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Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:52 pm
by smackaholic
I think Romney will get it as he should have this time around. Hopefully folks will eventually get over the whole mormon thing.
I think his proven financial smarts will be a big plus after 4 years of the hopey changy full blown communism dealio.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:06 pm
by MuchoBulls
Terry in Crapchester wrote:The Republican nomination in '12 is Jeb's to lose.
If the economy continues to stay in the shitter, then expect Romney to get the nod as the Republican nominee.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 3:38 pm
by Van
smackie wrote:Hopefully folks will eventually get over the whole mormon thing.
Would you elect a Scientologist or a Jehovah's Witness to be your president? Would America?
That's what you're suggesting, by trying to elect a Mormon. You want the people of America to ignore the fact that their proposed leader is a member of a bizarre religious cult.
Maybe it could happen, but it won't be easy.
South Park and
The Daily Show would positively kill the guy.
Then again, we
did just elect a first term junior senator with no job experience/resume to speak of (besides having a a quirky name, a dazzling smile, the politically correct skin pigment and the ability to speak well via teleprompter), so I guess anything is possible.
I think the Republicans would stand a better chance with Romney if he were a woman. If the economy stays in the shitter, even relatively speaking, having a female candidate will siphon off a lot of Democratic votes, once Obama's honeymoon is officially over.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:35 pm
You want the people of America to ignore the fact that their proposed leader is a member of a bizarre religious cult.
Sorry, no go. If Romney
really is a mormon, he has no business leading this country.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:46 pm
by Van
PSUFAN wrote:You want the people of America to ignore the fact that their proposed leader is a member of a bizarre religious cult.
Sorry, no go. If Romney
really is a mormon, he has no business leading this country.
See, smackie?
I assume you're somewhat up on Mormon history and Mormon beliefs. That being the case, you can see where it'd be one helluva uphill battle to give the keys to the country to someone who believes in and practices
that nonsense.
PSU here is a very level headed dude. Say whatever you want about him, but nobody can say he's some knee-jerk alarmist. He doesn't fly off the handle over the small shit. Laundry issues notwithstanding, he tends to want to try and think things through, first.
He's cool with an untested mulatto noob named Hussein running our country, but he wouldn't be cool with a Mormon running our country. That's exactly what I'm talking about. If someone as openminded and liberal as Dave here would have a problem with a Mormom running our country then what do you suppose the reaction to this notion will be among the
less cerebral and circumspect types in this country?
It's just gonna be a bitch for Romney, constantly having to fend off questions (some spoken, most unspoken) about his whack religion.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:24 pm
Exactly. After electing and suffering through an abject moron for 8 years, the nation was prepared for just about anything where a POTUS was concerned...except The Cult. Romney answers first to a freakish desert cult with blood and sin aplenty on its hands...the needs and perspective of the nation would have been badly unattended.
Things were bad enough when we elected a Roman Catholic...need we strain the patience of our proud citizenry like Mt. Rumplewife strains her elastic waistband? Mofos could get hurt...
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:41 pm
by Left Seater
PSUFAN wrote:You want the people of America to ignore the fact that their proposed leader is a member of a bizarre religious cult.
Sorry, no go. If Romney
really is a mormon, he has no business leading this country.
One can make a pretty good arguement that Catholicism is the same.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:44 pm
by Van
And so Dave did exactly that.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:36 am
by Cuda
Terry in Crapchester wrote: The Republican nomination in '12 is Jeb's to lose.
They're the stupid party, but not
that fucking stupid. The Bush name is shit in national politics. Jeb might as well come out of the closet and be openly crooked like Al Gore
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:41 am
by War Wagon
PSUFAN wrote:After electing and suffering through an abject moron for 8 years..
I've suffered thru you for 4 years AND I didn't vote for you.
Just so you know, you're a cunt.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:09 am
by Van
War Wagon wrote:PSUFAN wrote:After electing and suffering through an abject moron for 8 years..
I've suffered thru you for 4 years AND I didn't vote for you.
Just so you know, you're a cunt.
Hey, there's an idea: a Penn St-Mizzou home and home.
Or, better yet, a Penn St-OU or Texas home and home.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:28 am
War Wagon wrote:PSUFAN wrote:After electing and suffering through an abject moron for 8 years..
I've suffered thru you for 4 years AND I didn't vote for you.
Just so you know, you're a cunt.
That's right, I had forgotten you're the only person in the country left who would still have a problem with that characterization. That's so...quaint that I'll amend it for you - change
abject moron to
dimwitted blueblood.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:36 am
by King Crimson
no way Jeb Bush is ever a legit GOP candidate.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:36 am
the Palin girls are whores.
YES!! That's fucking HOT!!!!
