Re: GOP - Send Your Thank You Notes
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:17 am
My bad.
That's why he loves her. Two pea-brains in a fucking pod.huh? wrote:Your "future" doesn't sound so "bright".
I don't think anybody comes here to discuss "your boys".mvscal wrote:Not my boys.
1) I kind of saw it coming. But then I'm in Kali, I'm used to being surrounded by morons. Even when not posting here.Papa Willie wrote:1. The Republicans knew they were in a shit load of trouble because they knew most people would be dumb enough to blame the entire world economy on them.
2. They fucked up when they made the push for McCain. Why? Like dumbasses, they thought that they would actually attract some of the liberals' votes. Obama could axe murder the family of a liberal, and they'd still vote for him. Republicans will NEVER get the vote of a liberal - regardless of who or what is running. A lot of Republicans just don't like McCain - so they just didn't fucking vote. If Huckabee were in, I think it would have been a lot closer.
3. The Palin experiment didn't work. While she comes off as a rather likable ole' tart, the fact that they wouldn't allow her to speak spoke volumes. No - she's not ready for a posistion as VP, POTUS, or really much else. Sorry.