KC Scott wrote:
So the question is - if you could have $250K in the bank and be paying 3.75% on a mortgage (which you can deduct a portion of the interest) why would you prefer to spend that $250K to pay off a house?
Because I don't owe 250K on the house / property. I owe about $ 125K on a property worth likely $500K. So I rip the check for the $ 135K, and have 125K left. That is way more than 6 months living expenses, now that I am mortgage free. I have somewhat predictable and steady income. Wait a year or so, build up the reserve and then use a determined amount and then likely look for a fixer upper or two. I am much more comfortable with tangible assets than the market.
It's going to be different for everyone's individual circumstance - some people will like the idea of having the house paid off and no payment owed.
To me, even paying 3.75% on a mortgage is still paying too much for the use of the 250K. Especially in this market, where every quarter of a percent is important. And I played the leverage game hard before. It damn near took me under. I dodged a bullet this last year, when I took ill and my business failed in the same year. Fortunately, for a couple of years, I had decided to use profits to pay down debt, and was way ahead of the repayment schedule. I was able to sell off the assets, even at the reduced prices, pay off the remaining debt, put the equity in the bank, and recovered from my illness and found work again. I don't see the sense in using 3.75% money for an overall potential return of maybe 6%, for a net of maybe 2.25%. Bricks, mortar and lumber will bring me double that or more with positive cash flow.
Others with a higher tolerance for risk will opt to invest that money or at very least keep it liquid when paying a very low rate.
I think my scenario covers that. I will invest my cash outside of my liquid emergency living expense fund, I will invest it in real estate that I will pay cash for, I add to that real estate portfolio every year if possible in cash. A paid off mortgage / house gives you the ability to ALWAYS have a roof over your head, and telling every one else to fuck off.