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Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:57 pm
by BSmack
Toddowen wrote:The Brown Ale and Pennant Ale '55 are both winners.

IMO, probably the best brew ever to come out of NY.....which I know ain't saying a whole lot.
Get fucked. You mean the best beer to come out of New York CITY. There's plenty of great brews coming out of Upstate. Saranac, Ithaca, Southern Tier, Custom Brewcrafters...

Brooklyn is pretty good. But my favorite NY beer of the moment is Saranac Black Forest.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:07 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Y2K wrote:Enjoy getting raped for an outstanding IPA.
We don't live in Fresneck.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:10 pm
by BSmack
Toddowen wrote:Brooklyn is brewed in Utica.
The product was created in New York City and is brewed in both Brooklyn and Utica. It is more than fair to say that it is a New York City beer.
And I stand by my statement. It's better than anything else from NY. Anything brewed in the same style at least.

And I think the Saranac product taste too similar. Saranac is to beer in NY what Starbucks is to coffee in the U&L.
You do realize that Saranac's facility in Utica is that same facility that Brooklyn uses? I am in no way disparaging Brooklyn's product. They make some fine beer. I just happen to favor the Black Forest these days. Although Saranac has come through in insanely good summer brew as well.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:23 pm
by Dinsdale
Goober McTuber wrote:OK, let me think about this. Do I take the word of a guy who's been blogging about Portland beer for at least 5 years and who details his methodology? Or do I trust a known internet blowhard who has a well-documented penchant for talking out of his ass? Hmmmm.

Hmmmm.... why don't you put your sig line where your (or some random internet tard you never met's) mouth is.

Gonna take something of "value" (T1B-wise) to make me walk through the grocery store (I'll just go to the one right up the street, although a couple stores are a little cheaper) and show you just how wrong you are.

Without even being at the store, I'll tell you... and I don't give a fuck what some transplant blogger lied to you about... I fucking promise you the only sixer that isn't $6.99 or less (and $6.99 will be the high end) will be some bullshit high-dollar Euro imports. Most of them will be right at $5.99.

Let's bet, tard. Since you're so confident you know more about what beer costs where I live than I do... put up or shut up, fool.

But just know going in -- your chances of winning the bet are sitting right at exactly 0.00%... just something to keep in mind.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:33 pm
by smackaholic
BSmack wrote:[I just happen to favor the Black Forest these days.
No body asked about your sexual preferences, B.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:53 pm
by War Wagon
Fuck all you beer knobs, a 30 pack of Bud Light is on sale at Quik Trip for $17.99.


Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:22 pm
by Mr T
War Wagon wrote:Fuck all you beer knobs, a 30 pack of Bud Light is on sale at Quik Trip for $17.99.
Why you drinking that Belgian shit? I thought you were all about American stuff.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:30 pm
by War Wagon
Force of habit and besides, I like it.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:46 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
War Wagon wrote:Fuck all you beer knobs, a 30 pack of Bud Light is on sale at Quik Trip for $17.99.
You're a much bigger beer snob than I am. I'll drink Whiteybrew and be perfectly content. You wouldn't touch a Two-Hearted.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:33 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Screw_Michigan wrote:I believe this is around the time Oberon went "national" or at least outside of its midwest/east coast footprint.
Yeah, it's reasonable to think mass production has altered the taste, or at least produced inconsistent batches. Oberon used to have a much more pronounced taste, imo.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:02 am
by Goober McTuber
Dinsdale wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:OK, let me think about this. Do I take the word of a guy who's been blogging about Portland beer for at least 5 years and who details his methodology? Or do I trust a known internet blowhard who has a well-documented penchant for talking out of his ass? Hmmmm.

Hmmmm.... why don't you put your sig line where your (or some random internet tard you never met's) mouth is.

Gonna take something of "value" (T1B-wise) to make me walk through the grocery store (I'll just go to the one right up the street, although a couple stores are a little cheaper) and show you just how wrong you are.

Without even being at the store, I'll tell you... and I don't give a fuck what some transplant blogger lied to you about... I fucking promise you the only sixer that isn't $6.99 or less (and $6.99 will be the high end) will be some bullshit high-dollar Euro imports. Most of them will be right at $5.99.

Let's bet, tard. Since you're so confident you know more about what beer costs where I live than I do... put up or shut up, fool.

