Re: Deliciously Orwellian
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:08 pm

you mean like people throwing their money into a giant pot and then take it out of the pot as they need it? fuck dude, if that isn't the very definition of socialism I'd like to know what it is...but the nature of people being what it is, it would never work....somebody is always going to take advantage (s'up Blue Cross)mvscal wrote: Who says they have to do it alone? I couldn't help but notice that you glided right past the private solution of people organizing themselves and pooling resources to solve their common problems.
I don't go running to anybody....I've had to fend for myself since I was 18 years old and never once have I lived off the government tit.....but I certainly don't balk at helping those less fortunate than I am....I know you don't either...believe me, I hate abuse of our welfare system (from both sides) as much as you do....Why is it that whimpering little pussies like you always go running to the government solve your every scrape and boo-boo?
me too...see, we're a lot more alike than thinkWrong. I'm opposed to spending tax dollars on abortion as well.
no, that's called insurance. it's a voluntary thing. you don't like the way it's being run, you go elsewhere. socialism, otoh, is mandatory. you pay into it or go to jail for tax evasion.Felix wrote:you mean like people throwing their money into a giant pot and then take it out of the pot as they need it? fuck dude, if that isn't the very definition of socialism I'd like to know what it is.
And just what the fuck makes you think you're being the least bit "compassionate" you fucking cum-gargler?Felix wrote:and you should learn some compassion for your fellow man, instead of being a fucking asshole all of your life...
Why did you throw the military under the bus to protect a rapist?mvscal wrote: If that's what you think, you should be stood against a wall and shot.
Felix wrote:is there a constitutional mandate that the federal government is supposed to take care of our highways... How about telecommunications?
it is not....somehow I don't think the Cape Cod Huffingtons even know how to spell medicare, more less use itCuda wrote: You turn 65, you're on fucking medicare- period- it's MANDATORY.
that's called negotiated price...that's why lots of doctors don't take medicare or medicaid patients....the government tells them what the service is worth and if they don't like it, they don't participate....nobody is holding a gun to a doctors head forcing them to treat medicaid patients....but doctors that do receive tax benefits and discounts on things non-medicare docs don't...that's the incentive....really, this is abc simple economics, even a waste wad like you can understandmedicare, and medicare then reduces what they'll pay on your behalf. Prior to just a few years ago, people on medicare didn't even have that limited option- medicare was IT. I'll take mvscal's compassion any day. As for yours, you can shove it up your ass
I'm sorry, but what the fuck are you thinking, jagoff? How, in any possible way, is what you described called a "negotiation?" No wonder you're a fucking joke here. You call something "negotiation" and then turn around and describe it as the govt telling doctors to take or leave it. There's no negotiation there.Felix wrote:that's called negotiated price...that's why lots of doctors don't take medicare or medicaid patients....the government tells them what the service is worth and if they don't like it, they don't participate....
Simple economics says it's efficient to impose a government medicare program and to incentivize doctor participation by handing out tax benefits? In what fucking world?nobody is holding a gun to a doctors head forcing them to treat medicaid patients....but doctors that do receive tax benefits and discounts on things non-medicare docs don't...that's the incentive....really, this is abc simple economics, even a waste wad like you can understand
Of course it's mandatory, you fucking moron- that was one of the big arguments about the whole program back in 1965. It had to be made mandatory, otherwise not enough people were projected to participate in it to justify creating the program in the first placeFelix wrote:it is not....somehow I don't think the Cape Cod Huffingtons even know how to spell medicare, more less use itCuda wrote: You turn 65, you're on fucking medicare- period- it's MANDATORY.
did you even stop to think how fucking stupid this statement was before you hit submit? When the government tells providers what they'll pay for their services, then by definition, IT'S NOT A NEGOTIATED PRICE.that's called negotiated price...that's why lots of doctors don't take medicare or medicaid patients....the government tells them what the service is worth and if they don't like it, they don't participate...medicare, and medicare then reduces what they'll pay on your behalf. Prior to just a few years ago, people on medicare didn't even have that limited option- medicare was IT. I'll take mvscal's compassion any day. As for yours, you can shove it up your ass
Every other developed nation on earth also pays their clergy with tax money. Do you think we ought to follow their lead there too?LTS TRN 2 wrote:Weasel, how about every other nation on earth, basically. That's right, every developed nation except America has a national health plan.
