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Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:41 am
by BSmack
Willie McGee wrote:Rack this tsunami for assplundering Japan on a FRIDAY, 3/11 right during the conference tourneys. Seeing the footage tonight while eating a club sub and Doritos was uplifting and really put things into perspective. Hopefully there will be even more fallout including nuclear meltdowns to really keep the momentum going.
Good point. Seeing Japan get annihilated did take the edge of SU choking against the cheaters from Storrs.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:03 pm
by smackaholic
BSmack wrote:
Willie McGee wrote:Rack this tsunami for assplundering Japan on a FRIDAY, 3/11 right during the conference tourneys. Seeing the footage tonight while eating a club sub and Doritos was uplifting and really put things into perspective. Hopefully there will be even more fallout including nuclear meltdowns to really keep the momentum going.
Good point. Seeing Japan get annihilated did take the edge of SU choking against the cheaters from Storrs.
Let's see if I can hone that edge a bit.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! The 'cuse sucks along with everything else in CNY or WNY or fill in the blank NY for that matter.

So, what number pic will kemba walker be in the draft.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:13 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Carson wrote:Only jizzmopper and FUK STK 2 could turn this thread into a political discussion.
Excuse me? See post #8...if you can count that high.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:20 pm
by Carson
OCmike wrote:I went to two years of Navy Nuclear Power school. Is that good enough?
So you're left with two options: Open relief valves and release highly-irradiated steam into the air (pretty much a cancer cloud) or wait until a welded seam or pipe joint bursts and release ALL OF IT in one big uncontrolled KA-BOOSH! of radioactive steam and water. In case you haven't figured it out, option #2 is really fucking bad.
Looks like Fate made the call:
(CNN) -- An explosion at an earthquake-damaged nuclear plant was not caused by damage to the nuclear reactor but by a pumping system that failed as crews tried to bring the reactor's temperature down, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said Saturday.

The next step for workers at the Fukushima Daiichi plant will be to flood the reactor containment structure with sea water to bring the reactor's temperature down to safe levels, he said. The effort is expected to take two days.
OCmike wrote:Saltwater from the Pacific is about 60 degrees +/-. What do you think happens if you splash 60 degree water into a condenser that's 200+ degrees? See: Uncontrolled KA-BOOSH! above.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:37 pm
by Carson
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Think solar! :wink:
I'm sure you do every time you use your solar-powered Felchco 5000 vibrator on yourself.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:12 pm
by OCmike
Carson wrote:Looks like Fate made the call:
(CNN) -- An explosion at an earthquake-damaged nuclear plant was not caused by damage to the nuclear reactor but by a pumping system that failed as crews tried to bring the reactor's temperature down, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said Saturday.
No, that means a politician or a dumbass made the call. They teach rookie operators on any type of steam plant on day one what not to do with a hot condenser.

So the explosion you describe is this:
What do you think happens if you splash 60 degree water into a condenser that's 200+ degrees? See: Uncontrolled KA-BOOSH! above.
Now their problem is this: Does Japan have any heroes like those FDNY firefighters that went up the stairs of the towers knowing they weren't coming back? Because someone's going to have to strap on a radiation suit and walk into that glowing reactor control room to manually release a shitload of steam, all while absorbing a bazillion rads and punching his own ticket. He'd be dead man walking on the way out, if he makes it that long.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:15 pm
by OCmike
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Carson wrote:Only jizzmopper and FUK STK 2 could turn this thread into a political discussion.
B-B-B-But The Seer started it!
Great, we've reached a new low.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:31 pm
by Carson
OCmike wrote:Now their problem is this: Does Japan have any heroes like those FDNY firefighters that went up the stairs of the towers knowing they weren't coming back? Because someone's going to have to strap on a radiation suit and walk into that glowing reactor control room to manually release a shitload of steam, all while absorbing a bazillion rads and punching his own ticket. He'd be dead man walking on the way out, if he makes it that long.
I'm sure the latest OSIMO model wouldn't mind, if it can turn the valves.

...or Spock.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:42 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Dinsdale wrote:God DAMN, you should see what it's like on the Left Coast.

The small surge in Hawaii is good news.

