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Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:31 pm
by King Crimson
Terry in Crapchester wrote:Sudden Sam wrote:Terry in Crapchester wrote: How many times has Riley been to the BCS?
How many times has Kelly?
Once, and once more on the way.
hell yeah. this is my point above. when OU hired Stoops he'd never head coached a D-1 game in his life. Pete Carroll was USC's 18th choice.
having seen the Dan Hawkins thing up close, nothing is a "sure thing", but I think this is a good hire.
who else did ND fan want, Tom Landry or Vince Lomdardi?
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:46 pm
by Killian
Sudden Sam wrote:
He's been the coach at a BCS conference school for three years and has two league championships. He's a good coach, but he's not without risk.
KC, most ND fans wanted either a "Teir 1" hire (Meyer/Stoops/Saban), Gruden, or someone with a strong defense. Because of 4 straight disaster hires, the feeling is that if they don't get this one right, they may never get it right.
In my opinion, the "Teir 1" guys were all a pipe dream, as I said in previous posts. I personally think Gruden should have gotten the call, but they settled on Kelly. I can live with it.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:56 pm
by Killian
Sudden Sam wrote:I don't doubt at all that Kelly is a good coach. Read a lot of good stuff on him.
Just can't believe anyone would pass on one of Bear's boys.
Before I get piled on...
I know you were. Besides, not sure if I want someone associated with The Bear. He didn't have the best of luck when facing Notre Dame! :D
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:04 pm
by King Crimson
Sudden Sam wrote:I don't doubt at all that Kelly is a good coach. Read a lot of good stuff on him.
Just can't believe anyone would pass on one of Bear's boys.
Before I get piled on...
i wish OU would have passed on

Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:14 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Sudden Sam wrote:I don't doubt at all that Kelly is a good coach. Read a lot of good stuff on him.
Just can't believe anyone would pass on one of Bear's boys.
Before I get piled on...
Riley could've had the Bama job, but he passed on it for Oregon State. Sort of, anyway.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:37 pm
by King Crimson
Believe the Heupel wrote:
Kinda my first thought.
That son of a bitch set OU back three-four years. Wish the NPD would have had the nuts to charge him with battery.
i guess i'm mildly happy for his sake, Schnelly is cleaned up they say....but it's been a few years since i posted my dad's story about seeing Howard buying a sixer of Bud tall-boys at the 7-11 on Imhoff and Chautauqua at 7:30 AM. and he could barely shut the door of his caddy as he veered onto the road. On a Friday before a road game. it was at that point my pops stopped giving "extra" beyond tix to the football program altogether....and started going backdoor with his complaints (he's done legal work for OU since the mid 80's, mostly for Tubbs). he's back in now, but then he switched all his donor funds to hoops (Tip-in Club since the late 70's) and the golf team.
i went to elementary school with Donnie Duncan's daughter Amy. she was cute. i kinda "liked" her once that thing started to happen. i'd hate fuck her into tomorrow these days only slightly less than i would have in 1996
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:30 pm
by King Crimson
Believe the Heupel wrote:
I will say for the record that I saw Barry walk into that very same 7-11, grab a tallboy out of the fridge, give a nod to the cashier, leave without paying, then hop into the drivers' seat of his BMW.
not when he was the coach. because that 7-11 has only been there since about 1995. i grew up about 6 blocks from there. and, i've bought tallboys there mahself on my way to some good nights hooking up with some small town OU sorority honey (or from Moore) as a townie or NHS de facto reunion night at the Deli or Liberty D's.
edit: and i can tell you all kinds of stories about Barry inna day. one of my best friends in jr. high was merv johnson's son. but, he was always there watching his sons play baseball in Norman Little League, Pony League. just a dad like everybody else.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:00 am
by King Crimson
Believe the Heupel wrote:No, it wasn't when he was coach. I lived in Norman from 1992-1996, so that precludes Barry being the coach. However, that 7-11 was there the entire time I was in school.
Unless I'm thinking of the wrong one. This is the one on Chataqua by the LNC, right?
you could be right. that whole area was empty when i was a kid. wheat land, actually. i just remember seeing it as yet another incursion on the old Norman i grew up in vs. the new BS.
i know it was there in 96. because i bought gas there the day Blake was named HC.
my bad. i remember me and my mom talking about it and we lived (then) and Imhoff and Berry.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:08 am
by SunCoastSooner
King Crimson wrote:Believe the Heupel wrote:No, it wasn't when he was coach. I lived in Norman from 1992-1996, so that precludes Barry being the coach. However, that 7-11 was there the entire time I was in school.