Yeah, dipshit, and their health outcomes are worse than ours. You'd only prefer Canada and British health care if you were a dog.LTS TRN 2 wrote:Weasel, how about every other nation on earth, basically. That's right, every developed nation except America has a national health plan. So, you're the one walking around in a coal mine, you ignorant little piss-ant. And let's get this straight--you're vigorously supporting the giant pharmaceutical companies....why?
Seriously, just answer one question: from under what fucking rock have you crawled forth to be such a slimy shill?
By what metric?JMak wrote:Yeah, dipshit, and their health outcomes are worse than ours.LTS TRN 2 wrote:Weasel, how about every other nation on earth, basically. That's right, every developed nation except America has a national health plan. So, you're the one walking around in a coal mine, you ignorant little piss-ant. And let's get this straight--you're vigorously supporting the giant pharmaceutical companies....why?
Seriously, just answer one question: from under what fucking rock have you crawled forth to be such a slimy shill?
SoMikey wrote:List of countries by life expectancy
Country, Overall life expectancy at birth, Male life expectancy at birth, Female life expectancy at birth
1 Macau ( PRC) 84.379 81.36 87.45 etc, etc, etc...
I should have qualified my comment...our health outcomes are generally better. And I'm not talking about the usual and flawed measures like infant mortality or life expectancy which are not valid measures of health care effectiveness. Rather, actual outcomes like cancer survivability.Mikey wrote:By what metric?
I cited precisely what I was talking about...centralized boards that determine which coverages and treatments are available to specific groups. In fact, Obama explicitly described this board during that prime time press conference a few weeks ago.I see you've been avoiding the whole "rationing" thing, which I've called you on at least three times in the past couple of days.
When are you going to come clean and stop your incessant lying?
OK I see. This is something that you have a "feeling" about but no actual numbers. After all numbers can only lie. Let's just go by unsubstantiated claims loud mouthed internet bores.JMak wrote:I should have qualified my comment...our health outcomes are generally better. And I'm not talking about the usual and flawed measures like infant mortality or life expectancy which are not valid measures of health care effectiveness. Rather, actual outcomes like cancer survivability.Mikey wrote:By what metric?
So, your insurance company (assuming you have one) doesn't dictate what procedures, pharmaceuticals and other benefits you're eligible for? How is this any different and not "rationing"?I cited precisely what I was talking about...centralized boards that determine which coverages and treatments are available to specific groups. In fact, Obama explicitly described this board during that prime time press conference a few weeks ago.I see you've been avoiding the whole "rationing" thing, which I've called you on at least three times in the past couple of days.
When are you going to come clean and stop your incessant lying?
Then what's your measure, other than you think so?JMak wrote:Mikey...please explain how infant mortality is a valid measure by which to assess the quality of health care. While doing so, please account for the fact that different countries count and report infant mortality differently.
Please explain how life expectancy is a valid measure to assess the quality of health care. While doing so, please account for the fact that10s of thousands of deaths in the US each year have no connection to health care services.
Thank fact, don't bother. You cannot account for these factors. Consequently, this demonstrates that these two measures are not valid measures of health care outcomes.
No, it was a fly-by moment responding to a post.Mikey wrote:OK I see. This is something that you have a "feeling" about but no actualy numbers. After all numbers can only lie. Let's just go by unsubstantiated claims loud mouthed internet bores.
Hmmm, getting what I pay for versus the government determining that seniors should not be getting stents. You know, like how the NHS works in Britain.So, your insurance company (assuming you have one) doesn't dictate what procedures, pharmaceuticals and other benefits you're eligible for? How is this any different and not "rationing"?
I was pointing out that the measures you use are not valid measures. Are you conceding the point?Mikey wrote:Then what's your measure, other than you think so?
For example, fatality rate within 30 days of those diagnosed with a heart attack.You made the claim that the outcomes in the US are "better". On what evidence do you base that claim?
doctors can tell the government to go fuck themselves if they don't want to accept the prices the government sets.....and the prices aren't some arbitrary number they pull out of a hatJMak wrote: You call something "negotiation" and then turn around and describe it as the govt telling doctors to take or leave it. There's no negotiation there.
look hoss, if the doctors don't want to participate they don't have to....what part of that are you having trouble graspingSimple economics says it's efficient to impose a government medicare program and to incentivize doctor participation by handing out tax benefits? In what fucking world?
How does, in any way, come close to being a "negotiation?" Do you even know what that word means?Felix wrote:doctors can tell the government to go fuck themselves if they don't want to accept the prices the government sets.....