Since they revamped the warning system (since the old one didn't work, and Evil W was pretty adamant on fixing it after Indonesia), this is the first time it went off. Apparently, it's a success, since it woke every non-deaf motherfucker on the Coast up. And a few of them might even be able to get out of town after the lines at the gas station (not too many 24 hours stations at the Coast), and then the lines to get on the hiway out of town.

I have a feeling we won't be hearing from Q, West Coast for at least a few hours -- they were predicting the biggest waves down south, right around his neck of the woods... assuming he's not a heavy sleeper.

The NOAA is building their new HQ in Newport ($20 mil of your tax dollars at work, to claim global warming is causing _______ this week). They just had someone involved in the construction on the local news (the building sits on pilings in the water, just inside Yaquina Bay), and dude says it's the exact wrong point during the construction to deal with a tsunami, since they just got pilings/piers in, and they're not secured. If that does come to fruition (there seems to be a formula -- whatever the dickweeds predict for carnage, multiply it by a factor of 0.3 and it's probably in the ballpark.

Been 47 years since anyone died in a tsunami in Oregon (and they were californians, so they don't count for full value), and hopefully by the end of this morning, that streak stays intact.

City Hall could be burning to the ground right now, and the newsies wouldn't know it... it'a allll tsunami, all the time. Which has already produced some priceless moments...

One local channel has a reporter right on the boardwalk in Seaside (right above the beach... GOOOOOO DARWIN!!!!!). After being asked if there were any signs of the tsunami (30 minutes after the NOAA said it would hit, based on the always-accurate computer models, that also said two adjacent beaches would get hit 12 minutes apart... funny stuff) he said something to the æffect of... and you can't make this shit up..

Dude responds "well, I've been watching the surf for about two hours, and noted some landmarks on the beach. The tsunami must be getting close, because over the last two hours, the marks that were on the edge of the surf are now slightly underwater."

No, dude actually said that. I was embarrassed for him. Although I guess it was his lucky day, since it was obviously his first trip to the beach -- if not for the reporting assignment, he'd be the DB that loses his shoes on the beach because for some odd, super-mysterious, inexplicable reason, the water came up.

Gotta give props to the head of the state geology department they had on, though -- the cameras they have trained on the beach had some happy-go-lucky beachcomber dude walking by, right as they were split-screen interviewing geology dude, who, live on air, said beachcomber dude was "just doing his part to clean up the gene pool." I laughed like a mofo.

Some of these reporters (and the reporters who are at the station to head to the Coast at 3AM are always the cream-of-the-crop) are a hoot. Since there's rough surf on an incoming tide in March on the North Coast, it must have something to do with the quake in Japan.

Surf's actually rough as all get out this morning (not the slightest bit unusual this time of year).

We're over an hours past when the geniuses at the NOAA said the surge was coming. Ain't seen it yet. Although, some places on the Coast, especially the northern part, it starts to get shallow a ways off the shoreline, which would theoretically make any incoming surge much higher than open ocean, or Hawaii... we'll see how that works out. If I didn't have stuff to do, and it was a little later in the day, I'd trek on down to Seaside (I assume the warrant they have on me has expired by now... over parking in the wrong place), and hike on up Tillamook Head (which is nowhere near Tillamook), and sit on the cliff (must be 500' up), and dangle my legs over the edge, crack a beer, and watch the show. But I guess I'll get some work done instead.
What in the world would compel you to clack all that out? Nobody cares about your little puddle splashes. There are 7K dead in Japan.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:54 pm
by OCmike
Carson wrote: ...or Spock.

And, they're fucked...
Government spokesman Yukio Edano said an explosion caused by vented hydrogen gas destroyed the exterior walls of the building...

The explosion was caused by hydrogen interacting with oxygen outside the reactor. The hydrogen was formed when the superheated fuel rods came in contact with water being poured over it to prevent a meltdown.
Water being poured over the control rods??! They're supposed to be constantly submerged. Scratch that, they're far beyond fucked.
Edano said the radiation around the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant had not risen after the blast, but had in fact decreased. He did not say why that was so.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:23 pm
by Dinsdale
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
WASHINGTON — A spending plan approved by the House would slash funding for a tsunami warning center that issued an alarm after the devastating earthquake in Japan.

