RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

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Lillian Vernon

Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Lillian Vernon »

Diogenes wrote:I'm pretty sure I don't even want to know what they mean by 'used coffee'.
He sent an OPEN bag of cinnamon coffee to a woman he has never met. Also enclosed was a nightlight and a Bill Moyers CD about mysticism. Never were any of these items discussed by RadioFag and this woman and never was she asked her address. He looked up her address on his own and didn't even give her a heads up to expect something in the mail. This is all after she rejected his desperate pleas to commence a love affair. That's why the title of his new autobiography will be...


Edited by 88 - Until we find out whether this pic was uploaded by RF and thus fair game, it won't be permitted. If we find out the pic is real was posted without RF's permission and thus constitutes the posting of personal info, LV is gonzers.
Last edited by Lillian Vernon on Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by poptart »

LV, you've posted a lot of things that RF has ... allegedly ... done.

- speed texting Katy over and over
- being a pitiful drunk
- beng arrested for domestic violence
- being a stalker
- being a douchebag haha
- having a 3 inch penis
- flying to Australia to meet a married "internet" woman
- being demoted at work
- mailing opened cinnamon coffee to a woman
- mailing Bill Moyers "mysticism" CD's to women

etc ...

I take it just as I take Penthouse Forum letters ... except without getting wood.

I don't believe what you've written because I have no reason to believe it.

It's character assassination.

Could some of the things be true?


Could it be a crock of total bullshit?


Who is the woman?

Perhaps if you can ... back some of this talk UP ... with some factual evidence, I will believe you.

Not that it matters, anyway.

Just tossing bullshit out here about people and claiming it is FACT isn't really a way you ought to roll.

Dear Penthouse Forum ...

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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by War Wagon »

Toddowen wrote: I find it a little hard to believe that there isn't anyone else in this little circle that hasn't lost their job.
I'm sure that many have, but would never have the guts to come in here and admit that unpleasant fact.

I'm sure that many have lost a home, or are about to, but would likewise never admit that either.

Quiet desperation is the English way.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by War Wagon »

Toddowen wrote:
How about you, WW?

I recall you working at a plant in the auto industry, right? You've gotta have been affected by all of this.
Not in the auto industry, but the home building industry. Essentially, we build aluminum concrete forms for basement foundations, among other things, like all the hardware and accessories necessary to use those forms.

But yes, it's affected me, though I still have my job. First they cut my hours. I used to get at least 5 hours overtime most every week. That's history. Then they cut benefits, like vacation time. I used to get 5 weeks a year, now I've got squat other than what I still have left from last year, which I only use on those weeks when they shut the plant down to a 4-day week.

But I'm one of the lucky ones who still has a job and I feel blessed. They've been cutting left and right for the past 8 months, yet somehow I've escaped the axe... at least for one more week.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by poptart »

I'm curious about the posting of RF's pic in this thread, and another.

Did he ever post his picture on any of the boards?

I've never seen it before.

If HE never posted his pic on the boards, is it kosher for someone else to do it?

Is it not considered personal info?

I guess the admins see no problem, seeing as the pics have been up for a couple/few days now.

Hey, I'm just asking.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Tom In VA »

Hey RadioFan was always good peeps to me so I have to admit, I am intrigued by all of this moreso than any of the other Days of Our Lives bullshit we've had in the past.

Personally I don't care if it is true or not. I just hope the brother, if he's truly under the lash of alcohol, has the ability to see that and address it.

Good Luck RadioFan. Take stock and readjust your position, I'm in your corner bro.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Mace wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:Hey RadioFan was always good peeps to me so I have to admit, I am intrigued by all of this moreso than any of the other Days of Our Lives bullshit we've had in the past.

Personally I don't care if it is true or not. I just hope the brother, if he's truly under the lash of alcohol, has the ability to see that and address it.

Good Luck RadioFan. Take stock and readjust your position, I'm in your corner bro.
Rack that. I totally agree. RF has always been a standup guy on this board and I hope that he'll return to defend himself.

And rack Poptart as well, btw.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Diogenes »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Mace wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:Hey RadioFan was always good peeps to me so I have to admit, I am intrigued by all of this moreso than any of the other Days of Our Lives bullshit we've had in the past.

Personally I don't care if it is true or not. I just hope the brother, if he's truly under the lash of alcohol, has the ability to see that and address it.

