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Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:14 pm
by Tom In VA

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:11 pm
by Smackie Chan
Van wrote:it's also acceptable in formal British English, which I sometimes stylistically favor over American English.
But not enough to stylistically favour it?

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:36 pm
by Van
Well, I do sometimes prefer grey to gray, but you'll never catch me adding a 'u' to certain words, just to Limey/Canadian 'em up.

I'm no Pikkkle!


Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:02 am
by Bizzarofelice
War Wagon wrote: So, you're a leftist leaning bean counter who tries to come across as a counter culture advocate, all the while stepping and fetching to your spreadsheet master who demands you make the numbers look good at the end of the month.... even if that means lying thru your teeth, aka creative accounting. Twats like you work for AIG and expect bonuses from taxpayers.

Accountants = one step above lawyers, but not by much.
YEAH!!! And... and... what's with Chunky? That’s what kids want in their candy. Fruit.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:36 am
by Cuda
^^^ gets a rack!

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:30 am
by War Wagon
Bizzarofelice wrote:
War Wagon wrote: So, you're a leftist leaning bean counter who tries to come across as a counter culture advocate, all the while stepping and fetching to your spreadsheet master who demands you make the numbers look good at the end of the month.... even if that means lying thru your teeth, aka creative accounting. Twats like you work for AIG and expect bonuses from taxpayers.

Accountants = one step above lawyers, but not by much.
YEAH!!! And... and... what's with Chunky? That’s what kids want in their candy. Fruit.
What a gyp. I was sorta' promised....
I may retire the side if you step up to the plate and try to respond.
And got a 4 pitch intentional walk instead.

Was there ever a time when you thought you were good at this, or have you been soaking up accolades from the likes of Coods all this time and thought you were something special?

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:03 am
by OCmike
Katy wrote:From the video, it appears, the black child wanted the white child to sit with him. Immediately one of the black children shouted "beat his ass" and the black child sitting next to him did.
Right, they didn't say "beat his white ass". The kid sitting next to him was goaded into beating the shit out of him and cheered on by the crowd. ...or pretty much a pack mentality, just like Tom said. Had that been even a little bit tough, no one would have done shit. That kid smelled so strongly of fear that even JTR would have suckerpunched him in the hopes of impressing the cool crowd.

You're right that it would've instantly been hailed as racially motivated if it were white on black (sup Terry), but that doesn't make this bus beating in the same category.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:45 am
by poptart
I commend the bus driver for absolutely handling that situation correctly.

Like a good referee in the last two minutes of a game (or in this case, 12 minutes), you stay back and let a situation take care of itself.
Yes, you "let 'em play."

Attempting to defuse things by injecting yourself into a dispute only serves to escalate animosities.
Then you end up with a lot more than hurt feelings, which is all we really have in this case.
The white kid looked like he took a few licks but it was mostly acting on his part.
You could tell.

Well played, bus driver!