The plan approved by the GOP-controlled House last month would trigger deep cuts for the National Weather Service, including the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii.

While I believe that Congress has become the Enemy, I'll RACK them for this.

Since the Tsunami Center in Hawaii does pretty much nothing except repeat what the Tsunami Center in Alaska says.

Complete redundant and useless, and should never have been there in the first place. Just like every other government monstrosity, the NWS and NOAA are just going to keep expanding and expanding, and making up bullshit reasons why they need more money out of everyone's pocket to produce absolutely nothing, and contribute absolutely nothing of value to the USA. If these fucks have their way, they'll build a tsunami warning center in North Dakota, and staff if with dozens of 6-figure salaried fleecers.

That's why they updated the buoys and automated the shit -- so it didn't take an army of tit-suckers sitting at a desk pushing a pencil at multiple locations to warn of a tsunami every few years.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:37 pm
by Dr_Phibes
OCmike wrote: Now their problem is this: Does Japan have any heroes like those FDNY firefighters that went up the stairs of the towers knowing they weren't coming back? Because someone's going to have to strap on a radiation suit and walk into that glowing reactor control room to manually release a shitload of steam, all while absorbing a bazillion rads and punching his own ticket. He'd be dead man walking on the way out, if he makes it that long.
Just don't tell them the consequence. There's some pretty wild film of guys trying to close up Chernobyl with paper masks on, helicopter flying into crane, unreal. ... ays_webcam

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:53 pm
by Dinsdale
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Think solar!

1. calculate your personal energy consumption (tough for the math challenged, but give it a try).

2. learn what a langley is.

3. calculate the area you control, have access to.

4. multiply your personal area into langleys.

5. take the result of step 4 and divide that by 2 (see if you can figure out why). This doesn't even account for system losses.

And for the final step of the equation, take the result of step 5, and subtract it from the figured produced in step 1.

If you did the math correctly, you should come up with a figure that looks something like this:

Step 1 - Step 5 = you're a fucking idiot

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:25 pm
by War Wagon
OCmike wrote: Does Japan have any heroes like those FDNY firefighters that went up the stairs of the towers knowing they weren't coming back?
I don't know about that but I'll have to rack the Japs in that I haven't seen any reports of looting yet and it's doubtful there will be much if any of that going on. I also doubt that there are many other countries where that could be said after a disaster of this magnitude.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:46 pm
by smackaholic
War Wagon wrote:
OCmike wrote: Does Japan have any heroes like those FDNY firefighters that went up the stairs of the towers knowing they weren't coming back?
I don't know about that but I'll have to rack the Japs in that I haven't seen any reports of looting yet and it's doubtful there will be much if any of that going on. I also doubt that there are many other countries where that could be said after a disaster of this magnitude.
yeah, nips are pretty much a stand up buncha fellas on their home court. send them on a roadie though.....ever here of nanking?

those fukkers should just apply for SEC meatgrinder honorary membership.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:29 pm
by Carson
FUK STK 2 wrote:... it's the U.S. plans for sneaking back into the nuclear power racket going up in smoke.
Only if they go back to a 40 year old design, Springsteen: ... ters-in-us

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:09 pm
by mvscal
True more modern plant designs are safer, but I wouldn't knock that 40 year old design either. It withstood an earthquake powerful enough to move the entire island chain eight feet and shift the earth's axis, followed up a gigantic tsunami which knocked out all back up power not to mention numerous powerful aftershocks.

After all that, the partial meltdown did not breach the containment vessel and release of radiation was minimal. This is not a nuclear disaster story. It is a nuclear success story.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:03 pm
by missjo
Before & after satellite pics of the affected areas ... unami.html

Screw global warming
The Governments of the world who allowed Nuclear testing by drilling thousands of Kms into the Earths Crust to test atomic & nuclear bombs I think have a lot to answer for with all the Bombs let off in the South Pacific region it had to have affected the movement of the Tectonic Plates

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:36 pm
by smackaholic
they drilled thousands of kms into the earf?


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

were you aware of the fact that we been having earthquakes a whole fukking lot longer than we been setting off firecrackers "thousands of kms" :lol: below the surface?

