Felix wrote:you can thank the Blue Dog Dems that are firmly on the insurance companies dole for quashing an August vote....by the time any health care "reform" bill gets to the floor for a full vote, it will be so watered down that it won't make one iota of difference...it will be "business as usual"
Thank God! Status quo is eminently better than the monstrosity that Obamacare is.
First, Obama is a habitual liar now and we simply cannot trust anything out of his mouth regarding healthcare (or really anything else).
Second, it requires Americans to purchase a specific government-designed set of benefits, even if that package was more expensive or contained benefits that you didn't want; impose even more regulations on private insurers leading to higher premiums; extend government subsidies deep into the middle creating even more government dependency; impose huge new tax increases; and, most importantly, it would, inevitably lead to a national single-payer plan as employers dump employees from their benefit plans and individuals are priced out of the private insurance market leaving both groups to depend on Obamacare.
Third, Obamacare will increase costs, not reduce costs. No matter how many times Obama and his henchman attempt to coerce the CBO into generating more positive-looking reports about the cost of Obamacare, the fact remains that, at the very, very best, this comes out at revenue-neutral and that's with eliminating most of what Obama wants in this boondoggle and at worst, creates trillions in new costs.
Fuck you if you think this health care "reform" (ha!) is anything remotely close to good.