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Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:41 pm
by Kansas City Kid
I thank God for making me an atheist.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:05 pm
by Imus
Aren't you also a member of the Greater KC Area Homo Club?
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:05 pm
by bradhusker
Albert einstein believed in GOD, and since he is smarter than any member of this board, thats good enough for me.
and, since I too believe in GOD, I am in good company, since Dr. Einstein and Dr. Tom both believe in GOD.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:26 pm
by BSmack
bradhusker wrote:Albert einstein believed in GOD, and since he is smarter than any member of this board, thats good enough for me.
and, since I too believe in GOD, I am in good company, since Dr. Einstein and Dr. Tom both believe in GOD.
A lot of smart people believed in Bernie Madoff.
They were wrong.
Simply put, trusting your fate to the opinion of those you believe "smarter" than you is a logical fallacy. Besides, in your case, EVERYBODY is smarter than you. So by extension, you believe in EVERYTHING.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:35 pm
by mvscal
Mikey wrote:I guess we all have our own visualization of what God may "look" like, but I don't usually picture Jesus as a Baby.
It's probably only the second most common image in Christian iconography. You're welcome.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:45 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:Mikey wrote:I guess we all have our own visualization of what God may "look" like, but I don't usually picture Jesus as a Baby.
It's probably only the second most common image in Christian iconography. You're welcome.
That's true, but he did grow up. And most of his teachings, etc. came well after the toddler stage.
I usually picture him more as a long haired 30 (or so) year old dude with a light complexion and a clean white dress.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:31 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I'd like to picture him more like this
If Jesus represented the "every man" maybe I could get down with his teachings.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:06 pm
by R-Jack
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:14 pm
by Kansas City Kid
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:23 pm
by mvscal
Papa Willie wrote:I pretty much think that organized religion is bullshit. It has killed more people than anything else throughout time.
I doubt it's even in the top three. Religious wars are comparatively rare.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:28 pm
by bradhusker
mvscal wrote:Papa Willie wrote:I pretty much think that organized religion is bullshit. It has killed more people than anything else throughout time.
I doubt it's even in the top three. Religious wars are comparatively rare.
sorry to burst your bubble papa, BUT, its not even close, most mass killings were done by the NON-religious, the secular.
stalin, lenin, Hitler, mao, just to name a few. THESE guys had nothing but contempt for christianity, they ridiculed it, laughed and mocked it, Communism and socialism was their thing. AND between them? Ive been told that between 60 and 75 million were slaughtered by these secular criminals. And thats being kind, some actually put the number at over 100 million killed by these anti religious killers.
So, dont fool yourself, sure there have been religious wars, BUT, the amount slaughtered pales next to these killers.
Over 100 million killed and slaughtered by anti religious communists and socialists, its not even close, and I havent even brought up ghengus kahn and atilla the hun yet.
just wait till I get going!!!
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:28 pm
by Felix
hitler wasn't an atheist...he was a creationist
he felt that in slaughtering jews he was "acting as the agent of our Creator." (his words, not mine)
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:33 pm
by mvscal
Felix wrote:hitler wasn't an atheist...he was a creationist
Horseshit. If he had any personal religious beliefs they were a mish-mash of teutonic paganism and eastern occultism.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:45 pm
by Felix
mvscal wrote:Felix wrote:hitler wasn't an atheist...he was a creationist
Horseshit. If he had any personal religious beliefs they were a mish-mash of teutonic paganism and eastern occultism.
the quote was from Mein Kampf....
in his speech to the Reichstag
In the same way, the Government of the Reich, which regards Christianity as the unshakable foundation of the morals and moral code of the nation, attaches the greatest value to friendly relations with the Holy See, and is endeavoring to develop them.
that was the word for word translation...that doesn't sound particularly pagan or occultish to me, but maybe it was just a means to justify his hatred of jews
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:06 am
by smackaholic
like any good politician, hitler said whatever he felt was appropriate to win over his targeted audience. coming out against christianity in a christian nation would have been troublesome, especially when he needed something to differentiate himself from his biggest competition, the commies. they had already cornered the aetheist market.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:07 am
by mvscal
Felix wrote:...maybe it was just a means
Yeah. Manipulating people and their beliefs to suit his purposes is how he rose to power. Be careful when comparing public statements to personal beliefs. They aren't always the same.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:53 am
by mvscal
Papa Willie wrote:Still - wouldn't you say organized religion is shit?