Good Luck RadioFan. Take stock and readjust your position, I'm in your corner bro.
Rack that. I totally agree. RF has always been a standup guy on this board and I hope that he'll return to defend himself.

And rack Poptart as well, btw.
poptart wrote:If HE never posted his pic on the boards, is it kosher for someone else to do it?

Is it not considered personal info?
No. And yes.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Atomic Punk »

poptart wrote:I'm curious about the posting of RF's pic in this thread, and another.

Did he ever post his picture on any of the boards?

I've never seen it before.

If HE never posted his pic on the boards, is it kosher for someone else to do it?

Is it not considered personal info?

I guess the admins see no problem, seeing as the pics have been up for a couple/few days now.

Hey, I'm just asking.
Where were you when the same thing happened to me? I never posted those stupid drunken pics of myself either. My ex-hotty that is now almost 30 y/o is the one that got over on me for getting me to do so in the 1st place. Then I was dumb enough to let them out to 2 people in private. In any case, RF has always been a good dude and I have a hard time believing a Chyna-type troll's story. Shit was made up about me too.

This is a call out to Radio Fan, get back in here bro and handle this! Don't take this shit...
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Smackie Chan »

Atomic Punk wrote:I never posted those stupid drunken pics of myself either. My ex-hotty that is now almost 30 y/o is the one that got over on me for getting me to do so in the 1st place. Then I was dumb enough to let them out to 2 people in private.
This raises an interesting technicality. I think the issue here is that if pix of a particular poster are never posted by that individual or not authorized by the poster to have someone else post them, then any pic of said poster is off limits. This protects the privacy of posters from having others know what they look like. However, if a precedent has been set by a poster to have ever allowed his/her pic to be posted, then any subsequent pic of that poster is fair game. Not sure if that's the attitude taken here, but I'm guessing it is.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by PSUFAN »

T1B admins could do a, b, or c, the thing is these situations tend to straddle the boards like Katy straddles her webcam. AP didn't even make the request that we delete the panty pics from T1B, they were all over the other boards anyway - what would the point have been? Like Smackie says, some folks have posted their pictures willingly in the past...hell, AP has his own wing of YouTube, I think. Perhaps there is a distinction to be made there. You don't have to get far into a Lillian Vernon post to understand what motivates that poster...and it just seems a little sad. One more time, there are trolls who can artfully address any topic for the entertainment of the board...and trolls that take sucking to a new sordid low.

AND, it should be said, there are trolls who take perverse delight in setting up the kind of fall that we've seen here. It sucks when one of our better folks goes through this...this isn't the first time. Myself, I hope RF returns to post here and have a good time. That's what most of us regulars are here for. Most of us are not here to fill up a spreadsheet with a bunch of humorless tripe and hold it up for all to see for entertainment - you can take that crap to the minors where it belongs.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

PSUFAN wrote:It sucks when one of our better folks goes through this...this isn't the first time. Myself, I hope RF returns to post here and have a good time. That's what most of us regulars are here for. Most of us are not here to fill up a spreadsheet with a bunch of humorless tripe and hold it up for all to see for entertainment - you can take that crap to the minors where it belongs.
Are you sure about the conclusions listed above? Are you really the correct person to be speaking for the board as to what qualifies for "entertainment?" I like what you post under this ID on occasion. However, how many countless hours have you wasted spinning God awful "Crew" yarns? That stuff is... a debacle.

Real life human trainwrecks can be appealing to the masses, given the proper circumstances. If RF wasn't an Admin here, would you have the same feelings about this? Looking back on some of the flames I've had with RF in the past and the oddness of PMs he felt the need to share with me, I wouldn't be surprised if the "open" coffee bag as a gift wasn't true. I am sorry, but that is funny to me.
Lillian Vernon

Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Lillian Vernon »

He is no longer an admin here, he got his keys pulled.

He is banned from Stucknut too.

I notice he has registered as Mike in Tulsa, yet he hasn't posted yet. I suspect he is PMing everyone like a whiny vag trying to save face.

