Re: Judge Orders Immediate Halt to DADT
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:35 am
The answer is obviously Congress, except to those who are dumb, being intentionally obtuse, or just want DADT repealed, regardless of the legality of the means.
Not even in the same ballpark. There is a longstanding legally recognized need for operational security that supersedes your right to post your location on Facebook when you are a member of the armed forces. NADT is justified based on the argument that it is needed for "unit cohesion." The problem with that theory is that it is demonstrably false, meaning the military has no justification for banning gay servicemen.mvscal wrote:And when a judge says that an individual's 1st amendment rights is more important the need for operational security?
I too don't have my GED in law...BSmack wrote:The problem with that theory is that it is demonstrably false, meaning the military has no justification for banning gay servicemen.
Solid.Dinsdale wrote:unwanted Irieing
If we were talking about some kind of abstract concept, then maybe you would have a point. However 35 countries, including most or all of our coalition partners in Afghanistan, allow gays to serve and there have been absolutely no issues with "unit cohesion." Which means, absent any other pressing military need, none which has been demonstrated, the policy is unconstitutional.Dinsdale wrote:And assuming Reasonable Assumption #1 is true (it is), would that not affect "unit cohesion"?
They aren't banned, just expected not to advertise and flaunt their perversion. Is that asking too much?BSmack wrote:the military has no justification for banning gay servicemen.
How would you know that and why should we care?BSmack wrote:However 35 countries, including most or all of our coalition partners in Afghanistan, allow gays to serve and there have been absolutely no issues with "unit cohesion."
uh, nice reach.Which means, absent any other pressing military need, none which has been demonstrated, the policy is unconstitutional.
BSmack wrote:However 35 countries, including most or all of our coalition partners in Afghanistan, allow gays to serve and there have been absolutely no issues with "unit cohesion." Which means, absent any other pressing military need, none which has been demonstrated, the policy is unconstitutional.
Try again, you piss-stained dumbfuck. It is exactly the same principle.BSmack wrote:Not even in the same ballpark.mvscal wrote:And when a judge says that an individual's 1st amendment rights is more important the need for operational security?
That is an opinion not a fact and meaningless opinion at that.BSmack wrote:...the military has no justification for banning gay servicemen.
Well, it will create jobs. And we've pretty much got the logistics worked out, 'cept for that pesky Pakistan... say! We could kill two birds with one stone.Dr_Phibes wrote:I'm sure you'll look just fabulous invading Iran.
Can we put this homoerotic "dong-gazing group showers" thing to rest? Newsflash: The military has these newfangled contraptions called "shower stalls" that come with this nifty accessory called a "curtain". Therefore the only way that a dude is going to be showering with another dude IS IF HE STEPS INTO AN OCCUPIED SHOWER STALL. Jesus, this is like being in junior high sex ed where the goofy kid giggles every time the teacher says "penis"...Dinsdale wrote:But, is it not reasonable to assume that a goodly percentage of heterosexual men would be uncomfortable being in the shower and other intimate settings with a man who is sexually attracted to men?
Look, you're operating under several equally retarded premises here:And assuming Reasonable Assumption #1 is true (it is), would that not æffect "unit cohesion"?
You do realize that most of our straight servicemen have been boning 15 y/o prostitutes in the South Pacific for the better part of the past 50 years, right? But I guess that's cool, because it involves heterosexual sex, but a Tom Brady poster in someone's locker is just fucking sick, right?WarWagon wrote:They aren't banned, just expected not to advertise and flaunt their perversion. Is that asking too much?
OCmike wrote:serving gay dudes was business as usual
I'm sure you and BSmack and JustSucked810Cocks will be very happy together.OCmike and a few well-placed strokes of my backspace key wrote:a dude is going to be showering with another dude IN A SHOWER STALL. Jesus, this is like junior high sex where the teacher says "penis"... Every man is irresistably drawn to every penis and simply MUST stare at it with googly eyes.
Dinsdale wrote:BSmack wrote:However 35 countries, including most or all of our coalition partners in Afghanistan, allow gays to serve and there have been absolutely no issues with "unit cohesion." Which means, absent any other pressing military need, none which has been demonstrated, the policy is unconstitutional.
Remind me when NATO dictated US domestic policy?
Nah, it'd never work. Every relationship can only have one cripple and I can't compete with JSC.Dinsdale wrote:OCmike wrote:serving gay dudes was business as usual
Oh, do tell...
I'm sure you and BSmack and JustSucked810Cocks will be very happy together.OCmike and a few well-placed strokes of my backspace key wrote:a dude is going to be showering with another dude IN A SHOWER STALL. Jesus, this is like junior high sex where the teacher says "penis"... Every man is irresistably drawn to every penis and simply MUST stare at it with googly eyes.
You're really contradicting your stance with statements like that.OCmike wrote:The only thing that fucks with "unit cohesion" is people who don't get their fucking job done and dealing with assholes.