I don't have any use for it personally. As long as they can behave themselves in a reasonably civilized manner, I don't care what they believe.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:30 am
by Dinsdale
mvscal wrote:Be careful when comparing public statements to personal beliefs. They aren't always the same.
Oh, and BTW-VVVVVV peep the sig.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:50 pm
by bradhusker
CORRECT, Hitler was in no way shape or form a christian, IN FACT he mocked and ridiculed them. A real christian loves the Jewish people, because according to the bible, they are the chosen people, and of course, Jesus came to this earth as a JEW.
SO, seeing that Hitler killed some 6 million Jews, it is safe to say that Hitler was just a piece of shit dictator, socialist, and all around evil punk.
I find it funny as hell the way the liberal left loves to portray Hitler as a christian, proving once again that liberalism is a mental dis-order.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:55 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
bradhusker wrote: A real christian loves the Jewish people, because...
...because they get the benefit of either converting to Christianity or getting their throats slit when Jesus comes back.
"I'd call that a bargain
The best I ever had"
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:57 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
bradhusker wrote:
I find it funny as hell the way the liberal left...
The "liberal left" you mock is largely a construction of secular, 19-20th century, Jewish thought.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:03 pm
by bradhusker
Martyred wrote:bradhusker wrote:
I find it funny as hell the way the liberal left...
The "liberal left" you mock is largely a construction of secular, 19-20th century, Jewish thought.
MARTY, finish the ENTIRE QUOTE, dont take things out of context, "I find it funny as hell the way the liberal left loves to portray Hitler as a christian", end quote, BECAUSE when you show my entire quote, I am not mocking them.
I am merely pointing out that the liberal left loves to lie and deceive people. You like to show just a snippett of my quote, and then say I am mocking them? My desire is to show how they lie a lot. That my friend is my goal. Everytime I catch a liberal like Michael Moore lying and distorting the truth, It is my JOB to expose his lies to the public at large.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:15 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
bradhusker wrote:Martyred wrote:bradhusker wrote:
I find it funny as hell the way the liberal left...
The "liberal left" you mock is largely a construction of secular, 19-20th century, Jewish thought.
MARTY, finish the ENTIRE QUOTE, dont take things out of context,
I'm pretty sure you have no idea about where modern, secular liberalism derives.
I can give you a history lesson starting with the French Revolution (emancipation of European Jewry) through the Paris Uprising and beyond the Anarcho-Syndicalist movement originating in Europe and being transported to America at the end of the 19th Century. It will be a real eye-opener.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:40 pm
by Felix
bradhusker wrote:IN FACT he mocked and ridiculed them.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:15 am
by Dr_Phibes
Felix wrote:hitler wasn't an atheist...he was a creationist
he felt that in slaughtering jews he was "acting as the agent of our Creator." (his words, not mine)
Read the minutes from staff meetings, any members of Knights of St. John or anything else got you relegated.
Trying to create some simple equation between Nazism =/= religion strikes me as wooden headed. 'This was the act of a Christian' or a natural extension thereof. That kind of thing works for Dawkins and Hitchens, but shouldn't really for anyone else.
Ideologically, there were so many elements to it, you can do it with anything. German Christian tradition, paganism, nationalism, extreme racism, socialism limited to a single ethnicity, a Keynesian economy etc, the list is endless. Pick your poison.
Selecting just one element and trying to build a plausible story around it might sound allright, but you're not really doing yourself or anyone else any favours.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:47 am
by Felix
Dr_Phibes wrote:
Trying to create some simple equation between Nazism =/= religion strikes me as wooden headed.
who ever equated Nazism to Christianity?
I simply pointed out that Hitler wrote and spoke of a belief in a Creator....whether he believed in a god might be up for speculation, but for somebody to simply say he was an atheist isn't based on anything of substance....
fuck, dolts like you need to quit "reading between lines" that don't exist
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:53 am
by bradhusker
Felix wrote:bradhusker wrote:IN FACT he mocked and ridiculed them.
felix, please look at the big picture here,
I pointed out that left wing liberals have been trying for years to equate republicans with nazi or facist tactics. ITS A FACT.
When George W. was president, not a day went by when some lefty liberal called him a nazi or facist, or Hitler. THE POINT IS, that THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE!! Its left wing liberals who have more in common with Hitler and his socialist policies than BUSH or republicans or christians ever had.
For instance, republicans and christians believe in capitalism and liberty. LIBERALS believe in socialism and communism, and much lesss liberty, much much less, HELL, liberals want the government to have control over you from the cradle to the grave.
