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Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:39 am
by poptart
RF wrote:Pop, you and I have spiritual business to discuss. We haven't done this in a while, bro. And no, I'm not talking about your Korean kids.
Ok, good deal.
For a minute there I was afraid you might wanna take things up with Felix.
<------- wipes brow
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:03 am
by Smackie Chan
I'll try reading next time.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:38 pm
by Diego in Seattle
RadioFan wrote:Diego is a fucking idiot. Who says the alleged shooter is a "Christian?"
You're calling me an idiot?
Of course you're right. There have been so many abortion protests by the wiccans & muzzies.
The only reason you weren't aborted was the fact that the doctor never informed your parents that they would be having a brain-dead child.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:07 pm
by Cuda
Diego in Seattle wrote:War Wagon wrote:The topic title was slanted to begin with. Religion of Peace and Love? It's not about religion, and that's why Diego can go fuck himself on this particular topic.
Like mv so eloquently stated, it's about an abortionist getting aborted. Turnabout is fair play. The sad part is that it took so long and thousands of innocent children had to pay for his crimes while he was on his killing spree.
Tiller was nothing more than a crooked, depraved doctor out to line his own pockets. Yes, I'm sure he was a beacon at that church he attended and they're going to miss the money he contributed. Just tragic.
I titled this thread as I did to point out the hypocrisy of the right-wing thumpers. They're the first to look down on the muslims who use their religion as an excuse for murder, but think murder is justified when they view matters through their own religious bias.
Wags, if the mirror frightens you that much....tough shit
you're more intellectually honest when you're diddling pre-schoolers.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:42 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I thought you were all about trimming the gene pool wherever necessary? In most cases, children spawned from drug-addled, teenage, single-parent "households" probably aren't going to make the most productive members of society.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:56 pm
War Wagon wrote:I take my action in the voting booth.
Jerking off in the ballot box is not my idea of "action"
Thank god & G0D I'm not in your district, let alone state...
Man, I feel skeevy....
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:18 pm
by Van
mvscal, "parents" may simply denote mothers. Mothers are parents too, biologically at least, even if dad couldn't be roused from his bar stool to accompany her down to the clinic.
Bare minimum, WW ought to be giving a shotgun blast to
whatever piles out of the woman's car, there in the parking lot of the clinic. If dad shows up, he gets it too. If some dude is accompanying her, and it turns out he's just someone who gave her a ride to the murder, too bad. He's an accessory to murder.
Shoot him in the head.
I might be all for your idea of tacking on the hysterectomy for woman who get abortions, but then there are simply too many cases where the girl got pregnant through no fault of her own. She was impregnated against her will.
She shouldn't be denied the chance to ever get pregnant again, under more favorable conditions. Shit happens, and sometimes the bitch is just too cute to resist...

Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:28 pm
Sheesh Van!
Get 'em retard!
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:39 pm
mvscal wrote:Van wrote:then there are simply too many cases where the girl got pregnant through no fault of her own. She was impregnated against her will.
Irrelevant. She still has a choice. Several of them in fact. Keep it, put it up for adoption or have her uterus scooped out like a cantaloupe.
Hey , hey , now guys......Let's all just settle down here for a moment.....
I've got a new melon -baller! :twisted:
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:00 pm
by Van
mvscal wrote:Van wrote:then there are simply too many cases where the girl got pregnant through no fault of her own. She was impregnated against her will.
Irrelevant. She still has a choice. Several of them in fact. Keep it, put it up for adoption or have her uterus scooped out like a cantaloupe.
Actually, I was only making a joke, but okay, if you want to be serious about this then no, some teen who got raped shouldn't be forced to go through an unwanted pregnancy. She shouldn't be forced to see her body used as a baby factory. She shouldn't be forced to risk her own life in childbirth. She shouldn't be forced to give up a year of her life. She shouldn't be forced to make a decision between keeping a kid for whom she has no means of supporting, or ripping her own heart out by giving away the child.
She certainly shouldn't have a mandatory hysterectomy forced upon her, for choosing to abort.
