Truman wrote:looked for Red Hook wherever I could find it – before Dins derided it as a conglomo sellout.
Oh, back before the sellout, Redhook ESB was grub, when they were those little Seattle folk.
Whatever year that was... late 80's/early 90's, fuck if I remember.
I’m sure Dins will be quick to point out that Bridgeport ESB is brewed with storm drain back-flow from Columbia River flooding
Nah, I'm sure I'll point out that it isn't.
Geez... silly Flyovers.
But I'm nothing if not helpful, so some remedial edification on the non-worthless places in this Great Land Of Ours...
First, that white thingy next to the city is known as a "mountain" -- we'll also accept "volcano" as an answer:
Next... see how that "mountain" thingy is all white, even though it's late spring/early summer(if you sign on for the advanced lessons, I'll tell you how I know that, but for now, we'll walk those baby steps)?
Well, those white things all over it are called "glaciers." There 12 of them on there, of various sizes.
And here's where it starts getting crazy -- when that nice pure water melts, we round it up and pin it down in this really huge hole before it gets anywhere near the Columbia. Actually, us crazy Portlanders take one of the small glaciers, and keep it for ourselves.
Although I haven't set foot in a water treatment plant in a few years, they used to tell me that there was only one major city that could even compete with Bull Run Water... and you happen live there, strangely enough. It just costs you more to get it that clean.
And in my crowd, Bridgeport (the one that started it all, RACK the Ponzis, although I'm not sure they still own it, just their big winery) is considered the king of the hill, and I could come up with several people who would rank Bridgeport IPA as their favorite brew of all... and depending on the day/week/month, I'd likely be one of them.
The best beer comes from Portland, because the best water is in Portland. Plus, it takes a lot of good marijuana to make good beer.