Unless I'm thinking of the wrong one. This is the one on Chataqua by the LNC, right?
you could be right. that whole area was empty when i was a kid. wheat land, actually. i just remember seeing it as yet another incursion on the old Norman i grew up in vs. the new BS.
i know it was there in 96. because i bought gas there the day Blake was named HC.
my bad. i remember me and my mom talking about it and we lived (then) and Imhoff and Berry.
It was definitely there in 1992. I remember my father and grandfather stopping at it after the Coppin State game in December of '91. The only reason I remember that so vividly was because it was the last basketball game I ever saw with my grandfather at LNC before he passed away. It was about the only thing there though as I recall...
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:58 am
by King Crimson
SunCoastSooner wrote:
It was definitely there in 1992. I remember my father and grandfather stopping at it after the Coppin State game in December of '91. The only reason I remember that so vividly was because it was the last basketball game I ever saw with my grandfather at LNC before he passed away. It was about the only thing there though as I recall...
nothing i can respect more than that with memories of grandparents. i know how that goes.
it's all a blur to me on Imhoff after the Tubbs years. we used to have peeps throw beer bottles in our backyard. i liked Kelvin, but we didn't have beer bottles in the backyard then.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:27 pm
by King Crimson
Sam, Howard was visibly drunk representing the university in public almost every occasion. His boozy wife stole clothing from one of Norman's oldest campus clothiers (Harold's). They were a mess at OU. when you are the HC at Oklahoma and you are buying beer at 7 AM in the morning is not a good sign. i've done it, but i also wasn't getting my team to a road game travel that afternoon. players said he was drunk on the sidelines during games. is that what you want at Bama? a drunk coach on Saturday at 1:30?
Howard also, in one year, managed to alienate about 75% of Oklahoma's HS coaches. my uncle who sent his best players to OU said Howard was jerkoff to everyone around the state. and in Oklahoma, that doesn't fly. the lifeblood of OU football is high school coaches and players around the state (yeah, there's the Texas recruiting thing but 70% of OU's 00 NC team is from OK*). Bradford, White, Broyles, Gresham...all OK kids. Unc said Howard acted like you were supposed to pretend he was the Pharaoh when you were in the same room with him. when he was sitting in YOUR office. we are talking about people who have been coaching in Oklahoma for 20 years....they are seeing the future beyond Howard. why placate the asshole? Uncle (3 time OU letterman at QB) said he sent a couple kids to play for Bob Simmons at OSU and to Arkansas rather than the idea Howie was going to be around at OU.
* people (especially Texans) talk like OU is an all Texas roster. and OU does recruit Texas and has always recruited Texas (remember my 500 mile posts about recruiting over state "loyalty")....but OK State has over half their roster (and every starter on D this year) from Texas. but, no one bashes the Pokes for it.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:34 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Killian wrote:most ND fans wanted either a "Teir 1" hire (Meyer/Stoops/Saban), Gruden, or someone with a strong defense.
Of the "Tier 1" coaches, I thought Saban probably was the most gettable, if only because of his documented history of wanderlust (I suppose you could say that about Meyer, but his two previous stops were obviously stepping stones, he's never really indicated a desire to leave Florida). But Saban never was even on the radar screen, apparently.
The strong defense component may have been the reason Tuberville got some run on ND Nation as a possible head coach. As I've said, I wouldn't want him as head coach, but I'd take him as DC in a heartbeat.
I may be in the minority among ND fans on this point, but I think Swarbrick made the right call on Gruden. Like it or not, there is a difference between coaching in the NFL and coaching at the college level, and it extends beyond recruiting. I think Gruden has been away from the college game for too long at this point in his career.
Assuming it happens (I won't take it for granted until it's actually signed), Kelly is a good hire for ND imho.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:23 pm
by King Crimson
Sudden Sam wrote:Believe the Heupel wrote:KC left out the story that I referenced above-why NPD should have arrested him for battery.
According to some people I knew back then and trusted (I haven't talked to them in years) Howard hauled off and popped his wife one in the middle of Legends (an upscale restaurant right off of campus.)
Sounds like a real POS.
exactly. from start to finish, i've never heard anyone from OU, the SID, local media, people around town i've known my whole life, alums, HS coaches, whoever....say anything good about him.
