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Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:00 am
by Moving Sale
A) It was not "a victim" it was Six.
B) When using "constructive force" to prove a rape charge the Government must prove more than "rank disparity" because "rank disparity alone is not sufficient to constitute constructive force." So it wasn't "consensual sex", which is why he was convicted on 18 counts of rape. In fact on the count where he was charged with raping a 20-year-old former trainee from Tennessee who testified that she took a shower before intercourse, did not resist and led him to believe she wanted to have sex with him, he was acquitted. ... 2-0001.htm
So please tell use how "constructive force" was in play with Clinton.
C) Simpson is Black. Why are you defending him? Might it be that you are a fucking hack?
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:08 am
by Q, West Coast Style
CAPTION: President Obama reacts to the television as he watches SC Gov. Mark Sanford admit to having an affair with a mistress in Argenina. Wednesday June 24, 2009.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:54 am
by War Wagon
Sudden Sam wrote:
I love to see any and all of these moralizing, ethics-spouting bastards get caught with their pants down, but come having an affair really that big a a deal? I mean, having your career destroyed by it? This is ridiculous.
Yes, it would be great if everyone porked only their own wives or husbands, but that ain't ever gonna be the case. God, this is like fuckin' high school bullshit.
So, Sudden Philanderer, how many times have you cheated on your wife?
How many wifes have you had?
Divorces still kicking your ass?
I have one wife, btw... till death do us part. Never cheated on her, never will. That's how I roll.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:08 am
by Q, West Coast Style
War Wagon wrote:I have one wife, btw... till death do us part.
Amen, brother!
Not me.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:50 am
by Onions
General Peters wrote:My name is Gene. I live in Richmond. Not only am I a pedophile but I am also a racist.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:15 am
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:
God gawd you fucking racist idiot. That's where that quote CAME FROM! You are a fucking hack.
Well, she was White House intern and he was POTUS.
What part of "rank disparity alone is not sufficient to constitute constructive force," don't you understand?
Oh...well, nevermind then. He should have been executed.
Only by your asinine logic.
Now post something a least a little bit true or STFU.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:03 am
by LTS TRN 2
I...have more to confess..or for which to ask redemption..I'm not really sure what I should do, I've never done this before...alright.....have
you..ever gotten
deep into a South American woman? Have
you experienced such
heat? Well..I have...and I...can't go..back...
It's pussy is the
best! Think I'm kidding? I just made a man go crazy. And he's certainly not first or last. Ever wonder
why I'm the fastest growing census check box percentage in the history of the world? C'mon..I'm actually
asking you.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:28 pm
by JMak
Mikey wrote:Bullshit. It was all about getting his dick sucked and you know it and everybody else knows it. The perjury thing was just the only technicality your assholes could find to try and get him out of office with. I never defended Clinton's behaviour. But you seem to think that because Clinton was the first one burned for extrmarital sex that it's OK for Repugnitans to do it any time without consequence. And that it's somehow the Democrats' fault when the press jumps on it.
Apparently, the career lawyers at DoJ that recommended the initial investigation and Janet Reno who authorized every subsequent expansion of said investigation did not believe that it was about Billy getting head. Don't argue with was his own AG's call whether to approce the appointment of an IC.
And las time I looked, perjury ain't a technicality.
I'm not sure why you think that I believe that it's ok for Republicans to cheat on their wives 'cuz Billy did it. Yeah, you're kinda just makin shit up now.
Seems like this is the claim you're trying to make about Sanford.
Not at all, moron. Read my first post. I called him a jerk-off. I was responding to SS's post. You may want to read a little more closely.
Stupid? Yeah you're pretty fucking stupid alright.
I've seen girls in the WWE with better slams than that, clown.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:55 pm
by Moving Sale
JMak wrote:And las time I looked, perjury ain't a technicality.
Then look again you stupid rightwing nutjob..
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:14 pm
by Sirfindafold
Q, West Coast Style wrote:War Wagon wrote:I have one wife, btw... till death do us part.
Amen, brother!
I thought you had to have a legal birth certificate to be married. Oh well, it looks like they're happy. They have two beautiful little girls. I wonder if they use the tele-prompter to read them bedtime stories.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:28 pm
by smackaholic
So, perjury is a nade up thing that evil neocons constructed to bag bubba?
I see.
