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Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:17 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Tom In VA wrote:
Martyred wrote: Neo-Liberals and internationalist bankster scum.
Oh are those the new euphamisms for them today ?
I ain't admitting to anything.

By their fruits you shall know them.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:44 am
by Diego in Seattle
Left Seater wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:Let's see...mandatory national service, whether it be in the military or in some other capacity...would markedly cut down on unemployment, youth crime, the complete lack of discipline among a huge number of kids, etc.

Seems to work pretty well in Israel.

Sounds like something that should have been instituted a loooong time ago and we wouldn't have the numbers of kids we do in jails and prisons. A minimum of two years sounds good. Might make everyone appreciate what we have here instead of taking it for granted. Can't see how anyone could find fault with such a plan.
Good bye college sports.

Let's see I am a high school grad ready to go to college. Suddenly I am drafted into the trash clean up patrol for 8 mile in Detroit. I walk 10 miles a day cleaning trash from the streets. In two years I am going to be ready to step foot on campus at RICE ready to play football? RIIIIIIIIIGHT! :meds:
You'd be suprised.


Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:55 am
by Rack Fu
Diego in Seattle wrote:
Left Seater wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:Let's see...mandatory national service, whether it be in the military or in some other capacity...would markedly cut down on unemployment, youth crime, the complete lack of discipline among a huge number of kids, etc.

Seems to work pretty well in Israel.

Sounds like something that should have been instituted a loooong time ago and we wouldn't have the numbers of kids we do in jails and prisons. A minimum of two years sounds good. Might make everyone appreciate what we have here instead of taking it for granted. Can't see how anyone could find fault with such a plan.
Good bye college sports.

Let's see I am a high school grad ready to go to college. Suddenly I am drafted into the trash clean up patrol for 8 mile in Detroit. I walk 10 miles a day cleaning trash from the streets. In two years I am going to be ready to step foot on campus at RICE ready to play football? RIIIIIIIIIGHT! :meds:
You'd be suprised.

Very good point.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:04 am
by poptart
For what it's worth, I'm not feelin' the Tonight Show appearance, imo, imo.

We're a couple o' few weeks past THE largest spending bill in heestory being rammed through with verrah little discussion, and problems (financial and otherwise) abound, and here we have "the guy" yukkin' it up on a comdey show in front of the whole nation.

That doesn't really play very well, sorry.

One can make a legit case that a prez NEEDS to blow off some steam.
He can't be "at it" 24/7.

Somehow I don't think this prez's real ... method ... of blowin' off steam is to sit and giggle with Jay.

Go hit the track, the pool, the bike, 9 holes of golf ... whatever.
No prob.

If you somehow feel a big need to make a public appearance on a tv show, then do so in a "legit" news or interview forum.

Some forum which would reflect the gravity of the current situation, and your own position in the middle of it, as commander in chief.

I found the appearance to be degrading, condescending, and quite frankly an insult to my intelligence.


Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:18 am
by Diego in Seattle
poptart wrote:For what it's worth, I'm not feelin' the Tonight Show appearance, imo, imo.

We're a couple o' few weeks past THE largest spending bill in heestory being rammed through with verrah little discussion, and problems (financial and otherwise) abound, and here we have "the guy" yukkin' it up on a comdey show in front of the whole nation.

That doesn't really play very well, sorry.

One can make a legit case that a prez NEEDS to blow off some steam.
He can't be "at it" 24/7.

Somehow I don't think this prez's real ... method ... of blowin' off steam is to sit and giggle with Jay.

Go hit the track, the pool, the bike, 9 holes of golf ... whatever.
No prob.

If you somehow feel a big need to make a public appearance on a tv show, then do so in a "legit" news or interview forum.

Some forum which would reflect the gravity of the current situation, and your own position in the middle of it, as commander in chief.

I found the appearance to be degrading, condescending, and quite frankly an insult to my intelligence.

Get over yourself.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:38 am
by poptart
Genius take, Diego.

When news inevitably comes to this board that your @sshole has nearly died from AIDS, I'll be sure to show my appreciation for the gravity of the situation by hittin' the karaoke and "singing" Let the Good Times Roll all night long.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:27 pm
by smackaholic
barry needs to invite him to the white house and tell him that he can bowl.....if he beats him at bball first. ofcourse that would bring some 6' 7" 360 lb retard out of the woods that would call him out on the basketball court.

gonna be a fun 4 years. yes sir.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:45 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Perhaps Chimpy should have invited a short bus to drop off tards to try riding Segways as well.

Or just eating pretzels.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:53 pm
by smackaholic
If barry has any balls, he will take that asswhuppin' on the lanes. It could result in some good press for special olympics and probably thrill the hell out of the retard that schools him.

