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Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:48 pm
by Moving Sale
You do know what the word "diverting" means right? As far as damming a 'creek' and hoping that gravity is going to help you anytime soon... good luck with that.

I know you are just dying to stick your dick in your fellow 'Stupid and to the Left" dweller but you might want to think about what you are typing before you hit submit next time and not just flying of the handle in a desperate attempt to make me look bad.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:16 pm
by Dinsdale
You... are an idiot.

Dam away. You know why the streambed is where it is? Take a big guess.

Dam it? Better have one massive capacity for impoundment, eh? And what happens when that fills (which just might happen at the base of the Coast Range, maybe?)?

"Divert it"? To where, exactly? Kinda goes back to the first question, dumbass. Unless you've come up with a clever way to get water to flow uphill.

Epic fail. Leave the hydrology to the non-dumbasses in the future.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:19 pm
by Mikey
Moving Sale wrote:I doubt you meant distilization when you were talking about water purification.
I would hope so, because distilization has nothing to do with water purification and Duhron, I assume, is not an orthodontist.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:20 pm
by Dinsdale
Mikey wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:I doubt you meant distilization when you were talking about water purification.
I would hope so, because distilization has nothing to do with water purification and Duhron, I assume, is not an orthodontist.


Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:31 pm
by smackaholic
Moving Sale wrote:
Derron wrote:And creek water is naturally filtered, and then you use a purification process...
Is it naturally filtered or not? But that is not my problem with your water source. My problem is that it can easily be contaminated by chemicals that you will not be able to filter out and I doubt you meant distilization when you were talking about water purification and secondly what is to keep one of your upstream neighbor's from diverting or damming up the 'creek' thereby depriving you of life giving H2O? Real preppers have cisterns, springs and/or wells (wells being the worst of those choices.)

No Duhhron in Doomsday Life (if there ever is one) just as in Real Life I will be doing fine and you will be struggling because you are stupid and I am not.
Why would a well be the worst?

Seems to me, a well with a hand pump would be the best water supply you could have.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:38 pm
by Dinsdale
smackaholic wrote: Seems to me, a well with a hand pump would be the best water supply you could have.

Round these parts, wells, depending on location/elevation/water table, can dry up in summer.

A spring-fed creek (sup Derron) is the best bet around here.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:44 pm
by Goober McTuber
Dinsdale wrote:A spring-fed creek (sup Derron)
Derron is not a spring-fed creek. He is more like a shit-fed fuckpuddle.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:13 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote: Seems to me, a well with a hand pump would be the best water supply you could have.
Unless your neighbors are fracking.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:17 pm
by Cuda
way to out your Tin Foil Ted troll, Mikey

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:53 pm
by Derron
Moving Sale wrote:You do know what the word "diverting" means right? As far as damming a 'creek' and hoping that gravity is going to help you anytime soon... good luck with that.

I know you are just dying to stick your dick in your fellow 'Stupid and to the Left" dweller but you might want to think about what you are typing before you hit submit next time and not just flying of the handle in a desperate attempt to make me look bad.
You really that stupid ? Read Din's post about gravity and the basic fact that water runs downhill. To dam something up you have to have sufficient slope to make that happen. I am on bottom ground close to the confluence of 2 rivers. The creek supplies me with water to my holding pond, left over from my old nursery operation. My neighbor has a 260 foot well, and given the topography of my land, I could easily hand dig a well that would supply me with water. It is called having multiple choices. And guess what tardling ? I have water test kits on hand too, able to test for 500 different chemicals.

The chance of any body putting chemicals in the creek is slim..and given that anybody seen doing that to property not their own, would likely be penalized with death.

And go ahead and hole up in the city midget boy..see how long your food lasts, and freeze your nuts off with no heat, and drink your own piss since your water is gone.

Leave engineering and logistics to those who understand physics and can provide for themselves. Midgets like yourself will not fare well in the coming times since hiding in rat holes will be your only choice.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:32 am
by Bucmonkey
Surface water is the most easily contaminated and most difficult to make potable...period.