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:48 am
by mvscal
missjo wrote:Screw global warming
The Governments of the world who allowed Nuclear testing by drilling thousands of Kms into the Earths Crust to test atomic & nuclear bombs I think have a lot to answer for with all the Bombs let off in the South Pacific region it had to have affected the movement of the Tectonic Plates
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You pathetic tard.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:39 am
by smackaholic
sorry, but 10 LOL emoticons ain't enough for this level of dumbfukkery.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:42 am
by smackaholic
y'know, i always suspected that spending your entire life hanging upside down as they do on the bottom of the world caused brain damage. now i'm sure if it.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:50 am
by Dinsdale
In which direction does one's intellect circle the drain in the Southern Hemisphere?

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:18 am
by Y2K
mvscal wrote:True more modern plant designs are safer, but I wouldn't knock that 40 year old design either. It withstood an earthquake powerful enough to move the entire island chain eight feet and shift the earth's axis, followed up a gigantic tsunami which knocked out all back up power not to mention numerous powerful aftershocks.

After all that, the partial meltdown did not breach the containment vessel and release of radiation was minimal. This is not a nuclear disaster story. It is a nuclear success story.
The Japanese have always led the way in seismic retrofit. We do the same type of work here in the states but we do it better. For chrissakes the Earth moved 6 to 8 fucking feet and the plant is still vertical, fuel rods and all. Let's hope for a full containment. The impact those Nuke Plants took was beyond anything seen before. This supermoon shit is a bitch.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:12 am
by Dr_Phibes
mvscal wrote: It withstood an earthquake powerful enough to move the entire island chain eight feet and shift the earth's axis
That sounds like a misnomer, 'I can't believe the plant is still standing, it's hurtling through space at 15,000 mph'.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:18 am
by mvscal
Dr_Phibes wrote:
mvscal wrote: It withstood an earthquake powerful enough to move the entire island chain eight feet and shift the earth's axis
That sounds like a misnomer,
Only to an idiot.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:34 am
by Dr_Phibes
Well there's grass huts still standing in Japan, I wouldn't recommend encasing a reactor in bamboo. The best is ' the generators were running on batteries, but batteries eventually.. (dramatic pause).. run out.'

It's a nuclear fucking power plant. Why didn't they build a closet with a sign on the door saying 'Spare Battery Room', and fill it full of spare batteries? eh? eh?

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:45 am
by Dan Vogel
I talked with my children about Japan this afternoon. They have agreed to donate 25% of their allowance for the next three months to Japan relief. Tony is on allowance suspension for six months because of the scooter incident but he will begin his 25% donations later this year when he gets back to his regular allowance. I could see in their faces that they really felt something deep inside. It's a good lesson for them and their small donations will be helpful in its own way.

We are all part of the human race and this tragedy is a tragedy for us all. I urge everyone to donate what they can. This magnitude of this tragedy is unlike anything I've seen in my life.

Have a nice week!

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:24 pm
by Goober McTuber
Dan Vogel wrote:This magnitude of this tragedy is unlike anything I've seen in my life.
So mvscal blindfolds you when he stops by?

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:33 pm
by Derron
Dinsdale wrote:

Since the Tsunami Center in Hawaii does pretty much nothing except repeat what the Tsunami Center in Alaska says.

Complete redundant and useless, and should never have been there in the first place. Just like every other government monstrosity, the NWS and NOAA are just going to keep expanding and expanding, and making up bullshit reasons why they need more money out of everyone's pocket to produce absolutely nothing, and contribute absolutely nothing of value to the USA.
And of course you combine this with the multiple failures of the early warning system along the CA and OR coasts. I had multiple county EMS frequencies going on my computer that morning, and it was pathetic the lack of coordination and common sense that went on.

" There is the warning, but our siren is not sounding. Are we supposed to sound it manually ? Are we authorized to do that ?"

" The tsunami waring is back up..we had the wrong information on the all clear"

" Our warning siren is old World War II vintage. It won't work".

Damn..this is not going like the drill did " "Are those people supposed to be walking on the beach...I thought a tsunami warning was up.."

We are not sure what the status is right now..the county EMS center does not know either, we will just have to wait and see until somebody makes a decision, stand by for now."

