So in other words, what you’re saying is that the Steel Curtain of the 70’s just doesn’t translate well into Today’s Game? Point to be considered, I suppose....
Hell, we’ve ALL lost a step, vel. The smack we ran back in the day was leaner.
More cutting and vicious.
Women and children were known to flee into bombed-out streets to escape its æffects.
And woe the horrors of smack carnage, as lesser peeps we’re sent mortally screaming into the night. I can still smell the stench of burning bodies….
Still, to your critical eye vel, I believe this to be a question of tactics. Clearly, Merdé vastly underestimated his foe with his opening salvo. One just DOESN’T skirmish the Royal Canadian Mounted Police with the Peoples Liberation Army without a plan. Oh, sure, their weps and training might appear to be a bit suspect, and you and your allies might pick off a hundred thousand-or-two…
But they come at you in waves.
OK, so Scott’s a bit short on style points, and few extra swings in the cage couldn't hurt. I did, however, appreciate his B2 bit, given our geography. But if this were a high school basketball game, the Mercy Rule would be in play and we’d be on turbo-clock by now.
Do the Mounties have tactical nukes? Short of Scott snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, this rout is easily chalked up as solid – if ugly – W.
Just my $0.02 worth.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:21 pm
by poptart
Scott wrote:is there a reason no one brought up this huge miscairrage of justice before?
You have just said it is a "huge miscarriage of justice."
I didn't say that.
Guilty conscience much?
I simply asked if it was an administrator move.
Velo decided to post, justifying the move.
I then asked if he thinks it's a good policy.
Then my title was changed.
An admin, you can can now change my title now to In Your Head.
Imo, an admin' changing a poster's title, and especially when in the middle of a "smack" duel with them, is an incredible pussy move.
I have no respect for it, sorry.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:45 pm
by velocet
errr, begging your pardon Truman, I didn't do so good with my post. Too understated. I'm saying, epic as this is, it's hardly what I estimate is his best at this point. This is a pimp slap. Can you imagine a haymaker?
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:59 pm
by War Wagon
Just imagine what he'd do if he had an actual, verified pic of Marty.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:06 pm
by poptart
Scott, Marty likes to try to push people's buttons.
It's nothing new.
I could do a similar search (of some period of time in the past) and bring up a series of threads when it was MY time to have Marty ankle-bting ME.
He's done it to many other people.
He did it to you and you, as an admin, decided to change his title ... because you can.
Fwiw, I ASKED for the - 'tard slapper - title.
I never agreed with LTS TARD (or anyone else) having his title changed.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:35 pm
by R-Jack
KC Scott wrote:there was some AI rating system that magically elevated you to the status 'tard slapper and demoted Felcho to the status of "I suck Jew cock"
Even if we did, half of us would bitch about not having a playoff.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:43 pm
by poptart
Scott wrote:Goddamn you are a pretentious fuck
No, it's just that you don't know what you're talking about.
Actually one of the admins (PSU, I think - a few years ago) put up a thread asking people to chime in if they want to request a title.
As I recall, a lot of posters requested titles at that time.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:54 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
KC Scott wrote:
Which wouldn't change the fact that you wanted to call yourself 'Tard Slapper
Holy shit that's funny........
poptart is clever enough to play on his "reputation" in a self-deprecating manner.
That fact that you, and you alone missed this, comes as no surprise.
You really are one stupid faggot.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:03 pm
by velocet
Yeah, I requested an empty field. Hoontah said it wouldn't accept that so he just threw a period in there.
It ain't much but... it sure beats "Victim of Admin Abuse"
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:04 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Just do me one favour.
When this thread has run it's course...
...and you exhaust yourself from flailing your purse around like a hysterical woman...'ll archive this bitch, as a monument to your eternally contused vulva.
But I suspect this ain't over by a long shot.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:18 pm
by Dinsdale
KCS drops a "barrage" that consists of "IKYABWAI" and "I kicked your ass, I have BODE"...
and some of you tools think he got over?