The truest statement I've ever heard about abortion rights is the one that said if men could get pregnant we wouldn't even be having this discussion. People would be able to order fries with their abortion, right there at the drive-through.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:30 pm
ADAM wrote:War Wagon wrote:I take my action in the voting booth.
Jerking off in the ballot box is not my idea of "action"
Thank god & G0D I'm not in your district, let alone state...
Man, I feel skeevy....
There you have it, Wags. ADAM...
ADAM just wrinkled his nose at your savage depravity. You've achieved something of consequence here.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:14 pm
by Van
mvscal, in the case of rape there is only one person involved. The girl is the only one who matters. That parasitic being existing inside her only continues to exist by her choosing.
It's not a matter of it being "an inconvenient time for mommy."
She's not a mommy. She's a rape victim.
If your sixteen year old daughter got raped by some gang thug you'd grab your nearest LaDanian Tomlinson bobblehead and you'd use it to abort the pregnancy yourself, right there on the kitchen table, before your daughter even got through crying and telling you the story. You'd then hunt down the rapist and go Mrs Vogel on him, before ending his life with a few well placed small fire rounds.
You wouldn't insist on your daughter getting a hysterectomy afterwards, and you sure as fuck wouldn't insist that she ostracize herself at school and risk ruining her life or even ending it, by carrying that abortion to term.
Neither would Wags. If Wags' daughter was on some softball game roadie to Kansas and some Jayhawk hip-hop monster with his pants around his ass raped and impregnated her that soapbox beneath Wags would collapse quicker than a Missouri Tiger defensive front.
Like I said, if men could get pregnant...
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:54 pm
by Van
mvscal, don't dodge. I'm only talking about rape. I notice you didn't respond to the scenario I described, with your daughter.
Yes or no on the right to abort, for rape victims?
Regarding the rest of the abortion question, I mostly don't give a fuck. Smackie did a good job of describing my feelings there. I feel it's unfortunate that people choose to abort, but I really don't care, one way or the other.
See, I'll never get pregnant. It's not really a big issue to me.
My gut says that a woman's body is more important than that of the fetus, but no, I'm not in favor of late term abortion-on-demand.
My gut also says that your usual ethos of culling the herd being good for society holds especially true here, with the abortion question. All those abortions mean there are that many fewer welfare babies, welfare moms, future criminals and other drains on society. Sure, there's an Einstein or two that went missing, but I'll take that trade, eight days a week.
More than anything, my gut says that it's easy for men to soapboax about the sanctity of life, when it's not their bodies and their lives involved. Nobody will ever convince me that abortion-on-demand would be any less prevalent than teeth cleanings, if men in America could get pregnant.
"What? You expect me to miss law school, or tailgating at Daytona, or our Wednesday night bowling league, or season seats for the Packers...or BEER...just because I got pregnant?? Are you fucking high?? That bitch is fugly, and I barely even know her anyway. No way I'm having her kid. Dude, pass me that set of salad tongs. How hard could this be? It'll be like popping a zit..."
DIY home abortion kits would be displayed at the check out counter at Safeway, right along with Star magazine, chewing gum, Tic-Tacs and all the other impulse purchase items.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:05 pm
by Smackie Chan
Van wrote:Nobody will ever convince me that abortion-on-demand would be any less prevalent than teeth cleanings, if men in America could get pregnant.
All indications are that they'd far outpace teeth cleanings in England.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:31 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
We have wiped out at least 10% of our own population over the last 35 or so years.
Who gives a fuck?
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:41 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
mvscal wrote:In any event, killings are best left to back alleys and prisons.
Sounds like you speak from experience.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:54 pm
by Van
Smackie Chan wrote:Van wrote:Nobody will ever convince me that abortion-on-demand would be any less prevalent than teeth cleanings, if men in America could get pregnant.
All indications are that they'd far outpace teeth cleanings in England.
That's precisely why I specified, "in America." I
knew the analogy would fall flat, if I opened it up to all countries.

Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:59 pm
by Van
mvscal, you're still dodging.
What about rape victims? Should a sixteen year old rape victim be forced to carry the little bastard parasite to term? Yes or no?
Quit dodging. Answer the fucking question.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:02 pm
I often wonder just how many meth whores I could get for $300?
