How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Imus »

Atomic Punk wrote:BSmacked licked my ass while typing and the chocking his chicken.

Oh Feelsdicks, you had me on "ignore" and now are going back to ignoring me? If I'm your punching bag, you must first punch your way out of the wet paper lunch sack that keeps you baffled. Yeah, you have me on ignore.
Ah you are really warming up now. I'd like to see a post or two from you a little later this evening if you still have the motor skills to type. Before dinner and barfing though.

What do you drink? Mix it with meth or blow? Salts? What's the best way to keep a booze buzz going without collapse?
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Felix »

88 wrote:Felix-

You do realize that there is a difference between having nuclear capability and being able to deliver a nuclear payload to a target on another continent. The latter takes some technology that China has yet to fully develop, at least by comparison to the United States and Russia.
look I don't have a big problem with candidates saying stupid shit (that's pretty much the norm), but Cain prattles on about China (a country that holds a pretty good percentage of our total public debt) being a military threat to the've said they're not...I know they're not...China poses a bigger financial threat to the US than they do a military threat....

Cain's ramblings about China tell me he's fucking clueless...and it's only going to get worse...

kind of like AP only without the granny panties....
Did that disqualify him for the presidency, in your opinion?
nope, like I said politicians are prone to saying stupid shit....
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:...the issue is that a man that aspires to the highest office in our government and the most powerful position in the world is rattling sabres at a nation and is apparently oblivious to the fact that the country he's deemed a "military threat" has possessed nuclear capabilities for a long time....
You're a fucking moron. Straight the fuck up.

Cain was a ballistics analyst for the Navy during the late 60's early 70's. If you knew what they do for a living, you would understand how utterly stupid you are and how weak the spin on his comments is.

He's well aware they have nuclear weapons. He's also well aware that China is improving their nuclear capabilites both in delivery systems and in powering naval vessels.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by mvscal »

I'm not suggesting that he's a desirable candidate for President. I'm just saying he knows China has nuclear weapons. His job was to help the Navy understand the capabilities of the Chinese and Soviet missile programs.

Personally, I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. He identified himself in his book as "an American first, a black second and a conservative third." That makes him a fucking niggger in my book.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
Cain was a ballistics analyst for the Navy during the late 60's early 70's. If you knew what they do for a living, you would understand how utterly stupid you are and how weak the spin on his comments is.

He's well aware they have nuclear weapons. He's also well aware that China is improving their nuclear capabilites both in delivery systems and in powering naval vessels.
then why didn't he simply say that, instead of making himself sound like a total dumbfuck?

so, we're left to ponder two scenarios....

one-he doesn't know (which you assure me is not the case)

two-he's fully aware the Chinese have nuclear capabilities and he plans on making China the US's new boogey man...

gotta be honest dude, neither of those scenarios is all that appealing....

if the people in the US choose to turn the reins of this country over to that fucking tard, I'm moving to Canada......
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:then why didn't he simply say that, instead of making himself sound like a total dumbfuck?

He did. He said they were developing their nuclear capability. Perhaps it would have been more precise to that they were continuing to develop their nuclear capability but that's redundant unless the target audience consists of ignorant, dumbed down morons like you who are incapable of digesting anything other than predigested soundbites.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Felix »

88 wrote:
We get it. You want Obama and intend to attack his opposition no matter how ridiculous it makes you look. OK. A vote for Obama for you.
no, you're a long way from getting it....cain is a fucking idiot, and completely the two leading candidates are a photogenic soundbite that can't decide what he stands for, and a country bumpkin that makes Bush look like a Rhodes scholar

obama didn't attack Cain, it was the press that had a field day with seem to be under the impression I'm an obama supporter...I'm not particularly fond of him....but compared to what the republicans are offering, obama seems like a fucking genius...

what I'd really like is a candidate that is actually interested in helping the country, instead of trying to score political points...

but in all honesty, I actually quit giving a fuck about politics when obama turned out to be just as beholding to special interests as every other politician....all I want is for them to just leave me the fuck alone.....cynical-definitely-but that's what comes from witnessing the last 20 years of fucked up policies, and misguided priorities....
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:....all I want is for them to just leave me the fuck alone.....
Then you should be voting for Rick Perry or Ron Paul.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
Then you should be voting for Rick Perry or Ron Paul.
rick perry is an idiot.....
ron paul has no chance....

anyone else?
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Then you should be voting for Rick Perry or Ron Paul.
rick perry is an idiot.....
ron paul has no chance....

anyone else?
Nope. Those are the only two candidates who propose to leave you alone.

So go ahead and vote for the smooth, telegenic grifter who will fuck you up the ass and leave you wondering how is it you got screwed again by voting for a slick douche beholden to special interests.

You are the 60%...of completely clueless morons.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by poptart »

Felix wrote:ron paul has no chance....

anyone else?
If you like the Liberty message of Ron Paul, you might think this through, Felix.

In 2008, Paul had minor support.

But since then, many KEY issues within the Paul platform have gained SERIOUS wide-spread traction.
Paul, and his Liberty message, is quite popular among the youth.
Popular such that even when Paul goes away, this movement will not.
It's only beginning, imo.