Of course, there is that thing about soverign immunity. It's largely been waived in the U.S. by statute, to the point that most lay people probably don't even know about it. But where it hasn't been waived, it still exists.Dinsdale wrote:I'll let you in on another secret (secret to dunderheads, anyway) -- a current or former member of the US military can't sue the military, except in very rare cases, usually due to extreme willful negligence, or paycheck squabbles (which the military ALWAYS wins, but it's one of the few things you can sue over).
Dinsdale wrote:If I hypothetically were in the military,
Terry in Crapchester wrote:you certainly wouldn't last very long. The military does test for drugs.
Not a bit. Maybe if they were more focused on their mission rather than trolling gay chat rooms for cock you might have a point.Terry in Crapchester wrote:Ya think DADT might be interfering with operational readiness? Just a tad? Bueller, anyone?
Now...88 wrote:Would it be appropriate to tip back a glass of wine and be appreciative that the Court did it's job and prohibited Congress from taking fundamental rights away from its citizens?
Make up your mind asshat.88 wrote:But I'm not one of those people who has the ability to get "living documents" to tell me when they now mean something different than when they were written.
No, it's only based partly on that.BDumbfuck wrote:1. The justification for the US military banning openly gay, or unwillingly outed gay people from serving is based entirely on the idea that allowing them to serve will have an negative effect on unit cohesion..
She's an American you puss-filled quarter-wit.BSmack wrote:Jeb Thurmond wrote:
The star of Lazy town is Julianna Rose Mauriello. Yes, that's right, despite the show being from Iceland, which is thousands of miles from Mexico, a Mexican still managed to illegally immigrate there and steal a white person's job.
Safe to come out, Felix.Buttsy wrote:I'm not saying all fags should be shot and killed
Papa Willie wrote:Not only should fags not be in the military, but LIBERALS should not be in the military - certainly right now. Why? Most liberals want to coddle the cocks of Muslims. What's their motivation to want to kill one? How many conservative fags have you ever seen? I never have seen one. Ahh - there might be a couple of hundred or so, but why would you want prick-pinchers in the fucking military? Why is it okay for a fag to take showers with heterosexuals, when hetero dudes can't take showers with female heteros?
Just another way in which the cunt-spliced government is trying to dumb down and pussy out people. Absolutely god damned pathetic.
I'm not saying all fags should be shot and killed, but they don't have proper motivation to even function in a military environment.
I've read this one over several times, and I've concluded that you're going to have to explain to me exactly how this proves your friend's intelligence. I just don't see it. Sounds a bit like winning the battle but losing the war to me.Dinsdale wrote:Terry in Crapchester wrote:you certainly wouldn't last very long. The military does test for drugs.
It's notm so much a "drug test," as it is an "intelligence test" -- if you're not smart enough to figure out a way around it, you're probably not very bright.
Back in the 80's, one of my good friends fell into an extremely lucrative career as a drug dealer while in the Army in Germany. Sure, he did a stint in military prison... but never failed a drug test.
Then you are an idiot.88 wrote:My mind has been made up for years.
We'll see about that.You haven't got a fucking clue.
You are so fucking stupid. The issue of constitutionality was not even before the court but they ruled on it anyways and you jump on it like it was some great ruling when it was judicial activism at its worst. Then you rail on and on and on about how you hate the whole living constitution thing. You are a hypocrite and a farce. As far as the ruling goes only an idiot (like you or team nut sack) would tell Castro (or a collection of Castros) this it was ok to give money that funds political speech in the USA. It is not a long standing principle that ANYBOBOY on the face of the earth can, from the comfort of their own country, pay to promote or tarnish candidates in the USA. YOU say the judiciary should only rule on longstanding principles and then when a case comes before the court that is the opposite you hail its downfall. You are a fucking joke.Citizens United, I suspect, has your panties in a wad. Since we're having some fun and all, go ahead and explain where Congress gets the power to prohibit the exercise of political speech.
I've read it asshole. I actually understood it. Too bad you can't say the same.
By all means sell air time to N Korea you Commie fuck.Let me know when you find the Constitutional authority bestowed upon Congress to limit political speech.
Seems to me your dumb ass needs to learn how to read because I'm the ONLY one here with the consistent positions.Seems to me that you are the one with the inconsistent positions.
Link me up fuckhead. Show me where I said that. I think DADT is a stupid policy and that it is also constitutional and even if it wasn't this Justice had no power to overturn it. That is called having principles. See how I disagree with a policy and don't then bend over backwards to try and justify banning it. You should try it sometime assfuck.In your view, the 5th and 1st Amendment prohibit Congress from exercising its power "To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces" notwithstanding that Congress is expressly conferred that power in Article I, Section 8, Clause 14 of the US Constitution.
