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Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:44 am
by Plato
Katyic wrote:that troll under it's former handler used to be good
Not many things bring more Holiday Cheer than seeing an ass-shredded Elly May grasp, wonder, flail, and piss all over herself taking stabs at WHO the deer are or are not.

Bottom line, you don't have a fucking clue what you're saying and you've been worked in a Hall of Fame way, trust me.



Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:45 am
by JMak
Like them, that has been flushed.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:47 am
by Katy
Plato wrote:
Katyic wrote:that troll under it's former handler used to be good
Not many things bring more Holiday Cheer than seeing an ass-shredded Elly May grasp, wonder, flail, and piss all over herself taking stabs at WHO the deer are or are not.

Bottom line, you don't have a fucking clue what you're saying and you've been worked in a Hall of Fame way, trust me.



You're claiming Bode? Are you fucking serious? :lol: :lol:

Most everyone is laughing at you, not with you.

Getting over isn't using 3rd rate smack that wasn't funny 10 years ago.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:49 am
by JMak
Hall of Fame way?? Now this is even better. Must be an Obama lover. Just like Obama this shit poster thinks calling his shot HoF makes it so. OTOH, we could have a circle-jerk going on via PM racking and high-fiving each other, patting each other on the back. Too bad, though, that shit don't fly. Not out in the open where even Elmer Fudd could outfox these nutless wonders.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:50 am
by Katy
JMak wrote:Hall of Fame way?? Now this is even better. Must be an Obama lover. Just like Obama this shit poster thinks calling his shot HoF makes it so. OTOH, we could have a circle-jerk going on via PM racking and high-fiving each other, patting each other on the back. Too bad, though, that shit don't fly. Not out in the open where even Elmer Fudd could outfox these nutless wonders.

I'm sure this was originally a well thought out plan of theirs in the war room. Too bad it fell flat as I don't really give three shits as to whom they are. It's better for them that we not know who the posters are behind this travesty.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:04 am
by Donder
Katyic, Dioqueen, ShouldhaveleftSooner, JWack, and Who Wagon have sore asses for Christmas.

Katyic, Dioqueen, ShouldhaveleftSooner, JWack, and Who Wagon say the deer are bad.

Katyic, Dioqueen, ShouldhaveleftSooner, JWack, and Who Wagon are low tier message board scurve.

Deer are laffing endlessly.

Connect some dots?

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:05 am
by Katy
Donder wrote:Katyic, Dioqueen, ShouldhaveleftSooner, JWack, and Who Wagon have sore asses for Christmas.

Katyic, Dioqueen, ShouldhaveleftSooner, JWack, and Who Wagon say the deer are bad.

Katyic, Dioqueen, ShouldhaveleftSooner, JWack, and Who Wagon are low tier message board scurve.

Deer are laffing endlessly.

Connect some dots?


Back to the drawing board.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:08 am
by SunCoastSooner
Donder wrote:Katyic, Dioqueen, ShouldhaveleftSooner, JWack, and Who Wagon have sore asses for Christmas.

Katyic, Dioqueen, ShouldhaveleftSooner, JWack, and Who Wagon say the deer are bad.

Katyic, Dioqueen, ShouldhaveleftSooner, JWack, and Who Wagon are low tier message board scurve.

Deer are laffing endlessly.

Connect some dots?
Jesus is this the best you have? These trolls should be retired until someone worthy of the reigns either presents themselves or the previous handlers return.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:10 am
by Katy
Methinks all the original deer are at Mag7 now and they recruited flunkies with posting skills that would make RadioStalker look cool.

Oh, I forgot that's a taboo subject. My bad.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:16 am
by JMak
Sorry part is that this about the best this board has to offer lately.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:20 am
by Katy

This board is still far and away better than the alternatives.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:30 am
by Vixen
l to r: JMak, Katy

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:28 pm
by Plato
Katy wrote:What happened to the days of the reindeer taking fair aim at anyone, anything, and everybody?
Those days are now, fucktard. Only the board nose pickers get roped in and dragged around by us.

