Maybe the grocery stores were sick of seeing these:
My brother and his wife had one for their son. Made me sick. One time I was visiting, and my brother, his son and I went to the grocery store to get some steaks. He pulls this thing out of the back of the car, and I was like "What the fuck is that?" He said "It's a comfort pad for the cart." Well, my nephew was damn near a year old, and my anal sister-in-law still required people to wash their hands before handling him. So I knew this was a directive from her. I just told my brother "That's the stupidest most anal-retentive thing I have ever seen."
Anyhow, after spending a couplefew minutes getting the thing attached, we go shopping. The steaks at the SAfeway were very sub-par so my brother wants to go to Kroger. Same song and dance with the damn cover. This was me:
Kroger had no filets and their ribeyes has some green on them. Off to Albertsons.
Finally. Bought 1/2 a tenderloin and got the fuck out. Sitting down at dinner with my brother and his wife and my parents, I say this "I can't believe you guys put Nephew-A in that shopping cart cover. That looks stupid." Sis-in-law smirks and conversation moves to another direction. My brother told me that 2 weeks later, they discontinues the use of it. I'd like to think I had a small part in that.
Too late to say long story short, but I kind of like the idea of the wipes. Once our son was able to ride in the cart and sit up by himself, he was teething. He always tried to knaw on the shopping cart handle. So, whenever I put him in, I would get one of his wipes from the diaper bag and wipe down the handle and if he decided to go to town, so be it. I don't think that is too overbaord. I would never do this to my child:
That says "come kick my dad's ass" like no other.