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Re: JoePa is looking at YOU, ND...

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 6:46 am
by Terry in Crapchester
Van wrote:Jesus, Terry, come off it. Who gives a fuck about 1909 and 1924?? Stop using lame arguments like this. It really makes you look desperate to avoid reality.
Don't take my word for it. Go to any ND homerboard, and ask the posters there if what happened in 1909 and 1924 isn't relevant to their outlook on the Big Ten.

As for avoiding reality, I'm not the one suggesting we blow up the whole system, now am I?
1999 is relevant, and that's when ND pulled an ND. You can bet your ass the Big 10 didn't reject ND in 1999 at all, much less because they're Catholic.
If you want to know what happened in 1999, it went down basically like this:

Delany: We want you to join the Big Ten. You should be honored that we've allowed you to kiss our ring. As an added perk, you'll get annual matchups with such juggernauts as Minnesota and Wisconsin, but unfortunately, we won't be able to let you play Penn State, Ohio State or Purdue every year. And you can get rid of that TV contract, you don't need it any way. Assume the position, and on my command, say "Thank you, sir. May I have another?"

ND: Thanks, but no thanks. We're not interested.
College football has become an increasingly regionalized game over the past twenty years or so, and that's directly attributable, at least in part, to the decline of the independents. ND has been one of the few schools, even arguably the only one, to buck that trend.
So what? The point was your lame point about the need to retain the Catholic connection. ND doesn't need to be independent to retain their Catholic reputation around the country.
No, my point was that ND has built its fanbase on the strength of being a Catholic school with a national reputation, not on the basis of being located near (as opposed to in) South Bend, Indiana.
Joining the Big Ten, by contrast, would pigeonhole us as a midwestern team. Even if there were no other arguments against joining the Big Ten, that alone would be enough.
:rolleye handjob, again:

That's just stupid. ND is already pigeonholed as a midwestern team, because they are a midwestern team. Everybody knows it, including their nationally scattered alumni, every recruit they ever attempt to sign and every executive at NBC.
Not to go IKYABWAI, but actually, you're the one being stupid here. ND is a national Catholic school that happens to be in the midwest, not a midwestern school that happens to be a national Catholic school. There is a difference between the two.

I'm pretty sure ND never would have gotten a deal with NBC in the first place if they drew ratings only in the midwest. As a matter of fact, there was a Harris poll conducted in 2001 about favorite college football teams. ND polled more favorably in both the east and the west than in the midwest (second in both the east and the west, fourth in the midwest), and perhaps even more surprising, nearly as favorable in the south (sixth) as in the midwest. ND was the only school that ranked in the Top 10 in every region of the country. That is what I mean by a national fanbase, and it's something ND would lose, maybe not immediately, but definitely over time, and something they could never regain, if they were to join the Big Ten.
Under the alignment favored by both Michigan and Ohio State (which, btw, goes against the way you think it should be, as I pointed out in another thread), ND gets an annual matchup with both Minnesota and Wisconsin. Wisconsin hasn't played ND in my lifetime. Minnesota hasn't played ND in my mother's lifetime. And there's little or no evidence to suggest that ND's fanbase would embrace either of these schools as a natural rival.

By contrast, let's look at some of the schools in the other division, shall we?

Purdue: Continuous series since 1946.
Penn State: Only northeastern school in the Big Ten, so they'd take on significant importance for ND if ND were to join the Big Ten. Not to mention that a ND-Penn State rivalry would provide a significant counterweight to Michigan-Ohio State in the Big Ten (although that's certainly reason enough for both Michigan and Ohio State not to support the development of such a rivalry).
Ohio State: A traditional power located in a geographically contiguous state. The fact that these two teams have met only five times all-time, and only twice prior to 1995, only adds to the intrigue.
Indiana: An in-state rival, once a frequent opponent.

Hell, you could even throw Illinois into the mix. After all, both schools have Chicago as more or less the center of gravity of their fanbase.

So, with all of that to choose from, we instead get annual matchups with Minnesota and Wisconsin? Thanks, but no thanks.

Part of the problem with the Big Ten is that it ain't exactly the most egalitarian place around. There's Michigan and Ohio State, and then there's everyone else. And everyone else is expected to know their place.

Problem is, ND ain't Minnesota, ain't Northwestern, ain't Illinois, hell, ND ain't even Iowa. So what have Michigan and Ohio State done that gives them the right to treat ND as if they are? Why should ND assume the position?
Yeah, all your scheduling arguments hold water. Really, they do. They're very compelling, in the face of all these scintillating, tradition laden match ups you've been scheduling as an independent.

