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Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:48 am
by mvscal
Y2K wrote:Moving Sale wrote:Rush lied last week about the cost of Obama's India trip.
Name the last time KO lied.
So how much is the final cost of Obama's trip?
Care to speculate anyone...
Rush didn't lie either. He didn't write the story. He just reported it. You're right, though. I think a very public, to the penny accounting of this junket would be very helpful to set the record straight.
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:03 am
by Y2K
I think a very public, to the penny accounting of this junket would be very helpful to set the record straight
Change people could actually believe in?
I have my snickers bar....
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:10 am
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Rush didn't lie either. He didn't write the story. He just reported it. You're right, though. I think a very public, to the penny accounting of this junket would be very helpful to set the record straight.
He reported a story that was patently false. Anybody with common sense could have seen that the figure Limbaugh reported was insanely high. So he's either a liar or a fucking dipshit. Take your pick.
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:12 am
by BSmack
Heeeeee's back! ... on-tuesday
I guess MSNBC likes making money after all.
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:13 am
by mvscal
BSmack wrote:mvscal wrote:Rush didn't lie either. He didn't write the story. He just reported it. You're right, though. I think a very public, to the penny accounting of this junket would be very helpful to set the record straight.
He reported a story that was patently false. Anybody with common sense could have seen that the figure Limbaugh reported was insanely high.
Oh. much did it cost? Who went with and why?
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:19 am
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Oh. much did it cost?
Less than the daily cost of running the war in Afghanistan you fucking imbecile.
Who went with and why?
Piss up a rope you cock gobbling handwringer.
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:22 am
by mvscal
BSmack wrote:mvscal wrote:Oh. much did it cost?
Less than the daily cost of running the war in Afghanistan...
I should hope so. Why don't you try to narrow it down a bit more for us.
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:52 am
by Mace
mvscal wrote:Oh. much did it cost?
About the same as Rush's meal and prescription drug bill for last week. Yeah,
that much. We gotta do something about that.
Who went with and why?
Keith Olbermann. He was "suspended" for a reason, you know.
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:34 pm
by Mace
Rush and Olbermann are both hatemongering pieces of shit, with Olbermann being far worse, imo. They both represent the far ends of the political spectrum and attract the respective minorities of each party. I read an op-ed piece by Charles Krauthammer yesterday that put American politics in a football analogy, saying somehting like "America operates best between the 40's, and the voters keep both parties out of the redzone." Obama was getting close to the redzone and it was time to sack him, as the voters would do with any Republican who takes over the White House with an extreme conservative agenda. Krauthammer also said that the Republicans would be making a big mistake if they see the recent mid-terms as any sort of mandate, because it wasn't. It was a typical mid-term election that has been repeated time and time again when the party occupying the White House suffers losses. Considering the condition of the economy the past two years, it's a wonder that the losses weren't more severe.
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:22 pm
by Wolfman
The fate of any political commentator on radio or TV is not important. I think I'd worry more about inflation with the Fed printing up funny money to "buy" US assets. Anyone but me notice the grocery bills going up? At the same time, my back up health insurance jumped about $100 a month. Time to take a closer look at the budget.
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:27 pm
by BSmack
Wolfman back up health insurance jumped about $100 a month. Time to take a closer look at the budget.
Says the one who is against single payer.

Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:43 pm
by Mikey
BSmack wrote:Wolfman back up health insurance jumped about $100 a month. Time to take a closer look at the budget.
Says the one who is against single payer.

Really. Who provides your "primary" coverage wolfie?
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:48 pm
by Screw_Michigan
From the Politico Playbook email blast:
BEHIND THE CURTAIN: Network sources tell Playbook that Keith Olbermann was suspended because he refused to deliver an on-camera mea culpa, which would have allowed him to continue anchoring “Countdown.” Olbermann told his bosses he didn't know he was barred from making campaign contributions, although he is resisting saying that publicly. Olbermann may not hold as many cards as he thinks. He makes $7 million a year and MSNBC's prime time is not as dependent on him as it was before the addition of Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell, who make considerably less.
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:20 pm
by BSmack
Mikey wrote:BSmack wrote:Wolfman back up health insurance jumped about $100 a month. Time to take a closer look at the budget.
Says the one who is against single payer.

Really. Who provides your "primary" coverage wolfie?
He'd give an arm and a leg to be free of governmental interference.
Wolfman's Medicare, Social Security and State Pension
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:08 pm
by Wolfman
Predictable. You make it sound like it's all a hand out. I had over $300 K paid into SSI, and my NYSTRS pension numbers were more. I earned it. You want to see hand out, walk into a social security office. If there is anyone near my age there I will be surprised. Sucks to be you that the government drained those funds to give to people that never paid a penny in.
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:20 pm
by Derron
Wolfman wrote:Predictable. You make it sound like it's all a hand out. I had over $300 K paid into SSI, and my NYSTRS pension numbers were more. I earned it. You want to see hand out, walk into a social security office. If there is anyone near my age there I will be surprised. Sucks to be you that the government drained those funds to give to people that never paid a penny in.
Here is where you have to really try and explain it to BMonica.
That silly concept where you paid that money in and now you want it or get it back is just flying way over the top to him. He is still drunk on the kool aide whereas the government just gives the shit away to the low life's who know how to work the system.
He believes that you willingly gave that money to the government to redistribute to the needy, rather than understanding that is is a confiscation of your personal assets in a legalized conversion scheme by the King IRS and the corrupt fucks that man our government at all levels. And the one concept that the confiscation of those assets is the only income they have, and therefore you should be a little more understanding about it.
Why begrudge him the money if he put it in ? There are millions of government tit suckers who never paid a thin fucking dime into a retirement account, and get 75% or better retirement...
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:26 pm
by BSmack
Wolfman wrote:Predictable. You make it sound like it's all a hand out. I had over $300 K paid into SSI, and my NYSTRS pension numbers were more. I earned it.
I never said you didn't earn your retirement. I just said that a retiree living on a state pension bitching about how bad government programs are is pretty fucking hilarious.
You want to see hand out, walk into a social security office. If there is anyone near my age there I will be surprised. Sucks to be you that the government drained those funds to give to people that never paid a penny in.
I'll be just fine. I prefer not to be disabled. Let the Rts' of the world collect their pittance. If you think the SSI system is breaking because of disabled people, you are fucking stupider than I thought.
Re: Save Keith Olbermann!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:43 pm
by Mikey
Wolfman wrote:Predictable. You make it sound like it's all a hand out. I had over $300 K paid into SSI, and my NYSTRS pension numbers were more. I earned it. You want to see hand out, walk into a social security office. If there is anyone near my age there I will be surprised. Sucks to be you that the government drained those funds to give to people that never paid a penny in.
Whether you put money into it or not it's still a "single payer" system. I don't hear you complaining too much about the service so it must work pretty well, but I'm sure we'd hear from you if they decided to cut benefits or drop it all together.
The single payer healthcare system is fine for you, but damned if anybody else should use it.