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Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:22 am
by JMak
KC Scott wrote:Once again Detard you fail to either read or comprehend before your stubby little fingers blather out yet another moronic opinion.
As for R&D - most of big pharma doesn't do it. It's funded by small start ups who go public sell shares while working on their FDA approval. As soon as they hit that's when Big Pharma buys them.
Want a few dozen examples of this?
I'm not disputing that. I havent posted anything disputing that. You've fucked a red herring and now you're like a 1st grader with a bottle of paste.

My points do not rest on whether big or small firms conduct the research.

Feel free to address actual statements rather than bullshit floating between your ears.

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:27 am
by JMak
Why is no one willing to address the doc fix?

Obama and the Democrats cut reimbursements to doctors by 21%. They fully intend to restore those another bill, though.

And no one has the balls to call them out in it? It's a part of Obamacare but no one calls the Democrats on it.

Hell, the CBO examined this point and found that rather than reducing the deficit, the doc fix adds nearly $60 billion to the deficit between 2010 and 2019.

But, be assured, Obamacare reduces the deficit...the media ain't carrying the Dems water on this, the Dems are not deliberately lying. No, really, this cuts the deficit.

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:28 am
by BSmack
JMak wrote:
BSmack wrote:The first Gallup poll since the bill signing just came out. Obama's approval shot up too 50%. It will go well north of that. You people are watching the best and most influential President since FDR. Enjoy it for another 6 years and change.
Yeah, right...we'll see.
Yes we will. Has it dawned on you yet that underestimating Barack Obama hasn't worked out well for Republicans?

Probably not.

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:33 am
by JMak
BSmack wrote:
JMak wrote:
BSmack wrote:The first Gallup poll since the bill signing just came out. Obama's approval shot up too 50%. It will go well north of that. You people are watching the best and most influential President since FDR. Enjoy it for another 6 years and change.
Yeah, right...we'll see.
Yes we will. Has it dawned on you yet that underestimating Barack Obama hasn't worked out well for Republicans?

Probably not.
Yeah, we underestimated the ego of this maniac. So much so that we didn't see that he would use an illegitimate budget rule to fundamentally change American policy. I guess getting over like that is your idea of effective government, but ordinary Americans who do not demand that others pay for their allergy shots don't think so.

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:48 am
by BSmack
I see JMak has his deflector shields on full power.

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:56 am
by Mace
Rising approval of the healthcare bill is, at least in part, due to the public finally finding out what's in the bill and being able to recognize all of the lies and scare tactics spewed by FOX News and the Republicans. Same old shit....err...American politics.

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:57 am
by JMak
BSmack wrote:I see JMak has his deflector shields on full power.
What am I deflecting from?

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:01 am
by BSmack
Mace wrote:Rising approval of the healthcare bill is, at least in part, due to the public finally finding out what's in the bill and being able to recognize all of the lies and scare tactics spewed by FOX News and the Republicans. Same old shit....err...American politics.
Spot on. It may not be perfect, but most reasonable people see it as an improvement over the old system.

Ah that feels so good to say the "old system".

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:06 am
by JMak
Mace wrote:Rising approval of the healthcare bill is, at least in part, due to the public finally finding out what's in the bill and being able to recognize all of the lies and scare tactics spewed by FOX News and the Republicans. Same old shit....err...American politics.
Huh? You'll have to first establish that lies were told. Which lies are you referring to here?

On Monday, CNN told us that:
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll found that 59 percent of those surveyed opposed the bill, and 39 percent favored it. All of the interviews were conducted before the House voted Sunday night, but the contents of the bill were widely known.

In addition, 56 percent said the bill gives the government too much involvement in health care; 28 percent said it gives the government the proper role and 16 percent said it leaves Washington with an inadequate role.

On the question of costs, 62 percent said the bill increases the amount of money they personally spend on health care; 21 percent said their costs would remain the same and 16 percent said they would decrease.

Hmmm, what were you saying, Mace?

BTW - to both of you...which polls are you now seeing this alleged swing to majority approval? Oh, that's right, there isn't one. Quinnipac saw an 8 point increase to 44% approval and CBS saw a five point increase to 42%...yeah, taking magin of error into account, the glowing media coverage fawning over the signing...and you guys are pawning this off as a reversal of 12 months of clear majority opposition?

But I'm the guy clowning up this bitch?


Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:11 am
by JMak
BSmack wrote:
Mace wrote:Rising approval of the healthcare bill is, at least in part, due to the public finally finding out what's in the bill and being able to recognize all of the lies and scare tactics spewed by FOX News and the Republicans. Same old shit....err...American politics.
Spot on. It may not be perfect, but most reasonable people see it as an improvement over the old system.

Ah that feels so good to say the "old system".
An improvement?

Supposedly under the old system there were nearly 50,000,000 without insurance. Under the new plan, there will only be 20,000,000. Under the old plan, we didn't have the deficit jumping another $60,000,000,000 over the next ten years. Under the new plan, we do. Vast improvements, right?

I guess we needed to add $60,000,000,000 to the debt not to cover all those without insurance and not to bring actual costs down while simultaneously imposing the biggest tax increase ever, though exempting Democrats favored corporations and the unions...

Where's the improvement?

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:14 am
by Mace
The only part of the bill that doesn't sit well with me is the mandate that everyone must buy health insurance without offering up a plan that is affordable for everyone. I suspect that the public option will be coming at some point in the future.

Which lies? How about the "death panel" scare?