San Diego St is way more pleasing than Illinois, to the Traditionalists. Your mom was a huge fan of that lore laden ND-SDSU rivalry. It was almost as special to her as the epic ND-N. Carolina rivalry. Wisconsin? They don't hold a candle to the next group of far-flung cupcakes you schedule...all to appease the ND Traditionalists, of course.
You sure are hung up on San Diego State. That was a one-off, only because we owed San Diego State a favor (and yes, it's an indictment of Kevin White, the would-be architect of ND's move into a conference, that we now owe favors to the San Diego States and the Nevadas of the college football world, but that's a topic for another thread).

Every school plays scrubs from time to time, and ND certainly is no exception. In ND's case, the difference is that even when ND plays a scrub, the scrub is always a FBS level program. I'm certainly not pissed at SDSU for wanting to play ND. As for White, I'm more pissed off at him for owing SDSU a favor than I am at him for scheduling them, per se. Certainly I'm not so pissed about playing SDSU that I'm about to demand we join a conference, as long as it's not on an annual basis.

North Carolina? A home-and-home that time, but yet another one you could blame on White (the result of his abortive deal with the ACC). But if you want to talk tradition, truth be told, we've actually played more games against North Carolina all-time than we have against Wisconsin, Illinois or Minnesota (or tOSU, for that matter). That one is on the Big Ten, not ND. It seems that Michigan and tOSU tried to initiate a conference-wide boycott of ND back in the 1960's. Before that, it wasn't uncommon for ND to play 5 games per year against Big Ten teams (in the era of the 10-game schedule, btw); afterward, we rarely had more than three.

Iowa: Last played in 1968.
Illinois: Last played in 1968.
Wisconsin: Last played in 1964.
Indiana: Last played in 1958, except for a one-off in 1991.

That's 4/10 of the conference (I'm excluding Penn State, since they weren't a member of the Big Ten back then) that we basically stopped playing, cold turkey, in a ten-year span. Two members of the conference (Minnesota and tOSU) we had played even less frequently than that. The other four continued as the three-game set we were able to retain. At first it was Northwestern, Purdue and Michigan State, with Michigan eventually replacing Northwestern beginning in the late 1970's.

But rather than cherry-pick opponents on ND's schedule, why not look at that portion of the schedule which is a known quantity? There's always going to be some variety to ND's schedule, after all, whether ND joins a conference or remains independent.

So let's look at theconstantson ND's schedule as an independent vs. what we could reasonably expect as a member of the Big Ten.

Current permanent opponents on ND's schedule are:

Michigan State

At the present time, we're in the process of phasing out BC and phasing in UConn. That looks like it'll take a couple years.

Now, let's look at a presumptive Big Ten schedule.

We'll retain Michigan and Michigan State. Possibly Purdue (depends on whether the Big Ten has an annual interdivisional crossover game, and if so, who ND's opponent will be. For cross-reference purposes, both the ACC and the Meatgrinder have an annual crossover interdivisional game, and the Big XII does not). OOC, I'd assume we'll retain Navy and USC as annuals, with the other two OOC games open (we might play some of our current regulars in these slots, but certainly not on an annual basis).

So . . .


Michigan State
Purdue (?)


Big XII South Division opponent TBD (?)


Purdue (?)

Is there anything really to be gained by replacing Pitt with Wisconsin?
By replacing BC and/or UConn with Minnesota?
By replacing Stanford with Northwestern? [obligatory Meatgrinder BSH]At least you don't have to fly to a road game at Northwestern. I hear those newfangled airplane thingies fall out of the sky all the time.[/obligatory Meatgrinder BSH]

There are enugh variables that you can't tell defniitively from one season to the next where the tougher schedule would lie. As far as the certain part of the schedule, though, what the Big Ten is offering is pretty much a wash compared to what we currently have. And deep down, you know that.

Re: JoePa is looking at YOU, ND...

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 5:44 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Turns out JoePa wasn't looking at ND after all, apparently. ... &type=lgns
Just forget about Notre Dame.

"That's something I would not be happy with," the 82-year-old coach added. "They've had their chance."
Seems to me that his logic is somewhat faulty at best, though. If the goal really is to wrap up the NYC market, ND would be at least as attractive in that market as would Rutger or Syracuse, and certainly much moreso than Pitt. Of course, as has been mentioned numerous times elsewhere, the NYC market is a pro sports market first and foremost, regardless of what the Big Ten does or fails to do.