And you are right. Rank disparity in and of itself might not define "constructive force". If that drill sargeant had banged an e-2 clerk working on the other side of the base, constructive force would be laughed out of court. But, that wasn't the case. The recruit was under his command. He had the power to make life difficult for this broad. He abused that power and was hammered as he should have been. Bubba was in the exact same situation. He could have fired her. He could have given her a bad evaluation which would follow her. He also could have given her a good one, which would be a huge bullet on the resume of a young lady just starting off her career.
This common sense fact is why we have rules concerning relationships between boss/employee.
Good libs generally will prosecute such rules, usually to the point of overkill. In bubba's case, they just looked the other way and displayed the same level of hippocrism they accuse conservatives of that espouse family values, then bang some skank on the side.
The big difference is conservatives are called on this hippocracy while libs seem to be immune to it. How else do explain that LA congressman being caught red handed with "cold cash" or that faggit congressman price being drummed out while barney the whoremongering fag remains unscathed.
Let's here it libtards. I'd like to hear your explanations.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:50 pm
by Smackie Chan
R-Jack wrote:BSmack wrote: But doing on FATHER'S DAY??? Sheesh.
Well, it is HIS day.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:59 pm
by smackaholic
I usually just ask for a nicemeal and maybe a bj. Next time I think I'll try this myself.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:43 pm
by Cuda
Smackie Chan wrote:R-Jack wrote:BSmack wrote: But doing on FATHER'S DAY??? Sheesh.
Well, it is HIS day.
Toss another RACK! on the fire.
Seriously, is this going to turn into a contest of "My Degenerate Politician isn't as bad as your Degenerate Politician, therefore my Degenerat should hold all the power"?
They're ALL fucking degenerates & perverts; they should be given as little power as possible.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:52 pm
by JMak
Sudden Sam wrote:However, my point was that, in many cultures, an affair is just affair. A fling. a short-term piece o' ass. No big deal.
Not a big deal in those countries where marriage is no longer an important value or institution worth protecting.
Curiously, though, you said that you wouldn't jeapordize your 12yr marriage by you at least recognize that an affair is a big deal here in the US and since we're discussing the conduct of a US Governor, well, wtf does it matter whether some other "culture" doesn't value marriage. Or are you suggesting that we're somehow unique in that our culture value heterosexual monogamous marriages?
A man close to a vice-prez or even prez shot, though, is a fool to jeopardize that for some nookie. The pussy could easily be a setup for blackmail and put the nation at risk.
With Obama at the helm, yes, given the fact that he's trading terrorists for dead hostages, a complete reversal of US policy.
BTW, why did you automatically assume I had cheated on my wife? Because I suggested that Sanford's affair was nothing to go nuts over? He's just another lying POS who claims to be a Christian.
Probably more like your ying-yang comment on marriages and affairs. You really don't make sense. You try to make a point that an affair is no big deal but precede that by acknowledging that you would jeaopardize your marriage by having an affair...figure it out.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:58 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Sudden Sam wrote:War Wagon wrote:Sudden Sam wrote:
I love to see any and all of these moralizing, ethics-spouting bastards get caught with their pants down, but come having an affair really that big a a deal? I mean, having your career destroyed by it? This is ridiculous.
Yes, it would be great if everyone porked only their own wives or husbands, but that ain't ever gonna be the case. God, this is like fuckin' high school bullshit.
So, Sudden Philanderer, how many times have you cheated on your wife?
How many wifes have you had?
Divorces still kicking your ass?
I have one wife, btw... till death do us part. Never cheated on her, never will. That's how I roll.
Sudden Philanderer? That's mighty presumptuous of you, WW.
I have not cheated on my wife of 12 years...and I won't. We have a great relationship that I'd never jeopardize. We trust one another implicitly. Besides, I don't "roll that way". I've had enough fun before and between marriages to last a lifetime. I've far surpassed anything I'd have ever dreamed of!
I've had 3 wifes (sic). Why? What does that suggest to you?
A politician cheating on his wife does give us a reason to question his judgement, his decision-making, his doubt. Is he also a liar? Can we believe anything he says? Is he more likely to accept bribes? Is he more vulnerable to blackmail?
However, my point was that, in many cultures, an affair is just that...
an affair. A fling. a short-term piece o' ass. No big deal. It doesn't necessarily disqualify the man from holding public office. He could still do his job. And do it well.
