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Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:16 pm
by Moving Sale
Van wrote: "fertile plain"
You do know what quotes are for right? You do fuck with posters when they fuck shit like that up right? It shows how stupid one is when they use them wrong correct?

Now STFU you racist right wing whore.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:19 pm
by Van
Nothing wrong with that, doing a translation in quotes. The Spanish--->English translator I used said "fertile plain," for las vegas.

Who cares? Where are your pics of the area, circa 1900, showing it to be a gloriously rich and fertile land?

Hop to it.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:23 pm
by Moving Sale
Van wrote:Nothing wrong with that, doing a translation in quotes.
Yes there is. Go back to 6th grade and then get back to me.

Listen dumbass you picked a place called The Meadows to make your point about arid places being ok to live in if your smart. It's funny on so many levels not the least of which is that the town was built on a meadow.

Carry on you ignorant fuckhole.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:35 pm
by Van
Show me those meadows.

"The Meadows," or "the fertile plains," what difference does it make?

Guess what, numbuts? Near where I live is a town called Elk Grove. Not a whole lotta elks runing around there. Not now, and not when the town was given its name.

I showed a pic of the land upon which Vegas was built. Where are your pics of the Vegas area, circa 1900, showing that you had reason to dispute what I said about the area?

There aren't any. It's every bit as dry and barren as most any of the famine ridden places around the globe.

That's why you're you: a useless contrarian ankle biter. You have no other reason for posting.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:25 pm
by Moving Sale
Van wrote:Show me those meadows.
I was showing you the funney about what you posted you dense blob of paste.
"The Meadows," or "the fertile plains," what difference does it make?
You're the Grammar Police I thought you would care to do it right. My bad.
Guess what, numbuts? Near where I live is a town called Elk Grove. Not now, and not when the town was given its name.
Hence the difference with LV. How does that help your argument?
I showed a pic of the land upon which Vegas was built. Where are your pics of the Vegas area, circa 1900, showing that you had reason to dispute what I said about the area?
The name is from the 1820's you fucking dolt. I don't have any pictures from the 1820's. Sorry.
It's every bit as dry and barren as most any of the famine ridden places around the globe.
That can't be true. I has to be wetter than some and drier than others 'cause there is a lot of famine out there.
That's why you're you: a useless contrarian ankle biter. You have no other reason for posting.
Again. What does that mean? That's what people do on these boards, they type shit to other people. What's not ankle biting?

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:54 pm
by Van
Well, I'll give you this: In this case, you did at least somewhat respond to the subject at hand. This would be in marked contrast to your last wasted foray, where your sole purpose in posting was to come in and call me a name, bypassing the subject matter or any other post topic, completely.

So, no, in this instance you weren't strictly ankle biting. You were only being a useless contrarian.

Btw, the land didn't look appreciably different in 1920, vs 1820. It was still a dry, parched looking area. A pic from 1920 will do, showing this flowering meadow at which you hinted.

See, that was your purpose in posting, to point out that the land I called "arid" was actually named "The Meadows," which, in theory, would shoot down my claim about the land.

Unfortunately, you can't back it up. I remain correct. The area could easily be famine stricken, as are many other similarly dry areas around the globe, yet it isn't, simply because of who's in charge of it.

That's the root point, and you offered nothing to refute it. You merely saw my name, whereupon you decided you had to come in and say something to try and counter what I'd posted.

Useless contrarianism, with a splash of ankle bitery.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:21 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Van, you pathetic fucking moron, are you once again pretending to ignore the crisis of the Western U.S. water shortage? And are you spinning in some swirl of denial as to the very direct factor of Las Vegas in all it's gaudy unnatural guzzling sprawl as an emblematic and practical cause? Upon whose sweaty scrotum are you swinging? Limpdick's? Your idiotic take is indeed reflective of that gaseous blathering hog.

If you're going to presume to weigh in on the environment, you're going to be eating a mighty heap of unpleasant facts. And I don't think you've finished your last feed bag.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:26 pm
by Moving Sale
Van wrote: See, that was your purpose in posting, to point out that the land I called "arid" was actually named "The Meadows," which, in theory, would shoot down my claim about the land.
For someone so picky about syntax and grammar you sure can't read very well. My point was that it was funney that the one place you picked to call arid was named the meadows. Dude that's funney whether you think it is or not.
The area could easily be famine stricken...
Hey dumbass, ANY are (sorry I meant to type 'area' my bad) can easily be famine stricken... so fucking what?

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:56 pm
by Van
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Van, you pathetic fucking moron, are you once again pretending to ignore the crisis of the Western U.S. water shortage?
Yes, I am, you whinging teenage girl wannabe political activist.

There is no U.S. water shortage "crisis." Try selling your idea of a crisis to someone in the Sudan.

When was the last time you turned on your faucet, and nothing came out? When was the last time anyone you know, or even heard about, was unable to find themselves sufficient water to drink?

Has your lawn died? Are you house plants all brown and withered? Is your pool empty? Does all your food taste like chalk?

Do you envision any of these things occuring, any time soon?

