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Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:18 pm
by Bizzarofelice
poptart wrote:
Mace wrote:and any rational person has to believe the economy on the mend

How many trillions have been added to the deficit?
deficits don't matter. duh.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:46 pm
by Derron
Economy is on the mend ???

I don't fucking think so. Unemployment in Oregon is still at 10.6%. Tens of thousands still out of work.

One fucking construction project going in the metro area..a new Intel fab. I am up to 2 days part time right now. Scraping metal another day or so. Getting by, but I am not spending any money other than food, housing, insurance, and fucking ammunition for when the shit goes south here real soon. Fuck it.

When good people get jobs again, and do not fear for their existence, while the government fucks our money away, then maybe then, the economy is on the mend. It is not a recovery, because it is never going back to the way it was.

Obama a second term ?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Motherfucker will not be able to produce on his "promises", but he will ask his followers to "give him some more time", to get the shit straight ?? :lol: :lol:

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:07 pm
by Mace
If unemployment is over 10% and your public employee retirement system is fucked up, as you and dins have reported, then, yeah, you're not on the mend. I'm just saying that unemployment in Iowa is 6.1% and will go lower this spring and summer.....and, as I've argued before, our public employee retirement system is not fucked up. I did check out the Oregon retirement program and agree that it's fucked BUT it appears that you guys fucked yourselves by having idiots set up the system. Oregon's average payout to retired public employees is almost double that received in Iowa. The only mistake we made here was when our Republican governor in the 90's (who was re-elected this year) raised the cap on wages used to determine your pension from around $60,000 to $180,000....which would break the system if there were more public employees making that kind of money and drawing 60+% of their salary at retirement time.....which pretty much includes only his political appointees. The public employee union in Iowa has absolutely nothing to do with the retirement system, btw.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:09 pm
by BSmack
Derron wrote:When good people get jobs again, and do not fear for their existence, while the government fucks our money away, then maybe then, the economy is on the mend. It is not a recovery, because it is never going back to the way it was.
And yet you'll vote for the fucktards who have put the economy in such a, in your opinion, dire situation.


Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:53 am
by smackaholic
Jsc810 wrote:
poptart wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:Newt can't beat Obama. Don't see anyone else doing it either.

Note: I'm not saying that I'm voting for Obama, just that as a matter of election politics, he will be almost impossible to beat.
I disagree completely.
So who do you think can beat him?
palentey (sp) or jindal could. i would prefer to see someone from the bidness community though. i think romney could as well, but, won't get the GOP nomination.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:59 am
by mvscal
BSmack wrote:
Derron wrote:When good people get jobs again, and do not fear for their existence, while the government fucks our money away, then maybe then, the economy is on the mend. It is not a recovery, because it is never going back to the way it was.
And yet you'll vote for the fucktards who have put the economy in such a, in your opinion, dire situation.

Didn't YOU vote for the asshole who made thing ten times worse?

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:05 am
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:
Derron wrote:When good people get jobs again, and do not fear for their existence, while the government fucks our money away, then maybe then, the economy is on the mend. It is not a recovery, because it is never going back to the way it was.
And yet you'll vote for the fucktards who have put the economy in such a, in your opinion, dire situation.

Didn't YOU vote for the asshole who made thing ten times worse?
No I did not. For starters, things aren't even close to worse. Unemployment is down, the markets are up, the auto industry was saved, the banking system did not collapse and you are a God dammed Chicken Little.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:19 am
by mvscal
BSmack wrote: For starters, things aren't even close to worse.
I laughed. My god, you're fucking moron.
Unemployment is down,
the auto industry was saved,

Established bankruptcy law was turned on its head so that Oniggger could save some union votes which were the only thing "saved" by that blatantly illegal fiasco.
the banking system did not collapse
At what cost? And for whom?
you are a God dammed Chicken Little.
Try addressing my points about rising energy costs and debt fueled inflation. Oh, that's right. You can't. I guess you can just try to pretend they don't exist. That'll work.


Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:53 am
by poptart
Jsc810 wrote:So who do you think can beat him (Barry)?
It has many months to sort itself out.

At this point I can't name the winner in '12.

It's possible that a different democrat could win.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:55 am
by Diego in Seattle

Only if he were required to reside on Mt. St. Helens.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:05 am
R-Jack wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:Go read a book you illiterate son of a bitch.
If he's illiterate, what's that going to do for him?

:lol: needs racked

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:38 am
by Dinsdale
BSmack wrote:[And yet you'll vote for the fucktards who have put the economy in such a dire situation.


Are you refering to the DNC, or the Oregon Democrat Party?

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:03 am
by poptart
Bizzarofelice wrote:
poptart wrote:
Mace wrote:and any rational person has to believe the economy on the mend

How many trillions have been added to the deficit?
deficits don't matter. duh.
That wasn't my take.