Froz mentioned this the other day, the Howie quote about Koy Detmer not playing for CU and not wanting an asterisk....before his Sooners got asswaxed by John Hessler and Rick Neuheisel. back then i was working as a sous-chef at an ital place in Boulder, and remember reading that in the Boulder paper at the laundromat washing my chef coats (at Folsom and Canyon, for angrymike if he reads this) and thinking this asshat is a moron. and he's coaching my team. little did i know how right i was.
i'd rather win 2 games a year with John Blake from now until forever than the NC with Howard.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:57 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Sudden Sam wrote:I can't even imagine Tuberville at ND as the HC! That just wouldn't look right.
Agreed. Tuberville is a southerner and that would be a little strange as the face of ND football. Having said that, I could see him as DC.
Of course, y'all did hire Gerry Faust...
You do know that Mal Moore was an assistant under Faust, don't you?
KC, I've heard some stories about Schnellenberger, but I had no idea he was that bad. That's damn sad. Hopefully he's straightened up. I assume he has, or he wouldn't be able to hang onto his current job this long.
He's at FAU. They've only been in 1-A since 2005. Short of him fucking the university president's wife, I don't see them getting rid of him anytime soon. Having a coach who won a national championship is a HUGE feather in their cap, even if he is a drunk.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:18 pm
by SunCoastSooner
King Crimson wrote:* people (especially Texans) talk like OU is an all Texas roster. and OU does recruit Texas and has always recruited Texas (remember my 500 mile posts about recruiting over state "loyalty")....but OK State has over half their roster (and every starter on D this year) from Texas. but, no one bashes the Pokes for it.
Yeah annoys me as well to hear this all the time. Five Heisman trophies none of the kids are from Texas, four from Oklahoma, one from New Mexico. Six Thorpe Award winners only one is from Texas. Butkuss Winners one is from Texas. More of our Consensus All Americans are from Oklahoma than any other state. You could go on and on. Oklahoma needs to recruit outside the state of Oklahoma to fill up a D1 porgram because of the state's population and Texas is just to the south with a good portion of that state actually living closer to Norman than Austin or College Station; it's only natural that we hit it hard.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:03 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Sudden Sam wrote:Terry in Crapchester wrote:Sudden Sam wrote:Of course, y'all did hire Gerry Faust...
You do know that Mal Moore was an assistant under Faust, don't you?
Wow. i had forgotten about that period. Weird.
I was at ND at that time, so it would be kinda hard for me to forget.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:47 pm
by Laxplayer
Well this whole scenario has taken a weird turn. I just got off the phone with Killian and apparently Randy Edsell is now a candidate. If this is true then ND Football will be set back 10 years. The 13 year streak vs. $UC will seem like a new york minute compared to how many in a row $C will win vs. ND. Randy Fucking Edsell? Are you joking? Why not just keep Weis? ND goes from John Gruden, to Urban Meyer, to Bob Stoops as possible candidates to Randy Fucking Edsell? Jesus Mary and Joseph this getting ridiculous. Are you telling me that The University of Notre Dame can't find anyone better than this guy? 65-65 career record. Didn't they just fire a guy for sucking? Can't they find some asst. coach at a better program who wants a shot? Randy Edsell? My fucking lord........I'll still root for ND but it will make me the laughing stock of everywhere when I sport my ND gear. I feel like the university just doesn't give a shit about the football program anymore. How is this guy going to recruit any state other than Rhode Island?
Fuck, give me Brian Kelley.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:52 pm
by Killian
[thumb up]Killian likes this [/thumb up]
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:07 pm
by Killian
No, but it's not nearly as done of a deal as the media is making it out to be. So the likely hood that ND will fuck this up and move on to Edsall still remains great.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:12 pm
by King Crimson
Killian, if you had to guess, what sort of timetable are we on until an actual hire is made? days, weeks?
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:13 pm
by Laxplayer
Killian, I just got a text message from that friend of mine who, well you know....coaches....
He wrote this about Kelley:
He's not going to turn it down. No matter what anyone says. If he says he turned it down, he didn't get offered it. Don't believe the hype. Then he asks me if I would coach football at my present school for 2K or a private school for 100K.
Hopefully they offered it to him and now he's figuring out a way to tell the kids at Cincy. If it's Edsell OUCH!!!!!!!!!
Fuck why not bring in Holtz or even throw a bone to Norm Chow.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:18 pm
by King Crimson
you know what the funniest thing about all this is:
Phil Fulmer's name being mentioned in the media. i mean LOL. just shows how stupid the sports media are. for chrissakes, Phil Fulmer!