But just know going in -- your chances of winning the bet are sitting right at exactly 0.00%... just something to keep in mind.
Get out your fucking digicam. Transplant blogger has been there for quite a while. Glad to see you finally decided to respond to this after 3 months.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:06 am
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:Belgian style IPA
If it's Belgian style, it isn't an India Pale Ale.
It appears to be a melding of styles. An IPA made with Belgian yeasts. It's called evolution. Come down out of the tree, Bubbles.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:42 am
by mvscal
Goober McTuber wrote:It appears to be a melding of styles. An IPA made with Belgian yeasts. It's called evolution. Come down out of the tree, Bubbles.
I'd call it a dog's breakfast from the wannabe crowd. The subtle flavor of Belgian yeasts would get completely lost in an IPA hop profile. Hopping the fuck out of a Beligian Tripel isn't a style. It's a gimmick.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:01 am
by M Club
Goober McTuber wrote: Get out your fucking digicam. Transplant blogger has been there for quite a while. Glad to see you finally decided to respond to this after 3 months.
going to back dins on this one. using belmont station and new seasons to track "average" prices? is like using screwy's resume to track unemployment. surprised he didn't include zupans in his list of high-end outliers.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:17 am
by Dr_Phibes
Goober McTuber wrote: It appears to be a melding of styles. An IPA made with Belgian yeasts. It's called evolution. Come down out of the tree, Bubbles.
The scientists behind this achievement weren't wearing skinny jeans and white cotton shirts, were they?

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:24 pm
by Goober McTuber
M Club wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote: Get out your fucking digicam. Transplant blogger has been there for quite a while. Glad to see you finally decided to respond to this after 3 months.
going to back dins on this one. using belmont station and new seasons to track "average" prices? is like using screwy's resume to track unemployment. surprised he didn't include zupans in his list of high-end outliers.
What would you suggest the optimum places to buy beer in Portland?

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:41 pm
by M Club
Goober McTuber wrote: What would you suggest the optimum places to buy beer in Portland?
the places that charge 6.99 rather than 9.99 for the same exact beer.

i suppose his methodology is technically sound since there are always douchebags who regard beer as boutique purchases, but the rest of us can get beer for dins' going rate at the safeway, fred meyers, etc.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:42 pm
by Goober McTuber
M Club wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote: What would you suggest the optimum places to buy beer in Portland?
the places that charge 6.99 rather than 9.99 for the same exact beer.

i suppose his methodology is technically sound since there are always douchebags who regard beer as boutique purchases, but the rest of us can get beer for dins' going rate at the safeway, fred meyers, etc.
First of all, Dins claimed he could buy any 6-pack for $6, not $7. Secondly, Fred Meyers is one of the stores in the price survey. Safeway has Deshits beer on sale this week for $6 which leads me to believe it might regularly sell for $7. Safeway also is advertising Full Sail 12-packs for $12, so they’re regularly maybe $13, which means the sixers are at least $7 or possibly $8. And you want me to believe that there aren’t Imperial IPAs or other specialty beers out there for double-digits?

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:58 pm
by M Club
safeway probably has deschutes on sale this week because it was also on sale last week, and the week before, and the week before that, and the week after this one. and ja, fred meyer was one of the four places where he was pricing beer: drop them from that list and suddenly the average microbrew in pdx is going for $9.50.

and really, you're splitting semantic hairs over one of dins' hyperbolic claims about the pnw? point remains there's so much action in the local market that the only time you're going to pay over $10 for something a la bells is if you're keeping the sort of company that's impressed by how much you overspend for beer. don't have to go over $7, really. fuck, don't have to go over $0 if you loiter at one of your 17 friends who's pretty good with the homebrew kit.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:19 pm
by Goober McTuber
M Club wrote:safeway probably has deschutes on sale this week because it was also on sale last week, and the week before, and the week before that, and the week after this one. and ja, fred meyer was one of the four places where he was pricing beer: drop them from that list and suddenly the average microbrew in pdx is going for $9.50.

and really, you're splitting semantic hairs over one of dins' hyperbolic claims about the pnw? point remains there's so much action in the local market that the only time you're going to pay over $10 for something a la bells is if you're keeping the sort of company that's impressed by how much you overspend for beer. don't have to go over $7, really. fuck, don't have to go over $0 if you loiter at one of your 17 friends who's pretty good with the homebrew kit.
Yes, I understand that you can drink plenty of good beer in the $6-7 range. So can I. We happened to be discussing high end microbrews, which are decidedly better than the $6 stuff. Not everyday beer, but nice to have on occasion. And I think you know damn well that sixers priced at $10 and above could easily be found in Portland. At Fred Meyers or Safeway.

