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Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:47 am
by H4ever
Tom In VA wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:Just how fucking selfish and self-centered do you have to be to text while driving?

Your insignificant conversations are more important than other peoples' lives?

Fucking deplorable.

Bottom line right there.

Any parent who allows their child to text while driving (especially with a prior(s) accident) should be charged with negligence and child endangerment. Sack up and do the right thing. Any parent who makes a habit of texting while driving should be jailed same as a drunk.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:51 am
by H4ever
Derron wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
mvscal wrote:Good for you, Wags. I'll just call dibs on your dumb whore daughter's record player.
I call dibs on her girlfriend.
How about a picture of her and her girl friend snatch munching ?
and then pulling each other's hair and hitting each other with fly-swatters naked in a pool of KY and calling each other a whore and carried away there. Oh...and they must be 18 or older.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:06 am
by poptart
mvscal wrote:your dumb whore daughter
War Wagon's dumb whore daughter

That's a troll waiting to happen.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:01 pm
by Derron
H4ever wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:Just how fucking selfish and self-centered do you have to be to text while driving?

Your insignificant conversations are more important than other peoples' lives?

Fucking deplorable.

Bottom line right there.

Any parent who allows their child to text while driving (especially with a prior(s) accident) should be charged with negligence and child endangerment. Sack up and do the right thing. Any parent who makes a habit of texting while driving should be jailed same as a drunk.
Since most parents are the RO's of the teens car..they will feel the pain when the civil personal injury lawsuit is filed. If the teen or in Wags case, the 21 year old ADULT insists in texting while driving, then have the insurance and RO in their name and their name only, and they can deal with all that shit, and you won't lose everything in the trial outcome.

And here is another reason to raise the driving age and fucking teach your kid how to drive...


Same highway a day later 40 miles away..older drivers


Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:20 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
War Wagon wrote:My daughter texts while driving. When I told her she shouldn't do that, she informed me that she can text w/o even looking at the phone.


What's a dad to do?.
Submit a follow up question instead of taking her word for it. For example... perhaps you should go ahead and ask her exactly how in the fuck she reads the texts she's responding to without looking at her phone.

You're welcome.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:30 pm
by Dinsdale
The real problem isn't Wag's Daughter's attitude -- it's the shitty fucking parenting she obviously recieved to become such a self-centered person, who obviously has never been held accountable for her actions, nor taught that decisions have consequences.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:31 pm
by trev
War Wagon wrote:
trev wrote: You must not be to worried about her texting. If you were, you would ban her from doing so. She must not worry too much about you if she doesn't respect your wishes.
Correct, I'm not worried about her texting while driving. She tells me she can do it safely and her driving record supports that claim. Zero tickets, zero accidents.

Do I like it? Hell no I don't, but if you think a 21 year old isn't going to do whatever they damn well please, then I've got a bridge to nowhere to sell you.

Sure, I could be an asshole and cut off her cell phone service or even take her car away... but that's not going to happen because I'm not some preachy bitch of a message board nanny telling others what they can or cannot do.
Great. I don't insult you daughter like the others here and you go after me? You don't have to be an asshole to counsel her on texting and driving. And you don't have to take away her phone and car. You can simply ban her from texting. I am totally against using the cellphone or texting in the car. I've seen how distracted people are when using them. Soon your state will have a law against it. Isn't that enough to ban her from doing it? You are coming acrossed here as a bit crazy. Your daughter needs to be told to stop texting while driving.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:33 pm
by socal
trev wrote:Soon your state will have a law against it.
That's working out so well here in Cali.


Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:59 pm
by Derron
Dinsdale wrote:The real problem isn't Wag's Daughter's attitude -- it's the shitty fucking parenting she obviously recieved to become such a self-centered person, who obviously has never been held accountable for her actions, nor taught that decisions have consequences.
That is is the parents fault..after all who raised all these little self centered bastards. They will bail our asses out of any problem we have.


