War Wagon wrote:Jay in Phoenix wrote:
Dumbfuck, where did I say I was an arbiter of what is appropriate to post, hmmm?
It's quite implicit. Here's an example.
"I'm going to ask you one more time Coodes, what was your fucking point to this so-called "story"?
Really WarWhacko? Really? That's your "example" of my being an arbiter? Seems to me I was simply asking Coodles to make a specific point about his opening cut and paste waste of space. Your not being able to filter this out, once again, reflects your abject stupidity. I knew full well what Cooter was up to, as I've already pointed out. I just wanted little miss spinjob to twist around on his stick with his IKYABWAI replies.
He did. Priceless.
As if Cuda or anyone else needs to explain the reasoning for any topic they post to you. Why don't you ask Douchebag what his "fucking point" is/was, hmmm?
And while you're at it, why don't you direct me towards all the stellar topics authored by Jay in Phoenix.
Wow Whitey, you're really hung up on the Douchecrew. Now here's a hint...and
pssst...keep it a secret, hmmm.
It's a goof, a waste of time, and oh yeah...the Crew spoof is waaay funnier and vastly more entertaining than anything your retarded self has ever, and I mean EVER contributed to this or any other board. And while you're at it fuckstain, show me where YOU have authored a "steller" topic. Just one. I don't pretend to be anything or anyone other than what I've been since Smack Chat 1. Jay in Phoenix.
Of course, as the old joke goes, there really is no J in Phoenix. But surely you've figured that out by now.
Or not. However, once again, nobody here has to rationalize a post. It's a smack board. I'm just a little tired of the racism that has taken over the place, and that includes you asshole. I could care less about a a persons' politics or religion. To each their own.
Irrational blind hatred based on skin pigmentaion? That's a whole different ballgame Racist Wagon.
What happened here is that you were being your usual sniveling bitch self, passing judgement, and then getting your panties all wadded up over nothing. Kinda' like a few others here (sup Magoo, I-Fellate, PUS?) are currently doing in similar fashion.
Okay, if you want to call me out for judgment of racist cocksuckes such as yourself, feel free. Tell me something WarFaggon, why did you feel the need to butt into this thread when it had nothing whatsoever to do with you? Were you offended that a fellow fucktard like Coods was taking some heat? Did the criticism of a fellow Klan member get your little white pointed bonnet in a twist?
Whitey, get over your dumb self.
Yet you gave a rats ass enough to get up on your high horse, fumbled around with the lone bullet Sherriff Taylor lets you carry in your shirt pocket, clumsily loaded it, and then promptly shot yourself in the foot.
Here's a hint, Barney in Mayberry. You no rikey the subject matter of a thread, you ignore said topic and let it stand or fall on its own merits. Get it?
Brilliant analogy dillhole. Except for the part where you swung and missed. Now take your own ignorant advice, and if YOU don't like a topic, or someone else's point of view, let it stand or fall, without adding your own worthless opinion.
When you actually have something of value to contribute, which of course will be the first time EVER, feel free.
Otherwise feel free to shut the fuck up and stick a forklift up your ass.
Toodles Wags. Toodles.