If you’re going to suggest that it’s foolish to pay $10 for a sixer, you probably think it’s foolish to pay $15 for a bottle of wine. Or to pay a little extra for prime beef rather than choice. Ya cheap bastard.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:56 pm
by M Club
Goober McTuber wrote: Yes, I understand that you can drink plenty of good beer in the $6-7 range. So can I. We happened to be discussing high end microbrews, which are decidedly better than the $6 stuff. Not everyday beer, but nice to have on occasion. And I think you know damn well that sixers priced at $10 and above could easily be found in Portland. At Fred Meyers or Safeway.

If you’re going to suggest that it’s foolish to pay $10 for a sixer, you probably think it’s foolish to pay $15 for a bottle of wine. Or to pay a little extra for prime beef rather than choice. Ya cheap bastard.
didn't realize you were talking about high-end microbrews, probably because you never said you were discussing high-end microbrews. from my perch it looked like dins saw an opportunity to say "i'm from the pnw, bitchz" and you responded by saying average microbrew prices in pdx are nearly $3 more expensive than what he claimed. and obviously, part of the flag waving was to say that yes, high-end microbrews are that cheap in pdx. no way would bells survive in pdx at michigan prices.

i'm not opposed to paying money for good booze, if that's what it costs. but it doesn't cost $10+ if it's $5 cheaper at the store two blocks that way.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:03 pm
by Go Coogs'
My fridge in the garage is still stocked with this...


Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:24 pm
by Goober McTuber
M Club wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote: Yes, I understand that you can drink plenty of good beer in the $6-7 range. So can I. We happened to be discussing high end microbrews, which are decidedly better than the $6 stuff. Not everyday beer, but nice to have on occasion. And I think you know damn well that sixers priced at $10 and above could easily be found in Portland. At Fred Meyers or Safeway.

If you’re going to suggest that it’s foolish to pay $10 for a sixer, you probably think it’s foolish to pay $15 for a bottle of wine. Or to pay a little extra for prime beef rather than choice. Ya cheap bastard.
didn't realize you were talking about high-end microbrews, probably because you never said you were discussing high-end microbrews. from my perch it looked like dins saw an opportunity to say "i'm from the pnw, bitchz" and you responded by saying average microbrew prices in pdx are nearly $3 more expensive than what he claimed.
If you actually read the linked thread, we were talking about a double IPA. They do tend to be higher end, due to the costs invloved in doubling the amount of ingredients. In that thread Dinsdale said:
but trust me, I can buy ANY sixer of micro for $6
That I believe to be total bullshit, as was his denial of a hops shortage a little while back.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:34 pm
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:It appears to be a melding of styles. An IPA made with Belgian yeasts. It's called evolution. Come down out of the tree, Bubbles.
I'd call it a dog's breakfast from the wannabe crowd. The subtle flavor of Belgian yeasts would get completely lost in an IPA hop profile. Hopping the fuck out of a Beligian Tripel isn't a style. It's a gimmick.

Just because it doesn't fit your palate doesn't mean it's not a legitimate beer. I'm not overly fond of it because in every one I've tried I've had a hard time tasting the hops. All get is this:
The taste is a little different. You do get a mild and I mean mild taste of citrus and grassy hops. But still the Belgian side takes over the beer. Especially a musty earthy Belgian yeast taste. You also have the nice sweet taste to go along with it. This one ends with a nice spicy kick that lingers.
I think you would have enjoyed a visit to my local microbrewer yesterday. The head brew master is quite fond of Belgians. They released their seasonal Tripel, and also tapped two-year-old kegs of the Tripel and their Dubbel.

BTW, the Belgians are brewing Belgian IPAs. ... n-ipa.html

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:39 pm
by Goober McTuber
Go Coogs' wrote:My fridge in the garage is still stocked with this...

Do you use it to wash your car?