"We are having trouble getting the information we need, you will just have to go it on your own for right now"

That's right..our government is ready and capable of coordinating and organizing a response to natural disaster that warns and protects the populace. When that happens to the US, the disaster itself will pale in comparison to the anarchy that will happen after the American sheep are unable to:

1. Watch cable TV
2. Fuel their big mother fucking SUV's
3. Communicate on their cell phones
4. Buy groceries since the stores ran out in an hour
5. Buy a double Starbucks

And you standard 3 day supply of food and water ???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: How about a 3 month supply ?

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:15 pm
by Sirfindafold

How long before we see this motherfucker carrying a grip of Sapporros?

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:26 pm
by mvscal
I don't think they let nigggers into Japan.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:36 pm
by LTS TRN 2
SELL...your shares in any company connected to nuclear power.
mvscal wrote:True more modern plant designs are safer, but I wouldn't knock that 40 year old design either. It withstood an earthquake powerful enough to move the entire island chain eight feet and shift the earth's axis, followed up a gigantic tsunami which knocked out all back up power not to mention numerous powerful aftershocks.

After all that, the partial meltdown did not breach the containment vessel and release of radiation was minimal. This is not a nuclear disaster story. It is a nuclear success story.
First, regardless of these plants being forty years old, Japan's safety standards are far beyond ours--and the reactor buildings blew the fuck up. And they ARE melting down, and the idea of building more of these is about as attractive as having GW Bush somehow being president again.

The future of energy production is alternative sources, starting with wind. Right now America has tremendous opportunities for wind power--starting in Montana, etc.

The Japanese don't loot from themselves on principle.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:12 pm
by War Wagon
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Japan's safety standards are far beyond ours
Wrong again, as usual. Any nuclear facility built in the U.S. in the last 30 years exceeds Japanese safety standards. 3 Mile Island out front shoulda' told ya.

The future of energy production is alternative sources, starting with wind. Right now America has tremendous opportunities for wind power--starting in Montana, etc.
Right, there's just the minor issue of not having the transmission line infrastructure in place to deliver that energy from bumfucked Egypt to any major cities... and the other issue that even if there were, it would never be able to replace the amount of juice produced by a single nuclear power plant at a fraction of the cost.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:20 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Absolute bullshit.

First, the plants blowing up in Japan were designed by General Electric. They are the same as many of America's nuke plants. The Japanese safety standards are much higher--and even then all of the basic backup measures failed and unbelievable use of flooding the reactors with seawater was the last resort.

As for wind power, well, guess what, wags? The oil companies sure as shit don't want all that clean and cheap power cutting deep into their profits. Or what?

The infrastructure is nothing we can't handle. After all, we put men on the moon in the 1960's.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:25 pm
by Sirfindafold
LTS TRN 2 wrote: After all, we put men on the moon in the 1960's.

We also put BHO in the WH in 2008.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:46 pm
by smackaholic
LTS TRN 2 wrote:As for wind power, well, guess what, wags? The oil companies sure as shit don't want all that clean and cheap power cutting deep into their profits. Or what?
first off "all" ain't too much. as to whether or not it is cheap, well, if you don't count building it and maintaining it, well, yeah, i guess it is cheap. i would also like to see what sort of carbon foot print is involved in making one of these monsters.

not saying they don't make sense, but, if you think we can come close to running the place on them, you'd be mistaken. not like that hasn't happened before though.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:01 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Really, how about 20% of our current energy requirements coming just from Montana alone? Now add in another five or six prairie states and do the math. Fact is, these thoroughly co-opted GOP ass wipes are digging in their heels against alternative fuels and going whole hog with the disastrous Planet Corn route.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:04 pm
by Sirfindafold
20% of Montana? WOW!!!!

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:35 pm
by smackaholic
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Really, how about 20% of our current energy requirements coming just from Montana alone? Now add in another five or six prairie states and do the math. Fact is, these thoroughly co-opted GOP ass wipes are digging in their heels against alternative fuels and going whole hog with the disastrous Planet Corn route.
I agree with you 1000% on the ethanol debacle. I also think you are entirely full of shit on your guess that montana could produce 20% of our power. I guess it could if you could harness every bit of windpower there, but, you can't.