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Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:22 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Congratulations, Wisconsin voters. Let no man stand in your way of winning the lottery.

Sow your magic beans, you little people.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:49 pm
by Goober McTuber

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:03 pm
by Sirfindafold
Goober McTuber wrote:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah its funny, and somewhat sad.

On the anniversary of D-Day, you wonder what those brave men that stormed the beaches would think of knowing they were fighting for the freedoms of a pussy like that shown in the video.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:11 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Wisconsonians! If they don't listen to our voices...

...if they don't listen to our ballots...

...let them hear the roar of our bowels!!!!


Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:18 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Jsc810 wrote:
For example, even with Walker's victory, Obama is still expected to win the state, so the "drama queen" probably will be celebrating in November.

A second win for Big Business in 2012.


Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:19 pm
by War Wagon
Jsc810 wrote:Today is the recall election, it appears to be a close race.
Sure thing, Baghdad_Jsc.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:29 pm
by Left Seater
Again, show me a poll on Nov 1st.

Further, if you have ever seen or been asked on an exit poll you know how unreliable they are. Most exit polling is done in the early morning so the media and idealist leaning groups on both sides can point to it during the election day. The idealist groups often ask the questions to those they think will support their position rather than taking "the next 100 voters to exit the polls."

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:41 pm
by Wolfman
It looks like a lot of voters in WI realized the whole recall thing was wrong and that Gov. Walker is indeed doing a good job. It shows that they can learn. Now for them to learn that the direction in which Obama wants to take us is also wrong. Who says you can't teach an old liberal to think?

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:53 pm
by Left Seater
Jsc810 wrote:The polls were accurate in showing the Walker victory.

But when they show an Obama victory, they're wrong. Oh, ok.

Are you talking about polls showing a Walker victory in January were accurate or ones earlier this week? I would expect one from earlier this week to show the Walker victory. Otherwise the group taking the poll is worthless and should never poll anyone again.

I am specifically speaking about the validity of polls 6 months out. If you can show me a poll from January that shows a Walker victory and a poll from the same group yesterday that shows an Obama win in Wisco, then I would put more stock behind it. Otherwise these polls don't mean jack.

And yes we will see in November as we do every 4 years. :wink:

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:57 pm
by Derron
This is what happens when you have a good turn out. The common sense tired of being fucked in the ass voter gets out and sends a mandate that being held hostage by these public employee unions has to stop. About fucking time. Let this continue across the nation. ... or-unions/
Governor Walker's Victory Spells Doom For Public Sector Unions

Public sector unions have reached their high water mark. Let the cleanup begin as the red ink recedes.

Despite a last-minute smear campaign accusing Scott Walker of fathering an illegitimate love child, the governor’s recall election victory sends a clear message that should resonate around the nation: The fiscal cancer devouring state budgets has a cure, and he has found it. The costly defeat for the entrenched union interests that tried to oust Walker in retribution for challenging their power was marked by President Obama’s refusal to lend his weight to the campaign for fear of being stained by defeat. We’ll see how well this strategy of opportunistic detachment serves in the fall as Obama reaches out to unions for support.

This fight is not without precedent. Progressive patron saint Franklin Delano Roosevelt—who more than any other president set our country on a course away from the founding principles of limited government—knew that public sector unions would be the death of the social welfare state he worked so hard to create. Hence, he consistently opposed allowing government employees to unionize. Today, Greece sets the example of what happens when public sector unions gain the upper hand.

In 1959 Wisconsin became the first state to allow collective bargaining by government employees. The projected cost of supporting Baby Boomer union retirees now threatens to bankrupt the state, as it does many others. Scott Walker ran for office promising change. The fiscal medicine he is administering may be bitter, but it looks like it is starting to work. The state budget has been balanced. The unemployment rate has been dropping and is now below the national average. Property taxes are down. Fraudulent sick leave policies—which allowed employees to call in sick and then work the next shift for overtime pay—have been ended. The government has stopped forcibly collecting union dues from workers’ paychecks.

Best of all, the myth that union bosses represent their members’ interests has been exposed as a lie. Now that union dues are voluntary, tens of thousands of union members have stopped paying them. Membership in the Wisconsin chapter of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union (AFSCME) has dropped by half. Membership in the state’s American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is down by over a third. Given unions’ influential role in most elections, the national implications of this trend are staggering.