A man close to a vice-prez or possibly prez shot, though, is a fool to jeopardize that for some nookie. The pussy could easily be a setup for blackmail and put the nation at risk.
BTW, why did you automatically assume I had cheated on my wife? Because I suggested that Sanford's affair was nothing to go nuts over? He's just another lying POS who claims to be a Christian.
Interesting point you bring up, Sam.
I might have posted this on this board before, but a few years back, I read Ben Bradlee's autobiography. For those who don't recognize that name, he was the managing editor of the Washington Post during the Watergate era (as well as a few years before and after). Bradlee devotes an entire chapter of the book to his friendship with JFK. JFK, as we know, was a philanderer of world-class order -- he made Clinton look strictly minor-league in that department. We also know that that aspect of his life didn't become public knowledge until years after his death.
Bradlee doesn't pull any punches about his friendship with JFK, and even states that his former sister-in-law was one of JFK's mistresses. He also makes it a point to state that the media knew of JFK's womanizing, but never reported it. According to Bradlee, that was not because of his personal friendship with JFK, or a need on the media's part to protect JFK, or even to protect Jackie and their kids. According to Bradlee, the media made a value determination that JFK's philandering was not newsworthy.
A cynic might call that an attempt to cover his ass. But I think there's another, more rational explanation available. There has been a major sea change on that issue. In hindsight, I think there was a certain innocence lost among the American public following Vietnam and Watergate. Prior to that era, most Americans trusted the leaders of this country implicitly, and that is no longer the case today. And I think that extends into the personal lives' of the leaders as well. If there's dirt, Americans want to know about it.
I'm not saying it was entirely better in the old days, but I do think the media had it right back then. Even public officials, I think, don't entirely check their privacy at the door when they enter the political world. I think some things are better left private.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:49 pm
by LTS TRN 2
JMak wrote:Sudden Sam wrote:However, my point was that, in many cultures, an affair is just affair. A fling. a short-term piece o' ass. No big deal.
Not a big deal in those countries where marriage is no longer an important value or institution worth protecting.
What's little weasel like you doing offering pissy comments on marriage, anyway? What the fuck are you talking about--and from what rock have you crawled? You still haven't answered that basic question. Look, if a GOP Christian hypocrite is at least straight, then he's an exception. The good folks of South Carolina should be glad he's not sucking off losers like you in a public john.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:54 pm
by JMak
LTS TRN 2 wrote:What's little weasel like you doing offering pissy comments on marriage, anyway? What the fuck are you talking about--and from what rock have you crawled? You still haven't answered that basic question. Look, if a GOP Christian hypocrite is at least straight, then he's an exception. The good folks of South Carolina should be glad he's not sucking off losers like you in a public john.
What's your fascination with weasels and where I might have come from?
Go back to your cage, cuckold. Your cuckoldress told you what would happen if you perused the 'spiracy sites and wanked yourself off before she got home after her "date".
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:05 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Weasel, look at your posts. You are a standard knee-jerk right-wing asshole. Every post. And...we know full well that hard-right whack jobs like you in fact have no sex life, no aesthetic sensibilities, no real sense of humor, and a very spare palette from which to offer takes on any subject. That you have arrived in this palsied forum in full frothing weasel mode--parsing like a little bitch and niggling like schoolmarm--while hissing some inane twaddle about "cuckolds" indicates that you are someone already here merely attempting through a "style" of concise pissiness to appear like a new character. It's sad, because you really have too much time and not enough ideas.
For example, what do you really know about Latinas and their sexual power? And what do you know about uptight WASP political wives? And.....what do you know about hard core Christer hypocrisy? Obviously nothing, or you'd have something to say about a fascinating and hilarious episode in modern American society. Sucks to be you, you boring little creep.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:27 pm
by Derron
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Weasel, look at your posts. Sucks to be you, you boring little creep.
Ever read your own posts Comrade ?
Your posts are painful to read, with your witty verbiage and senseless analogies, and the fact that you make B Monica and some of the other lib tards sensible cannot be escaped. Fuck off now.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:29 pm
by smackaholic
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Interesting point you bring up, Sam.