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:49 am
by poptart
- bump
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:53 pm
by trev
Apparently children aren't the only ones not off limits to David Letterman.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:07 pm
by Trampis
I think we need pics of the chicks hes banging,10-1 they are hirsute granola types with cute smiles
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:14 pm
by Trampis
The first one he poked was the inventor of the top ten list and stupid pet tricks...what was her name? Like Mary Matlin, or Marjy Malox...something with M's...fuck I cant remember. Shes probably laughing her ass off.
Another guy getting a chuckle from this would be Daves exwifes father. Think I read in Daves bio that dad-in-law was pissed at him for screwing around on his daughter during his comedy club days. "I behaved badly", I think is what Dave had to say in the book.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:11 pm
by Diogenes
If I was Letterman, I'd be unfunny and bitter too...

Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:17 pm
by KC Scott
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:18 pm
by Diogenes
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:34 pm
by Diogenes
BTW, This thread sucks.
But to answer the title question...
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:43 am
by poptart
Letterman will be off the air within 6 months.

Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:22 am
by Smackie Chan
poptart wrote:Prediction:
Letterman will be off the air within 6 months.
Not a chance.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:55 pm
by Mikey
poptart wrote:Prediction:
Letterman will be off the air within 6 months.
Should I spreadsheet that, along with the economy completely failing by 12/31/09?
(You predicting a Raiders Super Bowl in 2010, or is that just toooooo off the charts?)
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:37 am
by poptart
You can feel free to spreadsheet my Letterman prediction.
But don't make shit up.
I didn't predict the economy would totally fail by December 31, '09.
I said this, in
THIS thread.
As the realization that the economy is not coming back anytime soon REALLY sets in, the Sheeple won't sit still.
Early next year it comes to a head.
I stand by that.
By early next year the sheeple will be VERY displeased because the economy will be in very piss-poor shape, and the future will suck to look at.
And right now, October 7, you can spreadsheet that I say the markets will tank in the very near future.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:10 pm
by Mikey
poptart wrote:Wagon, I think by early next year it will become ... PAINFULLY ... evident that B.O.'s course of action has placed American in a VERY bad financial situation, and exponentially so if this absurd cap bill goes through.
Your dollar is going DOWN in value, and almost surely by a LOT.
As bad as things are right now, that isn't sweet music to the ear, is it?
There are a series of things that are coming together to make the future look pretty damn bad for America.
- all the asinine printing and borrowing of money
- BIG TIME inflation is coming
- debt we can not repay
- S.S. gone broke
- company pension plans ... gone broke
- continued illegal welfare suckage
- gov run banks
- gov run auto
- foreign wars, and continued financing of them
- cap bill
- "free" haha health care
- another "stimulus" bill coming? -- why not pile on some more debt?
It's a COMPLETE and frightening cluseterfuck of unfathomable ineptitude.
By early next year, if not sooner, the shit hits the fan for B.O. and all of his zombie worshippers. ... &start=240
Not too good at predicting the future, but I see you're very good at hedging on your predictions.
I guess the "if not sooner" no longer applies. So, what exactly do you mean by
by early next year? Is that any time before June 30?
And I guess anything less than 10% annual GDP growth and Dow below 15,000 will qualify as shit hitting the fan? Nobody in their right mind ever claimed that the economy would be back at mid 2007 levels by the end of the year.
But please, let us know how we can tell if the shit has actually hit the fan.
(Should I bring lawyers, guns and money?)
Come on now, you know you're an alarmist loudmouth who makes dire predictions that never come true. At least own up to what you've actually said.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:26 pm
by poptart
poptart wrote:By early next year, if not sooner, the shit hits the fan for B.O. and all of his zombie worshippers.
What is "early" in '10?
Surely by the end of April.
First 4 months = early
Middle 4 months = mid
Last 4 months = late
Did I really need to explain that?
Mikey wrote:And I guess anything less than 10% annual GDP growth and Dow below 15,000 will qualify as shit hitting the fan?
Of course not.
Don't talk like a fool.
When it gets very bad, you'll
know it.
Mikey wrote:At least own up to what you've actually said.
I am.
I'm straight forward with it.
Letterman = off the air within 6 months
The shit hits the fan for B.O. by early '10
Markets will tank soon
It'll be three-for-three.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:28 pm
by Mikey
I guess I'd better start lining up the the lawyers, guns and money then.
So far I'm 0 for 3.
Re: Top Ten People Dave Letterman Would Like to be Knocked Up by
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:17 pm
by Diogenes
Mikey wrote:But please, let us know how we can tell if the shit has actually hit the fan.
The Party of Pelosi will control both houses of Congress and have a like-minded clueless puppet in the White House.
You're welcome.