Have fun with the end of days.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:06 pm
by Left Seater
Many on this show remind me of the Y2K preppers. Damn lot of people lost a shit ton of money getting ready for that. I remember a story about a guy in Oklahoma that had filled something like 50 storage units at a mini storage place he owned in preparation. Due was accepting dry goods, batteries, fuel, etc as payment for the other storage units instead of cash in the months leading up to 1/1/2000. Turns out dude had leveraged himself so much he lost everything after Y2K and had to file bankruptcy. Granted an extreme case but so are most on this show.


I can understand being prepared for natural disasters. My wife and I have plans for tornadoes, hurricanes and other severe weather. If an earthquake is one of the main things you are prepping for, wouldn't part of that plan be to leave the area after said quake if all major infrastructure is gone? As you well know a huge quake like you are talking about very well could change the course of streams. It could also trigger landslides etc, which divert the water onto another's property. It could start a fire in the suburbs that burns out of control and threatens your property at some point.

But let's assume that a huge quake was centered right on your property. All you would really need is a few days supply of water and food and you could walk out of the devastated area. Walk 30K a day and in three days or less you are back to an area that isn't devastated. No need for all the rest of this stuff.

The other thing that isn't realistic is being able to hunt and fish for meals for more than a year or so. Even if you planned to dry all of the meat you shot you would still run out of game. Unless you had thousands of acres at your disposal you would deplete the livestock faster than it reproduced. How would you defend your area when you were gone on hunting or fishing trips of multiple days? Or if you did in fact have thousands of acres at your disposal, how would you defend it all? Granted you would supplement it with your stores, but not for more than a year.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:19 pm
by Derron
Bucmonkey wrote:Surface water is the most easily contaminated and most difficult to make potable...period.

Have fun with the end of days.
And virtually all of the nations watershed and potable water collection facilities are surface based runoff collection and impoundment. Sometimes supplemented by wells, but watershed collection of rain water is by far the most common and efficient method of gathering potable water. Wells and springs simply are not capable of providing enough water for the populace. Colorado River ?


Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:20 pm
by Dinsdale
Left Seater wrote:If an earthquake is one of the main things you are prepping for, wouldn't part of that plan be to leave the area after said quake if all major infrastructure is gone? As you well know a huge quake like you are talking about very well could change the course of streams. It could also trigger landslides etc, which divert the water onto another's property. It could start a fire in the suburbs that burns out of control and threatens your property at some point.
Very unlikely in the area where Derron lives.
But let's assume that a huge quake was centered right on your property. All you would really need is a few days supply of water and food and you could walk out of the devastated area. Walk 30K a day and in three days or less you are back to an area that isn't devastated. No need for all the rest of this stuff.
Maybe all my :facepalming: is because I'm quite familiar with Derron's neck of the woods, since it's not far from me (I live just inside the Civilized Boundary, he's outside), but... no. Not sure if you caught the part where he lives next the the confluence of two large streams. If he goes another 300 yards in any direction,there's another one. Guess what happens in another 300 yards? There's heavy underbrush everywhere there isn't a road.
The other thing that isn't realistic is being able to hunt and fish for meals for more than a year or so. Even if you planned to dry all of the meat you shot you would still run out of game. Unless you had thousands of acres at your disposal you would deplete the livestock faster than it reproduced.

He lives next to thousands of square miles of state forest, all mountainous. Again, you're awfully unfamiliar with the area -- we've been doing our best to kill off the fish and game for a hundred years, and it hasn't happened yet. Where Derron lives, you and all your buddies could pluck off a deer a day without leaving your property (or not far from it), and it wouldn't make a dent... and rememer, we have real animals here -- they aren't those miniature rats most of you call "deer," and elk routinely go over 1000 pounds (all day long). Fish runs go year-round.

Sounds a lot easier than trying to get around when the bridges you cross every few hundred yards have been damaged.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:00 pm
by Derron
Left Seater wrote:
I can understand being prepared for natural disasters. My wife and I have plans for tornadoes, hurricanes and other severe weather.
Not wanting to belabor or repeat the points Dins made, here is my take on a couple of things.

And rack you for thinking of preparations. . Even thinking and being mentally prepared is a lot more than most people even come close to, and gives you a leg up on most ostrich's.