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:00 pm
by indyfrisco
I used to love Shiner Bock in college when I wanted cheap beer...can't stand it now. Way too fucking sweet with zero hops flavor. Saw a sixer of it on the shelf here in Indiana and could not believe it. I bought it up, put it on ice and drank half of 1 before pouring the rest out.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:48 pm
by mvscal
IndyFrisco wrote:I used to love Shiner Bock in college when I wanted cheap beer...
That was back when it was good and cheap before they were bought out by Gambrinus and expanded to a national brand.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:18 pm
by M Club
Goober McTuber wrote:
If you actually read the linked thread, we were talking about a double IPA. They do tend to be higher end, due to the costs invloved in doubling the amount of ingredients. In that thread Dinsdale said:
but trust me, I can buy ANY sixer of micro for $6
That I believe to be total bullshit, as was his denial of a hops shortage a little while back.
i didn't read the linked thread. guess homeboy could just go to the market with his camera and settle this one way or the other, eh. :dins:

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:39 am
by Truman
Naw, Screwey, the rack was appropriately distributed. Goobs had been jockin’ Two Hearted over numerous threads for quite some time before I finally pulled the trigger on it. Cat gets the credit, and I’ll definitely be looking for it on Special Occasions.

MY mistake was assuming it was a Wisky export. Regardless, it’s a quality product, and money well spent. Unlike mvscal’s pimping of Czechvar (Budvar) in earlier threads (Dude… Really?!) – Pilsner Urquell buries it, as do most American pilsner craft offerings….

I’m of the mind that Hopslam hasn’t a prayer of hitting the Heartland, but I’ll be definitely keeping my eyes peeled.

And on that thought…

What M Club said. Quality craft can be had for $6.99 a six. Became a huge fan of bitter years ago (go figure) and looked for Red Hook wherever I could find it – before Dins derided it as a conglomo sellout. Been on the Bridgeport product for a couple of years now ever since. I’m sure Dins will be quick to point out that Bridgeport ESB is brewed with storm drain back-flow from Columbia River flooding – but it ain’t a bad brew for the price. Besides, it’s cheaper than Fuller’s. And yes, I realize you U'nL-types like to keep the good stuff close to home.

Last note: Rack Coogs'. Shiner is a quality product and reasonably priced. Beer o' choice regularly when I smoke brisket over mesquite and serve it with pintos. Can’t get any more Texas than that….

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:05 am
by mvscal
Goober McTuber wrote:I'm not overly fond of it because
Maybe you're not over fond of it becauce it sucks. It's a failed experiment. Those two profiles simply do not harmonize.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:08 am
by Dinsdale
Truman wrote:looked for Red Hook wherever I could find it – before Dins derided it as a conglomo sellout.
Oh, back before the sellout, Redhook ESB was grub, when they were those little Seattle folk.

Whatever year that was... late 80's/early 90's, fuck if I remember.

I’m sure Dins will be quick to point out that Bridgeport ESB is brewed with storm drain back-flow from Columbia River flooding
Nah, I'm sure I'll point out that it isn't.

Geez... silly Flyovers.

But I'm nothing if not helpful, so some remedial edification on the non-worthless places in this Great Land Of Ours...

First, that white thingy next to the city is known as a "mountain" -- we'll also accept "volcano" as an answer:


Next... see how that "mountain" thingy is all white, even though it's late spring/early summer(if you sign on for the advanced lessons, I'll tell you how I know that, but for now, we'll walk those baby steps)?

Well, those white things all over it are called "glaciers." There 12 of them on there, of various sizes.

And here's where it starts getting crazy -- when that nice pure water melts, we round it up and pin it down in this really huge hole before it gets anywhere near the Columbia. Actually, us crazy Portlanders take one of the small glaciers, and keep it for ourselves.

Although I haven't set foot in a water treatment plant in a few years, they used to tell me that there was only one major city that could even compete with Bull Run Water... and you happen live there, strangely enough. It just costs you more to get it that clean.

And in my crowd, Bridgeport (the one that started it all, RACK the Ponzis, although I'm not sure they still own it, just their big winery) is considered the king of the hill, and I could come up with several people who would rank Bridgeport IPA as their favorite brew of all... and depending on the day/week/month, I'd likely be one of them.

The best beer comes from Portland, because the best water is in Portland. Plus, it takes a lot of good marijuana to make good beer.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:55 am
by Truman
Thanks for the primer, Dins.

And here I was tryin’ to be all cryptic and sarcastic and exaggerative 'n junk in my last post.

