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Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:00 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Dr_Phibes wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote: Far worse than the ludicrous Kim,
Do you subscribe to any particular brand of 'leftism', or do you just sort of make it up as you go along?
I think it's whatever his fillings pick up.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:10 am
by BarFlie
mvscal wrote:Or this could all be deliberately seeded disinformation. The fact that Assange is still breathing seems to make that a good bet.
if he actually had possesion of anything seriously damaging to the US he would have been dead before he got to read it.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:21 am
by LTS TRN 2
What the fuck! C'mon, SS (and do spare us the boo hoo Horst Wessel crap), what I clearly pointed out is that the propaganda firm known as FOX News would just as soon report the fact that Iran has agreed to all manner of nuclear inspection as they would promote an anti-circumcision campaign. Okay? Now go back to your goose-stepping. Sheesh! :doh:
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:39 pm
by Carson
Them Jews better be careful.
Drinking something brewed by a guy named Adolph...
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:46 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Sure, T-down, let's all celebrate a bunch of religious fanatics who insisted on remaining in the stone age. Compare the intractable intolerance of the Maccabees with the virtually identical religiosity of the Taliban. Both would kill a fellow member of their tribe for some violation of their bitter and perverse creed. You know, like not genitally mutilating their baby boys...or having sex with a goyim/infedel...or eating the wrong food on the wrong day...etc., etc., etc., etc., ....
And're celebrating this shit?
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:25 pm
by OCmike
mvscal wrote:
Or this could all be deliberately seeded disinformation. The fact that Assange is still breathing seems to make that a good bet.
Yep. Suddenly all of the news outlets are yapping endlessly about the leaks non-story, rather than the economy, jobs , etc.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:38 pm
by BSmack
OCmike wrote:mvscal wrote:Or this could all be deliberately seeded disinformation. The fact that Assange is still breathing seems to make that a good bet.
Yep. Suddenly all of the news outlets are yapping endlessly about the leaks non-story, rather than the economy, jobs , etc.
Thanks for the update. I can now go back to not giving a fuck what the media is reporting.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:31 pm
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Compare the intractable intolerance of the Maccabees with the virtually identical religiosity of the Taliban. Both would kill a fellow member of their tribe for some violation of their bitter and perverse creed.
OK. I believe the most relevant comparison between the two is that the Maccabees haven't been around for well over 2,000 years whereas the Taliban is a contemporary religious phenomenon.
Does that clear things up for you a bit?
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:37 pm
by Cuda
Note to Julian Assange: Don't Mess With the Russians
Julian Assange hates America. He thinks we are a singular evil in the world.
I hope Mr. Assange survives his encounter with the Russians long enough to rethink his position. And yes, I really do think a cyber attack on Wiki Leaks is the least of his problems right now.
Putin is not a pussy like Obama- best not to fuck with him
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:41 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:50 pm
by Cuda
Putin would snap Assange's neck like a twig using only his smallest toes
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:21 pm
by LTS TRN 2
mvscal wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:Compare the intractable intolerance of the Maccabees with the virtually identical religiosity of the Taliban. Both would kill a fellow member of their tribe for some violation of their bitter and perverse creed.
OK. I believe the most relevant comparison between the two is that the Maccabees haven't been around for well over 2,000 years whereas the Taliban is a contemporary religious phenomenon.
Does that clear things up for you a bit?
Okay, so why celebrate the 2,000 year old version of the Taliban?
Martyred wrote:Jabotinsky was a soldier and a hero. I would have been honoured to meet him on the field of battle and run him through with my bayonet.
Bloomberg is a debauch, rich kike draining the blood of hard working Americans.
Sure, you would have bayoneted Jabotinsky--if you were a Turk! Or a socialist.. :wink:
As for Bloomberg "draining the blood" of Americans, this is silly KKK speak. An actual take to support your (fake) assertion would be found in the victims of Bernie Madoff. They were all Jews and all above board prominent--and even "honorable"--types such as charities and so forth. And yet ALL of them
knew they were getting ELEVEN fucking percent regardless of market conditions (four or five was the normal average). So...this does add some weight to your otherwise unfounded asides. Carry on.
Dr_Phibes wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote: Far worse than the ludicrous Kim,
Do you subscribe to any particular brand of 'leftism', or do you just sort of make it up as you go along?
