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Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:55 pm
by War Wagon
Bizzarofelice wrote:War Wagon, you make about 23K annually. On one hand I would expect you to be a supporter of Obama's economic plan, but if you're mocking him in hopes of getting in good graces with rich people, I understand.
I made 55k last year, and that was a down year because I didn't work much OT. Not that I couldn't have, OT was available, I didn't
need to. I wouldn't let my wife wouldn't work for a measley 23k, or the chronic money you subsist on.
While I'm certainly not "rich" by any means, dumbfuck libs like you and Onogga' think I am, and should be taxed to the point where there's no incentive left to
Of course, I realize that terms like "work" and "earn" are foreign languages to a bottom feeding scrub like yourself, so pardon the confusion those concepts must be causing.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:59 pm
by BSmack
War Wagon wrote:I made 55k last year, and that was a down year because I didn't work much OT. Not that I couldn't have, OT was available, I didn't need to. I wouldn't let my wife wouldn't work for a measley 23k, or the chronic money you subsist on.
While I'm certainly not "rich" by any means, dumbfuck libs like you and Onogga' think I am, and should be taxed to the point where there's no incentive left to earn.
Of course, I realize that terms like "work" and "earn" are foreign languages to a bottom feeding scrub like yourself, so pardon the confusion those concepts must be causing.
Unless your wife is pulling down 200k or more, you will not have your taxes raised under the Obama plan.
Just thought you might like to know.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:05 am
by Wolfman
Bri-Smack telling me my money is safe ? That's a laugh !!
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:06 am
by War Wagon
BSmack wrote:
Unless your wife is pulling down 200k or more, you will not have your taxes raised under the Obama plan.
And coming from that flip-flopper, I'm supposed to believe that?
No sale.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:17 am
by poptart
BSmack wrote:you will not have your taxes raised under the Obama plan.
Under his
plan or under his administration?
I favor reality.
If you fancy fantasy, gulp that load.
Let's see, he's already turned around and shitcanned the pastor/mentor/racist/wingnut he promised he would stand by ... when the heat got too hot for him.
He's gone back on his grand promise and decided to forgo public funding.
He's opened the door to perhaps 'revise' his Iraq troop withdrawl ...
plan. LOL
If you buy into what this asshole is selling, well, the shortbus be your sled.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:07 am
by Bizzarofelice
War Wagon wrote:Bizzarofelice wrote:War Wagon, you make about 23K annually. On one hand I would expect you to be a supporter of Obama's economic plan, but if you're mocking him in hopes of getting in good graces with rich people, I understand.
I made 55k last year
so you're telling me either:
1) you make twice what a forklift driver makes or
2) your wife drives a forklift, as well.
While I'm certainly not "rich" by any means, dumbfuck libs like you and Onogga' think I am, and should be taxed to the point where there's no incentive left to earn.
I don't know what loudmouth sold you that line, but obviously you were too weak minded to fight it off. You are obviously very unfamiliar with the positions of both candidates.
Poptart, embracing that "flip-flop" ruse the GOP is trying to paint Obama with? I would think any smart person would see both candidates doing it and brush off McCain's repeated attempts to make it a theme despite doing the same damned thing.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:36 am
by Smackie Chan
Bizzarofelice wrote:Poptart, embracing that "flip-flop" ruse the GOP is trying to paint Obama with? I would think any smart person would see both candidates doing it and brush off McCain's repeated attempts to make it a theme despite doing the same damned thing.
Since McCain hasn't claimed to be the candidate for change, he gets a pass. You didn't get the memo?
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:38 am
by War Wagon
Bizzarofelice wrote:
You are obviously very unfamiliar with the positions of both candidates.
Quite familiar, thanks, but if you trust in campaign rhetoric, Mark Twain has a bridge in Hannibal he'd like to sell you.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:58 am
by Bizzarofelice
So why do you think Obama will be raising taxes? Please think your response out knowing a non-forklift driver will be responding.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:08 am
by War Wagon
He's the most liberal member of the Senate, quite comfortable with "tax the rich, feed the poor, 'till they are, rich no more"
Ten Years After, I believe?
The poor would still be hungry, btw
'twere it a forklift driver I was responding to, it might have been worth some extra effort.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:13 am
by Bizzarofelice
War Wagon wrote:He's the most liberal member of the Senate, quite comfortable with "tax the rich, feed the poor, 'till they are, rich no more"
Do you not see the error in your logic? Instead of looking at the individual Barak Obama and listening to his words, you are basing your beliefs on concepts which you feel negative towards.
Tax the rich feed the poor that's all in your head and not from the guy's mouth. It's all in your head. Not much based in reality.