If an earthquake is one of the main things you are prepping for, wouldn't part of that plan be to leave the area after said quake if all major infrastructure is gone?
The problem with this scenario is that you need to move an amount of sustaining preps with you. That is a fucking logistical nightmare, since leaving my general area involves crossing creeks and rivers, often, at least once per mile or more. Trying to move the amount of sustaining preps need is nigh impossible. And that leaves the question of defense of the home place at question. Since we have no threats at our property, all our preps are there. makes more sense to shelter in place.
As you well know a huge quake like you are talking about very well could change the course of streams. It could also trigger landslides etc, which divert the water onto another's property. It could start a fire in the suburbs that burns out of control and threatens your property at some point.
As Dins said, highly unlikely in my area. Water diversion would require massive ground movement, not evidenced in our area in over 1000 years. We have had a completely defensible area around our property to prevent any fire encroachment for quite some time now. Just a smart thing to do in the rural /urban interface areas.
But let's assume that a huge quake was centered right on your property. All you would really need is a few days supply of water and food and you could walk out of the devastated area. Walk 30K a day and in three days or less you are back to an area that isn't devastated. No need for all the rest of this stuff.
Any quake in our area is going to be in the Cascade Subduction zone. A good 35 miles away. But I still think that with the majority of our bridges being over 60 or more years old, they are probably coming down. As for leaving an area that we have set up for survival, that is problematic in the fact that you would have significant self defense issues. You also would have to cross those waterways without infrastructure. And all the non preppers would be trying to get over on you. Better to stay in one place and defend as needed. If someone approaches waving a flag with T1B on it, I will assume it is Dins, since I have obtusely given enough information as to my location, and he would be admitted to the area, since he would bring useful skills, and likely would be fleeing his suburban and urban digs anyway. And you have the various health and physical levels of the families. Older ones as myself, have reduced stamina and endurance. The grand kids are under 5 years old at this point, so that is another transportation issue.
The other thing that isn't realistic is being able to hunt and fish for meals for more than a year or so. Even if you planned to dry all of the meat you shot you would still run out of game. Unless you had thousands of acres at your disposal you would deplete the livestock faster than it reproduced. How would you defend your area when you were gone on hunting or fishing trips of multiple days? Or if you did in fact have thousands of acres at your disposal, how would you defend it all? Granted you would supplement it with your stores, but not for more than a year.

As Dins well stated, we have been trying for years but it is not happening. Western Oregon receives over 38 inches of rain per year, and that contributes to any abundance of natural vegetation. I am on bottom ground with a 100 acre lake on it from November to April. This brings in water fowl by the tens of thousands.
This morning I had at my disposal, 7 deer, 500 or so geese, 150 or so ducks and within 4 miles on non bridge road, over 150 elk. I will be getting my yearly broiler chickens in the next couple of weeks, about 150 to raise up and whack them in 4 months and can them up. Snare lines on the rivers to catch the spring run of native steelhead.

We measure our hunting trips in hours around here. I keep salt licks in storage and putting them out will result in the deer and likely elk would flock to our location, at which point we go Ted Nugent on them and add them to the larder. We plan to have sufficient manpower at our site to NEVER leave it undefended. That is the reason for having multiple family units, and assigned tasks. My task is the garden for vegetables and the chicken flock for eggs and meat, as well as site defense. Others have hunting and site defense as their tasks. Others have food preservation. Successful preparation is hard to undertake on an individual basis. Groups are going to be much better off.

We do have thousands of acres to hunt on, but not to ourselves. You don't need that much to sustain us. The salt and mineral licks will bring in all the deer/elk we will need to us, rather than us going to them.

You raise excellent points, and I don't think there is any one correct or workable answer. The thing on being prepared, is you can ask yourself all day long
" What if" and come up with different answers every time. But at least you are thinking of the potential positives and negatives of the situation.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:02 pm
by Goober McTuber
Derron wrote:If someone approaches waving a flag with T1B on it, I will assume it is Dins, since I have obtusely given enough information as to my location, and he would be admitted to the area, since he would bring useful skills
You need additional help to service your womenfolk? Well, you admittedly have stamina issues.

How much food can you fit in your bomb shelter?

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:32 pm
by Van
Off-the-reservation naked lunacy proudly boasted, this thread is rife with it to a degree never witnessed throughout the long, lurid annals of our debauched little cyber-funhouse.

