Re: Tyson. Worst 'best' boxer ever
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:01 am
Okay...Dinsdale wrote:Van wrote:As for whether or not Sambo is considered a type of judo, well, argue with Sambo's founders, not me...
Why don't you quote where that article says Sambo is a "form of Judo"? I'll leave the light on for you.
"Sambo has its roots in Chinese Shuaijiao, Japanese judo and traditional folk styles of wrestling such as Armenian Koch, Georgian Chidaoba, Moldovan Trîntǎ, Uzbek Kurash, Mongolian Khapsagay and Azerbaijani Gulesh."
"The founders of Sambo were Vasili Oshchepkov (who died during the political purges of 1937 for refusing to deny his education in judo under its founder Kano Jigoro) and Viktor Spiridonov."
"Sport Sambo (Russian: Борьбa Самбо,Bor'ba Sambo) is stylistically similar to amateur wrestling or judo. The competition is similar to judo, but with some differences in rules, protocol, and uniform.
"Competition in Combat Sambo resembles older forms of judo and modern mixed martial arts, including extensive forms of striking and grappling."
"The founders of Sambo deliberately sifted through all of the world's martial arts available to them to augment their military's hand-to-hand combat system. One of these men, Vasili Oschepkov, taught judo and karate to elite Red Army forces at the Central Red Army House. He had earned his nidan (second degree black belt out of then five) from judo's founder, Kano Jigoro, and he was one of the first foreigners who learned Judo in Japan and he used some of Kano's philosophy in formulating the early development of the new Soviet art."
"Sambo's early development stemmed from the independent efforts of Oschepkov and another Russian, Victor Spiridonov, to integrate the techniques of judo into native wrestling styles."
Sure sounds to me like they're saying it's an offshoot of judo. You want to play your silly semantics games, since that's all you've got, be my guest.
Just take it up with those guys, not me. I'm sure they'd be as equally unimpressed with your lame attempt at a face saving semantics argument as I am.
So what?Van, save it for someone else. Try as you may... I've played Judo, bro. It was kinda my deal for a while (seems like a different lifetime, though). I've sat in and caught the Sambo basics.
You've never played pro or college football or basketball and still you speak to those subjects as if your expert opinion makes you the last word on those subjects.
You do the same with, well, a thousand other subjects.
Big deal. You're not an expert at martial arts. At best you're a hobbyist. You're also a hobbyist at best in a thousand other things to which you claim (or you claim for your friends) expert knowledge.
Newsflash, sport: Nobody here has ever played NBA basketball or NFL football so nobody here is any more of an "expert" on these things than anybody else here. Doesn't stop any of us from being able to read about and watch these sports and then give informed opinions.
Point being, no, you're not an expert on martial arts and your opinions only matter when they're backed by facts. When the facts don't support your loud bleatings then it doesn't matter how many times you've set foot in a dojo, your loud bleatings still don't matter.
When you wish to argue with people who merely pass along info gleaned through whatever sources, take it up with those other sources.
Telling us what your buddies say and do means nothing. We don't know them. We don't know that they even said what you say they said. Just because they said something doesn't necessarily make it correct anyway.
It's all a moot point, if YOUR point is wrong.
The bottom line is Fedor would destroy Randy Couture, every time. That is where we started here, with your stupid and unfounded contention that a guy like Fedor ducked Couture. Also, according to Wiki at least, sambo is an offshoot of; it has its roots in; it incorporates elements of; ie, it's a "form of" judo.
Take your quibbling semantics and blow me.
No.At no point here did I ever say Fedor wasn't the best heavyweight out there... he is.
But he ain't fought anybody in a looooong time. Ergo, he's been "ducking opponents."
The correct fact based summation would be, "Ergo, he's beaten every UFC heavyweight out there who's worth his time."
Who hasn't he faced?
Couture? Liddell?
He's beaten recent UFC recent heavyweight champs. Destroyed them. It's not his fault the UFC has no one else to offer him.
Beating Sylvia and Arlofski while also competing in multiple combat sambo tournaments is hardly "ducking" anybody.
So, unless you can name someone he's ducked and unless you can also provide any evidence that Fedor ducked the guy then STFU about this. Sure as hell don't even throw out Couture's name as someone Fedor "ducked."
That's a flat out joke and you couldn't even begin to prove it anyway.
Ducking Dana White is not the same thing as ducking Randy Couture, or any fighter. One is a contract issue, the other is a heart issue.Can't say I blame him for not wanting to get involved with I'm Bigger Than The Sport White, but he's been ducking fights, regardless of his motivation for doing so.
Besides, you can't name a single fight he's ducked. All you can do is mention a useless name or two of people he hasn't fought. That doesn't prove he ducked them, for it's entirely possible that Fedor isn't the only reason any number of fights might not've occured.
Maybe they ducked Fedor.
You don't know why certain fights didn't come off. You're merely speculating. The basis of your speculations though is just stupid: that Fedor would duck UFC cans.
What we know is what Fedor and his management team have stated. We also know the list of fighters defeated by Fedor. Nobody missing from that list is worth a watery turd, at least not among any list of UFC heavyweights.
First off, you've never watched a fight with me. You haven't a clue as to what I would say, in real life.He's one of those guys who watches a UFC, and says "That guy sucks!!! He soooooo had an armbar right there!!!!" Of course, if anyone in the room with him actually knew anything, they'd tell him "Uhm, actually, his shrimp was very weak, and he had no hip positioning to have any business trying to sink one there, and it was very wise to get his hips back under him"... because the armchair fighters are usually pretty good for a laugh.
Moreover, Dins, when it comes to critiquing someone like a Fedor you too are nothing more than an armchair fighter. You have as much credibility talking about Fedor and world level combat sambo wrestling as you or I do critiquing "Freakshow Excess."
That's just Fedor's actual performances. You also think you can critique the guy's motivations, to the point that your conclusion is that he "ducked" someone like Randy Couture.
Seriously. Sit down and shut the fuck up. You haven't a clue and the sooner you realize your arm chair QB opinion matters no more than anyone else's, the better.