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Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:12 am
by smackaholic
I think I actually agree with let's turd concerning les's material.

Doesn't take away from the fact that he was a pretty talented and innovative guitar player and definitely the most impotent person of the 2oth century regarding recording.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:13 am
by War Wagon
Papa Willie wrote: I'd agree with you on Bach, Motzart and some of those cats as well, though most modern music really draws off blues and jazz probably more than classical.
Not so fast, this cat was hugely influential to an whole array of modern musicians.

Edit: Embedding disabled by request? Fuck those Fuckers. ... re=related

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:59 am
by LTS TRN 2
War Wagon wrote:
Papa Willie wrote: I'd agree with you on Bach, Motzart and some of those cats as well, though most modern music really draws off blues and jazz probably more than classical.
Not so fast, this cat was hugely influential to an whole array of modern musicians.

Edit: Embedding disabled by request? Fuck those Fuckers. ... re=related

Okay, pop quiz:

Which one of this group doesn't belong, and why?

Aaron Copland

Steven Sondheim

James Levine

Leonard Bernstein

Abraham Lincoln

Michael Tilson Thomas


Answer: Michael Tilson Thomas, because while all are Jewish homosexuals, only Thomas was "out of the closet." :wink:

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:34 am
by War Wagon
Shaddup LTS... as soon as you mention Jews in a thread, it's an instant karma downer. You might actually have something worth saying around here if you weren't always so pre-occupied. Just my .02.

For Buttsie, who thinks modern music wasn't primarily influenced by classical orchestrations, more evidence to the contrary.

This fucking shreds.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:11 pm
by LTS TRN 2
War Wagon wrote:Shaddup LTS... as soon as you mention Jews in a thread, it's an instant karma downer. You might actually have something worth saying around here if you weren't always so pre-occupied. Just my .02.

For Buttsie, who thinks modern music wasn't primarily influenced by classical orchestrations, more evidence to the contrary.

This fucking shreds.

Right, wagoneer, except I wasn't really talking about Jews, but rather closeted homosexuals, etc....never mind.

The Greg Lake fiasco is embarrassing, and anyone who actually paid to see that deserves a refund at least. Truly the most influential symphonic composer upon rock music was of course Wagner. And it's not a matter of a rock band actually attempting to cover one of these famous pieces, but the scope and power that Wagner realized from the full orchestra being accessible to a wall of Marshalls, a mountain of drums, and a PA system three stories high--fired in the kiln of LSD consciousness and coke-addled ego. Pink Floyd would be a perfect example. Wagner is also the most influential composer upon movie scores by a factor of a hundred or so.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:30 am
by War Wagon
LTS TRN 2 wrote: Truly the most influential symphonic composer upon rock music was of course Wagner. And it's not a matter of a rock band actually attempting to cover one of these famous pieces, but the scope and power that Wagner realized from the full orchestra being accessible to a wall of Marshalls, a mountain of drums, and a PA system three stories high--fired in the kiln of LSD consciousness and coke-addled ego. Pink Floyd would be a perfect example. Wagner is also the most influential composer upon movie scores by a factor of a hundred or so.
I enjoy reading your takes once you get out of your comfort zone of bashing neo-nazis and damn sure wish you'd stay there.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:55 am
by Van
Papa Willie wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
War Wagon wrote:Shaddup LTS... as soon as you mention Jews in a thread, it's an instant karma downer. You might actually have something worth saying around here if you weren't always so pre-occupied. Just my .02.

For Buttsie, who thinks modern music wasn't primarily influenced by classical orchestrations, more evidence to the contrary.

This fucking shreds.

Right, wagoneer, except I wasn't really talking about Jews, but rather closeted homosexuals, etc....never mind.

The Greg Lake fiasco is embarrassing, and anyone who actually paid to see that deserves a refund at least. Truly the most influential symphonic composer upon rock music was of course Wagner. And it's not a matter of a rock band actually attempting to cover one of these famous pieces, but the scope and power that Wagner realized from the full orchestra being accessible to a wall of Marshalls, a mountain of drums, and a PA system three stories high--fired in the kiln of LSD consciousness and coke-addled ego. Pink Floyd would be a perfect example. Wagner is also the most influential composer upon movie scores by a factor of a hundred or so.
You sound like you're about 80.
He also sounds correct.

I also concur with WW, in that Nick would be a really decent addition to the board if he'd ever drop the one trick pony act of Jews and political conspiracies, and actually just post like a human being more often.

Dude has worthwhile things to say. It's a shame to always have to scroll by 90% of his posts, just because he can't get off the same tired subject that nobody gives a fuck about.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:27 am
by Dinsdale
War Wagon wrote: For Buttsie, who thinks modern music wasn't primarily influenced by classical orchestrations, more evidence to the contrary.

This fucking shreds.

How does a prog rock band covering a "classical orchestration" (by someone already mentioned in this thread) provide "evidence to the contrary" of anything involving "modern music"?

While Mr. Lake and his former band (which I've seen more than once) do indeed "shred," your post is fucking whack.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:42 am
by War Wagon
Dinsdale wrote: How does a prog rock band covering a "classical orchestration" (by someone already mentioned in this thread) provide "evidence to the contrary" of anything involving "modern music"?
How should I know? Pass me that joint.
While Mr. Lake and his former band (which I've seen more than once) do indeed "shred," your post is fucking whack.
What... you didn't want your money back?

Seen 'em myself a few times and thought it a bargain.