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:19 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
KC Scott wrote:...after the vicious beating you've given me...
In retrospect, it seems my effort was actually quite minimal.
The ass kicking on you was mostly self-inflicted. Props on you for carrying my water.
KC Scott wrote:While I'm at it, would you like to be a 'tard slapper too?
Wouldn't be the first (or second) time this week you've changed my title, you bleeding gash.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:30 pm
by velocet
I dunno KC Scott... I got the impression that under a lot of organizational circumstances, new rules, laws, regulations, what have you don't usually go into effect until some appointed, exact time in the future. Like, say, 12:00 am eastern time would be when a new no title tampering rule might start. Just a thought... Damn, I guess no one is safe until then. I wonder what different admins will do to mine in the next 6+ hours, for instance, before putting it back tommorrow.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:39 pm
by velocet
Dinsdale wrote:KCS drops a "barrage" that consists of "IKYABWAI" and "I kicked your ass, I have BODE"...
and some of you tools think he got over?
Well slick, yeah, like I said, he barely reached into his arsenal. And, yeah, he still got over. Think of that.
Glad you're following along.
That's good, really good. Very nice.
But, two steps forward, one step back, today huh? I mean, kinda careless with the "tools" reference there.
Either you bumped your fucking head or liquid courage courses through your veins... or the latter caused the former today as well.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:53 pm
by Dinsdale
velocet wrote:
Either you bumped your fucking head or liquid courage courses through your veins... or the latter caused the former today as well.
Neither blood-alcohol level nor severe head injuries on my part change the fact that someone had the gall to respond to a callout with "IKYABWAI," drop the same picture smack as the guy who brought it up, and then proclaimed "I have BOOOOOOOODE."
Just an ultimate display of kansascitism. There's a reason we ridicule these folks from KC -- they just can't help it. I mean, it's like it's in their blood to go all "HA! I know I'm getting an asskicking, but what am I? I still have BODE! Wha? You insinuated I'm gay? NO! YOU'RE GAY!!!!!! BWA!!!! I GOT OVER HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!"
And the KCFan of Large Strapping Men just put on a display.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:22 pm
by Cuda
dinsdale still gets it
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:29 pm
by velocet
Oh, so you're just nuts then.
I think they're referring to you:
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:30 pm
by Ken
Cuda wrote:dinsdale still gets it
Like dins said, scott has done NOTHING more than superimpose new dialogue onto Marty’s images. Christ, he couldn’t even find the originality to significantly change the last frame.
Oooohhhh, wait… there was that monolithically epic pic of the stealth bomber unloading bombs onto a supposed marty pic. Now that’s some good KC shit right there. Tight, tight shit, that is.
And, in my concise opinion, I think KCscott is an arrogant fucktard who has abused his privileges and passes no opportunity to let the board know of his supposed wealth. And, that my friends, is the sign of a true loser.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:07 am
by Paul
Cuda wrote:dinsdale still gets it
If YOU say so then it must be true. :doh:
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:13 am
by indyfrisco
War Wagon wrote:Just imagine what he'd do if he had an actual, verified pic of Marty.
Just think of Marty as Otis' Mini-Me...if that's possible.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:05 am
by War Wagon
Dinsdale wrote:
There's a reason we ridicule these folks from KC
How's Woeden doing these days?
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:21 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
velocet wrote:I wonder what different admins will do to mine in the next 6+ hours, for instance, before putting it back tommorrow.
The period doesn't really suit you. Perhaps an ellipsis?
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:17 am
by mvscal
Dinsdale wrote:Just an ultimate display of kansascitism. There's a reason we ridicule these folks from KC -- they just can't help it. I mean, it's like it's in their blood to go all "HA! I know I'm getting an asskicking, but what am I? I still have BODE! Wha? You insinuated I'm gay? NO! YOU'RE GAY!!!!!! BWA!!!! I GOT OVER HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!"
And the KCFan of Large Strapping Men just put on a display.
