Martyred wrote:Okay...I got an offer on 3 tics for the Chiefs/Broncos game on December 5th...(endzone nosebleeds, but I can't be picky)...
So if I make it a 3-day weekend, what's an Upper Messican bruthah to do in KC?
I need good eats and entertainment without breaking the bank.
Funny… I actually thought of you last week at the Chiefs-Jags game. Some Canucklehead held up a sign a couple of sections over that read: “Canada loves the Chiefs” or some such nonsense…
Given your sporty new av, Marty, I had a notion to run over and snap a pic with my cell to post on this board, but that would’ve required effort and me having to set down my beer. So no pic.
I suppose if you were looking to send your kid to school here or take up residence and work in this town, you might want to heed Scott’s take. The Kansas City School District is heavy on poor test scores and Superintendant's severance packages. And our nice little 1% earnings tax ought to make you feel reminiscent of home – a usurious income tax that guarantees little or no city services in return.
But since I have a feeling that you’re simply looking for a couple of days of fun, please note that the only thing Scott knows about Kansas City is that it’s the town he has to drive through to get to the airport.
Couple of things to keep in mind. December in KC isn’t exactly balmy. Oh, sure, it’s no Winnipeg, but it ain’t exactly Miami either. Dress accordingly. Second, multi-colored money with pictures of loons and queens won’t buy piss here. Other than that, the locals are friendly and helpful for the most part, so you should get along fine.
Several of the brethren have referenced the P&L, which is a nice touristy place with all the ambiance of a suburban office park. The nine dollar beers at Angel’s Rock Bar will have you thinking exchange rates until you realize that those are dead presidents on your green backs. No, Marty, you need to consider
Old Westport. Yes, there is an outside chance that you could be robbed or killed in this historic, boozy old bar district, but what the hell is life without a little drama?
Actually, the
Q Hotel is located in the heart of Westport and should appeal to a guy with a budget. And billing itself as KC’s only green hotel should appeal to your political persuasion as well. The Q also has a shuttle service to-and-from the airport, and Kincaid Coach provides express bus service that will jet you straight to Arrowhead on game day, saving you the expense of car rental.
Westport features an eclectic mix of at least three dozen bars and restaurants and all are within three-to-four blocks of your hotel. And Closing time is 3:00 AM. Keep in mind that's go time for the weekend drive-bys. Get in at a sensible hour and you should be OK.
Live music will be on tap that weekend at many of Westport's venues (I checked), and no trip to KC is complete without having at least one beer at Kelly’s . If you do get the notion to dine a bit more upscale or do some shopping, the Country Club Plaza lies less than a mile to the south. You won’t be able to miss it: The Christmas Lights in the Plaza light up the night sky for miles.
If you wanna hear more, drop me a pm. Regardless, you ought to have a pretty good time.