You mean that hard, icy white stuff I’ve been scrambling across on the sides of hills in Colorado and other parts high for the past 30 years isn’t just snow?!

I’ve got papers yellowing in a storage shed somewhere defining glaciation that helped determine my degree. That said, I’m of the thought to give you the benefit of the doubt that you took my descriptive of Bridgeport makins’ as hyperbole before you ever dared hit “submit.”

Regardless. Big fan of Bridgeport’s IPA offering, too. Best beer? Remains to be seen. I’d put Boulevard’s Smokestack series up against anything brewed in this country.

And no, you can’t get Boulevard out there Dins – We don't ship to areas of the country where folks don’t bathe regularly.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:26 pm
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:I'm not overly fond of it because
Maybe you're not over fond of it becauce it sucks. It's a failed experiment. Those two profiles simply do not harmonize.
In your opinion.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:28 pm
by indyfrisco
mvscal wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:I used to love Shiner Bock in college when I wanted cheap beer...
That was back when it was good and cheap before they were bought out by Gambrinus and expanded to a national brand.
Maybe that was it because it tastes like swill now. I thought I must have just gotten a batch that had been on the shelf for 2 years.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:35 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I came across some Shiner Bock at a beer store about a year ago, and decided to give it a try based on a recommendation from this board. Quite meh. Will not purchase again.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:38 pm
by indyfrisco
Truman wrote:Naw, Screwey, the rack was appropriately distributed. Goobs had been jockin’ Two Hearted over numerous threads for quite some time before I finally pulled the trigger on it. Cat gets the credit, and I’ll definitely be looking for it on Special Occasions.
I had never had Bell's before so this thread prompted me to go to the liquor store yesterday over lunch. I scored 2 sixers of Oberon (for the wife, I'm not into wheat beer) and 2 sixers of Two Hearted. I took them home and put them in the fridge. Got home from work and took the kids to tennis lessons, ate at a Mexican joint and headed home to my beer. Pulled out a frosted mug and poured that Two Hearted in it. I must say, that was one hell of a beer. Normally, it takes me a few swigs to down 12 oz., but I was taking my time with this one. Another rack to Goobs for this discovery.

Now, at $10.19/sixer, I'll be hiding the Two Hearted when we have get togethers, but I'll gladly pour 1 for my closest buds from time to time. The Oberon, which my wife enjoyed, won't be bought often. She didn't like it any more than her normal Leinenkugel Summer Shandy or Honey Weis which I can get for $13 a 12 pack as opposed to the $9.57/sixer the Oberon cost yesterday.

Now I am jonseing for the Bell's Hopslam as well as the Double IPA. I will probably have to score some of that in Indianapolis or Bloomington as my local shithole liquor store probably won't carry it. Since they do get Bell's though, maybe I can talk to the manager and see if he can get me some of the other Brands.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:47 pm
by Goober McTuber
I doubt you'll find any Hopslam around now, and even if you did, the hops profile would likely be a bit diminished by now. Hopslam is a winter seasonal. Start looking for it in December. If you like the Two Hearted that much, maybe I should send you a sixer of a local double IPA that comes out in August. I honestly believe it to be the very best beer I've ever tasted. Anywhere. Maybe trade for some BBQ sauce.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:55 pm
by indyfrisco
Goober McTuber wrote: If you like the Two Hearted that much, maybe I should send you a sixer of a local double IPA that comes out in August. I honestly believe it to be the very best beer I've ever tasted. Anywhere. Maybe trade for some BBQ sauce.
Deal. Who says bartering is dead?

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:12 pm
by Screw_Michigan
IndyFrisco wrote:Now I am jonseing for the Bell's Hopslam as well as the Double IPA. I will probably have to score some of that in Indianapolis or Bloomington as my local shithole liquor store probably won't carry it. Since they do get Bell's though, maybe I can talk to the manager and see if he can get me some of the other Brands.
If they get one, they can get them all. Just depends on if they want to buy it, et al.

Re: Hey Screwball

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:26 pm
by Goober McTuber
IndyFrisco wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote: If you like the Two Hearted that much, maybe I should send you a sixer of a local double IPA that comes out in August. I honestly believe it to be the very best beer I've ever tasted. Anywhere. Maybe trade for some BBQ sauce.
Deal. Who says bartering is dead?
I'll IM you when the beer is released.