I might have posted this on this board before, but a few years back, I read Ben Bradlee's autobiography. For those who don't recognize that name, he was the managing editor of the Washington Post during the Watergate era (as well as a few years before and after). Bradlee devotes an entire chapter of the book to his friendship with JFK. JFK, as we know, was a philanderer of world-class order -- he made Clinton look strictly minor-league in that department. We also know that that aspect of his life didn't become public knowledge until years after his death.
Bradlee doesn't pull any punches about his friendship with JFK, and even states that his former sister-in-law was one of JFK's mistresses. He also makes it a point to state that the media knew of JFK's womanizing, but never reported it. According to Bradlee, that was not because of his personal friendship with JFK, or a need on the media's part to protect JFK, or even to protect Jackie and their kids. According to Bradlee, the media made a value determination that JFK's philandering was not newsworthy.
A cynic might call that an attempt to cover his ass. But I think there's another, more rational explanation available. There has been a major sea change on that issue. In hindsight, I think there was a certain innocence lost among the American public following Vietnam and Watergate. Prior to that era, most Americans trusted the leaders of this country implicitly, and that is no longer the case today. And I think that extends into the personal lives' of the leaders as well. If there's dirt, Americans want to know about it.
I'm not saying it was entirely better in the old days, but I do think the media had it right back then. Even public officials, I think, don't entirely check their privacy at the door when they enter the political world. I think some things are better left private.
I agree. They did have it right. JFK's banging the likes of MM was really nobody's bidness and that's how it was treated. The clinton think was so much more. He was a serial cad who's targets often included underlings. This is a fukking crime and deserves to be treated as such. Bang all the hot thirty something hollywood types you want, but, stay the fukk away from the hired help.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:19 pm
by Katy
Papa Willie wrote:JMak wrote:
Perhaps Dems having affairs ain't no big deal. Well, we know it's not a big deal. The critical point to them is another round of screeching hypocrite.
Exactly. MLK Jr. and Bill Clinton fucked around, and that was just enough for Democrats to think that fucking around is perfectly acceptable (except when a Republican does it).
Because liberals expect people to do as they say and not as they do. They breed stupidity, hypocrisy, and unrealistic ideals.
Enjoy your messiah, libs, he will stick it to you soon enough.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:30 pm
Q, West Coast Style wrote:Maybe we're jumping the gun piling on this guy. I mean, what if she's hot?
We roasted Elliot Spitzer pretty good, and that girl was hot...heck, Gary Hart took a lot of shit, and THAT girl was definitely hot...
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:42 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Katy wrote:
Because liberals expect people to do as they say and not as they do. They breed stupidity, hypocrisy, and unrealistic ideals.
Now I want you to
do what I've done...
experienced what I've felt...and blast such orgasms of happiness as I'd never knew existed...within such a
caliente MUJER!!---and try to tell me I'm wrong!!! Just try...Oh God, I never knew such womanness was possible...the rhumba rhythms of the hips while I'm enjoying real sex for the first time in my life!!! Oh I repent
nothing!!! To hell with this dead facade of life known as South Carolina and it's stunted ignorant sheep people--I'm going to
live...with Maria! Or...commit suicide...I'm still not sure...soooo...
don't necessarily
do as I do for now...okay? What?
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:45 pm
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:How many people here would still have a job if they just flaked out for a week without calling in?
How come you didn't respond to MY post?
You've been run you vapid racist fuckhole.
You're an idiot. Learn about glass houses and get back to us you stupid cunt.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:52 pm
by Katy
Glass houses? How? I'm not a liberal fucktoy that looks to the government to solve all of my problems the way the rest of you liberal wastes do.
Make sweet mouth love to a semi-automatic handgun sending your tonsils out of the back of your skull. It would be no loss to this world.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:11 am
by Moving Sale
From your response it is apparent that you are barely literate, but I'll try and answer your rambling post nonetheless. First off I'm not a liberal. Second only a POS wishes death on another individual. You are said POS. Have a nice day you stupid bitch.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:16 am
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:Sudden Sam wrote:However, my point was that, in many cultures, an affair is just affair. A fling. a short-term piece o' ass. No big deal. It doesn't necessarily disqualify the man from holding public office. He could still do his job. And do it well.
That point really isn't relevant here. The issue is that a sitting state governor flaked out and disappeared for five days.
Why he flaked out and disapeared for five days is completely beside the point. You just can't do something like that...period, EOS.
How many people here would still have a job if they just flaked out for a week without calling in?