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:20 pm
by Killian
King Crimson wrote:Killian, if you had to guess, what sort of timetable are we on until an actual hire is made? days, weeks?
If it's Kelly, the hire will be made on Friday. If it's not Kelly, I won't be around to know.
Honestly, the Kelly thing will be decided by tomorrow. If we don't hear anything, they will likely move on to Edsal.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:22 pm
by Adelpiero
Edsall has done one hell of a job at Uconn, but if ND settles on him, then they not only didn't hit a home run, they had to leg out a bloop hit. he would be a great hire for Kansas, for Notre Dame? Oh how fall ND has fallen!
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:16 pm
by Laxplayer
How far has ND fallen? Well this is like trying to get a date with Pamela Anderson, having a chance at it, then settling for Roseanne Barr.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:01 am
by Laxplayer
Nah, I'll continue to date my wife. She's a home run.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:06 am
by CintiBearcat92
Laxplayer wrote:Nah, I'll continue to date my wife. She's a home run.
Awww, how sweet :) I'm impressed though, dude. Not enough guys talk up their wives so major props to you. About Edsall though, he is a good coach. He built the UConn program from nothing and came into ND and won this year. His team lost pretty much all their games by 2-4 points and UConn could fairly easily be sitting where Cincinnati is now with a few more breaks. He held his team together after one of his players got murdered and that says something about the guy. I think you could do alot worse than him but in all honesty, that hire isn't what ND needs right now. I think ND needs a big name that will get attention and raise expectations. I think Kelly is one of the top coaches in the nation but I don't even think his name generates that kind of excitement. I really thought they'd lure Gruden, Saban, or Meyer there but apparently not. Randy Edsall is a good coach but I can understand your disappointment. I can't see it happening though. I think they'll get a bigger name.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:13 am
by King Crimson
mvscal wrote:SunCoastSooner wrote:King Crimson wrote:* people (especially Texans) talk like OU is an all Texas roster. and OU does recruit Texas and has always recruited Texas (remember my 500 mile posts about recruiting over state "loyalty")....but OK State has over half their roster (and every starter on D this year) from Texas. but, no one bashes the Pokes for it.
Yeah annoys me as well to hear this all the time.
OU has at least 44 players from Texas, idiots. If it annoys you, pressure your school to stop recruiting in Texas.
no offense dude, but you've demonstrated that "you don't get it" about 15 times in the last week on this board as you bandwagon UT. this is yet another. the annoyance is morons like you that both I and SCS have named in our posts. you prove the point, kyoa.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:45 pm
by SunCoastSooner
mvscal wrote:Who brought it up? That's what I thought. I "get" that you two crybabies seem to be pretty insecure that half of your team comes from Texas year in and year out.
And the vast majority of our stars come from Oklahoma or elsewhere other than Texas... not a single Heisman at OU was won by a Texan, 1 Thorpe out of four, 1 Butkuss out of six, and 2/3 of our All Americans have come from states other than Texas.
Jason White*, Josh Heupel, Steve Owens, Roy Williams, Greg Pruitt, Antonio Perkins, Mark Clayton, J.T. Thatcher, Keith Jackson, Ricky Bryan*, Lee Roy Selmon*, Luscious Selmon*, Dewey Selmon*, Rocky Calmus*, Teddy Lehman*, Curtiss Lofton (you know the guy who leads the NFL in tackles currently), Billy Vessels*, Sam Bradford*, Jermaine Gresham*, JC Watts*, Jamelle Holiway, Tony Casillas*, JD Roberts*, Tommy McDonald, Reggie Kinlaw, Jimbo Elrod*, Tinker Owens*, Rod Shoate*, Jack Mildren*, Bob Kalsu*, Jim Weatherall*, etc... not a single fucking one of them was from texass and those are just off the top of my head. The vast majority of our stars come from Oklahoma. Hell New Mexico and Louisiana have given us more national award winners than the state of Texas has. Oklahoma State, Arkansas, Tulsa, and Kansas all have more kids from Texas than their home state or the Sooners have from Texas. Texans get pissed off because we have
traditionally done more with those players and our players are more successful in the NFL than the kids who go to Texass. Go back to being bitch slapped on the cul de smack because you have even less business here since you obviously have not a fucking clue what you're talking about.
