Damn Van you ought to know the answer to this one. The Asians who often face the worst conditions to get here not only survive but prosper. They don't run with their hands out to the tit of the Federal government asking for handouts. Instead they roll up their sleeves, work hard, stress education to their children, and don't have 4 bastard kids from three different sperm donors.Van wrote:If we're going to try and appease minority groups, where is the Asian representation in this country?? Why is it always blacks and latins, but never Asians, except as news channel (female) anchorpeople?
My neighbor down the street came here from Cambodia. His two boys are some of the most polite, yet outgoing kids I have ever met. The older boy has already asked me if he can mow my yard next year when his dad says he is old enough. They are already learning multiple languages and Joey know more German than I do after 4 semesters of it in college.
On the flip side, LULAC, think NAACP for mexicans, is trying to get Asians students removed from minority classification in the state of Texas. They say that the Asians should be considered white because of their higher test scores and that they are taking away college spots from mexicans.
Typical liberal thought process. Instead of working to raise the lower performing students, they want to lower the bar on expectations.