Truman wrote: Most all credible evidence was destroyed in The Battle of Wilson’s Creek. Tell me you knew. Oh, and it was Neosho, Assbreath, not Arkansas.
The Senate journal was recovered. Tell me you knew (
). Oh and guess what? They "neglected" to record the roll. A very curious omission from a group of individuals who were painstakingly careful in observing all the legal niceties in order to confer legitimacy to their actions.
Now why go through the trouble to line your legal ducks up all in a row and then fail to record the only order of business which would have given your little conference any degree of credibility?
The answer is quite simple. They didn't have a quorum. The Neosho convention was a puppet show for the Confederate Congress and gave them the fig leaf Jefferson Davis was looking for to admit Missouri. Davis wasn't willing to offer much in the way of support unless Missouri joined the Confederacy.
Bottom line reality is the so-called Confederate government of Missouri never controlled jackshit in Missouri. They skulked around in Arkansas and finally drifted down to Texas.
Funny, I’d imagine the sitting Confederate national government of that era might just disagree.
They just might but would anybody be able to hear them all the way down in Marshall, Texas?
What I DO know is that more Civil War battles were fought in the state of Missouri than anywhere else, save Virginia. I’d say that fact “contests” your asinine statement.
In what way? I wouldn't really dignify the small skirmishes and bushwhacking that went on in Missouri with the term 'battles.' It was a guerilla war. As I said earlier, it was necessary to beat you web toed, inbred gene splices into the dust in order show you the error of your ways. And beaten into the dust you were.
Horseshit. Lyon was conniving, seditious pile of shit that disobeyed the direct command of his superior officer, usurped the authority of the sitting governor of the State of Missouri, and distributed stolen State arms to a pro-Union, rag-tag band of marauding bandits.
Harney tried a more diplomatic approach but confirmed Lyon's actions when he arrived in St. Louis. Lyon understood that the "sitting governor of the State of Missouri" was engaged in a treasonous conspiracy with Confederate officials to withdraw Missouri from the Union and arm pro-Confederate militias with the 36,000 weapons stored in the Federal arsenal at St. Louis. Then, as now, an officer of the United States Army is sworn to defend against all enemies foreign
and domestic.
Lyon's prompt, decisive actions prevented that from happening and effectively ended any chance whatsoever of Confederate control of Missouri.
The Wide Awakes spent the previous fall agitating the electorate in western Illinois. Read FAR-western Illinois. As in, within 10 miles of the fucking river. Their arms, uniforms, officers, and training were all secured from Illinois.
The Wide Awakes were a national movement, you brainless douche. The St. Louis Wide Awakes were the ones who raided the arsenal.
Well, now, a murdering, marauding seditious terrorist chases Missouri’s freely elected government from its capitol before they can decide the question,
The question had already been decided, idiot. Jackson lost and refused to accept the verdict. He refused to raise troops for Federal service as he was required to do, he demanded the removal of Federal troops from Missouri which he had no authority to do. The country was at war and Jackson was openly pro-Confederate. That made him a traitor. Of course he and everyone who shared his beliefs were run out of town by Brigadier General Lyon per his constitutional duty to defend the nation against foreign and domestic enemies.
...who happens to be dragging your junky ass up and down this thread.
Oh, OK. Well, if you say so...
You didn’t. It isn’t. It still is. Correct. Simple facts are incontestable. But your opinion is. Kill yourself.
Great take, melty.