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Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:48 pm
by BSmack
Left Seater wrote:BSmack wrote:There was no lie. Obama said that he would prefer to have a shelter dog but that his daughter's allergies made actually obtaining a shelter dog difficult. This is seriously the most idiotic line of attack yet from the dittotards.
Right, and that is why there were multiple PWDs in northern Virginia shelters.
Who know the right wingers had those kind of contacts in the shelter business. Maybe you should have offered your assistance to Obama BEFORE he got the dog, when it could have been of some use.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:31 pm
by Left Seater
I don't but certainly the office of the White House does. That and the fact that two Northern Virginia shelters announced they had PWDs minutes after the first dog was announced.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:37 am
by Cuda
Martyred wrote:BSmack wrote: This is seriously the most idiotic line of attack yet from the dittotards.
If you were smart you'd be exhorting the Right into further fracturing and political obscurist lunacy.
This is exactly where you want them to be, frothing like lunatics over inanities.
But you, like all Democrats, are a moron. Once more, you'll fall for the "banana-in-the-tailpipe" gag...
...and you'll deserve it.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:18 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Left Seater wrote:However, if any of them were to open their yap about the quality of the public schools etc, and then not send their kids there is crap.
Well, we haven't heard Onogga open his yap about the quality about the public schools etc, so your post (and point) is pretty much irrelevant. Sidwell Friends is one of the best schools on the eastern seaboard, you can't blame the president for sending his kids there. Rhee really hasn't done dick except for clean house, pay kids to try in school and behave, and parade across the country, mugging for national news organizations and raising funds. Success for Rhee is busting the teachers union and she has been very upfront about that. But violence in schools and violence against teachers is one problem not getting much attention on a national level that Rhee has had problems dealing with.
Thanks for checking in, though.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:02 pm
by Left Seater
Wrong, we have heard Prez Hussein talk about DC schools and Rhee. In fact she was a point of disagreement in one of the debates, although I think it had to do with vouchers. Something about her office saying she wasn't against choice but didn't support vouchers or some other double talk. She wanted to agree with Hussein, but her previous statments seemed to agree with crazy ass McCain.
While she was in the running Prez Hussein said many things about Rhee and the DC schools.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:21 pm
by BSmack
Martyred wrote:BSmack wrote:
Oh please don't throw me in the brair patch.
You'll melt over this. You always do.
Are you high? I thought Harper would have eradicated drugs from your country by now.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:04 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
BSmack wrote:Martyred wrote:BSmack wrote:
Oh please don't throw me in the brair patch.
You'll melt over this. You always do.
Are you high? I thought Harper would have eradicated drugs from your country by now.
Your reputation as melt-queen is safely encased in titanium, protected by three layers of bullet proof glass, surrounded by a moat full of crocodiles.
Don't take my word for it? Shall I start a poll?
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:12 pm
by BSmack
Martyred wrote:Your reputation as melt-queen is safely encased in titanium, protected by three layers of bullet proof glass, surrounded by a moat full of crocodiles.
Don't take my word for it? Shall I start a poll?
Oh please do. There's nothing more accurate than an Internet poll taken on a bbs where the sole purpose is to insult other posters. I'm sure I'll gain great insight into the real people behind all the trolls if only you would just hurry up and take that poll.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:35 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Now you're just being a baby.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:41 pm
by Derron
BSmack wrote:Martyred wrote:Your reputation as melt-queen is safely encased in titanium, protected by three layers of bullet proof glass, surrounded by a moat full of crocodiles.
Don't take my word for it? Shall I start a poll?
Oh please do. There's nothing more accurate than an Internet poll taken on a bbs where the sole purpose is to insult other posters. I'm sure I'll gain great insight into the real people behind all the trolls if only you would just hurry up and take that poll.
So are you girls going to make this a cage match or just a simple smack war ?
I give this round to BMonica, since he was able to avoid the metaphor's ( titanium encased, bullet proof glass) and that scathing moat full of crocodiles. Crocodile smack..that is some bad ass smack there...
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:47 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Derron wrote:
I give this round to BMonica...
Of course you would. He's more your speed.
A simpleton to the core, like you.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:13 pm
by Derron
Martyred wrote:Derron wrote:
I give this round to BMonica...
