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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:08 pm
by trev
I'm really happy about all this. I'm going to get a government "job" like Bsmack.
Re: Re:
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:09 pm
by General Peters
Q, West Coast Style wrote:I think this bears repeating.
I think you've licked his balls enough.
Give the next faggot a turn.
Re: Re:
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:12 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
General Peters wrote:
I think you've licked his balls enough.
Give the next faggot a turn.
R R R A A A A C C C C C K K K ! ! ! ! !
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:17 pm
by General Peters
I see this bill as a form of reparations.
This phukken kneegroid can do whatever he wants and people are too scared to disagree.
You MORONS had a chance to keep this from happening, but 40+ years of brainwashing had already taken its course and now we're fukked.
When the dust settles, Stanley and I will be two of the FEW remaining proud noble Americans standing over the ashes of a once great nation, shaking our heads and saying "told you fukkers so"
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:23 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
General Peters wrote:
When the dust settles, Stanley and I will be two of the FEW remaining proud noble Americans standing over the ashes of a once great nation, shaking our heads and saying "told you fukkers so"
Fukkken Yep! :( :( :(
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:30 pm
by General Peters
GREAT avatar, sir!
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:31 pm
by Sirfindafold
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:35 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
General Peters wrote:^^^^
GREAT avatar, sir!
This is my new girlfriend.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:02 pm
by Carson
BSmack to study for an ELT 130 test
The fact you are still taking freshmen level courses explains why you are so enthralled with pending socialism.
Ten years from now, when YOUR kid with appendicitis has to wait in line behind ten "ladies" with headaches, is when it will finally dawn on you.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:41 pm
by Derron
*Employers are required to disclose the value of health benefits on employees' W-2 tax forms.
Nice...taxable benefits now ?? That will fuck the public employees right in the ass, ( good thing) who have those $ 1,500 health care benefits. They will scream like hell when they get hit with this one. $ 4,500 per employee in new taxes there
The threshold for claiming medical expenses on itemized tax returns is raised to 10 percent from 7.5 percent of income.
Taxes up another 2.5% there.....this one is really screwing people...
But it will be paid for in savings form Medicare.....complete bullshit..
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:52 pm
by BSmack
Carson wrote:BSmack to study for an ELT 130 test
The fact you are still taking freshmen level courses explains why you are so enthralled with pending socialism.
I have a bachelors degree. However it is in history. Despite the handicap my choice of degree became, I was able to find employment for a number of years and work my way up to the position of systems engineer at a Fortune 500 Company. Then I got laid off last summer.
Now some might consider that to be a crippling blow, as now I'm re-entering the job market after years at a single company, with the vast bulk of my experience being with their proprietary software. I choose to look at it as an opportunity to take the money I have saved over many years and invest in myself with the idea of making even more money after this shitstorm blows over.
Now, it just so happens that my degree program includes an introductory course in electronics. I guess they want the future integration engineers of the world to know something about electronics. Sounds logical to me. So we learn a little bit about Ohm, Watt and Volta and how to string wires together. And I get that much closer to completing my degree requirements.
Now this has what to do with socialism?
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:24 pm
by Carson
I guess it was the news video I saw on election night that showed young skulls full o' mush on a college campus, waving a communist flag that their history professor had loaned them.
Unless they live in the projects, I can't imagine someone's parents teaching their kids the values that Castro and Co. hold so dear.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:31 pm
by BSmack
Carson wrote:I guess it was the news video I saw on election night that showed young skulls full o' mush on a college campus, waving a communist flag that their history professor had loaned them.
Unless they live in the projects, I can't imagine someone's parents teaching their kids the values that Castro and Co. hold so dear.
Universal health care has more to do with Otto von Bismark than it will ever have to do with Castro. The fact that you don't understand that tells me that you still need a few 100 level college courses.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:34 pm
by Carson
You can't relate Castro with government health care?
Where'd you get your history degree?
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:47 pm
by BSmack
Carson wrote:You can't relate Castro with government health care?
Where'd you get your history degree?
SUNY Oswego.
