Question for Democrats:

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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Mikey »

mvscal wrote:Oh, dear. Is Cuda being mean to you, Mikey? Would you like me to have a talk with him about that?
Actually I stand in (almost) awe of Cuda. He's one of the few posters who consistently lives up to his billing.

If you could tell him to please start flushing the toilet when he's done, though, and stop peeing on the seat I would appreciate it.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Cuda »

Mikey, if you don't want me to piss on the toilet seat, then either quit bitching about it being left up, or learn to piss standing up.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by rozy »

Felix wrote:
there is simply no way to turn these fake registrations into some sort of massive voting bloc designed to steal an election
You take a large group of people in Illinois who voted early. You throw them in masses into yellow buses and send them to Cleveland armed with copies of voter registration cards. They then vote without even being asked for any type of identification or proof of residence whatsoever. Just one illustration to answer your question. Armed with multiple registration cards they could bounce all over the city. In theory.

Whether this CAN happen or not, who knows. But it is the fear. Plenty of HRC supporters believe it already happened in several states in the primaries. Why not now?
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

rozy wrote:They then vote without even being asked for any type of identification or proof of residence whatsoever.
huh? first time registrants not being asked for some kind of identification? wow, just wow seems pretty crazy to me but maybe they do things differently in's the responsibility of the voter registrar to match registrations and actual voters, but I'm sure all of the registrars and stalwart dems and a part of this dastardly attempt to circumvent the very foundation of democracy
meanwhile, voter roll purges and caging of low income voters is okey doke I'm sure

but I'd like you to provide some proof of this type of mass fraud instead of this type of wild speculation

remember, people face federal prison time for voter fraud and I question whether you could find bus loads of people willing to take that kind of risk

the bottom line is the whole ACORN deal is a tempest in a teapot stirred up by McCain and his handlers to gird himself to challenge the election and nothing more...there is no evidence whatsoever that these fraudulent registrations can be converted to actual votes
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Cuda »

cut it out, feeldix.

Photographic proof wouldn't be enough for you, eyewitnesses wouldn't be enough, and the voters' own admissions wouldn't even be enough to convince you, so why don't you just knock off the bullshit and admit that you're OK with vote fraud.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by BSmack »

Cuda wrote:cut it out, feeldix.

Photographic proof wouldn't be enough for you, eyewitnesses wouldn't be enough, and the voters' own admissions wouldn't even be enough to convince you, so why don't you just knock off the bullshit and admit that you're OK with vote fraud.
That's a nice way of dancing around the fact you have no proof.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

Cuda wrote: Photographic proof wouldn't be enough for you, eyewitnesses wouldn't be enough, and the voters' own admissions wouldn't even be enough to convince you, so why don't you just knock off the bullshit and admit that you're OK with vote fraud.
any kind of proof of massive scale voter fraud would be more than acceptable to me....but the reality is that you can't provide it, thus you're reduced to more non sensical hyperbole and hysteria

what's sad is that rather than educate yourself you simply buy into the horseshit the wailing and screeching of conservative wingnuts

nice job kicking your own ass yet again mook
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Cuda »

feeldix, you could watch it with your own fucking eyes and you'd still deny it was going on.

Monica, on the other hand, is already on record being OK with vote fraud.

don't be such a fucking hypocrite, feeldix
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

Cuda wrote:you'd still deny it was going on.
how could there be this massive voter fraud when the election hasn't occurred yet...

once again, nice job KYOA...nobody, and I mean NOBODY does it better than you
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Cuda »

Feeldix: "Tell me how fraudulent registrations turn into fradulent votes"

Me: "There's A, and B, & also C"

Feeldix: "I don't believe it"

Rozy: "There's also 'D'"

Feeldix: " You have kicked your own ass"

Feeldix, you're a flat out fucking moron
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

Cuda wrote:
Me:I come up with some outlandish scenario that could never happen in the real world even if they could find enough gibbering dumbfucks willing to risk federal prison time to try and pull it off and then try and pass it off like it's actually plausible

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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by BSmack »

rozy wrote:You take a large group of people in Illinois who voted early. You throw them in masses into yellow buses and send them to Cleveland armed with copies of voter registration cards. They then vote without even being asked for any type of identification or proof of residence whatsoever. Just one illustration to answer your question. Armed with multiple registration cards they could bounce all over the city. In theory.

Whether this CAN happen or not, who knows. But it is the fear. Plenty of HRC supporters believe it already happened in several states in the primaries. Why not now?
If you believe this kind of crap can or is happening on a scale large enough to impact the outcome of a Presidential election, then you're even crazier than TVO and his 9-11 conspiracy theories. Period. Get yourself checked into a mental health facility.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote: But morons like you believe the 2000 and 2004 elections were "stolen."

voter purging and caging are not some ridiculous assertions that rely on a series of "what if's"...

it's happening as we speak...weird thing it always seems to be Republicans that are spearheading it...why do you suppose that is?
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
Of course they are. ... ter_purges

In Mississippi earlier this year, a local election official discovered that another official had wrongly purged 10,000 voters from her home computer just a week before the presidential primary.

