Yes there is. It’s right after the chapter on “Common Geographical Misnomers of the Flyover.” But it’s pwesome the publisher decided to go with a large print edition so political geezers like you can enjoy it too…Goober McOnions42 wrote:Looks interesting. Is there a chapter devoted to IKYABWAI?
A better title might’ve been “What’s the Matter with Liberals from Kansas?” Crazy as it sounds, the common sense, salt-of the-earth types that populate the majority of that state don’t particularly cotton to an ideology that vociferously defends a woman’s “legal right” to have the brains sucked out of her baby’s skull moments before its birth.
But I’ll give the author his due. Kansas has both kinds of politicians: Moderate AND Conservative Republicans. Any philosophy that drives the local Red Star into a daily fit of printed apoplexy can’t be a bad thing….