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Re: Rooster

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:40 am
by LTS TRN 2
There's nothing hysterical or emotional about the three basic facts I just stated, and which you can't even pretend to dispute. And my support for unions is practical, not personal. And make no mistake, the real topic of this thread is the obscene level of spending America wastes on absurdly overpriced military toys.

I see you're not really into connecting the dots on these matters, but I'd like you to consider that a relatively tiny group of individuals are currently sucking up a grossly disproportionate degree of this and other nation's wealth. Who are they?...What are they?

Roll this around in your dome a bit:

Insanely Rapacious Plutocratic Predatory Capitalists..

Okay? Nothing hysterical--or overstated. Just the facts. Care to pretend to dispute this? I doubt it.

Re: Rooster

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:56 am
by Carson
Yes, we should stop spending scads of money on defense.

Spend it on life-saving research for AIDS vaccines.

Eat a dick 'til you drown in your own blood.

Re: Rooster

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 3:22 am
by mvscal
Rooster wrote:I dunno, I used to feed the Iraqi PoWs during GW1 my pork patties from the MREs we were given
You too?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I didn't even think about it, though. I would just give them the shit I didn't want to eat and send them on their way. Index was ready to call the ICC and report me for war crimes.