Get your head out of your ass and think for a second. Maybe go to that university you have in your avatar and take a couple classes. Might help you expand your abilities.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:15 am
by War Wagon
Great fucking song, btw.
I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do.
So I'll just post on a message board and belittle my philosophical enemies.
Works for me.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:26 am
by Bizzarofelice
War Wagon wrote:philosophical enemies.
You have no definitive "philosophy" beyond whatever madness you read into situations.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:28 am
by Cuda
Bizzarofelice wrote:So why do you think Obama will be raising taxes? .
Oh, gee... maybe because
he said he would
Maybe because
raising taxes is what the DemocRats in congress said
they would do.
That's why it's not a coincidence that the economy started down the crapper when it became apparent they DemocRats would re-take congress two years ago; much of the Investing Class took the DemocRats at their word and started taking measures to reduce their exposure to having their earnings confiscated.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:41 am
by Bizzarofelice
Cuda wrote:Bizzarofelice wrote:So why do you think Obama will be raising taxes? .
Oh, gee... maybe because
he said he would
But not WarWagon's taxes. Not your taxes.
Remind me again when the economy started to go into the crapper, Coodes?
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:56 am
by War Wagon
Bizzarofelice wrote:War Wagon wrote:philosophical enemies.
You have no definitive "philosophy" beyond whatever madness you read into situations.
"madness" is being a Royals and/or Chiefs fan. In that regard, I'm admittedly insane.
Voting republican is enlightened self interest.
Conversely, supporting Dems is akin to slooow Chinese water torture, or what they call "waterboarding" these days.
Interesting how Obama is doing a full court press on Missouri right now, investing hordes of (non-publically financed) cayshe and human resources in trying to sway the bellweather state.
Sorta' flattering, but I fervently hope the effort fails.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:32 am
by poptart
Bace, who do you imagine is going to pay for all this ... FREE ... health care that B.O. wants to hand out?
It's MAGIC, it's FREE health care!!
ta daaaa .....
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:41 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
War Wagon wrote:
Voting republican is enlightened self interest.
Conversely, supporting Dems is akin to slooow Chinese water torture, or what they call "waterboarding" these days.
They're the same party. The joke's on you.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:48 am
by Bizzarofelice
poptart wrote:FREE ... health care that B.O. wants to hand out?
1) meh. never happen. never get through congress.
2) you're still projecting that the medical shit would lead to more taxes. the guy said he's reversing the bush tax cuts the mccain was against, and he's raising capital gains. said nothing beyond that. are you saying everything mccain has mentioned won't lead to more taxes? furthering this war won't lead to either more taxes or selling more of our country's future to China?
3) socialized medicine only comes up when there ain't other pressing needs. third world toilets raising energy prices seemed to have taken precedence, as of late.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:05 am
by poptart
Bace wrote:are you saying everything mccain has mentioned won't lead to more taxes? furthering this war won't lead to either more taxes or selling more of our country's future to China?
I'm not saying either of those, I'm not a republican, and I give McCain ZERO support.
Both B.O. and John McLame have NO intention of shrinking a fed gov that DESPERATELY needs to be substantially shrunk.
Anyone voting for
either of these cocksuckers just simply isn't interested in freedom.
Or perhaps they've grown so damn used to being pwned that don't realize what freedom
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:36 am
by Terry in Crapchester
Bizzarofelice wrote:the guy said he's reversing the bush tax cuts the mccain was against, and he's raising capital gains.
Not even that much. He's said he'll allow the portion of the Bush tax cuts to expire that benefit people earning > $250,000/year. The portion of the Bush tax cuts that benefit primarily people earning less (e.g., 10% marginal tax bracket and permanent student loan interest deductions) aren't going away.
As for capital gains tax increases, they largely won't affect the middle class either, since 401(k) plans will remain tax-exempt.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:55 am
by BSmack
War Wagon wrote:BSmack wrote:
Unless your wife is pulling down 200k or more, you will not have your taxes raised under the Obama plan.
And coming from that flip-flopper, I'm supposed to believe that?
No sale.
I'm talking about Obama, not McCain. Get that straight Whitey.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:17 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
War Wagon wrote:Voting republican is enlightened self interest.
Unless your employer sees fit to immediately raise your salary by something in the neighborhood of 350-400%, guess again.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:35 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
War Wagon wrote:Jay in Phoenix wrote:
Dumbfuck, where did I say I was an arbiter of what is appropriate to post, hmmm?
It's quite implicit. Here's an example.
"I'm going to ask you one more time Coodes, what was your fucking point to this so-called "story"?