Clues for sale.


Look at the starting five on your "board general consensus" list who think the deer are no good.

Worm Wagon

Holy fuckin' shit, man. Give me the '72 Sixers minus the points.

Pull the rag you use as your auto gas cap off that rusted out motherfucker and shove it in your fat mouth, you inbred hillbilly dumbfuck.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:44 pm
by Cupid

You thought the RadioFan family trolls was a good idea.

'nuff said.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:22 pm
by Blitzen
Cupid wrote:Katy,

You thought the RadioFan family trolls was a good idea.

'nuff said.
Her kids are picking through the vacuum cleaner looking for breadcrumbs and bedbugs to eat while she's doing Nyquil shots
and auditioning for her next hot internet liaison. Why are you surprised?
This place has a search feature, amirite? Just punch in her name.

She also outed Vixen last night. Vixen you dumbassfuck, get your shit tightened up.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:57 pm
by Katy
Cupid wrote:Katy,

You thought the RadioFan family trolls was a good idea.

'nuff said.
What Radiofan family trolls?

Do tell, oh keeper-of-keys.


Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:58 pm
by Katy
Blitzen wrote:She also outed Vixen last night. Vixen you dumbassfuck, get your shit tightened up.
It was pretty obvious.

Better luck next year, guys.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:00 pm
by Katy
Plato wrote:
Katy wrote:What happened to the days of the reindeer taking fair aim at anyone, anything, and everybody?
Those days are now, fucktard. Only the board nose pickers get roped in and dragged around by us.

Clues for sale.


Look at the starting five on your "board general consensus" list who think the deer are no good.

Worm Wagon

Holy fuckin' shit, man. Give me the '72 Sixers minus the points.

Pull the rag you use as your auto gas cap off that rusted out motherfucker and shove it in your fat mouth, you inbred hillbilly dumbfuck.
Tell ya what, you can come out as yourself anytime you want and "air out your vagina."

I made you mad, really mad. Why don't we hold hands and talk about it?

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:58 pm
by TVO
This has to be the epitome of circle jerks. I don't know which of you is most depraved or retarded. But I'll let my guard down just this once and say rack the trools and reindeer (feels like mvs turds in my mouth) and merry christmas.

You too ap.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 6:06 pm
by War Wagon
Donder wrote: Who Wagon say the deer are bad.
Who Wagon?

That's a new one and fairly clever.

Be that as it may, I haven't commented much about the deer, pro or con, as feeding anonymous pile-on pussy trolls with axes to grind is never a good idea.

I do find them mildly entertaining, but no, you're not as epic as you'd like to believe everyone thinks you are.
Connect some dots?
heh. s'up, Screwed?

Go fuck yourself.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 6:52 pm
by Salt Lick
It's getting hard to follow all of this...but Vixen, you better get that cooze looked at, pronto. We might need to fly in some penicillin.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:06 pm
by KC Scott

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:22 pm
by Paul
The troll deer was a bad idea, folks. A REALLY bad idea, as in a faggot midget porn kind of bad idea. Make them go away.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:24 pm
by Vixen
Paul wrote:The troll deer was a bad idea, folks. A REALLY bad idea, as in a faggot midget porn kind of bad idea.
....or like in a "you venturing out of the NFL forum" kinda idea, big shooter?

Get the fuck outta my snout, pendejo.

You rancid sacks of cock drainage are really something else this season.

I haven't seen this much whining since the last time Whitey logged on.

Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:35 am
by Donder
Vixen wrote:....or like in a "you venturing out of the NFL forum" kinda idea, big shooter?

Get the fuck outta my snout, pendejo.
That's right. Waddle your bloated butt cheeks back to the buffet line, hippo.

Not to say you're necessarily fat, Paul, but you do happen to have more chins than a Hong Kong telephone directory.


Re: Reindeer, gather 'round, for tonight we rejoice

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 4:06 am
by War Wagon
Vixen wrote: I haven't seen this much whining since the last time Whitey logged on.
A buck, posing as a doe.

How Feelsdix of you.