I just want it televised live and I hope special olympic dude runs smack on him as he's beating him down.

BTW, how do the rest of you fukks do on the lanes. I bowled a lot as a kid and rarely now. I am horribly erratic. Might go special olympic and bowl a 129 then break off a 192 next game.

Very dependent on lane oiling. My best game evah was a 289. I was 16. The lanes were so ridiculously blocked that I could have tossed two fitties all night long.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:54 pm
by War Wagon
Kolan McConiughey, a Special Olympics competitor who has bowled three perfect 300 games, tells TMZ that the Prez has to score a lot higher than 129 to beat him. Kolan says he bowls an average of 266.

The best on the PBA tour don't average a 266.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:01 pm
by War Wagon
smackaholic wrote: BTW, how do the rest of you fukks do on the lanes.
Going into last weeks Sunday nite league, I was averaging 197, down from 205 earlier in the season. Been fighting it lately, leaving a lot of solid 10 pins on pocket shots I thought would carry. But I love bowling and the competition.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:06 pm
by Tom In VA
Diego in Seattle wrote:Perhaps Chimpy should have invited a short bus to drop off tards to try riding Segways as well.

Or just eating pretzels.
How about a good old fashioned objective laugh at Obama's expense ? He worked hard and earned it. Instead of "My president can beat up your president".

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:29 am
by Screw_Michigan
War Wagon wrote:
smackaholic wrote: BTW, how do the rest of you fukks do on the lanes.
Going into last weeks Sunday nite league, I was averaging 197, down from 205 earlier in the season. Been fighting it lately, leaving a lot of solid 10 pins on pocket shots I thought would carry. But I love bowling and the competition.
Assuming you have two balls, what do you use for your first ball? I used to have a mid-90s Columbia 300 reactive resin that I used, but that ball cracked after a period of dis-use and sitting in cold weather. My main ball now is a Columbia 300 Piranha urethane, which is also 10 years old. Kind of sucks on the new lanes, but it gets me by. Shot 205 over Christmas with my pops in my first game in over a year.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:57 am
by Screw_Michigan
poptart wrote:Genius take, Diego.

When news inevitably comes to this board that your @sshole has nearly died from AIDS, I'll be sure to show my appreciation for the gravity of the situation by hittin' the karaoke and "singing" Let the Good Times Roll all night long.
Don't cha stop, if it make you feel good.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:01 am
by War Wagon
Screw_Michigan wrote: what do you use for your first ball?
A trusty 15 year old urethane Blue Hammer. I don't think they even make urethane balls anymore. Before that, I used to throw either a Black or Red Hammer, which I still keep in my closet as spares should 'ol Blue ever fail me. Needless to say, I swear by Faball and the Hammer brand.
I used to have a mid-90s Columbia 300 reactive resin...
I bought one of those reactive resin balls, they just snap too hard on the back end for me. I think the first ball I ever bought was a Columbia Yellow Dot.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:26 am
by Screw_Michigan
Does your house still use the old school wood lanes? In my experience, the urethane balls don't pack as much punch in the back end on newer, synthetic lanes, as the reactive resin balls. Urethane balls still work well on the older lanes.

I'd really like to get into a league, but there is only one house that is Metro accessible in DC, and it's one of those high-class places that doesn't do the traditional sanctioned league. Just renting lanes at high rates and charging out the ass.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:07 am
by War Wagon
Yep, synthetic lanes at my house. I think that back end punch you speak of has more to do with the oil pattern than anything else.

Bowling is all about being able to make slight adjustments with your feet on the approach according to the oil pattern... and like cockaholic said, sometimes you get a blocked shot. No matter where you drop it, it finds the pocket and carries. Had that condition almost two years ago to the day when I rolled my first and only 300 game on March 25th, 2007. Got the USBA ring to prove it.

You should get back in league bowling ASAP. Surely there's a local house that suits. I got burned out at one point and took a five year break, but returned better than ever. Freaking love it.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:38 am
by H4ever
Bowled a 195 once with an old 70's vintage, black, pock-holed house ball I don't recall the brand. Felt good because I rarely bowl and I beat the douche from work (x-mas party that year at the lanes) who brags about his 300 dollar ball and how good he is.

Bowled in a league one time in fall league 10 years ago. (got talked into it). I averaged around 120-something. Always used a house ball. Might take up the sport when I get older.

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:55 am
by Van
Dear WW,

Thank you for my Lear jet.

Your grateful good buddy,
Jeff Foxworthy

Re: OH NO! Here comes the Hitler Youth eerr Obama Youth

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:24 pm
by titlover
Moving Sale wrote:And you may pull your head and the head of your black cock de jure out of your ass anytime. 20,000 shit posts is enough.

i bet Bush in your av looks a lot like you if you rode a tricycle, huh shorty?
