paul?
...Which all may be very well true, but you HAVE noticed that Goos has largely ghosted this thread leaving you to sweep up after elephants, haven't you Bushie? So I'll say again:
Great comp'ny yer keepin', Bushie...
You guessed wrong, again. I started my own company 5 years ago and just merged it with a bigger one. I'll be retired by age 55. I take good care of my parents, and they appreciate every penny they spent on my private 12 years of Catholic school education that I hated while I was suffering through it, but as a well off adult a year does not pass where I don't thank them for giving that gift of expensive and higher quality education to me.
Nice rant. I'll keep you in mind the
very next time I feel the need to validate my existence to a virtually anonymous Internet message board poster living half-way 'cross the continent in the middle of the night….
Mister Bushice wrote:Truman wrote:I am not defending Paul.
"I ran into Paul about eight months ago. He was looking rather svelte" was NOT a defense?
What was it, then? An italicized supposition?
Some folks might just actually break down and regard it as a statement of fact. Sucks when the truth gets in the way of a really bad take, eh, Bushie?
What can I say? To my eyes eight months ago, the cat had dropped a few pounds. 'Course, I don't see as well as I once did.
That said, you Losers are welcome to your "fun" and Paul can remain an immense fatass of Goos McTub-sian proportions on the Interwebs while enjoying a healthier life-style in the Real World.
Or not. Personally, I don't care.
...No one speaks for anyone else here but themselves. Learn it. Live it. You may get a few cronies to back you up, more if your drop the hammer big time, but the day you represent the voice of half this board will never come, and certainly not when you're propping up "svelte" KCpaulie.
That's referred to as the "Big Coat" defense.
Truman: Half the Board's Voice. I like it! And the name is certainly proven electable. But I don't reckon that you'll be reconsidering your vote any time soon when I run for a Board Representative seat in the House of Smack this November, eh, Bushie? Then how about a small campaign donation? I mean, you ARE retiring at 55, and surely your folks haven't sucked you dry by now…?
Smack aside, Bushie, I got no war with you. Goos' connect-the-dots method of posting associating
anything KC with Paul was "fresh" about the first 300 times he posted it, but is starting to wear a bit thin in some quarters these days. I'm simply looking to
discuss it with him in a bit more detail. Since it's clear that you've got your pal's back (again, props to you), would you mind lifting his tail to see if he's got any balls? TIA.