It's fucking remarkable.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:59 pm
by Derron
Goober McTuber wrote:
Derron wrote:If someone approaches waving a flag with T1B on it, I will assume it is Dins, since I have obtusely given enough information as to my location, and he would be admitted to the area, since he would bring useful skills
You need additional help to service your womenfolk? Well, you admittedly have stamina issues.

How much food can you fit in your bomb shelter?
If Dins shows up, I know he is bringing weed..and that is always needed and a very valuable barter commodity.

Bomb shelter ? No need much food ? Never reveal the true level of your prep's

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:00 pm
by Derron
Van wrote:Off-the-reservation naked lunacy proudly boasted, this thread is rife with it to a degree never witnessed throughout the long, lurid annals of our debauched little cyber-funhouse.

It's fucking remarkable. are just a wordy little mother fucker today :lol: :lol:

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:37 pm
by Goober McTuber
Derron wrote:
Van wrote:Off-the-reservation naked lunacy proudly boasted, this thread is rife with it to a degree never witnessed throughout the long, lurid annals of our debauched little cyber-funhouse.

It's fucking remarkable. are just a wordy little mother fucker today :lol: :lol:

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:58 pm
by Left Seater
Again if we are talking about an earthquake, I think any discussion about defending the homestead is excessive, no?

I don't see there being any roving gangs within 48 hours of the event. So with the center 35 miles away you could walk to an area undamaged short order. One earthquake isn't going to bring the entire country to Marshall law.

Hell, just send me your coordinates and cover my fuel and I will charter a bird that will shuttle you and your family to an unaffected area. All you would need is a Sat phone and the ability to not get bored for 8 hours and we could have you out. Depending on your insurance they would prolly pay not only for the extraction but also for your rent in another area until your home was habitable again.

Also, another question for your preparations? What is the plan for medication? How do you acquire medicine now and how do you keep it refrigerated?

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:01 pm
by Derron
Left Seater wrote:Again if we are talking about an earthquake, I think any discussion about defending the homestead is excessive, no?

I don't see there being any roving gangs within 48 hours of the event. So with the center 35 miles away you could walk to an area undamaged short order. One earthquake isn't going to bring the entire country to Marshall law.
Probably not roving gangs. But is short order there is bound to be some activity. The same infrastructure failures on the bridges will work to protect us from those elements. These creek and rivers banks are steep sons of bitches and deep..20 feet or more. Not easily overcame.
Hell, just send me your coordinates and cover my fuel and I will charter a bird that will shuttle you and your family to an unaffected area. All you would need is a Sat phone and the ability to not get bored for 8 hours and we could have you out. Depending on your insurance they would prolly pay not only for the extraction but also for your rent in another area until your home was habitable again.
Bring the right bird and you can put it down on my strip. If a short hop was required for any reason, my friends Maule with tundra tires should fill the need. I don't have much confidence in prompt reaction from insurance on a major loss, but I don't have much experience with insurance loss. We also have several elk hunting tents that could provide some decent shelter,and greenhouse frames that with plastic on them are quite comfortable, especially on a rainy / snowy 35 degree day like today.
Also, another question for your preparations? What is the plan for medication? How do you acquire medicine now and how do you keep it refrigerated?
As a general rule, our family does not take much medication, even myself with my health problems. And the meds that are taken do not require refrigeration. We are in the process of building a root cellar that should handle any cooling needs. Building it out of used concrete block and dirt. The idea is to stay healthy. 1 nurse and 2 paramedics in our group, along with trauma kits and numerous medical supplies.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:56 am
by Van
Goober McTuber wrote:
Derron wrote:
Van wrote:Off-the-reservation naked lunacy proudly boasted, this thread is rife with it to a degree never witnessed throughout the long, lurid annals of our debauched little cyber-funhouse.

It's fucking remarkable. are just a wordy little mother fucker today :lol: :lol:
That one was on purpose.


Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:50 am
by mvscal
Derron wrote:As a general rule, our family does not take much medication, even myself with my health problems. And the meds that are taken do not require refrigeration. We are in the process of building a root cellar that should handle any cooling needs. Building it out of used concrete block and dirt. The idea is to stay healthy. 1 nurse and 2 paramedics in our group, along with trauma kits and numerous medical supplies.
What about fresh colostomy bags? Or can they be recycled?