Walker’s message is clear: The key to bringing balance back to public sector labor relations and balance state budgets is to break the iron triangle of closed-shop mandatory unionization, compulsory dues collection, and oversized campaign donations to politicians that promise to do the unions’ bidding. If other governors take his cue and take up the cause, that giant sucking sound you hear will be the air coming out of union bosses’ bloated political action budgets.

The work in Wisconsin is not complete. The controversial law exempted police and firefighters, a political concession to get the legislation passed. Federal courts have zeroed in on this anomaly, striking down certain sections of the law because they do not treat workers equally. This needs to be repaired— by rescinding the exemption for public safety workers. With the recall election behind him, Walker may be sufficiently emboldened to do just that.

The power of private sector unions was long ago broken by many heavily unionized companies going bankrupt. While this was painful for both workers and shareholders, the economy motored on as nimbler non-union competitors picked up the slack. This approach is problematic for the public sector because bankrupt state and local governments cannot be replaced by competitors waiting in the wings. Yes, citizens can always vote with their feet, emptying out cities like Detroit, leaving the blighted wreckage behind. But isn’t Walker’s targeted fiscal retrenchment less painful than scorched-earth abandonment?

Chicago machine candidate Barack Obama rode into office to the tune of Hail to the Chief, promising the unions that backed him the gift of card check elections, ending the secret ballot that shields employees from union intimidation. He may well ride into retirement to the tune of On Wisconsin as the era of closed shop unionism comes to an end.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:04 pm
by Goober McTuber
There seemed to be a significant number of people who didn’t support Walker, but who felt that the recall shouldn’t have happened. Just let him finish out his term, then replace him. The Democrats fucked up the whole process start to finish. They never should have gone after the three senators. They never should have endorsed Kathleen Falk, who never should have made restoration of collective bargaining a mandate for any budget she would sign. Barrett should have stated what he would do if elected, rather than just say Walker has to go. The list goes on and on.

BTW, the crybaby in the video is a 39-year-old stay-at-home dad. He also has a bit of a rap sheet. Everything from DUI to battery to sexual assault of a child. (The last one was plead down to 2nd degree sexual assault back when he was 19 years old – probably had a 16-year-old girlfriend.) The video would have been so much better if he had finished up with a “Leave Brittany alone”.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:10 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Goober McTuber wrote:The Democrats fucked up the whole process start to finish.

From an outsider's perspective, it looked as if the Democratic Party wasn't involved at all in any anti-Walker activity.

The majority of the recall effort was local groups and grassroots organising.

The national Dems were probably thrilled that this movement was strangled in the crib.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:14 pm
by Derron
Goober McTuber wrote: BTW, the crybaby in the video is a 39-year-old stay-at-home dad. He also has a bit of a rap sheet. Everything from DUI to battery to sexual assault of a child. (The last one was plead down to 2nd degree sexual assault back when he was 19 years old – probably had a 16-year-old girlfriend.) The video would have been so much better if he had finished up with a “Leave Brittany alone”.
I have to rack the normally liberal news media on this interview. They usually try to find the most "compelling" interview possible with the dumbest son of a bitch they can find, and they certainly succeeded there. Take your sign placards and go back to your subsidized housing and talk to someone who gives a fuck.

This fucking crying hand wringing idiot stands there with his pussy bleeding, being a great representative of the liberal left Dims sucking at the public trough. You can probably cue the Dims on voter fraud allegations here soon. When the average Joe voter gets tired of the public employee unions raping the taxpayer, and they turn out in the kinds of numbers they should, then you can put this spending nonsense away and finally make some progress on reform of government spending. Rack the Wisconsin voters.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:19 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Derron wrote:When the average Joe voter gets tired of the public employee unions raping the taxpayer...

Yeah...that's why your country is swirling the toilet...because of union excess...


Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:47 pm
by War Wagon
Jsc810 wrote:The polls were accurate in showing the Walker victory.

But when they show an Obama victory, they're wrong. Oh, ok.
oh please, the night before the vote you were salivating at the prospect of a recall, saying it was going to be "close" based on whatever garbage you use for information.

The day after a landslide rejection, you're spinning again.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:10 pm
by Goober McTuber
Derron wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote: BTW, the crybaby in the video is a 39-year-old stay-at-home dad. He also has a bit of a rap sheet. Everything from DUI to battery to sexual assault of a child. (The last one was plead down to 2nd degree sexual assault back when he was 19 years old – probably had a 16-year-old girlfriend.) The video would have been so much better if he had finished up with a “Leave Brittany alone”.
I have to rack the normally liberal news media on this interview. They usually try to find the most "compelling" interview possible with the dumbest son of a bitch they can find, and they certainly succeeded there.
According to the local news, CNN didn’t exactly solicit an interview:
“Democracy’s dead,” bellowed Mike Daly, a 39-year-old stay-at-home dad as he barged into a live feed from the scene by CNN reporter Ted Rowlands.