Suffice to say I would have been burned at the stake in any other age. And I haven't made it out of this one. Why? Because I see things from different sides simultaneously. Take Cuba for example. Am I a "leftist" because I can admire his bravery and resolve in defying the corporate colonialism of United Fruit Company as well as the criminal depravity of Meyer Lansky and associates? Or am I "right wing" because I completely deplore his totalitarian dictatorship which denies basic civil rights to the eight million Cubans?
Julian Assange appears to be a hero if only in defying the darkness of secrecy and deceit in which the modern world continues to develop. He may well be a martyr in short order.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:43 am
by OCmike
All jews? So did Madoff just take on John Malcovic and Kevin Bacon as clients so you could connect them without going from Burn After Reading with Brad Pitt, to Oceans 12 with Julia Roberts, to Flatliners with Kevin Bacon?
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:37 am
by LTS TRN 2
Alright, let's say 99% of his clients were Jews, and the others were just friends thereof. The point, Mike, is that all of these prominent righteous types were basically abiding the criminality of Madoff. Get it? And this supports b-juioce's otherwise inane (fake) "worldwide Jewish conspiracy" nonsense. Frankly I don't know who's worse, the conniving and very organized international gangsters like Mark Rich or the bunkered KKK morons.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:14 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Well I'm not exactly sure what that is, Sam, but I gather it's some kind of code that prisoners use to shuffle messages through the plumbing while tapping a spoon on the bars, etc.
Yep, the brave Enlightenator is in the slammer--on sex charges--but he's threatened a "nuclear" download of embarrassing fun stuff. Should be cool. :wink:
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:48 am
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:mvscal wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:Compare the intractable intolerance of the Maccabees with the virtually identical religiosity of the Taliban. Both would kill a fellow member of their tribe for some violation of their bitter and perverse creed.
OK. I believe the most relevant comparison between the two is that the Maccabees haven't been around for well over 2,000 years whereas the Taliban is a contemporary religious phenomenon.
Does that clear things up for you a bit?
Okay, so why celebrate the 2,000 year old version of the Taliban?
They are commemorating the restoration of their religious freedom from the Seleucid Empire, fuckknuckle.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:08 am
by LTS TRN 2
Sure, exactly like the Taliban fighting to maintain their fanatical intolerance.
It's not a simple principle about religious freedom, but about the actual content of the respective (identical) primitive creeds.
What, you think it's good and proper to murder every Taliban member, but it's also good and proper to celebrate the exact same fanaticism of an ancient tiny tribe?
How the fuck do you look in the mirror?
Meanwhile, Assange consults with his lawyers....
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:12 am
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:It's not a simple principle about religious freedom, but about the actual content of the respective (identical) primitive creeds.
Nope. It came down to simple religious freedom. Jews were not permitted to practice their faith and their temple was desecrated by the Syrian Greeks.
Hannukah commemorates the restoration of their freedom to worship and rededication of their temple nothing more.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:15 am
by LTS TRN 2
Totally hollow and irrational nonsense.
You ignore the fact that the particular
religious freedom of the Maccabees to be imposed upon the tiny Seleucid colony was virtually identical to the
religious freedom demanded by the Taliban to be imposed on the vast moonscape of Afghanistan.
In both cases a small minority of fanatics are demanding and fiercely fighting to impose ghastly intolerance upon others in the region who don't share their extremist religious views. Get it?
Of course Reagan armed and enthusiastically promoted the Taliban, and Bush and the neocons are enthusiastically supporting the modern version of the Maccabees. Gee, what's entirely fucked up with our government in the last fifty years?

Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:44 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:
Nope. It came down to simple religious freedom.
Nope. It came down to simple Jews rejecting "heretical" thought, such as "learning" and "philosophy" and "culture" as was in vogue through the influence of Greek education, in favour of Hebrew barbarism like ripping off foreskins with teeth and all other backwards superstitions their ultra-paranoid tribe clung to.
They were truly the
poptarts of their time.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:19 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Yer mostly right, b-juice, except that the Maccabees weren't the "simple" Jews. No, the vast majority of Jews never even returned to Judea, and the ones who did included the Maccabean types--named for the ruling family--and yes they were the Taliban prototypes of absolute intolerance, seeking to murder anyone who didn't obey their religious rules. A lot like the later Calvin as well, for that matter.
Assange continues to consult...