Every person between the ages of 18 and 30 in the United States.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:09 pm
by Tom In VA
Dinsdale wrote:The real problem isn't Wag's Daughter's attitude
Yes it is.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:51 pm
by Dinsdale
Papa Willie wrote:Why the fuck can't people just call each other and get twice as much said in a fraction of the time it takes to text?


The act of exchanging a text, by definition, means both parties have a phone in hand.

Is it important? Then call.

Not so important? Talk to you later.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:54 pm
by Dinsdale
Tom In VA wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:The real problem isn't Wag's Daughter's attitude
Yes it is.
I stand corrected...

But her "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME" attitude stems from her parents' failure to teach her the difference between right and wrong, which rears its head in many forms... such as Wags' Selfish Little Bitch's callous attitude towards humanity.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:54 pm
by BSmack
My wife and I text to each other at work, when a phone call would simply not be appropriate. Otherwise I could care less about texting.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:40 pm
by Jerkovich
You're right, what could happen?


Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:41 pm
by Derron
Dinsdale wrote:

But her "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME" attitude stems from her parents' failure to teach her the difference
So it is their fault she eats pussy ?

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:43 pm
by Derron
BSmack wrote:My wife and I text to each other at work, when a phone call would simply not be appropriate, like in a meeting where I should be paying the fuck attention to what is going on whether I have some input or give a liberals rats ass about what is going on Otherwise I could care less about texting.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:52 pm
by Tom In VA
Dinsdale wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:The real problem isn't Wag's Daughter's attitude
Yes it is.
I stand corrected...

But her "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME" attitude stems from her parents' failure to teach her the difference between right and wrong, which rears its head in many forms... such as Wags' Selfish Little Bitch's callous attitude towards humanity.
Not a conclusion I'm willing to draw.

I don't know if you're being serious or if you're trying to rope War Wagon into some debate. I know I have acted in manners against my parents teachings and counsel. In hindsight, they were right, but the "have to find our for myself" attitude or the all too common "it won't happen to me like that" attitude" prevailed over their counsel.

The bottom line is, she is 21 years old and is responsible for her actions/inactions now. She can accept and reject the parental guidance she received as most youths do. Her failure to "do the right thing" is her failure. That's it. I am not going to give her a pass on based on a presumption as to "how she was raised".

Personally, Wagon seems like a responsible man. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:55 pm
by socal
How many kids has Dins raised exactly?


Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:13 pm
by trev
Tom In VA wrote:
Not a conclusion I'm willing to draw.

I don't know if you're being serious or if you're trying to rope War Wagon into some debate. I know I have acted in manners against my parents teachings and counsel. In hindsight, they were right, but the "have to find our for myself" attitude or the all too common "it won't happen to me like that" attitude" prevailed over their counsel.

The bottom line is, she is 21 years old and is responsible for her actions/inactions now. She can accept and reject the parental guidance she received as most youths do. Her failure to "do the right thing" is her failure. That's it. I am not going to give her a pass on based on a presumption as to "how she was raised".

Personally, Wagon seems like a responsible man. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.
Wags has stated that he is not worried about her texting and driving. As a parent you tell your kids the right thing to do. Wags thinks it's OK to do. For some reason he thinks his daughter is completely safe in doing so.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:25 pm
by Van
poptart wrote:
mvscal wrote:your dumb whore daughter
War Wagon's dumb whore daughter

That's a troll waiting to happen.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Can't wait to see the avatar, and the sig.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:24 pm
by War Wagon
socal wrote:How many kids has Dins raised exactly?

To ucant: That's a good point and a good question. I'll use that next time I'm trying to browbeat her into not doing something she wants to do. It hasn't worked yet, but who knows. She's been after me to go back to church with her, so maybe I can cut a deal.

To HBJ: sniff.... thanks man.

To trev: The others weren't worth going after as I don't take them seriously in the first place. And I'm not ok with her texting while driving, but I refuse to worry about something I can't control.