At least AP took his evisceration like a "man," even though we know his gender identity is questionable.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Cuda »

I can't believe I agree with both R-Jack, and Ucant.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Atomic Punk »

R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote: Where were you when the same thing happened to me? I never posted those stupid drunken pics of myself either. My ex-hotty that is now almost 30 y/o is the one that got over on me for getting me to do so in the 1st place. Then I was dumb enough to let them out to 2 people in private. In any case, RF has always been a good dude and I have a hard time believing a Chyna-type troll's story. Shit was made up about me too.
There is nothing in this quote that exibits sensible rational behavior.
Okay I see the need to clarify. My pics were taken waaay back because the former 27 y/o g/f(who is now almost 30) wanted me to take those for her. I mean all of the pics she takes for me were worth making a fool out of myself for. Y2K and Kevnic can vouche for the quality of girls that graduate from their high school which is where she later went.

So I had those around and exercised extreme poor judgment by sending them out to a few here thinking they were funny. Never thought they would end up on the board as I asked them to never do so and they said they were cool and wouldn't. Apparently someone trolled as myself on some obscure board (I'm thinking pikkkle or m2 due to what just happened here) and then the pics were posted whever. The rest is history.

However, I am not bitching about it now as I have been dealt a well-deserved severe beatdown from the board. I was just making a reference to the point poptart said.

You would think I would be the ONE poster that would jump all over the RF thing to draw negative attention away from my act. While if any of those allegations are true, then I'm sorry it had to be RF. Don't know him very well but he's always been a cool dude. I think he is a fellow guitarist which is a plus on his side. I really would like to see him come back and stand up for himself. As PSU said, there was no humor in the description of what may have gone down. I know for a fact a lot of things said about me were flat out lies and I'm not trippin' out about them anymore. So it would be good for him to come in and fess up to what did happen if he chooses, or at least counter things that may be lies about him. So, I'm not going to pile-on a guy that may be having a rough time in life. Shit happens.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by poptart »

AP, you had posted pics of yourself on the boards LONG before the infamous panty pic showed up.

Everyone already knew who you were.

In the case of RF, he NEVER posted his pic on the boards.

It's just my opinion that if someone doesn't put up their OWN pic initially, someone else ought not be allowed to do so without their permission.

But ... oh well.

About all the RF drama, I will say this --

There are three sides to a story.

Your side, the other person's side, and the truth.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by War Wagon »

poptart wrote: About all the RF drama, I will say this --

There are three sides to a story.

Your side, the other person's side, and the truth.
When your side isn't explained or defended, the jury is only left to accept the "other" side as being the truth.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Atomic Punk »

I will agree with poptart and Wags... very good points. RF, you have to be reading this discussion and you aren't going to get shit from me just because you came in and defended yourself. I wanna see you man up... because eventually you are going to come back anyway. Nobody really ever leaves here. Might as well do the damage control now.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Blueblood »

poptart wrote:
Your side, the other person's side, and the truth.

I had a feeling I'd be drawn into this debacle.

Atomic Punk wrote: Apparently someone trolled as myself on some obscure board (I'm thinking pikkkle or m2 due to what just happened here)


I like you as a person. You may have noticed that I never came after you and your panty fetish when the sharks came to feed. I don't have a problem with some dude trying to score hot pussy anyway possible. I mean, I probably wouldn't have gone to the extent you did.... but, well... I'm the truth.

I always found the most disturbing thing on this board is what PUS did by pulling down his pants and bending over for "guys" on a message board looking for acceptance from guys he doesn't know .... only to expose his poor hygiene. If some dude pulled his pants down and then his dirty underwear in my presence to expose his bare ass.... I'd kick the living shit outta the fucker.

.... and I'm not a violent guy.

The most disturbing thing about RadioUnstable.... is that he went to Australia to score pussy(which I believe after seeing his picture)... I always thought the guy was fairly young(45-47) only to see his pic and find out he could be my dad age wise.

If some dude has multiple cats....(some weird shit is gonna happen at some point) and it's not going to go well when it goes down.

I mean, look at the guy's pictures.... they don't exactly scream a sense of stability.

If I saw that freak.... I'd immediately walk in another direction.

His silence is telling...

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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by War Wagon »

PSUFAN wrote:...the thing is these situations tend to straddle the boards like Katy straddles her webcam.
Before I go any further, this needs to be racked. True or not, doesn't matter.
AND, it should be said, there are trolls who take perverse delight in setting up the kind of fall that we've seen here. It sucks when one of our better folks goes through this...
Um, no.

Whatever happened, RF set himself up. However little use I have for Screwed, he's not a troll.

