Re: Anyone know what code is for....
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:49 am
Shovel the bullshit somewhere else. You can put a dog down in seconds, too.smackaholic wrote:a cat is not a dog. might possibly be a few anatomical differences.
Shovel the bullshit somewhere else. You can put a dog down in seconds, too.smackaholic wrote:a cat is not a dog. might possibly be a few anatomical differences.
obviously this vet needs further training as a 17 year old dog can be put down "in seconds".Usually within six to twelve seconds after the solution is injected the pet will take a slightly deeper breath, then grow weak and finally lapse into what looks like a deep sleep. (This state gives rise to the questionable euphemism "to put to sleep".) The pet, although completely unconscious, may continue to take a few more breaths before all movement ceases. I have found that the older and sicker the pet the longer this unconscious breathing state goes on.
Well, shelties are small. It stands to reason that a small dog or a cat will go quicker as the trip from the vein to the heart is shorter. This fact seems to be lost on Dr Dinslittle. Apparently it's all about vet competence. Things like anatomy are just convenient excuses.Carson wrote:Our sheltie went very quickly, but I had left my stopwatch at the house.
Much quicker than her cancer would have taken.