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:42 pm
by Moving Sale
Derron wrote: Read Din's post about gravity and the basic fact that water runs downhill.
First off you are the dumbass who stated that water is naturally purified when it is in a creek so your understanding of science is suspect at best but to respond to your post…

Yes I am aware of gravities effect on water.

William Mulholland

Lights yet tard?
It is called having multiple choices. And guess what tardling?
I call it new information that you have added since being called out as a stupid fuck.
The chance of any body putting chemicals in the creek is slim..and given that anybody seen doing that to property not their own, would likely be penalized with death.
And if it was upstream on someone else’s property where the chemicals were dumped?
And go ahead and hole up in the city midget boy.
How the hell do you know I’m holing up in a city? Fact is you know NOTHING about my level of ‘prep’ but since you don’t have the brains that God gave a rock you spout shit like this without knowing what the fuck is going on. One more reason that you can ‘prep’ all you want but if there is ever a time that you need to adapt to a new life you will fail miserably just like to have failed miserably in Real Life.
freeze your nuts off with no heat
If I do hole up in SLO you really think it ever gets cold enough here where one could freeze to death? You are one stupid fuck.
Leave engineering and logistics to those who understand physics...
You think creeks contain purified water and you are lecturing ME on physics? Nice try tardling.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:30 pm
by Derron
Moving Bowels wrote:

freeze your nuts off with no heat
If I do hole up in SLO you really think it ever gets cold enough here where one could freeze to death? You are one stupid fuck.
SLO huh ? Good to know. Friend of mine lives there..he is kind of a back to earth prepper type might recognize him if you can crane your neck back far enough to see a 6 '4" man. I will let him know there is a mark there who is a midget..should be some easy pickings for him. Unlike some of you sawed of tofu eating mother fucking midgets in CA, he is armed to the fucking teeth and your just one more notch on his squirrel gun when the shit goes bad.

Fuck off now you little bitch.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:50 pm
by Moving Sale
To summarize
Duhhron thinks that creeks purify water, that creeks can not be diverted or damned, that you can freeze to death in SLO and that dropping an abundance of appearance smack somehow makes up for his total inability to 'prep.'

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:12 pm
by Dinsdale
Moving Sale wrote:To summarize
Duhhron thinks that creeks purify water, that creeks can not be diverted or damned

We'll add "spelling" to "gravity" on the list of things you're struggling with.

that you can freeze to death in SLO
Took about 4 mouse clicks to add yet another thing to the list of things you suck at: ... imoMonth=1

So we can add "his basic surroundings" to the list of the guy bagging on other people's preparedness to his resume'-of-cluelessness.

We should probably add "self-awareness," as well, since Midget Tossed thinks he's getting over on some level here.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:47 pm
by Derron
Moving Sale wrote:To summarize
Duhhron thinks that creeks purify water, that creeks can not be diverted or damned, that you can freeze to death in SLO and that dropping an abundance of appearance smack somehow makes up for his total inability to 'prep.'
Fuckin idiot.

Water falling over rocks and organic matter does "filter" water. Purifying requires chemical or heating activity. Creeks can be diverted or damned up. Depending up...drum roll here ...gravity and topography. Both have to be present to impound or channel water. Maybe that is why the locations for impoundment's are very carefully selected.You just can't drop a diversion canal or dam just anywhere and have an impoundment.

The simple weather chart shows you could suffer some exposure in SLO. If you are not prepared for both the average low and the record lows, you will have problems.

You should be more worried about how midgets are going to fare in the coming hard times.

Joining a band of roving midgets to terrorize and plunder the city ?? :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:09 pm
by Dinsdale
Getting lectured about climate bythe last person in SLO to know when it's raining is pretty funny.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:05 am
by Derron
Dinsdale wrote:Getting lectured about climate bythe last person in SLO to know when it's raining is pretty funny.
Probably never knows at his level. Evaporates before it hits his dome.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:59 pm
by Moving Sale
So to recap AGAIN:
Duhhron thinks water is purified when it runs over rocks.
Both Dipshitsdale and Duhhron think it is impossible to divert water even though diverted water has sustained humans for thousands of years.
Dipshitdale has trouble typing but calls others out for spelling, syntax and grammar.
Both Dipshitsdale and Duhhron think you can easily freeze to death in 44degree temps.
Duhhron thinks adding nothing but appearance smack towards the end of his rant somehow helps his case.
Dipshitsdale thinks rain outside is climate not weather.

