S_M wrote:I bet you were saying the same shit about Pinochet, except for exchanging communists for Arabs.
I'm not actually a fan of our overall foreign policy.
Over decades, the U.S. has gotten itself
so twisted up in situations that at this point there really is no 'right' path to take in some cases.
But make no mistake, if it wasn't the U.S. doing such dicking around, it'd be someone else.
Because the muslims are a group of people who unfortunatly
require leashing - for the greater good of humanity.
And the muslims will
continue to be a very big world problem.
Islam openly acknowledges that it's origin was with Ishmael.
Who was Ishmael?
Short Bible lesson:
Abraham was told by God that Sarah (his wife) would give birth in her very old age, a child -----> through which the Messiah would come.
Abraham did not believe God, because of Sarah's age ----> so he slept with his maid, Hagar instead -----> and produced Ishmael.
He was born out of
disbelief in God.
And that is a scary thing.
From the bastard Ishmael ----> came Islam.
He was the progenitor of that "group" of people.
As such, in the manner in which the Bible often speaks of one who is a progenitor, it speaks of the future characteristic of an entire
God said this about Ismael - the progenitor (the Islamic people).
Genesis 16:12
And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man,
and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence
of all his brethren.
Muslims can not only not get along with any other people, they can't even get along with other muslims.