And I said "Universal health care has more to do with Otto von Bismark than it will ever have to do with Castro." Don't play semantics games with me boy.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:51 pm
by Carson
You can paint this turd whatever color you's still GOVERNMENT health care, just like GOVERNMENT CHEESE.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:22 pm
by BSmack
88 wrote:Could someone explain to me why any American should be happy that the US health care system is now modeled in the style championed by Otto von Bismark?
It isn't, you cock snorkeling ambulance chaser. We don't have universal health care and the delivery systems are not even remotely comparable. But we're a whole lot closer than before.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:22 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Here's yer boy, mopping up after the circle jerk that once was the GOP... ... 08381.html did the party of the educated, the wealthy, the men with businesses instead of jobs...the party of
Thomas Jefferson become reduced to a snarling pack of religious fanatics whose sheer incivility and rancor--and childish pique--are embarrassing to the rest of the world? ONE GOP member who can be held in high regard. Whom? And make no mistake, I want a
balanced government. I want dissenting voices and real debate. But...every leading GOP figure in the past ten years has had to resign in disgrace or flee office entirely, or face jail time. The "spokesmen" for the GOP are now certified morons like Beck and Limpdick. The leading figure in the GOP is...
Is someone going to suggest that the GOP is
not entirely fucked up? :doh:
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:24 pm
by BSmack
Carson wrote:You can paint this turd whatever color you's still GOVERNMENT health care, just like GOVERNMENT CHEESE.
You wish it was government health care. This is still the HMO system. But with controls and consumer protections built in. And with some considerable aid for the lower middle class.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:42 pm
by Carson
Government "control" and "protection". No socialism there.
...and LIMP WRIST 2: I'd rather have Beck, Limbaugh and Palin than Olburpcumm, Maddyke and Dean, Dean the Screaming Machine.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:54 pm
by Sirfindafold
BSmack wrote:..... And with some considerable aid for the lower middle class.
you forgot redistribution of wealth. no socialism here.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:03 pm
by BSmack
Sirfindafold wrote:BSmack wrote:..... And with some considerable aid for the lower middle class.
you forgot redistribution of wealth. no socialism here.
Every economic transaction is a "redistribution of wealth". What's yer fucking point?
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:06 pm
by Sirfindafold
BSmack wrote:Sirfindafold wrote:BSmack wrote:..... And with some considerable aid for the lower middle class.
you forgot redistribution of wealth. no socialism here.
Every economic transaction is a "redistribution of wealth". What's yer fucking point?
and you said the right was gonna melt.
you're a fuckin jerkoff.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:17 pm
by Y2K
California's gonna get stuck with another 2 or 3 Billion in Medicaid payouts, How nice is that? So our kids are stupid from overcrowded classrooms our state infrastructure melts past it's current "state of shit", we release criminals early. increase tuitions again across the board, close more state parks and sell property, furlough more workers and accelerate job losses and soon be forced to pony up higher taxes in a failing effort to make Obama happy.
But "hey" we all will finally have healthcare.
Why even wait till 2014 to phase it all in?
Do it now! Let the clusterfuck begin!
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:17 pm
by JMak
Uh, Derron, there is a union carve out exempting union health care plans from the tax...I think this applies to public sector employees as well. That's how the Dems got this tax on benefits through with union support for the bill. But the Democrats are so spineless that the tax doesn't hit until 2018.
88, Also wrong in that link was the 10pct premium bonus to doctors in 2011. The doc fix hasn't been voted on and the cost will dwarf any supposed deficit savings from this thing.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:42 pm
by BSmack
Y2K wrote:Why even wait till 2014 to phase it all in?
Do it now!
I only wish. But we can't have everything.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:44 pm
by titlover
BSmack wrote:Sirfindafold wrote:BSmack wrote:..... And with some considerable aid for the lower middle class.
you forgot redistribution of wealth. no socialism here.
Every economic transaction is a "redistribution of wealth". What's yer fucking point?
uhhhh, it's kinda different when the gubment forces it on you.
jesus, you are one stupid fucking moron.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:01 pm
by BSmack
titlover wrote:BSmack wrote:Every economic transaction is a "redistribution of wealth". What's yer fucking point?
uhhhh, it's kinda different when the gubment forces it on you.
jesus, you are one stupid fucking moron.