What's the better buy? The crack whore or meth whore...
I don't want any of this "teeth" shit involved either........
Fucking dilemas.....
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:03 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Amidst the typical tedious twaddle, Jsc has correctly pointed out the real reason that late-term abortion must remain just as legal and available as the "next-day pill," and that is of course the real reason they are performed: serious birth defects. As usual, Avi's seething is based on his race survival politics, while the Christers are incoherent at best. The murderer is of course a Christer and like the Atlanta Olympics bomber, will proudly go down spouting his demented doctrine.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:04 pm
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:That might ... of due process.
STFU you vapid racist fuckstick. When we want your opinion we'll drive down to Mexico and ask you for it.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:08 pm
Moving Sale wrote:mvscal wrote:That might ... of due process.
STFU you vapid racist fuckstick. When we want your opinion we'll drive down to Mexico and ask you for it.
Get it right you half-pint barrister.....
It's called "FUCKSTICKERY"
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:17 pm
by Moving Sale
ADAM wrote:
It's called "FUCKSTICKERY"
Get back to me when you know what a noun is and how it is used, you vapid fuckhole.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:17 pm
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:Partial birth abortions aren't legal, dipshit.
STFU you racist fucktard.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:20 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Well then why wasn't he arrested before he got shot? Or what, the cops couldn't find him? Or are you weaseling around the semantics of "late-term" and "partial"? In any event, you're a wormy creep whose only concern is some sort of race survival fear. Well, settle down, Avi, because despite the ballooning population of Hispanics, etc., there are in fact more "white" people now than ever before. Feel better? Fuck off.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:25 pm
by Van
mvscal wrote:Van wrote:What about rape victims?
I don't consider them to be statistically meaningful. What is the scope of this alleged problem? How many abortions out of the total are we talking about here?
Quit dodging. It doesn't matter how statistically meaningless your situation is, once you're in that situation. There still needs to be in place a legal answer to your situation.
There aren't that many Jeffrey Dahmers, but we still have laws which pertain to them. There aren't that many people who attempt to smuggle Costa Rican iguanas into our country, but we still have laws pertaining to such an act.
The rights of rape victims still need to be addressed, under the rule of law. Besides, the number of women who got pregnant via rape isn't
that tiny. I'm sure it's at least in the hundreds each year, if not the thousands.
I don't know, and nobody really knows, because most rapes go unreported, but it's not like it's some ultra-rare occurence.
The actual number is irrelevant, anyway. The law doesn't stipulate by number of incidents and obviously a decent number of women get raped and become pregnant.
You're trying to change the subject. I'll address any other abortion question/issue you want to discuss, but first, answer the fucking question.
If you were in charge, would you ban abortions, even for rape victims?
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:28 pm
Vapid ?
What is that your "new word" of the day they taught you?
Was that before or after the "how many tiny lawyers can you fit in a car" 101?
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:31 pm
by Moving Sale
ADAM wrote:What is that your "new word" of the day they taught you?
You are not very bright are you?
Was that before or after the "how many tiny lawyers can you fit in a car" 101?[/quote]
Great smack.
5th grade
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:37 pm
by Moving Sale
Van wrote:I don't know, and nobody really knows, because most rapes go unreported, but it's not like it's some ultra-rare occurence.
The CDC put the number at around 30K in 2000.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:41 pm
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:Well then why wasn't he arrested before he got shot?
He was indicted.
You are one stupid fuckhole.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:57 pm
by LTS TRN 2
mvscal wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:Well then why wasn't he arrested before he got shot?
He was indicted.
He was also aquitted of all charges. forgot to mention that. Do you suppose it was because the jury learned that the unborns were in fact totally defective?
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:00 pm
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:
He was also aquitted of all charges.
So was OJ.
Why do you hate the Bill of Rights you vile racist fucknack?
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:01 pm
by LTS TRN 2
That's your squirrelly fake response? Consider yourself pounded--again.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:11 pm
by Van
Moving Sale wrote:Van wrote:I don't know, and nobody really knows, because most rapes go unreported, but it's not like it's some ultra-rare occurence.
The CDC put the number at around 30K in 2000.
That number is undoubtedly conservative, and still it's a decent number.