In Muscogee, Georgia this year, a county official purged 700 people from the voter lists, supposedly because they were ineligible to vote due to criminal convictions. The list included people who had never even received a parking ticket.

In Louisiana, including areas hit hard by hurricanes, officials purged approximately 21,000 voters, ostensibly for registering to vote in another state, without sufficient voter protections.

these are real....
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:Not only are they real, there are perfectly valid reasons for doing so. You should purge people from registration rolls who do not belong there.
absolutely right, there should be a universal and systematic method for purging voter rolls throughout the country...unfortunately, that's not what we have...we now have a system that can be manipulated by unscrupulous individuals...why do you suppose the vast majority of those being purged are groups that traditionally vote Democratic....
Oh, but you're all about stamping out vote fraud, right?
I'm absolutely for the elimination of voter fraud....but as I've pointed out a number of times there is no realistic way to convert blocs of fraudulent registrations into fraudulent votes....a few might get through, but for the most part duplicate and ficticious registrations are being ferreted out....

but ILLEGAL purging and CAGING continues unabated....

apparently you're good with criminal acts that might potentially help conservatives get elected...
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
I don't make any such supposition. Your opinion is based on a bullshit propaganda piece.
so you're saying the New York School of Law is writing propaganda?
OK. How many were included? One? Two? Six hundred and ninety-nine? It's worthless.
I don't know, but if one was illegally purged, that's one too many...why do you hate Voting Rights
Also minority and lower income voters ie the dregs of society are a bedrock liberal Democrat constituency and those people are far more likely to move frequently and/or be in prison than Republican voters requiring them to be purged more frequently.
okay dude, everyone understands your disdain for people that don't meet with your particular standards of what a "good American" is, but thankfully the majority of this country doesn't adhere to your sense of worth
You're an idiot. All you have to do is register in one state and vote absentee in another. College students and Katrina nogs, for example, are prime fodder for vote fraud. There are many other schemes as well to exploit state and local laws on the subject.
and all of this publicity is obviously going to make it a lot easier to gather these "blocs" of people willing to risk jail time in order to cast illegal votes....

bringing up ACORN is a Republican tradition when a presidential election is at hand....1996, 2000, 2004 the Republican harpies were screeching that ACORN was undermining the electoral process....but their voices were remarkably silent when Bush was declared the winner...why do you suppose that is?

damn, you're normally pretty astute but you've failed miserably on this
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
You don't know? So, for all you know the number was zero. Illegality requires intent. If one was purged then you have a clerical error not a criminal conspiracy as the New York School of Law knows quite well if you don't. They don't mention that, though. Why? Because they propagandizing simple minded tards like you. That's why.
or, it could have been all's easy to use this type of flawed logic to promote a particular point of view...but the reality is that Voter Suppression is real whether you want to acknowledge it or not....
Of course I couldn't help but notice that you failed to address the facts in my statement.
what fucking facts? you simply peeled off on another of your racist offense, but I tend to scroll wheel past that kind of inane shit...if I've read one of them, I've read them pretty much ran out of ways to couch racist terminology about 7,000 posts ago...sorry
Of course I couldn't help but notice that you have contradicted yourself here. Which is it? Were Republican harpies screeching that ACORN was undermining the electoral process or were they remarkably when Bush won. It would seem to me that the two activities are mutually exclusive. You can't have it both ways.
there's no 2000 and 2004 the Reps were screaming about how ACORN was trying to steal the election, then when Bush won, the whole ACORN thing disappeared....if they were truly concerned about voter fraud they shouldn't have dropped it after Bush won, they should have pursued these fraudulent voters to the end of the earth and put them in jail where they belong....but I know the whole ACORN thing is merely a ploy to gird themselves to challenge any results they don't like

That's why it wasn't a big deal AFTER the election was over...
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

First of all, there is no "ACORN" scandal at all. Moreover, whatever few hundred--or a few thousand--votes that may be part of some penny-ante sign-up scam, they are of no consequence. 'Bama is going to destroy McBush and Brood Mare in pretty much every "red" state, as well as every single "swing" state.

And let's remember, the GOP has stolen the last two presidential elections by the most outrageous and vile means imaginable. The list of egregious examples is long and detailed. And if your bratty complaining continues, I'll pound them up your ass. Okay?