I suspect his flunkeys knew where he was and how to get hold of him in an emergency, such as I dunno, georgia invading or something.
I suspect he knew the jig was up or about to be up and just said fukk it, I'm gonna go get me some.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:18 am
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote:I suspect his flunkeys knew where he was and how to get hold of him in an emergency...
And why is that?
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:25 am
by Bobby42
Moving Sale wrote:smackaholic wrote:I suspect his flunkeys knew where he was and how to get hold of him in an emergency...
And why is that?
Dude most likely had a satellite phone to maintain contact with his Lt. Governor, Chief of Staff and Homeland Security Advisor.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:40 am
by Derron
Bobby42 wrote:Moving Sale wrote:smackaholic wrote:I suspect his flunkeys knew where he was and how to get hold of him in an emergency...
And why is that?
Dude most likely had a satellite phone to maintain contact with his Lt. Governor, Chief of Staff and Homeland Security Advisor.
Yeah...or a simple ATT 3 G phone that works damn near all over the world. Like the ones my boys called me on from Fallujah, Baghdad,Dubai,Singapore, Okinawa on all the time....
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:36 am
by Cuda
What, doesn't NC have a Lt. Governor? Wat the fuck was he doing those 4 days, jerking off?
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:54 am
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:smackaholic wrote:I suspect his flunkeys knew where he was and how to get hold of him in an emergency, such as I dunno, georgia invading or something.
Which part of disappear is not clear? That was the problem. His flunkies
didn't know how to get a hold of him. Nobody did.
You are such a fucking pussy.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:54 am
by Moving Sale
Screw_Michigan wrote:Katy wrote:
Make sweet mouth love to a semi-automatic handgun sending your tonsils out of the back of your skull. It would be no loss to this world.
RACK Katy.
You're a class act and by class act I mean vile shithole.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:00 am
by Tom In VA
Good thread. Rack all involved.
Special shout outs and Gold Plated Racks to R-Jack, Q and Smackie. Good stuff.
Dude left his post, was derelict of duty on all accounts; father, husband, and governor. mvscal's objectivity is always most appreciated.
His political life is bye bye.
Last but not least. Rules are rules and rules have been broken. Rather than throw stones, glasses houses and all, I'll throw a pic.
With the lack of Sanford's concubine in jpg form and the mention of Elliot Spitzer's triste this calls for:
While we wait with bated breath for the unveiling of Senorita Maria LaCheata.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:07 am
by Moving Sale
Tom In VA wrote: mvscal's objectivity is always most appreciated.
If you look past the fact that he is a self-loathing klan member he is a really swell guy.
Bed down with Racists and you get worse than fleas. Have a nice night you fucking POS.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:12 am
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:smackaholic wrote:I suspect his flunkeys knew where he was and how to get hold of him in an emergency, such as I dunno, georgia invading or something.
Which part of disappear is not clear? That was the problem. His flunkies
didn't know how to get a hold of him. Nobody did.
Is this known to be true? If so, he really is a dumbass. Nice going mark.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:14 am
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote:Is this known to be true?
Shit you're fucking stupid.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:17 am
by Tom In VA
Moving Sale wrote:Tom In VA wrote: mvscal's objectivity is always most appreciated.
If you look past the fact that he is a self-loathing klan member he is a really swell guy.
Bed down with Racists and you get worse than fleas. Have a nice night you fucking POS.
Don't get mad at me. It's not my fault you're a piss poor attorney. There is reasonable doubt at to mvscal's racism.
Cultural bigot, perhaps, but racist ? I have my doubts and you haven't proven your case. In fact if mvscal perceived a black man being unjustifiably beaten, I got money that says he's about the only one on these boards with the balls to step up and do something about it. Pretend Reginald Denny - ruthlessly beaten by racist scum (that you'd probably defend in court) was a black guy in a working class white hood. mvscal respects hardworkers. Just as the black man, with balls, that stepped into stop the racists in the black hood, mvscal would do the same. That's because he has character, honor, integrity, values and guts.
Don't pout counselor, prove your case.
Re: Yet another GOP pol busted in an affair
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:47 am
by War Wagon
Sudden Sam wrote:
I've had 3 wifes (sic). Why? What does that suggest to you?
It suggests you're an idiot who made some horridly bad decisions.
You married the wrong woman, twice.
You took vows and then broke them.