Wow, things are looking good for you when your first retort is something straight out of the 3rd grade insult guide. Way to step it up and not call me a big poopy head.88 wrote:BStupid-

Nice try at moving the goal posts. The issue is trust in the system. You claim you trust it and I think that only a mouth breathing mongoloid would ever put absolute trust in the criminal justice system.You haven't yet identified a single person who has been executed in the United States that was later "exonerated".
Only after each man served an average of 10 years of hard time. I guess it's a good thing the GOP hasn't been able to rush through habeus "reform".In fact, most of the peeps listed in your link were exonerated and released pursuant to the system we are discussing. It isn't like they were snatched from prison by the gods. They system reviewed their cases and let them free.
How about the bullshit conveyor you have wired to your keyboard? It seems to be working at 100% efficiency.Capricious: subject to whim, impulse and unpredictability. Your linked article cites a few hundred "exonorations" over a 14 year period. Do you have any idea how many criminal cases are processed during that time. We are talking about an error rate of 0.0001% or less. Seriously, dog. You are a complete idiot. I can't think of anything else that works that well.
The basis is simple. Here, I'll break it down for you.Somewhere in the space between your ears you ought to have enough gray matter to at least be able to articulate a basis for the garbage that you post. Give it a try. So far, total fail.
1. The taking of life is irrevocable
2. The justice system is not and has never been 100% reliable and should therefore never be allowed to impose any penalty it cannot provide adequate remedy for should said conviction be found invalid.
3. Anybody who puts total faith in the justice system is a fucking moron.
4. You should change your nick to 88Waystobestupid or something equally urbane
5. The Browns are a bunch of panty wearing homos