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:44 pm
by LTS TRN 2
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
As for Bloomberg "draining the blood" of Americans, this is silly KKK speak. An actual take to support your (fake) assertion would be found in the victims of Bernie Madoff. They were all Jews and all above board prominent--and even "honorable"--types such as charities and so forth. And yet ALL of them knew they were getting ELEVEN fucking percent regardless of market conditions (four or five was the normal average). So...this does add some weight to your otherwise unfounded asides. Carry on.
Uh, not so fast, Mark Madoff
Yeah, the guilt thing. I believe the Jews invented this as a way to put the brakes on what would otherwise a be non-stop life of unbridaled looting, etc. Sorta like inventing circumcision so they wouldn't be thinking about fucking anything in a skirt all the time.
Let's start a collection for Julian Assange's bail fund. C'mon mods, let's set up a P.O. box and a phone bank so folks can call in and donate with their credit cards. An on-line donation site would round it out nicely. We can do this. The truth deserves as much.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:19 pm
by Onions
Rep.-elect Allen West (R-Fla.) may have proven himself a prime pupil for fellow Rep. Michele Bachmann's forthcoming constitutional classes, when he recently displayed selective reverence for the Tea Party's most sacred document by calling for American news outlets to be censored for running stories based on the recent WikiLeaks cable dump.
Here's the transcript of what the soon-to-be congressman said on a conservative internet radio program last week, via ThinkProgress:
WEST: There are different means by which you can be attacked. I mean it doesnt have to be a bomb or an airplane flying into a building. It doesn't have to be a shooting. It can be through cyber attacks, it could be through leaking of very sensitive classified information. Regardless of whether you think it causes any harm, the fact that here is an individual that is not an American citizen first and foremost, for whatever reason gotten his hands on classified American material and put it out there in the public domain. And I think that we also should be censoring the American news agencies which enabled him to do this and also supported him and applauding him for the efforts. So that's kind of aiding and abetting of a serious crime.
Beyond the clear fact that he is arguing against one of the most exalted constitutional guarantees of a free press, West is also joining a number of legislators who have met worries over the actions of Julian Assange's WikiLeaks by branding the Australian citizen as an enemy of the state.
While some have argued that he is guilty of treason — a nonsensical argument considering his lack of American citizenship — or terrorism, and maybe even punishable by the death penalty, West charted a somewhat different course, joining Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), who last week said that the media accomplices, such as The New York Times, who were enabling people to view the information should be held accountable for their part in the affair as well. Of course, West took this argument further by calling for censorship, while Lieberman simply urged an investigation.
Though Wikileaks and Julian Assange have been roundly criticized by politicians on both sides of the spectrum, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) gave perhaps the most impassioned defense of the website and its actions in an address on the House floor last week, in which he called the "hysterical reaction" to the leaks an "example of killing the messenger for the bad news."
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:42 am
by mvscal
Onions wrote:...he recently displayed selective reverence for the Tea Party's most sacred document by calling for American news outlets to be censored for running stories based on the recent WikiLeaks cable dump.
You're about 70 years too late, dicklicker. FDR censored the media by executive order during WW2.
I'm not really sure where you get off thinking that it should be OK to publish classified information without consequence.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:22 am
by LTS TRN 2
Well sure, Avi, but what if we'd known about Cheney and the neocons lies and smears that led to the ghastly catastrophe of invading and destroying Iraq on behalf of the Russian gangster state?
Oh, that's right, you like genocide--sorry, my bad.
Meanwhile, shut the fuck up with your tedious twaddle and send some dough to Free, you pathetic Limpdick parrot/puppet

Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:09 pm
by smackaholic
LTS TRN 2 wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:
As for Bloomberg "draining the blood" of Americans, this is silly KKK speak. An actual take to support your (fake) assertion would be found in the victims of Bernie Madoff. They were all Jews and all above board prominent--and even "honorable"--types such as charities and so forth. And yet ALL of them knew they were getting ELEVEN fucking percent regardless of market conditions (four or five was the normal average). So...this does add some weight to your otherwise unfounded asides. Carry on.
Uh, not so fast, Mark Madoff
Yeah, the guilt thing. I believe the Jews invented this as a way to put the brakes on what would otherwise a be non-stop life of unbridaled looting, etc. Sorta like inventing circumcision so they wouldn't be thinking about fucking anything in a skirt all the time.
