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Re: Just so you know who's in charge

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:50 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:Corporations aren't people.
Wrong, dipshit.

Re: Just so you know who's in charge

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:00 am
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:
88 wrote:It would be great if the US could protect its home market while expanding its export market. Unfortunatley, that cannot be done when your home market is the #1 market in the world.
You are completely assbackwards on that. We have the number one market. If you want to participate in that market then you pay our piper or you can sell your shit to your own peons and see how that works out for you. Personally, I think we win that battle easily.
I agree with you that corporate CEO's are getting paid way too fucking much for the service they perform. But that is the fault of the board of directors, that hands them the salaries and benefits. And the composition of the board of directors is the shareholders' fault, who elect them. Untfortunalte,y it is a fact that most multi-national corporations are controlled by institutional investors that put people on the board who run the companies for near-term stock value increases rather than long term sustainability, and instruct their chosen board members to find compliant CEO's who are willing to do the things that make stock prices go up in return for large salaries and benefits.
Well we can discorporate them just as easily as we can incorporate them. Corporations aren't people. We can do whatever the fuck we want with them. If they don't like it they can leave and peddle their shit someplace else. We can do that because we are the number one market, remember? We can slap tariffs on their goods & services and index them to the cost of labor in the country of manufacture and make them punitive enough to bring that labor back to America....or they can try to sell their shit to the dirteating peons who make their shit. In return, the government can reduce the onerous regulatory burden that forced them out of the country in the first place.

This could be done but neither business or government would do it willingly.

we should have completely free trade with western europe, japan and a few other civilized places. we should tariff the fukk out of the dirt eaters and tariff the fukk x 2 out of those that flagrantly cockblock us on the diplomatic front such as china.
would this lower the standard of living for the average middle class shmuck? yeah, a bit, but it would put a fukk load more into the middle class boat paying taxes rather than being tax burdens. of course it would mean a few wallymart CEOs might have to sell a few of their beach houses.

Re: Just so you know who's in charge

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:46 am
by mvscal
smackaholic wrote:would this lower the standard of living for the average middle class shmuck? yeah, a bit,
Actually, it would raise the standard of living for the average middle class shmuck.

Re: Just so you know who's in charge

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:50 am
by Dinsdale
mvscal wrote:Well we can discorporate them just as easily as we can incorporate them. Corporations aren't people. We can do whatever the fuck we want with them. If they don't like it they can leave and peddle their shit someplace else. We can do that because we are the number one market, remember? We can slap tariffs on their goods & services and index them to the cost of labor in the country of manufacture and make them punitive enough to bring that labor back to America....or they can try to sell their shit to the dirteating peons who make their shit. In return, the government can reduce the onerous regulatory burden that forced them out of the country in the first place.

This could be done but neither business or government would do it willingly.

Would it be gay to tell you I love you, Assface?

Re: Just so you know who's in charge

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:56 am
by mvscal
88 wrote:I agree with you mvscal, regarding tarriffs and trade. Unfortunatley, trade barriers and tarriffs have had a history of causing wars.
Were starting to circle the drain here. If that isn't worth fighting for...what is?
But I don't know how you would make countries like China do that.
We don't need their consent or their cooperation. We just do it and let the chips fall where they may.