Oh, like when the government forces me to pay for a war I wanted no part of?
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:49 pm
by War Wagon
BSmack wrote:I am going to fucking SAVOR the melts from the right tommorow.
Will you also savor the results of the November mid-term elections?
Laws can be repealed, you know.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:51 pm
by War Wagon
BSmack wrote:
Oh, like when the government forces me to pay for a war I wanted no part of?
Apples and mortar shells.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:05 pm
by trev
BSmack wrote:titlover wrote:BSmack wrote:Every economic transaction is a "redistribution of wealth". What's yer fucking point?
uhhhh, it's kinda different when the gubment forces it on you.
jesus, you are one stupid fucking moron.
Oh, like when the government forces me to pay for a war I wanted no part of?
5 hours later and you are the one still melting.
I depend on my governent for military protection. You depend on your government for food, shelter and healthcare. Don't worry, that is what they want.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:07 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
War Wagon wrote:BSmack wrote:
Oh, like when the government forces me to pay for a war I wanted no part of?
Apples and mortar shells.
It's still socialism. On the Prussian model, of course.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:14 pm
by War Wagon
Toddowen wrote:BSmack wrote:
I am going to fucking SAVOR the melts from the right tommorow.
So instead of expressing how this will benefit everyone, you'll be looking to further infuriate the many who are opposed to it? That's the prize you come away with from all of this?
You really are one dumb mother fucker.
How come this hasn't been racked yet?
Well spoken, Todd.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:16 pm
by Derron
88 wrote:
I thought of one other possibility. You could get a check from the government as an employee or contractor. That would not be welfare/insurance/return of your own money. You would be receiving other taxpayer's labor or EARNED INCOME, but presumably you have performed some service or provided some goods for the welfare crowd or Congress in this instance.
Something like a YEA vote if you are a member of Congress
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:02 pm
by poptart
People taking the cheese that you worked for is pretty raunchy, Scott, but it's really of relatively minor concern.
The real issue is your freedom.
Or better yet, the freedom of your children, and their children.
Piece by piece, it's been/being taken away.
And this is a pretty big piece, if it all goes down the way the democrats would like.
Not a single republican voted for this thing.
Should raise a big red flag.
I'm not IN.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:04 pm
by Derron
KC Scott wrote:I just got home from Ammo R'Us with 2000 9mm rounds, and 12 cases of 12ga shells.
I'll be ready tomorrow when the marauding and newly healthy lower class try to storm my Bourgeoisie abode for more free cheese
Won't you be surprised when it turns out to be some of the Change Chimps secret police ( if he is smart enough to have any) coming with more and bigger weapons than you got, to seize your weapons, ammo and your cash stash to help fund that newly health lower class. You have too nice a crib, and you make to much money for them not to come for your shit.
How is all that hard work and skill faring you now ?
I would make damn sure you have some kind of ID set up around your place, so when the marauding conservatives start taking this country back, they know where to find a recruit.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:10 pm
by Tom In VA
KC Scott wrote:I just got home from Ammo R'Us with 2000 9mm rounds, and 12 cases of 12ga shells.
I'll be ready tomorrow when the marauding and newly healthy lower class try to storm my Bourgeoisie abode for more free cheese
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:17 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Class war.
That's all you'll be left with when the parasites pack their bags, hop on a jet, and find their next host.
Nothing left but for you, but to devour yourselves.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:22 pm
by JMak
Not a class war but culture war as we descend into fighting about which lifestyle choices should be subsidized by the fed govt.
Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:33 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
JMak wrote:Not a class war but culture war as we descend into fighting about which lifestyle choices should be subsidized by the fed govt.
You idiot.
This will be about people having their pensions ripped off and others being thrown out of their homes and into the street,
not about two fags kissing in the trenches.
"Culture war" is a right-wing tag for "pay no attention to the hand lifting the wallet out of your pocket...ABORTION!!!"