Tarkus, Pictures at an Exhibition, good albums, great fucking band.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:33 am
by Dinsdale
War Wagon wrote:great fucking band
Whose drummer is vastly underrated. One of the great ones.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:00 am
by smackaholic
I wouldn't say carl palmer was under rated, at least not back in the 70s. They have kind of been forgot about now that no talent shit music is in vogue. He is definitely on my top ten drummer list. Maybe top 5.

As for their cover of hoedown, it's all right, 'cept for one thing. That piece is all about syncopation as demonstrated in the orchestra youtube clip. ELP seems more intent on one speed, 'all ahead shread' and that kinda ruins it for me. Too bad, because those fukkers are talented enough musicians that they could have pulled it off. Maybe they were coked up when they did it?


whoops. I scrolled through this thread without actually looking at the clip and thought it was the elp version of hoedown.

It ain't.

See if I can find the one I thought it was.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:51 am
by smackaholic

this is the one I thought it was. It's kinda cool, but, they need to slow it down a bit.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:44 pm
by Van
'Spray, IIRC, you were only nine years old in 1973. Tha' fuck is a nine year old kid from Georgia doing liking polite sounding prog rock??

You're nine years old! Go outside and play, you demented little Less Than Zero nutjob!

You're not supposed to start liking prog rock until you're at least in your twenties, and doing massive drugs; when turning tricks doesn't seem all that far-fetched.

(Edited, for socal.)

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:48 pm
by socal
Van wrote:'You're not supposed to start liking prog rock until you're at least in your twenties, doing massive drugs, and turning tricks doesn't seem all that far-fetched.
Syntax, motherfucker. Do you write it?


Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:32 pm
by Van
There ya' go, Mr. Hand.


Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:45 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Van wrote: He also sounds correct.

I also concur with WW, in that Nick would be a really decent addition to the board if he'd ever drop the one trick pony act of Jews and political conspiracies, and actually just post like a human being more often.

Dude has worthwhile things to say. It's a shame to always have to scroll by 90% of his posts, just because he can't get off the same tired subject that nobody gives a fuck about.
'Scuse me, Van, but that's total horseshit.

No one gives a fuck about two catastrophic wars currently being clusterfucked by our bloated, confused national paradigm of supporting Israel no matter what? Or did you think these wars were about anything but Israel?

No one cares about the grotesque apartheid state visiting appalling abuse upon millions of occupied and subjugated local civilians? Really?

No one cares that AIPAC actually vets every single American public official at the national level--and undermines them if they don't toe the line? You scroll by this galling fact of modern American life? You just don't care?

You mean no one cares in your little corner where discussions of whether Neil Pert is a better drummer than Carl Palmer is supposed to be interesting?

You're so fucking pathetic--and you don't know shit about music.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:51 pm
by Van
Correct, Nick. Nobody cares about any of those things; not here on this board, as presented by you, anyway, in the form of a broken record.

Oh, and you're probably right about another thing, which is that I probably don't know anything about evidenced by the fact that I agreed with your take.

Safe to say, I'm now questioning myself on that one.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:17 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Huh? You agreed? About Wagner? What are you even pretending to talk about? Wake the fuck up.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:39 pm
by Van
Jesus, Nick, try to pay attention...
WW wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
War Wagon wrote:Shaddup LTS... as soon as you mention Jews in a thread, it's an instant karma downer. You might actually have something worth saying around here if you weren't always so pre-occupied. Just my .02.

For Buttsie, who thinks modern music wasn't primarily influenced by classical orchestrations, more evidence to the contrary.

This fucking shreds.

Right, wagoneer, except I wasn't really talking about Jews, but rather closeted homosexuals, etc....never mind.

The Greg Lake fiasco is embarrassing, and anyone who actually paid to see that deserves a refund at least. Truly the most influential symphonic composer upon rock music was of course Wagner. And it's not a matter of a rock band actually attempting to cover one of these famous pieces, but the scope and power that Wagner realized from the full orchestra being accessible to a wall of Marshalls, a mountain of drums, and a PA system three stories high--fired in the kiln of LSD consciousness and coke-addled ego. Pink Floyd would be a perfect example. Wagner is also the most influential composer upon movie scores by a factor of a hundred or so.
You sound like you're about 80.
...then I posted...
Van wrote:He also sounds correct.
...meaning, you sound correct. Yes, I agreed with you, about Wagner. How else could you possibly interpret that??

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:49 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Well, let's might well have meant that Greg Lake was a closeted homosexual but not Jewish...and that Lincoln was neither but Wagner would love to have stuffed him in an oven regardless, and that Lenny was as good as out with his flamboyance and boy toys, and that you were chaffing at reminding us all that indeed Mahler was the real model for Thomas Mann's composer character in Death In Venice--and that his "love" for the beautiful boy was not platonic at all. And that all the fresh kidneys for sale in New Jersey wouldn't have helped Les Paul when that great sound engineer in the sky said "cut."

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:26 am
by smackaholic

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:49 am
by Van
smackie, what happened there was Nick made a funny, by indulging his desire to show us what he knows about the sexual proclivities and Jewish-ness of various composers; classical or otherwise.

Besides the one crack about fresh kidneys in New Jersey, it was a post which was nearly devoid of anti-Israeli sentiment. So, my advice to you would be to just nod knowingly, applaud politely and keep encouraging him in such efforts.

Re: Les Paul, Dead at 94

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:55 am
by War Wagon
Brain Salad Surgery = things I need to do before I die.