Really WarWhacko? Really? That's your "example" of my being an arbiter? Seems to me I was simply asking Coodles to make a specific point about his opening cut and paste waste of space. Your not being able to filter this out, once again, reflects your abject stupidity. I knew full well what Cooter was up to, as I've already pointed out. I just wanted little miss spinjob to twist around on his stick with his IKYABWAI replies.
He did. Priceless.
As if Cuda or anyone else needs to explain the reasoning for any topic they post to you. Why don't you ask Douchebag what his "fucking point" is/was, hmmm?
And while you're at it, why don't you direct me towards all the stellar topics authored by Jay in Phoenix.
Wow Whitey, you're really hung up on the Douchecrew. Now here's a hint...and
pssst...keep it a secret, hmmm.
It's a goof, a waste of time, and oh yeah...the Crew spoof is waaay funnier and vastly more entertaining than anything your retarded self has ever, and I mean EVER contributed to this or any other board. And while you're at it fuckstain, show me where YOU have authored a "steller" topic. Just one. I don't pretend to be anything or anyone other than what I've been since Smack Chat 1. Jay in Phoenix.
Of course, as the old joke goes, there really is no J in Phoenix. But surely you've figured that out by now.
Or not. However, once again, nobody here has to rationalize a post. It's a smack board. I'm just a little tired of the racism that has taken over the place, and that includes you asshole. I could care less about a a persons' politics or religion. To each their own.
Irrational blind hatred based on skin pigmentaion? That's a whole different ballgame Racist Wagon.
What happened here is that you were being your usual sniveling bitch self, passing judgement, and then getting your panties all wadded up over nothing. Kinda' like a few others here (sup Magoo, I-Fellate, PUS?) are currently doing in similar fashion.
Okay, if you want to call me out for judgment of racist cocksuckes such as yourself, feel free. Tell me something WarFaggon, why did you feel the need to butt into this thread when it had nothing whatsoever to do with you? Were you offended that a fellow fucktard like Coods was taking some heat? Did the criticism of a fellow Klan member get your little white pointed bonnet in a twist?
Whitey, get over your dumb self.
Yet you gave a rats ass enough to get up on your high horse, fumbled around with the lone bullet Sherriff Taylor lets you carry in your shirt pocket, clumsily loaded it, and then promptly shot yourself in the foot.
Here's a hint, Barney in Mayberry. You no rikey the subject matter of a thread, you ignore said topic and let it stand or fall on its own merits. Get it?
Brilliant analogy dillhole. Except for the part where you swung and missed. Now take your own ignorant advice, and if YOU don't like a topic, or someone else's point of view, let it stand or fall, without adding your own worthless opinion.
When you actually have something of value to contribute, which of course will be the first time EVER, feel free.
Otherwise feel free to shut the fuck up and stick a forklift up your ass.
Toodles Wags. Toodles.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:44 pm
by War Wagon
Jay in Phoenix wrote:And while you're at it fuckstain, show me where YOU have authored a "steller" topic.
I asked you first, and tell me that you didn't you just try to run spelling smack with the word 'stellar'. Great job KYOA, dumbfuck.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:58 pm
by Goober McTuber
Thanks for cleaning up that hot mess.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:24 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
War Wagon wrote:I asked you first, and tell me that you didn't you just try to run spelling smack with the word 'stellar'. Great job KYOA, dumbfuck.
That is what you're going to run with Whitey? After all that? Spelling smack?
It's called a typo, it happens. It's the same thing as a person being born with dark skin, or as in your case, retardation. It happens.
Now go back to your iddle-biddy sandbox and go pound some.
mvscal wrote:Actually it's based on the fact that 6.5% of the population is committing 45% of the violent crime in this country while the other 6.5% is spitting out kids they can't afford and dumping them on the taxpayer.
I don't hate n...iggers based on the color of their skin. I hate them based on the content of their character. Just the way MLK wanted it.
Problem with that?
Nope, no problem at all.
You know what mv, you can skew the numbers any way you like. That's the thing about "statistics" such as those. They're completely subjective. However, for the sake of argument, let's roll with what you just said. You're hatred is based on character, and that's fair. If anybody falls into that particular category, i.e., committing violent crime, theft, punching out baby after baby to clog up the system, then resentment is appropo.
Yet, there is something that you and the rest are failing to consider. And you've been doing it from day one. Throwing a blanket condemnation over an entire race of people based on the actions of a few. Arguably many, but not most, and certainly not all. For god sake, you can apply that thought process to any group of people if you really want to, be they black, hispanic, asian, caucasion, whatever. However, it doesn't make said process a total and complete truth.
Bottom line mv, you and everyone else here are more than entitled to your opinions. Hell, opinions are even encouraged. It's just that throwing all those multi-colored eggs into one basket of blind and irrational hate is a pretty fucked up way to go through life. If that's your bag baby, that's your bag. And it works just swell on an anonymous bulletin board, where racially insensitive cowards can spill their swill.