For what it's worth to your brain, Bush didn't have very low approval ratings because only liberals hated him.
He grew to be despised by many conservatives, too - and a big issue with many conservatives was his reckless spending.

And also for what it's worth to your brain, Barry has added more to the deficit in 2 years than Bush did in 8. lol

My own take is that the federal government should only show a deficit in unusual circumstances - and for a short period of time.

Looking at what has happened over the past few decades, one can easily see that the federal government is obviously COMPLETELY out of control.

Barry has taken a very bad situation and made it exponentially WORSE.

It's unfathomable that any sane adult person would get with his program.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:03 pm
by smackaholic
Jsc810 wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:Jindal?????

Only if he were required to reside on Mt. St. Helens.
Zero chance of him running, and if he did run, zero chance that he would win.
what do you base this on?

is it because he's of injun descent?

i thought we were passed that now or has barry H just reminded us why we elected 43 white dudes in a row?

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:28 pm
by BSmack
smackaholic wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:Jindal?????

Only if he were required to reside on Mt. St. Helens.
Zero chance of him running, and if he did run, zero chance that he would win.
what do you base this on?
It is not his turn. The GOP likes retreads. Look at the list..

Reagan - Ran in 69 and 76 before winning the nomination in 80
Bush 41- Ran in 80 won nomination in 88
Dole - Ran in 88 won nomination in 96
McCain - Ran in 2000 won nomination in 08

The only exception to the rule has been Bush 43. And he had name recognition thanks to his father and entered the race with more cash on hand than all of his competitors combined. The last true non-retread to come out of the GOP primary process and win entirely on the force of his campaign message was Barry Freaking Goldwater in 1964.

This means that in the coming primary battle, the winner should come out of the retread pile from 2008. That means that Romney, Huckabee and Palin are your front runners. Now Palin is a damned idiot who is utterly unelectable. Romney is a Mormon and will be tarred for the health care reform he presided over in Massachusetts and his previously liberal positions. That leaves Huckabee and the Jesus Brigade as the only one left standing.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:38 pm
by Mace
Now Palin is a damned idiot who is utterly unelectable. Romney is a Mormon and will be tarred for the health care reform he presided over in Massachusetts and his previously liberal positions. That leaves Huckabee and the Jesus Brigade as the only one left standing.
If that holds true, then Obama will get another four years.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:38 pm
by Carson
The dems started to run a retread with Hillary. It could still happen.

Maybe the GOP will invest in youth this time instead of old fixtures.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:07 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Carson wrote:The dems started to run a retread with Hillary. It could still happen.
Unfortunately this is the case with both parties. Neither can run fresh blood with new ideas.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:03 am
by Rooster
If the economy is what is going to make or break BHO in 2012, then he's screwed. As California goes, so goes the nation. As a resident of that state I am here to tell you the rest of you 49 states are in deep, deep trouble if that axiom is true. Cal isn't getting fixed in 18 months. Cal will be lucky to get fixed in a decade.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:38 pm
by Sirfindafold
Diego in Seattle wrote: Neither can run fresh blood with new ideas.

No fresh ideas needed. Its pretty simple. Just grow some balls ('sup foreign policy) and shrink government.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:38 pm
by Derron
Mace wrote: BUT it appears that you guys fucked yourselves by having idiots set up the system. Oregon's average payout to retired public employees is almost double that received in Iowa.
Oh you mean the Democrats who have controlled the Legislature and the governors office ?

Or the government tit suckers who were able to craft this abortion, and since the lawmakers themselves are included in this pension fraud program then passed it ? and refuse to reform or further regulate it ?

The average citizen in this state is getting fucked on a daily basis, unless you work for the government..and had precious little input, which would have been ignored anyway by the liberal cocksuckers, as to how these pension funds work.

We did not fuck ourselves, our legislators have continually fucked us over the years, but unfortunately, the liberals hold the power in this state, and never met an entitlement program or tax they did not just love to ram up the ass of the taxpayers. If some common sense and conservative fiscal management were to take place not only here but in the US as a whole, these huge deficits and entitlement spending would come to a halt, and this country could get back to making something besides fucking coffee shops and taco trucks.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:51 pm
by Goober McTuber
Derron wrote:The average citizen in this state is getting fucked on a daily basis
Dinsdale hardly qualifies as an “average citizen”. Just ask him.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:51 pm
by Derron
BSmack wrote:
Derron wrote:When good people get jobs again, and do not fear for their existence, while the government fucks our money away, then maybe then, the economy is on the mend. It is not a recovery, because it is never going back to the way it was.
And yet you'll vote for the fucktards who have put the economy in such a, in your opinion, dire situation.