Reading between the lines a bit, this looks to me like a tacit admission that Penn State has been left without a true rival within the Big Ten, and JoePa advocating for expansion as a means to address that. Any of the schools JoePa mentioned would go in as a rival for Penn State, even though at least one (Syracuse) almost certainly would be in the opposite division. Notre Dame? Yeah, Penn State-ND could be a rivalry, under the right set of circumstances. Of course, if that ever happened, that rivalry would potentially be a counterweight to the hegemony currently enjoyed by tOSU and Michigan. For that reason alone, expect those schools to oppose any alignment that had Penn State and ND playing every year.

And of course, now that it's clear that ND has no interest in the Big Ten, and that one of the foremost advocates for Big Ten expansion (on the record, anyway) has said that he would not favor adding ND, that should answer the question once and for all. But on this board, I doubt it.

Re: JoePa is looking at YOU, ND...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:51 pm
by MuchoBulls
I didn't think JoePa wanted anything to do with Pitt anymore? Didn't they go against him when he tried to from a conference of Eastern based teams a long time ago?

I guess I could see why you'd want to secure the New York market, but TiC is right in that it's a pro sports market first. I doubt many people there care all that much about Rutgers and Syracuse in football. Hell, I remember growing up there and seeing mostly Penn State games when I was younger.

Re: JoePa is looking at YOU, ND...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:18 pm
Back when Joe was PSU's AD as well as the head football coach, yes, he worked to create an East Coast conference, and he was thwarted in that. Yes, he still bears a grudge against the folks who opposed him in that effort, but I think he evaluates that on a personal level, not on a school level. Joe is a lot closer to influential folks at Pitt than many people realize.

What's relevant here is this...Joe is nothing but an observer and commentator where the workings of the Big 10 are concerned. He's Joe Paterno, so when he gets behind a mic, he gets headlines...especially when what he says might be grist for the four letter network mills.

Joe likes to grouse about stuff that irks him. If he did have a role in the workings of the conference, I doubt he'd be commenting publicly. I am pretty certain that Delaney & Co. are the ones who will handle Big Ten expansion...which is to say they'll back-burner it for as long as possible.

All that said - Joe has stated numerous times that he'd like to play Pitt, Syracuse, and Rutgers. One of the things I will miss when he's gone is the fact that he's still motivated by FOOTBALL competition first, and spreadsheet-polishing (a distant) second. He wants to play a challenging football schedule, but the money wonks want to stack as many Benjamins as humanly possible.

Re: JoePa is looking at YOU, ND...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:14 pm
by MuchoBulls
If JoePa wants to play those teams, then come to the Big East. There is a need for a 9th football member and I think travel would be a bit easier for Penn State as a member of the Big East.

Re: JoePa is looking at YOU, ND...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:17 pm
Joe really and truly has taken a back seat to Tim Curley. That's what makes his recent "statements" all the more interesting...he's really just spouting off, probably they caught him in a hallway. For a guy who professes to hate the way the media rolls these days, he sure likes to jerk it around at times.

Curley knows that PSU is in the best possible financial situation at this point. That's where the issue ends, where he's concerned.

Whatever reluctance there is to sell off PSU's football tradition to the highest bidder will end the minute Joe Paterno's HC career ends - beleeb dat.

Of course to be fair, I would HATE to see PSU joing the Big East. I find the Big 10 conference to be far more exciting than the Big East, personally. I would like to see PSU revisit their long-time natural rivalry against Pitt, but games against Temple and Syracuse do absolutely nothing for me.

Re: JoePa is looking at YOU, ND...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:01 pm
by Van
God, I hate to do this.
PSU wrote:Of course to be fair, I would HATE to see PSU joing the Big East.
Like Penn St by half time, you are hereby ELIMINATED!!

Re: JoePa is looking at YOU, ND...

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:46 am
socal got me first. There are a couple of folks that will be hard to get...

Re: JoePa is looking at YOU, ND...

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:14 am
by Van
Easiest way to not get caught is to simply post less, and to do small posts.

I was always going to be fucked.


Re: JoePa is looking at YOU, ND...

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:40 am
by Terry in Crapchester
PSUFAN wrote:Joe really and truly has taken a back seat to Tim Curley. That's what makes his recent "statements" all the more interesting...he's really just spouting off, probably they caught him in a hallway. For a guy who professes to hate the way the media rolls these days, he sure likes to jerk it around at times.

Curley knows that PSU is in the best possible financial situation at this point. That's where the issue ends, where he's concerned.

Whatever reluctance there is to sell off PSU's football tradition to the highest bidder will end the minute Joe Paterno's HC career ends - beleeb dat.

Of course to be fair, I would HATE to see PSU joing the Big East. I find the Big 10 conference to be far more exciting than the Big East, personally. I would like to see PSU revisit their long-time natural rivalry against Pitt, but games against Temple and Syracuse do absolutely nothing for me.
Temple is no longer a member of the Big East, so a game vs. Temple would be an OOC affair in either event. If I were a Penn State fan, it would seem to me that matchups against Pitt, West Virginia and yes, Syracuse, would be far more appealling than would be matchups vs. Minnesota, Iowa, and their big (contrived) conference rival, Michigan State.