* denotes Oklahomans
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:08 pm
by Killian
CintiBearcat92 wrote:I think you could do alot worse than him
They would have to try really, really hard. He would be a fucking disaster.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:29 pm
by MuchoBulls
Edsall is a good coach and his teams rarely, if ever, beat themselves. His teams are very good defensively, which is something that ND needs pretty badly. If he finds some good offensive asisstants he'd do well there.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:34 pm
by Killian
MuchoBulls wrote:Edsall is a good coach and his teams rarely, if ever, beat themselves. His teams are very good defensively, which is something that ND needs pretty badly. If he finds some good offensive asisstants he'd do well there.
You may be right, but he has one winning season in 6 in the Big East. He's 65-65 in his career. He is, at best, a very average recruiter. He screams Tyrone Willingham. I've seen how this race ends.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:03 pm
by MuchoBulls
I'm not saying he should be your choice. I think it's pretty safe to say that he has a more difficult time recruiting because of UConn's location and their lack of football prowess (I think they went 1 A the same year we did). He has brought in some pretty good players that developed well while at UConn and have gone on to the NFL.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:28 pm
by Van
If ND is reduced to having to grab a bland, .500 coach from the Big East whose only claim to fame is seeing one of his players get murdered then just go ahead and pull the plug on them. They ain't coming back. They're through.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:14 pm
by CintiBearcat92
I remember telling people several years ago about a great hire. Everyone around here was screaming about what a disaster it was but I told them that this guy was a hell of a coach and a winner and he'd do just fine. He won a national championship his second year and his name is Jim Tressel. This thing with Edsall is pretty similar. His name doesn't mean much to anyone but he can coach and built something from nothing. Maybe I'm just being a Big East homer but i think he's a good coach. That being said, I still think ND can and should do better and make a bigger splash.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:24 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Cinti - what did Cincy fans think of Dantonio during his time there? I know ultimately he left Cincinnati a .500 coach but seemed to really be able to pull in some talent that has come to fruition. MSU fans are still pretty big believers in the's the D coordinator, Narduzzi, that people want to see gone.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:33 pm
by Laxplayer
Almost 20% of UConn's roster hails from the traditional power football states as Mass, and CT. Come on guys. How is Randy Edsall going to convince top notch recruits to had to ND. He has no star power to get those big name kids. Sorry, he may be a good coach but let's take a look at this:
Coaches that are at these small schools don't need top notch talent at every position. You can win games with a few really good players because nobody has really good players. At a place like ND you need high quality at EVERY position. Please tell me that a highly recruited kid is going to choose ND with this guy over Saban, Meyer, Brown, Carroll, etc.......
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:35 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Van wrote:If ND is reduced to having to grab a bland, .500 coach from the Big East whose only claim to fame is seeing one of his players get murdered then just go ahead and pull the plug on them. They ain't coming back. They're through.
Notre Dame needs a "top notch recruiter" in order to attract kids to
Notre Dame, then they're already through.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:45 pm
by Laxplayer
If Notre Dame needs a "top notch recruiter" in order to attract kids to Notre Dame, then they're already through.
Believe it or not, they do. Kids just don't want to deal with everything ND requires of student athletes today. This is why so many kids are heading to schools like SC, Florida, Texas etc....the academic requirements along with the crappy weather, women with clothing and more courdoroy than you can imagine. It takes a special person to recruit a kid to the mid west now. It's not like it was 20+ years ago. With more TV exposure kids are seeing schools in other areas of the country on TV. They're seeing smoking hot women on TV, on their visits etc.....ND doesn't offer than except for the TV package. ND will never win another national championship with the restrictions they have on coaches. With all of these restrictions why would kids want to go there? Yes there are those who have family or religious ties but for the most part kids would rather go elsewhere.
Re: All indications are that it's Brian Kelly
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:59 pm
by Killian
CintiBearcat92 wrote:I remember telling people several years ago about a great hire. Everyone around here was screaming about what a disaster it was but I told them that this guy was a hell of a coach and a winner and he'd do just fine. He won a national championship his second year and his name is Jim Tressel. This thing with Edsall is pretty similar. His name doesn't mean much to anyone but he can coach and built something from nothing. Maybe I'm just being a Big East homer but i think he's a good coach. That being said, I still think ND can and should do better and make a bigger splash.
No offense man, but those situations aren't remotely similar. Tressel was the best coach in 1-AA at a program in Ohio. He knew all the high school coaches in a talent rich state, and took over having those connections. Not the case with ND.
Sam, I was one of the 1% if you remember and I have zero faith in ND landing a top teir coach. Bama had a stallion for an AD, ND has a gelding.