Just try it in real life and watch what happens.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:57 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Spin it however you like mv, but when you drop the n-bombs, it is racist. And that translates to ignorance.
Go for what you know I suppose. :bigrollingeyes:
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:20 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Excellent job of proving my point mv. Well done.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:30 pm
Not your taxes.
You typed that to
Cuda? hahahahahaha
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:14 pm
by Cuda
PSUFAN wrote:Not your taxes.
You typed that to
Cuda? hahahahahaha
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:51 pm
by War Wagon
Jay in Phoenix wrote:
That is what you're going to run with Whitey? After all that? Spelling smack?
Chump, you're the one who put quotation marks around "steller", as if I had misspelled it. Just like when I asked you to point out all the awesome threads you've posted, you then immediately go to "show me yours", instead.
WTF, are you from KC? If I wrote something that incriminating, the IKYABWAI retorts would fairly burst the bandwidth limitations of this Board.
Bottom line mv, you and everyone else here are more than entitled to your opinions. Hell, opinions are even encouraged.
No way... ya' think?
Thanks for that enlightening bit of info. With such keen insight, it's no wonder that after 25 years in the biz, you're able to discern newsworthy stories.
And it works just swell on an anonymous bulletin board, where racially insensitive cowards can spill their swill.
Please forgive me for being "racially insensitive" on a message board. The horrah'.
Jay, you really are a pathetic, sniveling bitch. The funniest thing about it is that at some point in your illustrious posting career, you became convinced that your opinion
really mattered to anyone.
Brace yourself for this shocking revelation: You Suck. Badly. You want proof? The simple fact that my usual fanclub isn't in here taking potshots is all the evidence needed.
Sorry to be the one to have tell you.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:53 pm
by Mister Bushice
War Wagon wrote:
Brace yourself for this shocking revelation: You Suck. Badly. You want proof? The simple fact that my usual fanclub isn't in here taking potshots is all the evidence needed.
Either that, or everyone figured he needed ZERO help.
one of those two for sure.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:58 pm
by War Wagon
That's a possibility.
But I'm afraid that in this scenario, another sniveling bitch won't be able to assist much.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:09 pm
by Mister Bushice
War Wagon wrote:
But I'm afraid that in this scenario, another sniveling bitch won't be able to assist much.
You weren't thinking of hopping the fence and assisting him in kicking your own ass, were you?
Just let nature take its course.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:46 pm
by MadRussian
Jay in Phoenix wrote:Spin it however you like mv, but when you drop the n-bombs, it is racist. And that translates to ignorance.
Go for what you know I suppose. :bigrollingeyes:
Go change your manpons you fucking bleeding pussy
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:08 am
by KC Scott
Big McCain fan and lifelong GOP here and yet I'm supporting Obama
Neither one knows shit about the economy - and BO is the social Moderate - so he gets my vote
I'm sick of the religous right controlling the GOP - and McCain had to pander to them to get the nomination
With Obama - I'm liking a lot that he is awakening the younger generations to the demorcratic system.
I was born in Kennedy era - so can't say what it was like - but hilarious that many who backed a change then are so adamantly against it now
And yeah - I'm a WASH (white anglo saxon heathen) - and my fear of having a 1/2 black pres who talks like Bill cosby is just as scary as having the greatest golfer of our time not looking like me......
Whitey, Coods, MVS all playing the pickle card (and yet burying pickle in other threads) reaks of typical board Hypocrisy - I'll omit Tart from this beacuse he's a genuine (if genuienly misguided) good individual.
Just for all the board Klan - even Jesse Jaskass hates Obama - ... dzjvgcupaq
I know this won't sway your hate - but maybe it makes it burn a little less bright
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:14 am
by poptart
B.O. is a social moderate??? lol
Change??? lol
Bigger federal government is the 'change' you want?
Stay down, crack pipe.
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:19 am
by KC Scott
poptart wrote:B.O. is a social moderate??? lol
Change??? lol
Bigger federal government is the 'change' you want?
Stay down, crack pipe.
Tart - Bushy has tripled the fucking size of Gov since taking over - tell me you knew
Fuggin Clinton had the last balanced budget - tell me you knew
Dude - don't let the Godsmackers blind you - our GOP is fucked beyond repair right now
Re: Obamunists beez gettin uppity
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:05 am
by War Wagon
KC Scott wrote:
Whitey... playing the pickle card (and yet burying pickle in other threads) reaks of typical board Hypocrisy
You obviously haven't been paying attention.
I've never said shit about pickle, and being hypocritical is the least of my faults. You must've pulled that blurb from the same place you aquire stock market knowledge.