Let's start a collection for Julian Assange's bail fund. C'mon mods, let's set up a P.O. box and a phone bank so folks can call in and donate with their credit cards. An on-line donation site would round it out nicely. We can do this. The truth deserves as much.
Sybil dons her tinfoil hat.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:38 pm
by LTS TRN 2
To hell with your tin foil fakery and whispy non-posts, let's see some
action on supporting Julian Assange in his one-man mission for truth and light
Darkness flees as light appears...

Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:00 am
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:
I'm not really sure where you get off thinking that it should be OK to publish classified information without consequence.
The extent to which you will attempt to twist things in order to get your goosestep on is utterly astounding.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:26 am
by mvscal
Moving Sale wrote:mvscal wrote:
I'm not really sure where you get off thinking that it should be OK to publish classified information without consequence.
The extent to which you will attempt to twist things in order to get your goosestep on is utterly astounding.
Feel free to step up to the plate and take a swing, tiny.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:51 am
by LTS TRN 2
And why would one seek any sort of debate or reasoned argument from
After all, you're the tedious snipster who never backs up anything--beyond sanctioned Limpdick talking points--and has completely aligned with such yodels and yokels as Climate Change Denialists and "there's no water shortage" idiots.
In short, you were done a long time ago.
Assange is a hero because he has bravely revealed the truth in a world which is becoming more secretive and manipulated with extreme rapidity.
Any true patriot would agree. And that sure ain't you, asshole.

Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:55 pm
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:
Feel free to step up to the plate and take a swing, tiny.
I already did Brownie. That's where that welt on the side of your mis-shapen dome came from.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:56 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Papa Willie wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:
After all, you're the tedious snipster who never backs up anything--beyond sanctioned Limpdick talking points--and has completely aligned with such yodels and yokels as Climate Change Denialists and "there's no water shortage" idiots.
You were calling it "Global Warming" just a few months back...
Global Warming is a basic element of Climate Change. There are, unfortunately, several other aspects of the dire effects of our industrialization upon the planet's ecosystem. Obviously this basic fact of the earth's fragility and our direct responsibility for its demise has no place in Sunday school preachings or the blathering missives of war mongering evangelicals.
Assange is now free on bail. Meanwhile lisping lunatics like Rusp Limpdick are hysterically calling for his execution. Hmmm...see a parallel? :wink:
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 1:05 am
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:earth's fragility
I laughed. You don't get out much, do you?
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 4:03 am
by LTS TRN 2
You pathetic little brat, you're not even worth slapping around.
Assange is out and revving up for a biggie. Could be nice.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:26 pm
by LTS TRN 2
He's only commander-in-chief to those enlisted in the military. Not civilians. Okay? Try to remember that. It's important.
As far as Assange trying to sodomize Obama, I really doubt it. But as far as revealing the real Barry, I say bring it on. The horrifying fact of Obama certainly isn't any supposed "liberal" tendencies or actions, but rather his staunch continuation of the disastrous Bush policies. Look, a herpetic aardvark could have defeated McCain and Lying Bitch--such was the nation's utter disgust at Chimp 'n Cheney. Try to remember that. It's very important.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:12 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Uh..Clinton is a sociopath rapist who rammed through the catastrophic NAFTA before freeing the international Zio-gangster Marc Rich. You're walking around in a coal mine. Wake the fuck up...
And why is Assange's revelations putting anyone in harm's way? Yeah, you forgot to mention
anything to support anything you're suggesting in your vague and stumbling fashion.
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:47 pm
by MadRussian
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Uh..Clinton is a sociopath rapist who rammed through the catastrophic NAFTA before freeing the international Zio-gangster Marc Rich. You're walking around in a coal mine. Wake the fuck up...
And why is Assange's revelations putting anyone in harm's way? Yeah, you forgot to mention
anything to support anything you're suggesting in your vague and stumbling fashion.
Go get a lava enema, you repugnant slimy puddle of diseased waste
Re: Julian Assange--Hero and World Patriot
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:59 pm
by LTS TRN 2
You make p-willie look positively astute.
C'mon, step up with a real opinion. For example: Is Guantanamo Bay just serving as a recruitment tool for Al Qaeda? Or, is the U.S. military machine so strapped, stretched, and strained that they desperately need anyone--regardless of their sexual proclivity, including sheep-fuckers, and butch-bottom strap-on artists, etc.--to wander around the desolate moonscape of Afghanistan pretending to do something?