Of course not. Quit your whiny hand wringing. Your chicken little act is really growing wearisome. America is a land of out of control gluttony. Famine, starvation and water shortages are literally the least of our worries.
And are you spinning in some swirl of denial as to the very direct factor of Las Vegas in all it's gaudy unnatural guzzling sprawl as an emblematic and practical cause?
Vegas is the emblematic and practical cause of the majority of Nevada's wealth and prosperity.

Starving, famine ridden nations who actually are facing water shortages would KILL to have their own "emblematic" Las Vegas.
Upon whose sweaty scrotum are you swinging? Limpdick's? Your idiotic take is indeed reflective of that gaseous blathering hog.
I only listen to sports talk radio, if I listen to the radio at all. Otherwise, I listen to my own music.

You got the wrong guy, again.
If you're going to presume to weigh in on the environment, you're going to be eating a mighty heap of unpleasant facts. And I don't think you've finished your last feed bag.
If you're going to try and label Vegas as proof that we have anything to worry about, vis a vis famine, or water shortages, you're even more insane than I've imagined.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:24 pm
Moving Sale wrote:
Van wrote: See, that was your purpose in posting, to point out that the land I called "arid" was actually named "The Meadows," which, in theory, would shoot down my claim about the land.
For someone so picky about syntax and grammar you sure can't read very well. My point was that it was funney that the one place you picked to call arid was named the meadows. Dude that's funney whether you think it is or not.
The area could easily be famine stricken...
Hey dumbass, ANY are (sorry I meant to type 'area' my bad) can easily be famine stricken... so fucking what?
Seriously - are you dyslexic? Is there some diagnosis that you can offer as defense for your ceaseless dumbfukkery?

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:05 pm
by Moving Sale
PSUFAN wrote:Seriously - are you dyslexic?
Projection much you stupid silly fuck?
Is there some diagnosis that you can offer as defense for your ceaseless dumbfukkery?
Way to back up your stance you vapid pile of cumstains.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:06 pm
by Moving Sale
Van wrote:Doh.
Nice white flag you yellow bellied assfuck.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:37 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Van, step away from the nickel slot machine for a second and ask yourself: "Are those news articles citing various experts concerning the water crisis in the Western U.S. just some inane liberal hand-wringing conspiracy? Is it okay to go on pretending that there's plenty of water as long as we don't have bad leaders?"

Well, the articles are accurate, and they represent but a sampling of expert opinion. I suggest you give some particular attention to the state of the great aquifer. This is not only an emblematic and practical example, but an amazing natural phenomenon. Check it out, and wake the fuck up!

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:42 pm
by Cuda
mvscal wrote:
Van wrote:They're fucking arid deserts, with no irrigation and/or no governments worth a shit.
Government (bad or simply absent) is a major problem. The other major problem is that these spearchucking savages are still using 5,000 year old agricultural techniques.

Not that there is any reason for anybody else to give a fuck about their (self-inflicted) problems.

"Let them eat dirt."
Well, at least they're not contaminated by that icky Western civilization thing, which is FAR more important


Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:45 pm
by Cuda
Moving Sale wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:Seriously - are you dyslexic?
Projection much you stupid silly fuck?.
Not his fault. PUS thinks "dyslexic" has something to do with sucking black cocks.

Naturally he associated it with you.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:09 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Wrong, Avi. The point is that our short-sighted policies of agriculture (i.e., rice farming, etc), as well as hyper-consumptive mobster-birthed monstrosities like Las Vegas have created a water shortage crisis. Sure, the desperate folks in Vegas are doing all they can to prevent any practical measures of restraint or concern--as though it's just fine, keep gambling, etc.. (and by the way, Kevin Spacey is preparing to play Jack Abramoff in a film about the disgraced GOP whore, called "Casino Jack" :P )

But the facts are facts, and your squirming as to the real point is moot.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:51 pm
by Van
Nick, the fact is that there is no water crisis in Vegas, nor is there one because of Vegas. There is no water crisis in America. There is no famine crisis in America.

What there is, is people trying to sell newspapers, with fantastic claims of "Crisis!"

What there is, is chicken little doomsday-ers like you, fairly gorging yourselves on such drivel.

Wake up? Fine, wake me up when you turn on your faucet, and nothing happens. Wake me up when the same thing happens at Wayne Newton's house.

Until then, consider yourself an overly excitable, hand wringing puppet.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:12 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Van, if you're going to parrot the official position of Rusp Limpdick note for note, at least sack up and say "dittos" or some shit to show you're on board. What a fucking joke. And, let's be clear, you're simply dismissing the various articles citing experts and their warnings? You're actually saying that these are just false sell newspapers?...and that because your faucet is still giving water, everything's fine? Well, as with your utterly demented take on the Palestinians, you are a truly ignorant and silly ass-clown. ANd that's really pretty much it.

Re: Earth Worshippers, Know Thy Gods

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:15 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Van wrote:There is no famine crisis in America.
There should be. You fucking people are enormous.

Really, say no to dessert once in a while...