Is that just for rapes, or pregnancies caused by rape?
Either way, if 30,000 people were annually knifed in our city parks you can bet we'll have laws regarding such a practice. This is despite the fact that 30,000 is a relatively insignificant number, compared to the number of people who die each year in this country from drunk driving.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:13 pm
by Van
mvscal wrote:Van wrote:If you were in charge, would you ban abortions,
even for rape victims?
Possibly. I would concede it as a fall back position if pressed.
Fair enough.
You'd also be insane, if you wouldn't concede it for rape victims.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:23 pm
by LTS TRN 2
mvscal wrote:The issue was not whether or not they were totally defective. The fact is Tiller was killing perfectly healthy near term babies as fast as he could and now he has been aborted.
Do you care?
How do you know
any were healthy? Try actually thinking about it...why would a woman wait eight months before deciding to terminate the pregnancy? Gee, do you suppose she got authoritative confirmation that the kid was totally fucked up? Or was she just soooo lazy that she didn't get around to it--as she gained thirty pounds and swelled up like a whale? You're a moron, Avi, and your tired act of military historian is perhaps your most fake aspect. Now get back to the Major Malfunction issue--from which you've run and hid like a usual.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:25 pm
by Van
TVO wrote:fucknack
Explain that one, counselor.
mvscal, if 30,000 is the reported number of woman who get pregnant each year by rape, you know the number is significantly higher than that. Rapes usually go unreported, so who really knows what's the correct number of pregnancies caused by rape?
I just know that it's a pretty large number. Only 3k people died at the hands of terrorists, on 9/11. 40k (gotta be at least that) that's at least two full Laker game crowds, at Staples. To try and tell that many people that they don't matter, that their pain and suffering is inconsequential, no, screw that.
Each individual there is living a horror. They cannot be forced into perpetuating it, and living through a permanent and possibly life threatening reminder of it.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:45 pm
by Van
mvscal wrote:Van wrote:I just now that it's a pretty large number.
And how does that number compare to 1.3 million?
It doesn't. Thankfully, one has nothing to do with the other.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:45 pm
by Van
mvscal wrote:Van wrote:You'd also be insane, if you wouldn't concede it for rape victims.
Really? I would be "insane" to flush 30,000 citizens and taxpayers down the toilet? Seems to me we're going to need everyone we can get to help pay down the debt we are accumulating at an exponential rate.
You know full well the majority of those flushed would've only ended up becoming a further drain on our economy, as would their mothers and many of their fathers, had they not been flushed.
Aborting them falls right in line with your usual remedy of society benefitting from culling the herd, natural selection, letting the weak fail, etc.
Abortions are way more beneficial to an economy than welfare cases. You're not just talking the aborted, you're also talking about their mothers, many of whom would become welfare cases themselves, were they to be stuck in a life of being an unwed, unskilled mother.
It takes a village, to create a welfare village.
How much better would social security look right about now if we had 50 million or so more people paying into it?
They wouldn't be paying into it. By and large, they'd be taking away from it, as well as from every other economic faction in this country. All those welfare kids and their welfare parents would be committing crimes, collecting government assistance, swelling our prison population, occupying our emergency services, stuffing our hospitals and emergency rooms, increasing urban blight, increasing pollution, de-valuing property values, etc.
They wouldn't be upstanding taxpayers.
They'd be everything you hate about taxpayers having to support the dregs of society.
They'd also be fat, lazy, morose and stupid. Take whatever number of abortions you want, and double it, at least, because of all the parents involved, and that's the number of people you'd see dragging down our society.
Of course, there'd be those "good" exceptions within their ranks, but their number would be, oh, how did you put it?
Statistically insignificant. They'd barely be a drop of piss in a bucket. The vast majority of them would perpetuate a vicious cycle of poverty, crime, shitty tv and flabby bingo wings.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:09 pm
by Van
mvscal wrote:The rape angle is a red herring.
Only when it's used as a tear jerker means to try and jam abortion-on-demand down people's throats.
I'm not doing that. I'm talking about it solely in isolation. Whatever abortion bans come down the pike, pregnancy-via-rape needs to be treated separately.