Of course you would. He's more your speed.
A simpleton to the core, like you.
So you could not break out some more crocodile smack ?
Run out of analogy's to run ?
Been a few rounds with B Moncia over the years...he can bring it when he wants to..but you are in that Cuda, m2, Screwed by every fag in Michigan posse, so you got a ways to go to run it...just please don't hit me with that crocodile smack..that hurts a lot..carry on..
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:31 pm
by War Wagon
All this fuss over a dog. What a joke. Not this thread per se, but the media feeding frenzy that accompanied it.
fwiw, I don't care where Obamas' dog came from and I don't care where his kids go to school. Apparently, the first "C" in CINC, now means "celebrity".
But if his kids are alergic to dogs, why get one in the first place? Is there some requirement that the POTUS have a dog? Or a cat? How about a hamster/parakeet/goldfish... or are those not Presidential enough?
Btw, most all of my dogs have come from shelters and part of that bargain is that they must be spayed or neutered before you get to take them home. Sucks sometimes for the male dogs as they often wander around aimlessly humping thin air for no apparent reason. The females don't seem to miss anything... kinda' what it's like after you've been married for 25 years.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:50 pm
by smackaholic
BSmack wrote:Any of them non-allergenic? The Obamas were very limited in the kinds of dogs they could choose from.
I can guaran damn tee you that more than a few of the millions of pets put down every year are non-allergenic.
Dude said he'd do something. He didn't. No need to impeach him over it, but, what is wrong with calling a lying sack of shit, a lying sack of shit.
Personally, I think he should have kept it real and got a roti or pit bull.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:02 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
mvscal wrote:His entire life and career is one lie and one fraud after another.
This is just another red flag. The lies about more substantive matters are on the way.
Heavy shit, bro.
We, as Americans, have never had to endure such behavior from a highly elected official, especially someone as esteemed as the President of the United States. How do you suggest we'll get through these times?
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:00 am
by poptart
During the campaign, B.O. pledged that he would take public funds for the general election ... being as he was the "change" and "clean things up" candidate.
Of course he lied and took private funds, knowing he would very likely not have won with his PLEDGED approach.
Many people don't give a shit about his blatant lack of character.
He's got a bright, friendly smile and he makes dumbfuck's nutsacks tingle.
Oh well.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:25 am
by Cuda
Monica is just doing his part- having bought into the hoax known as Global Warming- His head keeps a LOT of methane bottled up in his upper sigmoid.
We're told to expect from 10" to 24" of snow here between midnight tonight and noon Saturday. If releasing several thousand cubic feet of greenhouse gas from B-Monica's colon will help drive the snow away, I'm all for it.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:27 am
by Derron
R-Jack wrote:War Wagon wrote:Btw, most all of my dogs have come from shelters
I guess handing them to you is more cost effective than euthanizing them. Almost as fast too.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:13 am
by War Wagon
R-Jack wrote:War Wagon wrote:Btw, most all of my dogs have come from shelters
I guess handing them to you is more cost effective than euthanizing them. Almost as fast too.
I guess you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
The Jack Russell terrier mix is going on 14.... poor old gal can barely get back up the steps these days with failing hips, so sometimes I have to carry her back inside.
The 7 year old German Shepard idolizes his older sister and won't make a move off the porch without her.
Sweet dogs.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:38 am
by Goober McTuber
trev wrote:No, instead of the media gushing about shelter dogs forever, now obamas fans are going to run out and buy one of these nappy little water dogs from profit making breeders and puppy mills.
Puppy mills? You mean you can grind those little fuckers into some kind of flour? Take it to the Cooking Forum, bitch.
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:21 pm
by indyfrisco
Goober McTuber wrote:trev wrote:No, instead of the media gushing about shelter dogs forever, now obamas fans are going to run out and buy one of these nappy little water dogs from profit making breeders and puppy mills.
Puppy mills? You mean you can grind those little fuckers into some kind of flour? Take it to the Cooking Forum, bitch.
Guess I'll need to pull out my Asian recipes...
Re: Another broken promise from Pres Hussein
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:45 pm
by Screw_Michigan
mvscal wrote:Yeah, 17% is almost 90%.
Got a link for that figure?