As for the polls regarding cost for insurance, I suspect that the real number is 100% of those polled have no fucking idea if their insurance premiums will increase, decrease, or remain the same because of this bill. They don't fucking know. If I had to venture a guess, premiums will go up at some point in the near future. Because of this bill? No. Because they always go up, not down, but the Republicans will undoubtedly blame the new healthcare bill.

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:29 am
by BSmack
JMak wrote:An improvement?

Supposedly under the old system there were nearly 50,000,000 without insurance. Under the new plan, there will only be 20,000,000. Under the old plan, we didn't have the deficit jumping another $60,000,000,000 over the next ten years. Under the new plan, we do. Vast improvements, right?
Let's just assume that your numbers are valid. Just for the sake of furthering the argument. You're saying that we will have 60 billion in added deficits over 10 years. Now that works out to about 6 billion a year. So what you're saying is that for a debt of roughly 4% of our CURRENT GNP, we are covering an extra 30 MILLION people? And you have a PROBLEM with this?

And that is assuming your numbers are right. Which I do not agree with at all.

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:31 am
by JMak
Mace wrote:The only part of the bill that doesn't sit well with me is the mandate that everyone must buy health insurance without offering up a plan that is affordable for everyone. I suspect that the public option will be coming at some point in the future.
You ignorant ass...that was one of the things you just called a lie by Fox and the Republicans... That plan will be developed by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats and will be subjected to the very same lobbying that sank the Massachusetts plan in which every policy must include coverage for this, that, and everything else. That part doesn't sit well with fucking profound.
Which lies? How about the "death panel" scare?
First, we heard that shit in 2008. Second, wtf is the the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research? And why did it's father, Tom Daschle, say it was intended to empower an unelected bureaucracy to make the hard decisions about health care rationing that elected politicians are politically unable to make. The end result is to slow costly medical advancement and consumption? Well?

Oh, and Obama's regulatoiry czar, Cass Sustein, here's how he feels about human life. In a nutshell, he argues that human life varies in value. Specifically he champions statistical methods that give preference to what the government rates as "quality-adjusted life years." Meaning, the government decides whether a person's life is worth living. If the government decides the life is not worth living, it is the individual's duty to die to free up welfare payments for the young and productive.

Third, and, hence, why shouldn't we be concerned about this and the Independent Medicare Advisory Board in Obamacare?

Not a lie.
As for the polls regarding cost for insurance, I suspect that the real number is 100% of those polled have no fucking idea if their insurance premiums will increase, decrease, or remain the same. They don't fucking know. If I had to venture a guess, premiums will go up at some point in the near future. Because of this bill? No. Because they always go up, not down.
Oh, I see, Americans are all fucking stupid now, right? They can't read, right? No way to under what the CBO already told us about premiums, right?

So they didn't read the CBO'as analysis and conclusion that:

In the individual market, premiums go up 10% to 13%.
Family coverages increase $2100 per year.

Yeah, I know, the CBO never revealed this information, it was never published. When the American clearly disagree with you, well, they're fucking stupid and simply making it up.

Fuck you!

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:38 am
by JMak
BSmack wrote:
JMak wrote:An improvement?

Supposedly under the old system there were nearly 50,000,000 without insurance. Under the new plan, there will only be 20,000,000. Under the old plan, we didn't have the deficit jumping another $60,000,000,000 over the next ten years. Under the new plan, we do. Vast improvements, right?
Let's just assume that your numbers are valid. Just for the sake of furthering the argument. You're saying that we will have 60 billion in added deficits over 10 years. Now that works out to about 6 billion a year. So what you're saying is that for a debt of roughly 4% of our CURRENT GNP, we are covering an extra 30 MILLION people? And you have a PROBLEM with this?

And that is assuming your numbers are right. Which I do not agree with at all.
You're in here arguing this shit and you don't have any number. You're simply arguing that this shit is aiiight cuz you feel that the rest of us should be on the hook to clear up your runny nose. grab a fucking tissue, pussy.

That's just the deficit add-on when counting the doc fix. What happens when employers like Verizon start dropping retiree Rx and drop their retirees on to Medicare - when the revenue doesn't materialize from the new tax on a government subsidy combined with the 100% increase in the cost of covering those retirees? What happens when we finally get to 2018 and like now neither the then-President and Congress refuse to impose that new excise tax?

I cited but a single example of this bill increasing the I've just cited two more major accounting gimmicks that likely will never happen.

Oh, and without the $500 billion cut from medicare in an attempt to balance this thing out, well, that's another $500 billion that has to be paid at some point. Those current seniors just aren't going to stop requiring care.

You're surely getting a roman helmet from Obama you blind cocksucker.

Edit - btw, fools, what happens when people just decide it's cheaper to pay off the IRS than to subscribe to mandatory coverages? What happens when the pool of insured becomes less healthy and the chronically ill gain less expensive coverage with heavily regulated rates? WTF do you think happens?

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:43 am
by Goober McTuber
Mace wrote:Do you think Marty can start shipping us our prescriptions from Canada? I mean, shit, Levitra is $20 a pill and, at my age, fucking ain't quite worth that much. Speaking as an Iowa farmer, that's about four bucks a second.
I'm sure your sheep really appreciate you taking part-time jobs to be able to afford these performance enhancing drugs.

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:11 am
by Moving Sale
JMak wrote:On Monday, CNN told us that:
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll found that 59 percent of those surveyed opposed the bill, and 39 percent favored it.

You never read the poll did you? Dolt.

Re: GOP gives up on health care, reconcilliation passes

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:16 am
by Moving Sale
BSmack wrote: So what you're saying is that for a debt of roughly 4% of our CURRENT GNP, we are covering an extra 30 MILLION people? .
What's that? 17-18 bucks per American per year?
Good show DrDouche.