That being said, I don't see Penn State joining the Big East, at least not as long as JoePa is coaching. JoePa is still carrying a grudge against the conference for voting down Penn State as a member in the early '80's.

Re: JoePa is looking at YOU, ND...

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:57 pm
by MuchoBulls
PSUFAN wrote:Of course to be fair, I would HATE to see PSU joing the Big East. I find the Big 10 conference to be far more exciting than the Big East, personally. I would like to see PSU revisit their long-time natural rivalry against Pitt, but games against Temple and Syracuse do absolutely nothing for me.
Paterno is the one who ended the Pitt series. While I certainly see your point about being hesitant about going to the Big East, I still don't think it's a bad option for Penn State. You'd make a real strong case that they would be the anchor for the league in football, which is certainly not the case in the Big 10.

Re: JoePa is looking at YOU, ND...

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:51 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
PSUFAN wrote:Joe really and truly has taken a back seat to Tim Curley. That's what makes his recent "statements" all the more interesting...he's really just spouting off, probably they caught him in a hallway. For a guy who professes to hate the way the media rolls these days, he sure likes to jerk it around at times.
If that's what he's doing here, then rack the old coot. If I were a BTPCF head coach, I'm pretty sure that the pressers would be my least favorite part of the job. By a country mile.
Joe likes to grouse about stuff that irks him. If he did have a role in the workings of the conference, I doubt he'd be commenting publicly. I am pretty certain that Delaney & Co. are the ones who will handle Big Ten expansion...which is to say they'll back-burner it for as long as possible.
Strictly mho, but I believe the Big Ten missed its best possible opportunity for expansion. What they should have done is piggyback their own expansion on the back of the ACC expansion in '03. Recall that that expansion was the one that really, really shook up BTPCF. There were doubts as to whether the Big East would survive the effects of the expansion, and even ND was in question as to whether it could continue to function as an independent. They could have plucked off one of the Big East teams, maybe even ND, relatively easily back then.

Now? It'll be a lot harder, at least in terms of getting a team the Big Ten really wants.

ND? Not interested in the Big Ten, and if JoePa speaks for the conference as a whole (not saying that he does), the feeling is mutual.

Pitt? Rutgers? Syracuse? This is 2009, not 2003. It's a damn sight more difficult to get out of the Big East now than it was then. Back in '03, a school needed merely to provide one year notice or pay a $1 million exit fee to leave the Big East. Now those figures are up to 5 years and $5 million, respectively. Even if one of these schools is interested in the Big Ten, I don't think they could make the jump without some seious financial concessions from the Big Ten (the same might apply to ND, btw, since ND is a Big East member in most sports other than football). And I'm not sure the Big Ten is prepared to make those financial concessions.

Missouri? They get a mention every so often, but at least on this board, the Missouri peeps seem more content with the Big XII. Don't see this happening, although I suppose I could be wrong.

Boston College? 88 mentioned them as a possibility. I would think that they're not exactly enamored with the arrangement in the ACC, and for that matter, they'd probably agree to play in the North Division in the alignment favored by tOSU and Michigan in exchange for getting an annual interdivisional matchup vs. Penn State. But that doesn't necessarily guarantee that they'll join the Big Ten. For one, the Big Ten would be their third conference in, at this point, less than a decade, which would only cement their reputation as a conference jumper (the reason they were glossed as Fredo on the ND boards). Also, BC considers ND as its principal rival, and joining the Big Ten won't change that. Yes, the series is coming to a close, but they're going to want to keep the door open for a possible resumption in the future. Since the Big Ten has a September-only rule when it comes to scheduling ND, and ND already has three Big Ten schools as regulars on its schedule, it's nearly impossible for ND to add any additional opponents from the Big Ten short of dropping an existing series with one or more of the three schools currently on its schedule, and/or the Big Ten relaxing the September-only rule. For that reason, I don't expect BC to have any interest in the Big Ten unless the Big Ten is willing to relax the September-only rule.

Beyond that, Temple or Miami of Ohio (although tOSU certainly would have something to say about the latter) would be happy to join the Big Ten, would meet the Big Ten's academic requirements, and would provide the warm body necessary for the Big Ten to hold a CCG. But that's about all they'd bring to the table in the Big Ten. So in that case, the question becomes, what is more important? Is it more important for the Big Ten to add their dream selection, or a reasonably close facsimile thereof, or is getting a CCg immediately more important?