Evidently their personal survival strategy involves kicking their own asses much harder and more fiercely than any opponent ever could thereby forestalling any future attacks upon their theory anyway.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:29 am
by trev
Who's winning?
Do we still have that super mellow forum Scott kicked me out of?
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:31 am
by Dr_Phibes
trev wrote:Who's winning?
Dinsdale :doh:
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:52 am
by poptart
Those that don't read the NFL Forum may be unaware that Scott had a large administrative power trip meltdown a few weeks back.
This is what I said about it in the NFL Forum at the time:
poptart wrote:This is one of the bigger administrative meltdowns I have seen.
First the admin' yanks a longtime member's post (poptart) from a thread to create an entirely bogus new thread in that member's name - in a cheapshot smack attempt.
He is called out on it by the member.
He ignores the member.
He is called out for this by another longtime member (Wagon) in a different post and, in phenomenally arrogant fashion, he mockingly creates another bogus thread in that longtime member's name, while still failing to address his actions - as if the serfs need not even think of questioning the moves the ruler makes.
Good show, KC Twat.
This is what he said about it:
Scott wrote:As an uhhh..... Administrator I sometime see certain posts that stand so unique they are sure to gather much interest and many a response standing on it's own
Your response, poptart, was just such a post
Ahhh yes, Scott as an Administrator, has it in his mind that he may run roughshod over a forum and ignore (or better yet, MOCK) the protesting board members - because he can.
And he never did come correct and admit to poptart and War Wagon that he shouldn't have taken those actions.
And now he has given this reply when asked why he changed Marty's title:
Scott wrote:If you're gonna ankle bite me for two weeks through 5 different threads - then you deserve a special title
Well I, poptart, think Marty deserves a different special title - because he has obviously trolled you into making a power-tripping, purse-swinging, pants-shitting, dumb@ss of yourself.
- Occupying Scott's Oversized Head -
What do you think about that?
Give that man his title.
KC Scrot, why don't you just post and quit fuckin' around where you shouldn't be?
In the meantime, go on out and purchase something really big and neat that you can PET all the peons here about - so as to make us feel properly inferior.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:57 am
by mvscal
He knows you're gay but what is he?
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:19 am
by missjo
This needs to be taken by everyone posting in this thread
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:15 am
by Tom In VA
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:50 pm
by jiminphilly
War Wagon wrote:Just imagine what he'd do if he had an actual, verified pic of Marty.
Probably treat the same way Fatsak infamously treated one of his pogs.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:52 pm
by Cuda
fatsak masturbated with his pog?
not that this should be a surprise.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:19 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
trev wrote:Who's winning?
Anyone who didn't just waste 10 minutes trying to read through this shit thread. :brad:
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:06 am
by OCmike
Ken wrote:And, in my concise opinion, I think KCscott is an arrogant fucktard who has abused his privileges and passes no opportunity to let the board know of his supposed wealth. And, that my friends, is the sign of a true loser.
I don't think Scott's a loser, as he's managed to do quite well for himself financially. What he is, quite clearly, is horribly insecure and painfully uncreative. It's not good enough that he has material wealth, he needs lots of people to tell him how cool his cars, guns and $400k house are.
Look no further than this thread:
KC Scott wrote:
Go Coogs' wrote:The real question is...would you take back all of those hateful things you just posted to mvscal if he could bench press your wife's purple car?
The cadillac?
His shaky ego couldn't let "car" go past without reminding everyone that his wife drove a Caddy.
My all-time favorite KCScrote brag thread was a long ass time ago and may have even been at T1B. It was titled something like "Things Used At The KC Scott Household" and was a laundry list including gems like $9 tubes of toothpaste, $100 pairs of dress shoes and $80 pairs of slacks. That's what makes him smacking Marty's "need for attention" so completely awesome, for Scrotey would DIE if he couldn't let you know that he's thumping his chest on an $85 golf shirt.