A vote for Paul is a vote for the message, the platform, and not necessarily the messenger.
A vote is helping to keep the ball moving forward.

Personally, I would never NOT vote for someone I believed in, just because people told me he couldn't win.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote: So go ahead and vote for the smooth, telegenic grifter who will fuck you up the ass and leave you wondering how is it you got screwed again by voting for a slick douche beholden to special interests.

You are the 60%...of completely clueless morons.
I'm not voting...some part of "completely disillusioned with the political process" you're struggling doesn't matter which party is in charge, the only difference is who they're beholding to....
poptart wrote:
Personally, I would never NOT vote for someone I believed in, just because people told me he couldn't win.
I'm a cost/benefit know, when the benefits outweigh the costs, I go for it......right now, the cost of me having to go down to the nearest polling place just doesn't outweigh the benefit of watching whoever gets elected continue to flush this country down the tubes....
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Rooster »

I am thoroughly enjoying Cain's surge in the polls. Watching the Left twist in agony at the thought of possibly having two black men run for the highest office in the land when they believed they had a leadpipe mortal lock on the race issue almost makes me giddy.

Secondly, it throws the whole "Tea Party is racist!" shtick in the crapper-- which is why I believe Cain is actually doing so well. While he is a smooth talker and delivers lines that please the redmeat crowd, I suspect it is the firmly planted thumb being poked in the eye of the mainstream media who incessantly reported on imaginary racism and bigotry among the Tea Party rank and file. This is a massive F U to the Left.

However, all this hoopla will subside eventually, if for no other reason than Cain's very engaging and talkative public persona will likely result in a gaffe which will ring the death knell for his campaign. In the meantime-- and for the next umpteen months --the political circus surrounding him is highly entertaining and watchable.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by War Wagon »

Felix wrote:I'm not voting
Then your opinion doesn't mean shit, yet for some reason you feel compelled to drop in here and give it. And even if you do vote, your opinion still won't mean shit because it's obvious you don't have a clue.

oh, and RACK! Rooster, btw.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Felix »

War Wagon wrote: Then your opinion doesn't mean shit, yet for some reason you feel compelled to drop in here and give it. And even if you do vote, your opinion still won't mean shit because it's obvious you don't have a clue.
for somebody who's entire response to a criticism of a candidate he likes is "well, he's not obama" shows the deep thinking intellect of somebody that's really considered what their candidate brings to the table

okay wags here's your chance....lay out the specifics of why you think a cain presidency would benefit the american public....lets start with the 9-9-9 tax plan.....go
Rooster wrote:I am thoroughly enjoying Cain's surge in the polls. Watching the Left twist in agony at the thought of possibly having two black men run for the highest office in the land when they believed they had a leadpipe mortal lock on the race issue almost makes me giddy.
my disdain for cain has nothing to do with the fact that he's has everything to do with the fact that he's a bumbling buffoon
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Sirfindafold »

Felix wrote:for somebody who's entire response to a criticism of a candidate he likes is "well, he's not obama" shows the deep thinking intellect of somebody that's really considered what their candidate brings to the table
....and the intellect of those who actually voted for BHO?.....
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Felix »

Sirfindafold wrote:
....and the intellect of those who actually voted for BHO?.....
depends....I'll provide a list of names of some prominent republicans who voted for obama and lets see how you'll try and throw them under the bus tell me what you think of their intellectual abilities.....

Jim Leach, Former Congressman from Iowa
Colin Powell
Ken Duberstein, White House Chief of Staff under Reagan
William Weld, Former Governor of Massachusetts
Arne Carlson, Former Governor of Minnesota
Charles Fried, Solicitor General of the United States under Reagan
Charles Mathias, Former United States Senator and Congressman from Maryland
Larry Pressler, Former Senator from South Dakota

we'll start with those and if you need more let me know....

and none of that "well I'll bet they wouldn't vote for him now" asked about the intellect of people who voted for him.....
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by War Wagon »

Felix wrote: for somebody who's entire response to a criticism of a candidate he likes is "well, he's not obama" shows the deep thinking intellect of somebody that's really considered what their candidate brings to the table

okay wags here's your chance....lay out the specifics of why you think a cain presidency would benefit the american public....lets start with the 9-9-9 tax plan.....go.
What do you care? You stated you weren't voting. When you abdicate that right, you forfeit any right to bitch about who gets elected.

Your right though, he's not Obama, who proved adept at getting elected by impressing fools. But he's been a farce at governing and you know what they say... "fool me once". I don't think that mistake will be made again.

