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Re: Billy Packer leaving CBS

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:31 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
RadioFan wrote:So it's the volume level and NOT the context?
Welcome to the thread, dumbfuck. It took numerous posts and several days, but I am happy you finally understood this sentence 'volume level of the braindead fuck' after 3 failed attempts.
A Finnish proverb wrote:A loud voice shows an empty head.
No wonder you love Gus Johnson so much... you both have copious amount of unused disk space on your internal hard drive. Fucking tards.

Re: Billy Packer leaving CBS

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:01 am
by RadioFan
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
RadioFan wrote:So it's the volume level and NOT the context?
Welcome to the thread, dumbfuck. It took numerous posts and several days, but I am happy you finally understood this sentence 'volume level of the braindead fuck' after 3 failed attempts.
The keyword here is: context.

I got the whole "I hate Gus Johnson because he hurts my ears" argument. Only, you didn't make it.


Gus Johnson doesn't scream over every basket. Not even close, you brain-dead fucking idiot. Try actually watching an entire game of college basketball, with Johnson calling it. (yeah, I know -- the horrah!) Better get out the pick polo, earplugs and a pillow to wrap around your ears.
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
A Finnish proverb wrote:A loud voice shows an empty head.
No wonder you love Gus Johnson so much... you both have copious amount of unused disk space on your internal hard drive. Fucking tards.
A Finnish proverb?

Excellent. Because, the Fins are known for their proverbs.

After all, when it comes to proverbs, nobody thinks about China nor the Bible. Everyone automatically thinks: FINLAND

Look moron, I get the fact that you don't like dudes like Gus Johnson seemingly screaming (at least to you) over every basket, just as I don't like Mike Patrick screaming after every 1-yard gain by ESPN's back of the week in CFB, or SNF, back in the day, or ACC basketball for that matter.

Can we at least agree on that?