Mikey wrote:Never said that you blamed it on Obama, and I don't see where you could have gotten that idea.
Oh, probably from this quote of yours...
Mikey wrote:Really Van you, like Tom, are starting to sound like nothing more than ideological whore for the local reactionary nutcases and Obama haters. In the past I would have expected better.
You don't see where you tied me in with "the Obama haters," who were in fact laying the stalemate of this kidnapping at his feet?
Read what what you wrote again, Mikey, and then remember the context in which you wrote it: a thread about the kidnapping, which followed much debate here about Obama and his role in this kidnapping saga.
course I took it to mean you were calling me an "idealogical whore for the local reactionary nutcases and Obama haters."
That's exactly what you just said, so why wouldn't I take it that way? Without a single word from me about Obama, you still made that leap, all on your own.
I guess you feel you need to start your reply by trying to deflect my actual criticism.
Not at all. I'm simply line-iteming where you're wrong about what I've said.
You definitely did agree with mvscal's take that they "should not give a flying fuck" about the hostages.
I never said we should kill them, though, which is what you initially charged me with having said.
In the same way that we accept soldiers will die when they join the military and we send them into harm's way, yes, I believe we will sacrifice some innocents, initially.
In the same way that the threat of our military usually means we don't have to use it to its full capabilities, thus saving lives, I also think that the killing of all kidnappers will obviate the need to do so very much (if at all) in the future. Once the precedent has been set and the deterrent factor has been demonstrated these kidnappings will be a thing of the past.
Does that mean that I don't "give a flying fuck" about the hostages who may die, initially?
In strategic terms, yes, it does. I'm looking at the larger picture, and how best to stop this menace, once and for all.
Do you not give a flying fuck about the soldiers who died at Normandy?
On an intellectual and strategic basis, no, you don't. You see their sacrifice as a necessary component in solving a larger problem.
"Just have a funeral." Go ahead and keep trying to deny that. It's there in black and white. You said that there is no possible argument to that statement.
See above, and answer it. Tell me where it wouldn't work. Tell me where it wouldn't prove to be a life saving benefit, in the long run.
I also never said that we should ever pay them off. That should not be an option. Negotiate yes, but only to the point where the hostages can be rescued, and the perps should never be let go.
what, then?
They're in it solely for the payout. Even if the payout changes from a demand for money to a demand to release political prisoners, or a demand for a removal of our forces from their country, you're still validating their tactics. You're still providing them with incentive to keep doing it.
Negotiating with them legitimizes them. It legitimizes their methods.
No. They kidnap our people, they die. End of story.
Then we'll see how much longer they continue to try to kidnap for ransom.
Here should be the extent of negotiations...
Kidnappers: "We demand <insert demands> in exchange for the release of your personnel."
U.S. Navy: "You will release our people and abandon ship within the next five minutes, or you will die. You will not be given amnesty, at some later date. This is a one time offer. Leave now, or die. You will be dead within ten minutes, unless you're off that boat and our people are safe."
Kidnappers: "We will kill the hostages."
U.S. Navy: "Lotta good that'll do you. You'll never be able to do it again. You'll be dead, and so will your handlers, once we kill them too, which we will."
Kidnappers: "You're bluffing."
U.S. Navy: "Four minutes now, and counting. Leave, or die."
Kidnappers: "Don't you care about your hostages?"
U.S. Navy: "Yes, we do. So much so, that we'll kill every single one of you who threatens them. Regardless, you're not going to get paid. This mission of yours failed. What's in it for you, now? Three minutes, and counting. Look out your window. That's death, staring right at you. It's not a paycheck, it's not a hero's welcome. It's death. You're about to die, having achieved nothing."
Kidnappers: "Bullshit. You're bluffing. Unless you want your hostages to die we want $2,000,000 and safe passage back to our land."
U.S. Navy: "I suggest you make your peace with your god. Hopefully your family will be able to manage okay without you. There won't be any trials, there won't be any more talking. Surrender now."
Kidnappers: "You're bluffing. If you set one foot on this boat, the captain dies."
U.S. Navy: "Time's up."
Mikey, there's your negotiation. It'll happen once, maybe twice, and that'll be that. They won't be coming back, and nobody will line up to repeat their blunder.
So, in a way I guess we are in agreement, but all attempts should be made to retrieve the hostage(s) alive.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
If our people don't get kidnapped, there are no hostages. That should be the only goal.
Attempting to secure their safe release after they've been kidnapped means we've already screwed the pooch.
Going in immediately and blowing away the perps without "giving a flying fuck about the hostage" is tantamount to killing the hostage. You can't realistically deny that.
We just did it, and our hostage lived. We killed the kidnappers, and the hostages all lived.
Mikey, we're
much better at killing bad guys than bad guys are at staying alive, once we've located them and decided to kill them.
Besides, it's a moot point. If they don't kidnap our people then there are no hostages for them to kill. The point is simply to de-motivate them to the very idea of even attempting to extort the U.S. out of
anything. They
must adopt as their own business edict that U.S. citizens and U.S. assets are considered "off limits."
That is the only acceptable mindset for them to have, if you're in charge of safeguarding our people.
This operation took 5 days. The hostage is alive. The perps are dead or captured. A certain amount of negotiation went on in 5 days. The result is optimum. If the SEALS had gone in immediately without waiting for the right time the hostage would likely have been dead.
Bullshit. In the same way that you keep saying mvscal wasn't there, well, neither were you. For all you know this same result could've been achieved immediately, and the only reason it took five days was due to political hand wringing.
You don't know that it needed to take five days worth of bullshit negotiating, so don't pretend that you do.
The only end result that matters here is that negotiations netted nothing. Killing the kidnappers netted us a satisfactory outcome.
That's what I'm suggesting, that's what happened and that's what you're now applauding, so all you're doing is agreeing with me.
Killing the kidnappers ended this kidnapping. Not negotiations; killing the kidnappers.
Take mvscal's take and your agreement not giving a flying fuck and shove it up both your asses.
Quit whining, and get your facts straight. Quit misquoting me, and try to remember your own quotes.
Then, answer the fucking question. I've answered yours, now answer mine.