So, shut the fuck up and get ready for an Obama/Biden administration that while not perfect will be a huge improvement over the shameless criminal cabal currently bunkered in the White House.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by battery chucka' one »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:First of all, there is no "ACORN" scandal at all.
Let me translate:


Or maybe:


Which one were you shooting for more with that statement? I like to think it's a bit of both.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
1. Minorities commit a disproportinate amount of crime thus rendering them ineligible to vote in disproportionate numbers.
2. Minorities disproportionately vote Democrat.
3. Lower income people move more frequently and/or have no fixed address.

Care to dispute any of them or will you continue to cower behind your feeble squawkings of racism as if it will shield you from reality?
the study indicated that there were people purged from the voting roles that had never committed a crime...

why are you suddenly turning this into a racial thing

fuck off douchebag
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by War Wagon »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:'Bama is going to destroy McBush and Brood Mare in pretty much every "red" state, as well as every single "swing" state.
And if that doesn't happen, will you off yourself?

Shoot, go ahead and do it even if it does happen.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:'Bama is going to destroy McBush and Brood Mare in pretty much every "red" state, as well as every single "swing" state.

And let's remember, the GOP has stolen the last two presidential elections by the most outrageous and vile means imaginable.
I guess they'll just make it three and "Bammy" won't be doing much destroying.

Wrong, as usual. The means of stealing the previous two elections have been largely circumvented--and they stole it only by a hair each time. It's over. Squeal like the proverbial pig, Rove Monkey, and realize your entire adult life has been an exercise in bitter futility.

And, if you would ever so dare as to call yourself a man, go....down to the VA hospital and see the young men with their legs blown off, their lives destroyed, and beg their forgiveness for your putrid act of cowardice in shamelessly parroting the war-mongering swill of the Rovian PNAC, for being a toxic little puppet of ignorance and fear. You're done.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
So when McCoot wins, there will be no squealing about stolen elections then, right?
McCain isn't going to win, no matter how much you wish for that not to be the case....he's going to be landslided no matter how much you insist that the election is still up for grabs...the republicans are turning on each other like starving animals-a sure sign that they already know what the outcome of the elections is going to be and it's not going to be pretty for the Reps....they have Bush to thank for that

the only one crying about a "stolen election" will be McCain, hence the reason why he's quit talking about issues and is now focusing on "the greatest threat to democracy" ACORN...he's girding himself to challenge the results...

I want to wish him the best of luck
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Tom In VA »

Felix wrote:the only one crying about a "stolen election" will be McCain, hence the reason why he's quit talking about issues and is now focusing on "the greatest threat to democracy" ACORN...he's girding himself to challenge the results...
No. Don't see that happening. He'll pull a Kerry.

But if it's a "landslide" like you predict, we won't even be anywhere near that territory.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

Tom In VA wrote:
But if it's a "landslide" like you predict, we won't even be anywhere near that territory.
I'm not predicting anything

I'm going by what every poll I've read is saying...the numbers vary but the result is essentially the same...IF the polls are correct (and that's a big if), it's not a matter of who's going to win, it's a matter of how much Obama will win by...the only real question left to answer is: will the Democrats gain a super majority in Congress

don't blame the Democrats for
1. McCain running a shitty campaign
2. McCain picking a running mate that is actually costing him votes with a number of key conservatives
3. McCain's obsessions while ignoring the fundamentals of the election (e.g. the issues)

With a well orchestrated campaign and a carefully chosen running mate, he could have flattened Obama
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Tom In VA »

Felix wrote: don't blame the Democrats for
1. McCain running a shitty campaign
2. McCain picking a running mate that is actually costing him votes with a number of key conservatives
3. McCain's obsessions while ignoring the fundamentals of the election (e.g. the issues)
Nobody is. Are you high ? The Democrats are capitalizing on their strategic manuevering throughout the past eight years. They outplayed the competition.

What's that have to do with your prediction McCain will challenge the results ?
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Tom In VA »

mvscal wrote:Key difference is that I believe that we are more likely to be attacked with Onogger in office. Onogger is a navel gazing pussy, but McCoot is crazy as a shit house rat and I don't see anybody willing to step to that maniac.
True. However Obama will not be a navel gazing pussy. As evident by Felix and others, he will get a pass based on the premise of "cleaning up Bush's mess".