As for LV, I don't know who this is, but there's a distinct grain of truth there, no matter how unentertaining you may find that to be. Methinks you dislike having the wrong ox gored.

As for RF, he could clear this all up. If he's innocent of the charges that is. But the silence is deafening, the deleted admin priveledges incriminating, and the Mike in Tulsa new account damning. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

We'll see how this plays out, but from where I'm currently sitting, RF was a wolf in sheeps clothing that took in a whole bunch of suckers.

btw, rack ucant about the "Crew" take. S'what I've been saying all along. You have an odd notion of entertainment if you believe that was ever funny
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by War Wagon »

Blueblood wrote: The most disturbing thing about RadioUnstable.... is that he went to Australia to score pussy...
Actually, that's the least disturbing thing. In fact, that's quite rackable.

You'd fly to Mars on the back of a gypsy caravan if you thought it might score you some pussy. Lord knows, you've failed everywhere else.

Now then, if he went to Australia and wound up not scoring any pussy, that has utter failure stamped all over it.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Smackie Chan »

War Wagon wrote:Now then, if he went to Australia and wound up not scoring any pussy, that has utter failure stamped all over it.
Unless he failed at scoring with our resident Aussie, in which case it would have udder failure stamped all over it.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Atomic Punk wrote:Y2K and Kevnic can vouche for the quality of girls that graduate from their high school which is where she later went.
:lol: I am sure they'll be "right here" to back up your assertions on high school pussy.

This is disturbing on so many levels.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Atomic Punk »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:Y2K and Kevnic can vouche for the quality of girls that graduate from their high school which is where she later went.
:lol: I am sure they'll be "right here" to back up your assertions on high school pussy.

This is disturbing on so many levels.
Why? Because you didn't actually understand what I've said? Over the years, the high school they went to has very hot chicks that go there and even graduate. That cycle has never ended. That's not even debatable around this area. The fact that those girls still go there due to living in a nice area should give you at least one clue about the family income level and those that breed. I hope you are able to figure it out.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
Lillian Vernon

Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Lillian Vernon »

poptart wrote: In the case of RF, he NEVER posted his pic on the boards.
Not true, and if he is telling you that, just add it to the list of his vast array of lies.

How did mvscal and Screw know it was him then?
ucantdoitdoggiestyle wrote:Looking back on some of the flames I've had with RF in the past and the oddness of PMs he felt the need to share with me, I wouldn't be surprised if the "open" coffee bag as a gift wasn't true.
It's really too bad posting PM's is not allowed here, because I have a couple doozies from him too, as do others.
Atomic Punk wrote: I mean all of the pics she takes for me were worth making a fool out of myself for.
What does this have to do with the fact that you sent those pictures out unsolicited to several women on these boards?
Atomic Punk wrote: While if any of those allegations are true, then I'm sorry it had to be RF. Don't know him very well but he's always been a cool dude. I think he is a fellow guitarist which is a plus on his side.
I'm sure he really appreciates such a ringing endorsement from you. It's sure to really help him to retain any shred of credibility he may have left.
Atomic Punk wrote: I really would like to see him come back and stand up for himself.
He won't, at least not for awhile. He's too busy PMimg everyone with his bevy of lies and bullshit.
Atomic Punk wrote:As PSU said, there was no humor in the description of what may have gone down.
But there will be when and if he has the gonads to surface and attempt to defend himself. The endless material that information provides will be comedy gold, I assure you.
Atomic Punk wrote:I know for a fact a lot of things said about me were flat out lies
Such as?
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Smackie Chan »

Atomic Punk wrote:
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:Y2K and Kevnic can vouche for the quality of girls that graduate from their high school which is where she later went.
This is disturbing on so many levels.
Why? Because you didn't actually understand what I've said?
Sounds like she went to high school after loaning you her skivvies. Gotta agree w/ ucant that a 27+ yr old high school student is a little disturbing. Then again, we are talkin' about Fresneck, so maybe not so much.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by War Wagon »

Atomic Punk wrote:I hope you are able to figure it out.

Why man, why?

You've got a "Get out of Jail Free" card here, and you're going to try to take on ucant?

No wonder you always get yourself in these unexplainable predicaments.
Lillian Vernon

Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Lillian Vernon »

War Wagon wrote:No wonder you always get yourself in these unexplainable predicaments.