I haven't decided yet who I'm voting for in the primary. I said I've liked what I've heard from Cain so far, but I need to hear a lot more before making that decision.

my disdain for cain has nothing to do with the fact that he's has everything to do with the fact that he's a bumbling buffoon
the man has a pretty impressive resume for a bumbling buffoon. I'm more inclined to vote for a shrewd businessman than I am a career politician/back slapper. Does his lack of political experience concern me? Not in the least if he surrounds himself with the best people, which I think he would be quite capable of doing.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Felix »

War Wagon wrote: What do you care? You stated you weren't voting. When you abdicate that right, you forfeit any right to bitch about who gets elected.
says who?
Your right though, he's not Obama, who proved adept at getting elected by impressing fools. But he's been a farce at governing and you know what they say... "fool me once". I don't think that mistake will be made again.
really? and who do you think is going to beat him?
I haven't decided yet who I'm voting for in the primary. I said I've liked what I've heard from Cain so far, but I need to hear a lot more before making that decision.
so this is the third or fourth time you've said you like what you hear...please, elaborate on what he's said that you like...

maybe it's his keen understanding of the Constitution of the United States as evidenced in this clip

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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by War Wagon »

Felix wrote:
War Wagon wrote: What do you care? You stated you weren't voting. When you abdicate that right, you forfeit any right to bitch about who gets elected.
says who?
Says me.

It really is a chickenshit copout and the height of hypocrisy.
really? and who do you think is going to beat him?
The GOP nominee, whoever that winds up being. In a landslide. Most likely Romney but it could be Cain or even Huntsman.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by poptart »


Cain-supporting sheeple, please respond.

Oh... LOL!
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Mace »

Based on that clip alone, it's impossible to say Herman Cain is anything but a fucking moron. He should stick to selling pizzas.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by mvscal »

War Wagon wrote:You stated you weren't voting. When you abdicate that right, you forfeit any right to bitch about who gets elected.
Nonsense. I'll be dipped in shit before I vote for an asshat like Cain or Romney. I'm not forfeiting anything. I'm voting for "None of the Above."
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Felix »

War Wagon wrote: Says me.
wow, that sounds ominous....I'll make note of that

in any event-still waiting to hear what specific things cain has said that leads you to believe he's a "straight talker" many times are you going to make me ask?

just admit the fact that you've based your assessment of cain on a few soundbites and some garbled rhetoric.....
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:
War Wagon wrote: Says me.
wow, that sounds ominous....I'll make note of that

in any event-still waiting to hear what specific things cain has said that leads you to believe he's a "straight talker" many times are you going to make me ask?

just admit the fact that you've based your assessment of cain on a few soundbites and some garbled rhetoric.....
All the Palin tards glommed on to Cain after Grifty McQuitter stood them up. They don't do "rational thought." They're personality cultists like Barry Oplatelip voters.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Dinsdale »

Felix wrote:beholding to special interests
Felix wrote:the only difference is who they're beholding to....
You keep using that word... I don't think it means what you think it means.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Felix »

Dinsdale wrote: You keep using that word... I don't think it means what you think it means.
then substitute obligate, obliging, or obliged, depending on the tense
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:
Dinsdale wrote: You keep using that word... I don't think it means what you think it means.
then substitute obligate, obliging, or obliged, depending on the tense
Or even beholden.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
Felix wrote:
Dinsdale wrote: You keep using that word... I don't think it means what you think it means.
then substitute obligate, obliging, or obliged, depending on the tense
Or even beholden.
^^^^^^^ what he said
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Dinsdale »

I was just enjoying the part where you screwed it up even after someone responded to you with the correct word.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:Those are the only two candidates who propose to leave you alone.
So Perry is all for legalizing hookers, poker and blow? Sounds good. Can you please tell me more about this bold platform?
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Goober McTuber »

Sirfindafold wrote:
The mouth breather who jerks off to a photo of slick willie wrote:Cain? Seriously? The sexual harasser Cain?
:meds: ... ?hpt=hp_t2 ... ving-cain/
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Sirfindafold »

Goober McTuber wrote:
Sirfindafold wrote:
The mouth breather who jerks off to a photo of slick willie wrote:Cain? Seriously? The sexual harasser Cain?
:meds: ... ?hpt=hp_t2 ... ving-cain/

McGoober = Gloria Allred lap dog. Eat that shit up you fucking liberal lemming.

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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Goober McTuber »


I think Allred is a shrill, over-exposed harpy. And you’re still a slack-jawed halfwit. Cain is going nowhere.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Felix »

Dinsdale wrote:I was just enjoying the part where you screwed it up even after someone responded to you with the correct word.

no doubt funny stuff....good work.....
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by mvscal »

Sudden Sam wrote: Gloria Allred
Like a fly to shit.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by The Seer »

Allred singlehandedly (with the help of moronic Mexifornians) got Moonbeam another shot at fucking Mexifornia so knocking a balck man out of the Presidential race is small potatoes to the fucking slut. Send her to Iran and Ahmadinejad will come crawling to us on his hands and knees with an Israeli flag in his mouth.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Smackie Chan »

The Seer wrote:singlehandedly (with the help of moronic Mexifornians)
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by mvscal »

Smackie Chan wrote:
The Seer wrote:singlehandedly (with the help of moronic Mexifornians)
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: How tea party could drive GOP to disaster

Post by Bizzarofelice »

Allred is trash and I hope the next camera she encounters is the one up her ass telling her the polyps are inoperable and she has ten minutes to live.

that being said, if the cunt said the sky is blue don't mean the sky isn't blue. she is attracted to the salacious and headline grabbing but not necessarily lies.
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