He has carte blanche to whatever it is he deems necessary.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by BSmack »

mvscal wrote:
Felix wrote:...he's going to be landslided no matter how much you insist that the election is still up for grabs
What has become the "poll of record" here shows the race tightening. ... ghtly.aspx

A 2 point lead isn't going get it done, spankshot.
Nice try. Too bad for you the traditional likely voter model is completely outdated. Even Gallup recognizes that fact by including an expanded likely voter model in their polling. You know, the one that shows Obama leading by 7 points. Oh, and how about the Pew poll that shows Obama leading by 19 points amongst voters who have already voted? How do you explain that away?
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
What has become the "poll of record" here shows the race tightening. ... ghtly.aspx

A 2 point lead isn't going get it done, spankshot.
When the popular vote becomes relevant, this poll will be relevant

unfortuanately, it's all about ELECTORAL votes and in that respect, McCain is getting his ass handed to him

maybe he should have thought about choosing a running mate from a state that could have potentially helped this instance, Tom Ridge would have been a solid pick
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
What a load of shit. Onogger is not going to win Florida, North Carolina and Ohio. That map is nothing more than a liberal jerkoff fantasy.
why not present evidence that refutes it moron
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Tom In VA »

Careful mvscal.

We might be reading something like this soon:

By the President of the United States of America:

Whereas, It has become necessary to call into service, not only volunteers, but also portions of the militia of the States by draft, in order to suppress the insurrection existing in the United States, and disloyal persons are not adequately restrained by the ordinary processes of law from hindering this measure, and from giving aid and comfort in various ways to the insurrection. Now, therefore, be it ordered, that during the existing insurrection, and as a necessary measure for suppressing the same, all rebels and insurgents, their aiders and abettors within the United States, and all persons discouraging volunteer enlistments, resisting militia drafts, or guilty of any disloyal practice affording aid and comfort to the rebels against the authority of the United States, shall be subject to martial law, and liable to trial and punishment by courts-martial or military commission.

Second: That the writ of habeas corpus is suspended in respect to all persons arrested, or who are now, or hereafter during the rebellion shall be, imprisoned in any fort, camp, arsenal, military prisons, or other place of confinement, by any military authority, or by the sentence of any court-martial or military commission.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this Twenty-fourth day of January, in 2009.

Barack H. Obama. By the President.

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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Tom In VA »

Tear it all down and rebuild ?
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »'s all coming together...

rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Tom In VA »

Martyred's all coming together...

Of course. Why do you think I'm moving to Canada ?

The Fenian Brotherhood will reclaim the U.S. AND take Canada once and for all.

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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Goober McTuber »

Slow down, Tom, the right wing whack job meltage isn't supposed to start till next week.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Goober McTuber wrote:Slow down, Tom, the right wing whack job meltage isn't supposed to start till next week.
Can you blame a kid for peeking under the tree on Christmas Eve?
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:That evidence will be presented next week. Don't get your hopes up...
look, I've said numerous times that I really don't give a fat rats ass who wins, either way the country is fucked, so in effect, my hopes were dashed a long time ago
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Mikey »

Tom In VA wrote:Careful mvscal.

We might be reading something like this soon:

By the President of the United States of America:

Whereas, It has become necessary to call into service, not only volunteers, but also portions of the militia of the States by draft, in order to suppress the insurrection existing in the United States, and disloyal persons are not adequately restrained by the ordinary processes of law from hindering this measure, and from giving aid and comfort in various ways to the insurrection. Now, therefore, be it ordered, that during the existing insurrection, and as a necessary measure for suppressing the same, all rebels and insurgents, their aiders and abettors within the United States, and all persons discouraging volunteer enlistments, resisting militia drafts, or guilty of any disloyal practice affording aid and comfort to the rebels against the authority of the United States, shall be subject to martial law, and liable to trial and punishment by courts-martial or military commission.

Second: That the writ of habeas corpus is suspended in respect to all persons arrested, or who are now, or hereafter during the rebellion shall be, imprisoned in any fort, camp, arsenal, military prisons, or other place of confinement, by any military authority, or by the sentence of any court-martial or military commission.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this Twenty-fourth day of January, in 2009.

Barack H. Obama. By the President.
Are you saying that you're hoping for a violent revolution, just because Obama gets elected?

If so I sincerely hope that you're among the first to be shot.
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Tom In VA »

No I was being cheeky and suggesting to mvscal that Obama might suspend Habeus Corpus to jail and intimidate anyone who criticizes him, his policies, and his past.

When he said I "hope so" I interpreted that as him insinuating that people who would have that form of tyranny thrust upon them would fight back.

At which point the Fed would squash any rebellion and like the south be reconstructed.

Hence my question - "Tear it all down and rebuild".

Then Marty rushes in to laud the destruction of America.

And once again I make a cheeky comment about a group of Irish radicals who once tried miserably to hold Canada hostage.

But no, not me, I don't wish any kind of violent rebellion. Especially during football and hockey season.

I just forgot the gravity and seriousness of this forum. I apologize for being absurd.
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Tom In VA
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Re: Question for Democrats:

Post by Tom In VA »

Goober McTuber wrote:Slow down, Tom, the right wing whack job meltage isn't supposed to start till next week.
Just warming up and getting ready. I don't like to go into these kind of things cold.
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