And you will continue to snort the Obnogger cocaine that all is well and good....

And you voted for the idiot who promised to fix things, and then added more to the debt than the previous entire Presidents of the country ? And who has not done shit to correct the economical problems, as he so promised ? Or has not got this little nagging war thing taken care of either ?

But the you will vote for him again, because he will need more time to make things work... :lol: :lol: Righttt...fuckin liberals.

My new favorite web site .... for when the shit goes down.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:57 pm
by Derron
Goober McTuber wrote:
Derron wrote:The average citizen in this state is getting fucked on a daily basis
Dinsdale hardly qualifies as an “average citizen”. Just ask him.
You know what?..your "average citizen" blast was wrong. The average citizen in this snake pit of liberal fanaticism is someone who believes that the government can solve everything, that business is evil and wrong, and exists to fund all the entitlement programs, social services, and to pay taxes to support the legions of worthless government workers, who produce nothing that could be reflected in GDP statistics.

Therefore, both Dins and myself would not be called average citizens in this state, but rather as the enemy. Din's libertarian's views, and my conservative views are far from mainstream, and put us on the outside, and often viewed as the enemy by politicians, and government workers alike.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:00 pm
by Goober McTuber
Warning: T1B Stupidity Level now at “Derron”.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:14 pm
by Derron
Goober McTuber wrote:Warning: T1B Stupidity Level now at “Derron”.
It is so good to be up in your dome like that.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:29 pm
by Goober McTuber
Derron wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:Warning: T1B Stupidity Level now at “Derron”.
It is so good to be up in your dome like that.
You're in all of our domes like that. You know, with your stupidity and all.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:43 pm
by Derron
Gobbles MyTubesteak wrote:
Derron wrote:
Gobbles MyTubesteak wrote:Warning: T1B Stupidity Level now at “Derron”.
It is so good to be up in your dome like that.
You're in all of our domes like that. You know, with your stupidity and all.
Rigghttt..says the guys who parrots his fellatio partner with his playground photoshop "funnies"

Say how is that shit with all the union honks working out up there ? Not real well it appears.

Heard from Todd lately ?

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:46 pm
by Goober McTuber
Derron wrote:
Gobbles MyTubesteak wrote:
Derron wrote:It is so good to be up in your dome like that.
You're in all of our domes like that. You know, with your stupidity and all.
Rigghttt..says the guys who parrots his fellatio partner with his playground photoshop "funnies"

Say how is that shit with all the union honks working out up there ? Not real well it appears.

Heard from Todd lately ?
Warning: T1B Stupidity Level now at “Derron+”.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:24 pm
by Mace
Derron wrote:
Mace wrote: BUT it appears that you guys fucked yourselves by having idiots set up the system. Oregon's average payout to retired public employees is almost double that received in Iowa.
Oh you mean the Democrats who have controlled the Legislature and the governors office ?

Or the government tit suckers who were able to craft this abortion, and since the lawmakers themselves are included in this pension fraud program then passed it ? and refuse to reform or further regulate it ?

The average citizen in this state is getting fucked on a daily basis, unless you work for the government..and had precious little input, which would have been ignored anyway by the liberal cocksuckers, as to how these pension funds work.

We did not fuck ourselves, our legislators have continually fucked us over the years, but unfortunately, the liberals hold the power in this state, and never met an entitlement program or tax they did not just love to ram up the ass of the taxpayers. If some common sense and conservative fiscal management were to take place not only here but in the US as a whole, these huge deficits and entitlement spending would come to a halt, and this country could get back to making something besides fucking coffee shops and taco trucks.
Well, if the voters of Oregon are voting these folks into office, then, yeah, you guys fucked yourselves. If your public employee pension isn't solvent, it needs to be reformed and needs to become a major issue for your state government elections. Our IPERS is operated by a non-political agency and they recommend any changes to the legislature for it raising the amount of employee contributions or changing the formula for determining the amount of the pension payouts, and they are solely responsible for investing the money and keeping the system solvent. The public retirement system isn't part of collective bargaining and the unions have no input into how the system works. Lumping all public employees and pensions in the same category as Oregon's is wrong. Iowa's is solvent and, despite taking a major hit in 2008, it will remain solvent. If you've got a problem with Oregon's public employee pension, then do something to get it changed or, unless they've locked the gates to all roads leading out of Oregon, you can always move.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:31 pm
by Derron
Mace wrote: If you've got a problem with Oregon's public employee pension, then do something to get it changed or, unless they've locked the gates to all roads leading out of Oregon, you can always move.
I am involved in trying to change some of the insane shit that goes on here, in as much as one person can have an affect, absent a huge group of like minded people.