Oh yea and Duhhron has a thing for a 6’4” guy who is armed to the fucking teeth.
Does your wife know?

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:09 pm
by Derron
Way to bump my thread dickhead. It had pretty much ran its course, but you have to chime in 7 days later and kick it back up.

Since you feel the need to recap smack, for you own purposes, I won;t. Finish filling your pool, get in and shut the fuck up.

Don't you have a gig to get to?


Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:27 am
by mvscal
Dinsdale wrote:Unless you've come up with a clever way to get water to flow uphill.
The Mayans and Incans were doing it over a thousand years ago.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:47 am
by Dinsdale
Uhhhh... no.

Thousands of years ago, water didn't flow uphill. While the Mayans might have had some cool impoundment/diversion tricks, gravity was the exact same deal back then.

A thousand years from now... yup, water still doesn't flow uphill.

And take a moment to reflect, mv -- you're taking up MS's argument that water can indeed flow uphill (it can't -- not for the Mayans, not for Midget Fail, not ever). Might wanna step back and check yourself. Just because MS has an abnormal zeal to be a tard, it doesn't mean Sir Isaac Newton rose from the grave and said "back the truck up, gravity doesn't actually work!"

OH SHIT -- I just saw an airplane drive through a puddle at 30,000 feet... nevermind.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:56 am
by mvscal
Dinsdale wrote:Uhhhh... no.
Over the past decade, archeologists exploring Bolivia discovered a secret of hydraulic engineering hidden in a very recently discovered Mayan hilltop enclave that spouted water. They initially believed that the enclave had been built over a spring and estimated that it had been abandoned around the year 1700, the same year of the birth of Daniel Bernoulli whose research forms the basis of modern hydraulic engineering.

Further investigation of the Mayan enclave revealed a hidden water reservoir that received a steady stream of water that literally flowed uphill through a man-made tunnel of decreasing cross-sectional area. Mayan engineers may have built cofferdams over 1000 years ago to access water from below the surface of a river. They also knew how to install hydraulic structures of rock to accelerate water to higher velocity prior to diverting a portion of it into a tunnel of decreasing cross-sectional area that supplied water to a reservoir located at higher elevation.

The precedent of the Mayan engineers may be applicable to modern, small-site hydroelectric power generation along river and oceanic channels in place of free-flow kinetic turbines. Water would be re-directed to a coastal reservoir with water surface at 0.7m to 4m above the water surface of the source channel. While open-stream turbines may convert energy at 30% to 45% efficiency, a low-head turbine operating over 0.7M head could convert energy at about 70% efficiency and at 84% efficiency over a head of 3m or 11 feet. ... eneration/

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:49 pm
by Mikey
:lol: :lol:

Leave it to mvscal to show that water does indeed run uphill.

Next up:

Dogs live in trees
Indians can be in two places at once
Ancient Egyptians invented the wire recorder

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:57 pm
by Dinsdale
Roach wrote:dogs lived in trees.

And they didn't even have to climb down to get a drink -- they just waited for the water to run up the trunk.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:47 am
by mvscal
Mikey wrote::lol: :lol:

Leave it to mvscal to show that water does indeed run uphill.
Like I've always said I'm here to help.

Re: Doomsday Preppers

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:25 pm
by Moving Sale
Derron wrote:Way to bump my thread dickhead. It had pretty much ran its course,
No. I haven't finished bashing you in the head yet. When I'm done I'll let you know.
but you have to chime in 7 days later and kick it back up.
I was busy living in the Real World.
Since you feel the need to recap smack, for you own purposes, I won;t.
Huh? Did you have a stroke during your typing of that sentence?
Finish filling your pool, get in and shut the fuck up.
Again, WTF is that abortion? I always just called you a tard, but I'm beginning to think you are an ACTUAL retard, Special Olympics and all.

Again, Duhhron please tell us how water is cleaned by being in a creek or how water can't be diverted even though it has been done since the dawn of man.

Water can be diverted MANY ways. You typing 'GRAVITY' over and over is not helping your case.