Just wait till the picture of him in a red teddy with his junk hanging out surfaces.
Last edited by Lillian Vernon on Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Blueblood »

War Wagon wrote:
You'd fly to Mars on the back of a gypsy caravan if you thought it might score you some pussy. Lord knows, you've failed everywhere else.
Link ?

You do know you live in Iowa... and I live in place where it would take you 3 years of income to make a month's rent here...???

This is how "the truth" rolls....

...And you still live n Nebraska.

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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by poptart »

Lillian Vernon wrote:
poptart wrote: In the case of RF, he NEVER posted his pic on the boards.
Not true, and if he is telling you that, just add it to the list of his vast array of lies.

How did mvscal and Screw know it was him then?
Did RF previously post his pic on the boards?

Hey, if he did, I never saw it.

Before a few days ago, I had NEVER seen it on any board I've posted on.

Where and when did he post it?
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Smackie Chan »

Lillian Vernon wrote:Just wait till the picture of him in a red teddy with his junk hanging out surfaces.
I'm honestly in no hurry to see that. I'm willing to wait 'til I'm pushing up daisies for that to be posted.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by poptart »

him in a red teddy with his junk hanging out

- Gnashville
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Blueblood »

poptart wrote:
him in a red teddy with his junk hanging out

- PSUFan
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by PSUFAN »

I always found the most disturbing thing on this board is what PUS did by pulling down his pants and bending over for "guys" on a message board looking for acceptance from guys he doesn't know .... only to expose his poor hygiene. If some dude pulled his pants down and then his dirty underwear in my presence to expose his bare ass.... I'd kick the living shit outta the fucker.
For a spreadsheeting, stalker-esque kind of dude, you memory certainly is failing you where that is concerned.

This is exactly what a few folks fail to understand...some things just don't need you to embellish them...they're funny enough on their own.

When I mooned the camera on another board for a smackoff post in some stained skivvies, it was damning enough and smackable enough on its own.

When AP's panty pics surfaced, they were funny enough on their own.

In both cases, some posters clumsily added their own embellishments, as if the real items were somehow not funny enough. These folks recognized something that was good almost universally for laughs, and like the kid on the playground that just repeats the joke - only louder - they only served as distractions to the comedy.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by PSUFAN »

Pops, RF never posted his picture here. He may have posted it elsewhere, but he didn't do so here.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by War Wagon »

Blueblood wrote: You do know you live in Iowa... and I live in place where it would take you 3 years of income to make a month's rent here...???

...And you still live n Nebraska.
I wouldn't be ashamed to live in either Iowa or Nebraska, but alas, I live in Missouri, born and bred.

Make up your mind, wouldya'? If you really wanted to insult me, you'd accuse me of living in Kansas. Now them would be fightin' words.

Oh, and good luck making next months rent payment.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Tom In VA »

Smackie Chan wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote: Why? Because you didn't actually understand what I've said?
Sounds like she went to high school after loaning you her skivvies. Gotta agree w/ ucant that a 27+ yr old high school student is a little disturbing. Then again, we are talkin' about Fresneck, so maybe not so much.

If you did that on purpose, RACK. Well played.

If you didn't do that on purpose RACK, I laughed out loud, literally.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Blueblood »

PUS, pulled down his draws for a bunch of guys on the internet and bent over.

Sick.... is the only thing that comes to mind.
"A Renfair douche should NEVER offer up opinions involving BIG TIME POWER CFB, since FeKal doesn't play BIG TIME POWER anything. I apologize to the entire BTPCFB Forum for my feeble commentary."
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Atomic Punk »

War Wagon wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:I hope you are able to figure it out.

Why man, why?

You've got a "Get out of Jail Free" card here, and you're going to try to take on ucant?

No wonder you always get yourself in these unexplainable predicaments.
Not "trying" to take on ucant. Never had reason to. However, Smackie got an actual funny! take in. Maybe you should go back and see the reason "why" he made it funny. First, you have to be able to have a basic reading comprehension level of a 10 year-old. Secondly, you have to see... oh forget it. I just remembered the region where you live.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: RadioFag: Time to meet your maker, you fucking cunt

Post by Atomic Punk »

Hmm... like AnaG hooking up with ST, is W_L_W c Toddowen? Hint, I used a particular medical term in that sentence. Either way, this is now a popcorn break. ~toodles
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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