And as much as I despise Oregon politics, I have lived here a long time, I am getting close to having the mortgage paid off, my part time work is here, and all my kids and grandkids are here. That reason alone will make most people Oregon is a great place to live...not run a business or have a high paying job, but a decent place to live.

Kind of like you pulling up and leaving Iowa after all those years.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:35 pm
by Mace
Derron wrote:
Mace wrote: If you've got a problem with Oregon's public employee pension, then do something to get it changed or, unless they've locked the gates to all roads leading out of Oregon, you can always move.
I am involved in trying to change some of the insane shit that goes on here, in as much as one person can have an affect, absent a huge group of like minded people.

And as much as I despise Oregon politics, I have lived here a long time, I am getting close to having the mortgage paid off, my part time work is here, and all my kids and grandkids are here. That reason alone will make most people Oregon is a great place to live...not run a business or have a high paying job, but a decent place to live.

Kind of like you pulling up and leaving Iowa after all those years.
I understand why you wouldn't want to leave, Derron, and props to you for getting involved and trying to change things. Good luck with that.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:54 pm
by mvscal
BSmack wrote:For starters, things aren't even close to worse. Unemployment is down, the markets are up, the auto industry was saved, the banking system did not collapse and you are a God dammed Chicken Little.
Meanwhile, back in reality....
Wholesale prices rise 1.6 pct. due to biggest jump in food costs in more than 36 years

Higher energy costs and the steepest rise in food prices in nearly four decades drove wholesale prices up last month by the most in nearly two years. ... story.html

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:01 pm
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:For starters, things aren't even close to worse. Unemployment is down, the markets are up, the auto industry was saved, the banking system did not collapse and you are a God dammed Chicken Little.
Meanwhile, back in reality....
Wholesale prices rise 1.6 pct. due to biggest jump in food costs in more than 36 years

Higher energy costs and the steepest rise in food prices in nearly four decades drove wholesale prices up last month by the most in nearly two years. ... story.html
Vegetables went up almost 50%. I joined a CSA this year. I’ll get a box of vegetables every week from May through October, enough for at least two people. Cost me $305, but my HMO just kicked back $200 of that, in order that I don’t wind up looking like shutyomouth. Rack me.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:44 pm
by smackaholic
Goober McTuber wrote:Vegetables went up almost 50%. I joined a CSA this year. I’ll get a box of vegetables every week from May through October, enough for at least two people. Cost me $305, but my HMO just kicked back $200 of that, in order that I don’t wind up looking like shutyomouth. Rack me.
What is a CSA? Some sort of commie dealio? Sounds like it could be a good idea. I think I am just gonna plant an assload of tomatoes this year.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:19 pm
by Derron
Community supported buy shares in advance from local farms. Great way to get good , mostly organic produce most of the year. Sometimes delivered, sometimes you go pick it up.

Having you HMO rebate you is good..have not heard of that.

I do not have a CSA farm, but I end up selling some of my produce. I give a lot away too. I manage to supply 4 families with basic produce all season long, and enough to put up for winter. Freeze a lot of it, but when the electrical grid goes to shit, that is not going to work. More canning.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:49 pm
by mvscal
Mace wrote: It has to suck going through life always seeing the glass as half empty.
Not nearly as bad as going through life with your head stuck up your ass.

mvscal wrote:Rising energy costs and inflation are going to fistfuck US households which will lead to lower consumer confidence and much less discretionary spending.

There is no motherfucking way in hell that things are "getting better." Only the dimmest of dumbfucks are still floating on their raft of Hope and Change.
Mace wrote:and any rational person has to believe the economy on the mend,
Consumer Sentiment in U.S. Fell More Than Forecast in March

Consumer sentiment in the U.S. dropped more than forecast in March, damped by higher gasoline costs and the effects of Japan’s natural disaster.

The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan final index of consumer sentiment decreased to 67.5, the lowest level since November 2009, from 77.5 in February, the group said today. The median forecast of 67 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News projected a reading of 68.

Gasoline prices hovering near the highest levels since October 2008 are straining the finances of American households, whose spending makes up about 70 percent of the world’s largest economy. ... rices.html
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't you ever get tired of getting your ass kicked every time you mash submit?

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:48 pm
by Mace
Yet, despite higher prices, gasoline sales have not dropped. You can stick your "sentiments" up your ass.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:52 pm
by mvscal
I deal in facts. You deal in "Hope for Change" and have been continually exposed as one of the dumbest fucks to ever post on this board or any other.

Re: So about Newt and liberals.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:54 pm
by Mace
mvscal wrote:I deal in facts. You deal in "Hope for Change" and have been continually exposed as one of the dumbest fucks to ever post on this board or any other.
Gasoline sales are a "fact", dumbfuck, unlike your opinions.