This pileon thread and the whole UCant "hugeness" fiasco is a further extension of that. Scott's insistence to refer to people by their real names and spouting off about how he "knows" posters from the board is another way of him scrambling to try to present himself as better than others. UCant was more than capable of defending himself against AP, yet Scott chimed in twice to declare that it couldn't be true because he knew UCant was big and muscular. To be fair, it wasn't gay, it was just odd, misplaced and like his frequent use of personal info and his 20gig folder of posters' pics, just plain creepy.
Yeah Scott, I'm playing pop-psychologist here. But it doesn't take Freud to see that you're a cowardly, needy, confidence-deficient douchebag of the first caliber.
One last thing... Scrote, this is a personal appeal: Out of respect for everyone with even the slightest bit of wit or creativity, please, PLEASE, never attempt another song parody. Your lame effort made Kiss's "Rock and Roll All Night (and Party Every Day)" read like Robert Frost.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:12 am
by mvscal
Cuda wrote:fatsak masturbated with his pog?
On his pog. I was led to believe that it was an accidental discharge.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:20 am
by R-Jack
OCmike wrote:$100 pairs of dress shoes and $80 pairs of slacks.
I'm not going to call $80 or $100 chump change, but those price points ain't exactly bragging territory for dress shoes and slacks. Just sayin'
for Scrotey would DIE if he couldn't let you know that he's thumping his chest on an $85 golf shirt.
To be fair, that was Ucant. Scott has notes on how the shirt draped his volleyball sized shoulders however.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:57 am
by Dinsdale
trev wrote:Who's winning?
OCMike just took about a 14 lap lead.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:00 am
by Dinsdale
[quote="After OCMike accused KC... emphasis on "KC" Scott of being insecure, KCScott "]
But that's their insecurity issue (and obviously yours) - not mine.[/quote]
Sometimes, we all have to remember why we got into these boards... this is such a time.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:03 am
by OCmike
KC Scott wrote:
'tard slapper - I just laugh typing that.
'tart whiner would be so much more appropos
It's funny, Mr. Comedy Writer, just like the "He was run by Poptart" line people have been using for years, because...get's not true. Thanks for making me ruin a long-standing just-for-fun thing by stating the obvious.
KC Scott wrote:Sorta like me noting in the first sentence of this post I flew First class today.
That was funny to you, because like everything else that you do, you think it oozed awesomeness simply because you thought of it. To anyone else it was an obvious attempt to deflect with forced self-deprecating humor.
I've never felt the need to go Zyclone here and really tell folks how it is - but that's just the way I roll
A veiled threat requesting credit for not calling peoples' bosses and telling them that their employee spends all day on the internet? I'm really not sure what you were going for there, I just know that you did it wrong.
I got a lot of laughs out of this thread already.
Of course you did. It's a thread dedicated to you. I'm sure you're so giddy from all the attention, you're sporting a four-hour boner without the help of Cialis.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:56 am
by poptart
KC Robin Leach wrote:Let's see - this board has split threads since inception - whenever a Mod or Admin sees fit.
And yet beacuse it happened to you - it's a greivous offense
Threads are split when someone goes way off topic - and perhaps others have then forked off that wrong way, also.
It's done as a move to save the legit thread that someone had started.
And hell, there are THREE mods in the NFL forum (and they are in there OFTEN) that can split a thread if need be.
Don't need an admin' doing it.
Threads are NOT split - and then given a bogus title, like poptart's retirement thread - when a post is put up which is ON topic and for NO reason other than an admin' trying to take a "funny" shot at a member.
Yes, the kind of shot which is not available for members to take at admins'.
It's called arrogant abuse of power.
If you're an admin', you've got to watch your step, man.
Re: Hello, KC Scott. How's things?
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:01 am
by BSmack
Mace wrote:
BSmack wrote:Now you're really fucked Scott. You've got Paul on your side.
Fucked? Not if he has Paul sit on Marty while he continues with the barrages to Marty's head.
Did you notice how once Paul sided up with Scott everything went south for Scott? Paul is T1B's Eddie Mush. Everything he touches turns to mush.