I find it hilarious when liberals bring up Hitler and republicans in the same sentence, BECAUSE its actually LIBERALS whom have more in common with the NAZI SOCIALIST party than any republican or christian.
This is why I get so angry and pissed off, LIBERALS LIE FOR A LIVING!! Just put on msnbc on a nightly basis and you'll seee what I mean. HELL Keith Olberman lied so much that even msnbc was pissed, so they threw him to the filthy curb.
BUT, alas, a lying turd liberal named lawerence O donnell took his place. and a militant left wing liberal named rachel maddow also took his place. POINT BEING??? There is no open debate on msnbc at night. Its ALL propoganda, and its downright scary, it reminds me of the propoganda of the Nazi socialist party.
NOW, Bill O reilly over on FOX actually has DEBATE. Open exchange between liberals and conservatives. Bill isnt afraid to invite liberals on his show!!! He isnt a coward, like the msnbc liberals like ED shultz, and Lawrence O donnell.
Hitler killed some 6 million jews, and Liberals want to desperately try to equate him with christianity? Its so pathetic, that it proves my point that liberalism is indeed a mental dis-order.
WHAT IS SO DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND HERE? The left wing in this country is much closer to the nazi socialist party than the republicans will ever be. The left wing wants the government to control your life, from the cradle to the grave, and when you die??? The retarded left liberals want the government to take over half your worth, and give it to scumbags who sleep in all day and smoke crack.
Imagine? a man works hard his entire life, and the Left wing liberal mentality is to take over half his blood sweat and tears, take it from him and his family, and give it to human parasites.
Now you know why I absolutely loathe and despise the LEFT. I dare anyone in this forum, to explain to me with a straight face, WHY its ok for liberals to think that when a man works hard his entire life, Its ok for the government to take the fruits of his hard labor, and give it to leeches and parasites.
I dare you to try and convince me. triple dog dare.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:06 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
You sound very, very frightened.
Turn off the AM radio.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:51 pm
by Felix
bradhusker wrote: felix, please look at the big picture here,
so in other words, you've got nothing that backs up the assertion Hitler mocked christians
I dare you to try and convince me. triple dog dare.
off this shit troll....
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:03 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Felix wrote:
so in other words, you've got nothing that backs up the assertion Hitler mocked christians
Hitler was contemptuous of all religions, even Muslims, going so far as to ridicule Himmler's attempt to rally Bosnian Muslims into a Waffen SS division. He scoffed at an anti-British Hindu alliance as well, saying they were fit only "for turning prayer wheels and lighting incense".
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:14 pm
by smackaholic
Martyred wrote:Felix wrote:
so in other words, you've got nothing that backs up the assertion Hitler mocked christians
Hitler was contemptuous of all religions, even Muslims, going so far as to ridicule Himmler's attempt to rally Bosnian Muslims into a Waffen SS division. He scoffed at an anti-British Hindu alliance as well, saying they were fit only "for turning prayer wheels and lighting incense".
got a bunch of hindus at work. they aren't very good at using indoor plumbing either. yikes, you should see the rest rooms after break. if i was the little columbian lady that had to clean that mess, i would fight them.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:56 pm
by bradhusker
Martyred wrote:Felix wrote:
so in other words, you've got nothing that backs up the assertion Hitler mocked christians
Hitler was contemptuous of all religions, even Muslims, going so far as to ridicule Himmler's attempt to rally Bosnian Muslims into a Waffen SS division. He scoffed at an anti-British Hindu alliance as well, saying they were fit only "for turning prayer wheels and lighting incense".
Thank you marty, as for felix? um felix? here boy, the mere fact that you try to paint a dictator/murderer with republicans who believe in liberty and a constitutional republic, is cause for mocking you. BIG TIME.
off this troll.
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:52 pm
by Felix
bradhusker wrote: the mere fact that you try to paint a dictator/murderer with republicans.....
my statement this shit troll
Re: Niiiiiiice Christians
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:06 pm
by bradhusker
Felix wrote:bradhusker wrote: the mere fact that you try to paint a dictator/murderer with republicans.....
my statement this shit troll
and...........EVERY poster in here knows that Hitler despised christians and Jews, and had nothing but contempt for freedom of any kind. He was a tyrannical maniac, who controlled every aspect of society.
The mere fact that you try and couple this dictator with republicans who believe strongly in a constitutional republic, with liberty for all, is astonishing, to say the least, and, its reason enough to OFF you for the troll that you are.