More negotiation, eh? LOL.look hoss, if the doctors don't want to participate they don't have to....what part of that are you having trouble grasping
You gave examples of emergency treatment and treatment of other catastrophic events. That's a legitimate but small part of the health care "system", but not any more a measure of the entire system than infant mortality.JMak wrote:I was pointing out that the measures you use are not valid measures. Are you conceding the point?Mikey wrote:Then what's your measure, other than you think so?
For example, fatality rate within 30 days of those diagnosed with a heart attack.You made the claim that the outcomes in the US are "better". On what evidence do you base that claim?
Cancer survival rates.
ICU mortality rates by diagnosed condition.
You know, actual measures that have an actual link to the health care system???
This statistic, unlike the two you and every other libtard, errr, socialized medicine proponent rely on, actually assumes some interaction with a health care system and measures something that a health care system can actually affect.
you seem to be operating under the assumption that the government is arbitrarily establishing outlandishly low you know how the government establishes what they pay for particular procedures? Of course you don't, you just assume the government is lowballing the piss out of everythingJMak wrote:
More negotiation, eh? LOL.
Why, to understand how braindead fuckwits like you "think?"Jerkovich wrote:Must reads:
Lie much you horrible fucktard?JMak wrote: Now here's a recent SEIU memo:
Action: Opponents of reform are organizing counter-demonstrators to speak at this and several congressional town halls on the issue to defend the status quo. It is critical that our members with real, personal stories about the need for access to quality, affordable care come out in strong numbers to drown out their voices.
1 out of every 700 dollars paid on healthcare in the US goes to pay Stephen Hemsley's salary and benefits. That is sickLTS TRN 2 wrote: These international corporate entities whose sole concern is profit, not "health" in the first place.
You asshole, now you're being dishonest. I gave you some examples of valid measures of health care system effectiveness.Mikey wrote:You gave examples of emergency treatment and treatment of other catastrophic events. That's a legitimate but small part of the health care "system", but not any more a measure of the entire system than infant mortality.
15,000 murders.How is life expectancy not a valid gauge of the health care system? Aren't preventive care and the general health of the population valid parameters? Don't those factors comprise the vast majority of people's interactions with the medical system?
No, attention to what you are claimed there was negotiation then you described a process that is the complete opposite of negotiation. You buttfucked yourself in the mouth. Now, take responsibility for that or stfu.Felix wrote:you seem to be operating under the assumption that the government is arbitrarily establishing outlandishly low you know how the government establishes what they pay for particular procedures? Of course you don't, you just assume the government is lowballing the piss out of everythingJMak wrote:
More negotiation, eh? LOL.
FTFYMoving Sale wrote:1 out of every 700 cells in Kevnic's syphilis addled brain actually fires off live synapses. That is sickLTS TRN 2 wrote: These international corporate entities whose sole concern is profit, not "health" in the first place.
I'm not sure how that proves your assertion that I am lying. Help me out.Moving Sale wrote:Lie much you horrible fucktard?JMak wrote: Now here's a recent SEIU memo:
Action: Opponents of reform are organizing counter-demonstrators to speak at this and several congressional town halls on the issue to defend the status quo. It is critical that our members with real, personal stories about the need for access to quality, affordable care come out in strong numbers to drown out their voices. ... Himes.aspx
Do you even know what negotiation is?JMak wrote: No, attention to what you are claimed there was negotiation then you described a process that is the complete opposite of negotiation.
Yes. And what Felix described doesn't fit. Maybe it's a problem with his inability to articulate his thoughts. Maybe it's his confusion about what a negotiation is. I don't know. What is clear is that the examples he described comes no where close to negotiation.Moving Sale wrote:Do you even know what negotiation is?JMak wrote: No, attention to what you are claimed there was negotiation then you described a process that is the complete opposite of negotiation.
That is because you are an idiot. You quoted the wegpage inaccurately and you knew, or should have known, that it was inaccurate, ergo you are a lying sack of rat shit.JMak wrote: I'm not sure how that proves your assertion that I am lying. Help me out.
I lifted a direct quote. Please explain what was in error.Moving Sale wrote:That is because you are an idiot. You quoted the wegpage inaccurately and you knew, or should have known, that it was inaccurate, ergo you are a lying sack of rat shit.JMak wrote: I'm not sure how that proves your assertion that I am lying. Help me out.