To the hand-wringers: Don't get mad at me or my daughter because you can't walk and chew gum at the same time and assume that everyone else is in the same predicament.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:37 pm
by Smackie Chan
Derron wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:

But her "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME" attitude stems from her parents' failure to teach her the difference
So it is their fault she eats pussy ?
It is if she does it while driving. Or texting.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:33 am
by Truman
trev wrote:...Soon your state will have a law against it. Isn't that enough to ban her from doing it?
Prescient, Trev.

Too late to affect young Wagonova, but it's a start...

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:42 am
by War Wagon
Truman wrote: Wagonova

Ok, I called her and asked her to not text while driving and she said ok at first... then said she'd be more careful about it, then said she was 21 and that I should mind my own fucking business.

It was a swell conversation.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:20 pm
by Dan Vogel
War Wagon you seem like a decent man and your daughter is nice and is the apple of your eye. It's hard to get a 20 year old to always agree with an important message you want to give. The message about not texting while driving could save a life. Hers or others. Maybe you could show her a picture like this and let it get to her. Can you imagine how you would feel if she was under that pile? I know I will make sure my children get the message.


Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:26 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Dan Vogel wrote:Maybe you could show her a picture like this and let it get to her.


No cheese? Da horrah. That would get to :paul: ... not so sure about Wagon's daughter.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:59 pm
by Mikey
Sudden Sam wrote:
War Wagon wrote: Don't get mad at me or my daughter because you can't walk and chew gum at the same time and assume that everyone else is in the same predicament.
Sorry, man, but your daughter (or anyone else) CANNOT text and drive safely at the same time. It's crazy to even suggest that she can.

Exactly. Just because she hasn't had an accident while doing it doesn't mean that it's safe. The Wags family is obviously genetically logic impaired. Lots of people have driven while under the influence without an accident. Does that make it safe?

So, if she dies in a firey pileup next week while texting I guess it suddenly goes from perfectly safe to not so safe.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:16 pm
by trev
War Wagon wrote:
Truman wrote: Wagonova

Ok, I called her and asked her to not text while driving and she said ok at first... then said she'd be more careful about it, then said she was 21 and that I should mind my own fucking business.

It was a swell conversation.
Wags, call the phone company and block her texting. You pay the bills, correct?

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:06 pm
by BSmack

The fact that you know about her texting while driving and are not taking measures to prevent it on your dime means that you will be held liable should your daughter ever take out a family of 4 while typing "OMG. U2 that is so kewl!!! LMAO!!!" to her friends whilst swerving into oncoming traffic.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:37 pm
by JMak
Wags, you paying for college? If so, well, that's your leverage. She's got no legitimate expectation for you to pay for college yet have no control, let alone influence in her life. Sure, she could get her own plan, but she ain't paying for college on her own. Sack up.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:46 pm
by JMak
Screw_Michigan wrote:
JMak wrote:Wags, you paying for college? If so, well, that's your leverage. She's got no legitimate expectation for you to pay for college yet have no control, let alone influence in her life. Sure, she could get her own plan, but she ain't paying for college on her own. Sack up.
You are retarded. It's not like he can drug test her to see if she was texting while driving. The only way he'll pay the price is if she ever gets into an accident because of it. Get a grip, idiot.
No, I'm assuming there's a normal relationship between parent and child. Of course he can't drug test her to see if she's texting. But you persuade the girl that this is pretty important by associating it with something important, e.g., college education. The parent paid for the car and the kid won't give up texting while driving, take the fucking car away. Period. In fact, there's no need for the kid to have a car in the first place. She's at fucking college. There, simply goddamned solution to a problem that threatens a lot of people. No messing around, take the car. Done and EOS.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:48 pm
by BSmack
Screw_Michigan wrote:
JMak wrote:Wags, you paying for college? If so, well, that's your leverage. She's got no legitimate expectation for you to pay for college yet have no control, let alone influence in her life. Sure, she could get her own plan, but she ain't paying for college on her own. Sack up.
You are retarded. It's not like he can drug test her to see if she was texting while driving. The only way he'll pay the price is if she ever gets into an accident because of it. Get a grip, idiot.
He could request the text logs from the phone company. They're on his bill. If she's doing it on any kind of regular basis, he'll know just be looking at those logs and matching the times with times he knows she was driving.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:53 pm
by JMak
BSmack wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:
JMak wrote:Wags, you paying for college? If so, well, that's your leverage. She's got no legitimate expectation for you to pay for college yet have no control, let alone influence in her life. Sure, she could get her own plan, but she ain't paying for college on her own. Sack up.
You are retarded. It's not like he can drug test her to see if she was texting while driving. The only way he'll pay the price is if she ever gets into an accident because of it. Get a grip, idiot.
He could request the text logs from the phone company. They're on his bill. If she's doing it on any kind of regular basis, he'll know just be looking at those logs and matching the times with times he knows she was driving.
Props,'s called being a parent. Monitoring your kids behavior. If the behavior is unacceptable then you do something. You don talk just to hear yourself talk and then let the kid defy your expectations. But, hey, for some people, being a parent and holding kids accountable is just too hard, takes too much time, rocks the boat, etc. :meds:

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:32 pm
by indyfrisco
Parent bought me a shitbox truck when I turned 16. They said if I ever drink and drive, they would take it from me and sell it. One night, I came home drunk as hell. I could not even talk to them. They put me to bed. Woke me up at 5 AM and had a chat with me. I told them I was leaving a land party and Derek, a friend of mine, took my keys and drove me home when I started to leave.

They asked if I thought I was ok to drive home and I said yes. Later that night, they came to check on me and my pocketknife was open on my dresser drawer. Needless to say, I didn't drink and drive, but the fact I said I could have driven home was enough. That day it went in the paper. Two days later, a guy on my golf team bought the truck. I had to see it every day. And every day was a reminder to not drink and drive.

Thanks mom and dad for being good parents.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:03 am
by Moving Sale
Just watched a show on Discovery that basically showed that the fewer rules there are on the road the safer it is.

Asshats, your thoughts?

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:44 am
by Tom In VA
R-Jack wrote:Makes sense.

Having to watch out for the legally blind paraplegic drunk heading straight for you may keep you from thinking about shooting off a text message while driving.

RACK da Jack

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:22 am
by Terry in Crapchester
Papa Willie wrote:Not trying to hurt anybody's feelings, but texting is FUCK DUMB. Period. Basically (and don't say otherwise), the only reason people text each other, is so that other people will look at them. Sort of a "look at how important I am!". Why the fuck can't people just call each other and get twice as much said in a fraction of the time it takes to text? Busy? Fucking wait. The world lasted a long time before texting.
RACK. Never sent a text message in my life. I have no desire ever to do so, or even to learn how to do so.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:41 am
by Dan Vogel
Texting is very convenient if you have a very short message to give to someone. And you can do it for free without having it count against your phone's minute plan. That's the reason for it. And also you don't have to bother the other person at all. They can read your text message at their convenience. Texting is useful but just don't do it while you are driving.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:35 am
by War Wagon
I should just let this thread die, but...
JMak wrote:...there's no need for the kid to have a car in the first place.
She needs a car to get to and from home, that's why we bought it for her in the first place.

She earned that car and by her actions each and every day... she has my complete confidence and trust.

You can go fuck yourself, her mother and I aren't cutting her off from a damn thing we've worked hard to provide her with.

You don't know my daughter and neither do any of the rest of you hand wringing, judgemental asshats.

Re: Texting while Driving

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:58 pm
by Tom In VA
No need to know your daughter, the act is an unsafe act that needlessly puts her life and the lives of innocent people at risk.

No escaping that. I don't share in the "blame" Wags mentality, there IS nothing you can really do. Also, I understand your rationalization to asuage your concern and worry, she has a safe driving record so odds are something won't happen to her.

I do know of people who had a safe driving record, but they drank and drove. They did so for a long time without incident. But the longer you do something stupid while driving the better and better the odds get that SOMETHING will happen, it is only a matter of time.

She'll get the message eventually, I just hope it is anything really tragic that has to happen for her to get it.