I believe that only an idiot would give the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the right to make a movie about what a shit candidate Sarah Palin is and then let him freely show it any where and at any time here in the USA. I believe slander is also abridgeable as are threats and even some obscenity in front of certain people or groups of people.Yet you believe that Congress is permitted to make laws abridging the freedom of speech notwithstanding that the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution expressly states that "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech." Sort that one out for me, deep thinker.
Dinsdale wrote:It's notm so much a "drug test," as it is an "intelligence test" -- if you're not smart enough to figure out a way around it, you're probably not very bright.
Back in the 80's, one of my good friends fell into an extremely lucrative career as a drug dealer while in the Army in Germany. Sure, he did a stint in military prison... but never failed a drug test. Hid his ill-gotten gains very well, too, and came home to a pile of cash.
You can't even read a few word post and interpret it correctly and I'm suppose to take your advise on what Citizens United says?88 wrote: You really should read the decision before you start blathering.
First off the only way 441e is constitutional is if you use the living Constitution model because it is clearly a law passed by congress that abridges the free speech of Castro.The Court did not rule in Citizens United that foreign corporations are permitted to "give money that funds political speech in the USA" (your words). Quite to the contrary, the Court expressly stated that it did not need to address 2 U. S. C. §441e(a)(1), which provides that foreign nationals may not directly or indirectly make contributions or independent expenditures in connection with a U. S. election. On this issue, the Court clearly stated: "We need not reach the question whether the Government has a compelling interest in preventing foreign individuals or associations from influencing our Nation’s political process." (see p. 46 of Kennedy's majority opinion). Citizens United struck down 2 USC §441b, but left 2 USC §441e untouched, thereby it continues to be unlawful for foreign nationals to directly or indirectly make contributions or independent expenditures in connection with a U.S. election. Shove your Castro and Ahmadinejad references back up your ass, being the place from where you pulled them in the first place.
You couldn’t read a few word post from me without completely falling on your fat head nor could you see the forest for the trees in Citizens United and you have the nerve to call me out? You are a joke.You can't address the merits of Citizens United without looking as stupid as you normally do.
He could and he did. You read his dissent right?So you contend that the Court should not have addressed the Constitutional issue (you used the phrase "judicial activism"). This was the argument advanced by Justice Dissent (Stevens). He couldn't defend Congress's censorship of political speech under the Constitution (even the living breathing one), so he argued that the Court should not reach the Constitutional issue.
Because team nut sack said so? Ha!A lame swing and another miss.
Why are you sucking Castro’s cock?Why do you hate freedom?
I was in that "old" navy you speak of, active duty from 84-90 and you are, well, let's be nice and say misinformed.OCmike wrote: That's the OLD military method of drug testing. You basically had to walk up to an officer and yell, "I'm so wasted!"/Spicoli, to even get tested.
That all changed when 3 US Navy Gunnner's Mates double-loaded the breech on a 5-inch gun during a live-fire exercise in the Mediterranean Sea and blew themselves to pieces in the late 80's. They tested the sailors' remains and they all popped positive for every drug on the menu. Prior to that you would only be tested if you were known to be high while on watch.
When I joined in 1992, my ship did an annual test every December when everyone came home from Christmas leave and did occasional random testing with two ten-sided dice. Your last two digits of your SSN determined if you had to piss or not. If it came up 1 & 6, everyone whose SSN ended in 16 or 61 had to piss. But they still had almost no funding for the actual testing. Therefore the rule was, if someone had some yellow/orange/dark colored piss, they tested the whole box.
So you still had to be pretty stupid to get busted, as more people got busted at the annual Christmas piss test than any other, but you could still get caught if your bottle was clear (but positive for pot), but happened to be in the same box as some tweeker whose pissed looked like Tang.
But if "being smart" to you means taking shitloads of niacin, goldenseal or a prescription diuretic, testing positive for any of those three masking agents was the same as a positive for pot, meth, etc.
One of my co-workers, who did so many nose drugs that his nickname in The Pit was "8-ball" got busted during the Christmas piss test. He was standing behind me in line and fidgeting and cursing under his breath and basically wigging out. I asked him what was up and he said, "Dude...I'm fucking tweeking RIGHT NOW." But really, with a nickname like 8-ball, it's not like any of the rest of us thought his enlistment would end any other way.
I was in an Old Navy once...smackaholic wrote: I was in that "old" navy you speak of...
But that's not how it really went down in the "Old Navy," Marty, now was it?Martyred wrote:I was in an Old Navy once...
I practically had to pull a pair of pleated khakis off the shelf to hide my boner!
Oh I see, it's MY fault that you are out in Constitutional right field with no hope of backing up any of the shit you have said about your idea of a 'dead' Constitution. Face it assbeenie your vapid hate the 'living Constitution idea' is a stupid right wing talking point that breaks down the second someone asks even the simplest questions about what it means to hate the living Constitution idea.88 wrote:No. You don't have the mental horsepower to make it interesting enough.