Daly got his interview on CNN, then explained that he was distraught because his two daughters, 1 and 4, will never live in a society where corporations don’t run the show.

“For the first time in my life, I don’t want to live here anymore,” he said. “It’s all about the money now.”
He's a beaut.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:36 pm
by Derron
Goober McTuber wrote:
According to the local news, CNN didn’t exactly solicit an interview:
“Democracy’s dead,” bellowed Mike Daly, a 39-year-old stay-at-home dad as he barged into a live feed from the scene by CNN reporter Ted Rowlands.

Daly got his interview on CNN, then explained that he was distraught because his two daughters, 1 and 4, will never live in a society where corporations don’t run the show.
But CNN sure as hell ran with it when they got it. Typical liberal pussy bleeding. Democracy is dead only when the vote does not go their way.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:38 pm
by Dinsdale
Diego in Seattle wrote:I guess the voters really want to see how lob-sided the socio-economic makeup of this country can become before it goes tits-up.

For all intensive purposes?

Is it just a roost?

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:52 pm
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:The polls were accurate in showing the Walker victory.

But when they show an Obama victory, they're wrong. Oh, ok.

We'll see in November. :)
The polls showed it would be a close race. It wasn't. It was an across the board Republican sweep and in a blue state. That doesn't bode well for Bathhouse Barry. Wisconsin is definitely in play.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:07 pm
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:The polls were accurate in showing the Walker victory.

But when they show an Obama victory, they're wrong. Oh, ok.

We'll see in November. :)
The polls showed it would be a close race. It wasn't. It was an across the board Republican sweep and in a blue state. That doesn't bode well for Bathhouse Barry. Wisconsin is definitely in play.
I think it was more recall election pushback than anything else. Wisconsin will go to Obama in November. And again, it was NOT a sweep. Democrats took control of the Senate.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:07 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:The polls were accurate in showing the Walker victory.

But when they show an Obama victory, they're wrong. Oh, ok.

We'll see in November. :)
The polls showed it would be a close race. It wasn't. It was an across the board Republican sweep and in a blue state. That doesn't bode well for Bathhouse Barry. Wisconsin is definitely in play.

How are Walker's interests at odds with Obama's?

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:53 pm
by Goober McTuber
Jsc810 wrote:
mvscal wrote:It was an across the board Republican sweep
No, it wasn't. The Democrats now have a majority in the Senate.
I’ve told him that twice already, but mvscal’s a bit thick. Some people think that this is not significant because the legislature is not back in session until after the November elections. But if the Republicans had maintained the majority in both houses, Scooter could have called them back to an emergency session and rammed through some more regressive legislation.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:57 pm
by Sirfindafold
Goober McTuber wrote: I’ve told him that twice already.

How many times did you assure us that walker would be recalled?

You're a fuckin' jerkoff.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:09 pm
by Goober McTuber
Sirfindafold wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote: I’ve told him that twice already.

How many times did you assure us that walker would be recalled?

You're a fuckin' jerkoff. ... er#p791611 ... er#p791160

Go fuck yourself, you paste-eating retard.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:18 pm
by mvscal
88 wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:
mvscal wrote:It was an across the board Republican sweep
No, it wasn't. The Democrats now have a majority in the Senate.
Too bad the Wisconsin senate is not scheduled to meet again until after the November elections in which 16 of the seats are up for grabs. But if they do decide to schedule a vote on something between now and then... ... s/sjr1.pdf
Not to mention that the districts have been redrawn by the Republicans. You really have to laugh at these idiots pounding their chests over an 800 vote cunt hair win in a totally meaningless race.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:20 pm
by mvscal
Goober McTuber wrote:Some people think that this is not significant because the legislature is not back in session until after the November elections. But if the Republicans had maintained the majority in both houses, Scooter could have called them back to an emergency session and rammed through some more regressive legislation.
If that was the plan, don't you think he would have called them back into session before the recall elections?

Nice try, Corky.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:40 pm
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:Some people think that this is not significant because the legislature is not back in session until after the November elections. But if the Republicans had maintained the majority in both houses, Scooter could have called them back to an emergency session and rammed through some more regressive legislation.
If that was the plan, don't you think he would have called them back into session before the recall elections?

Nice try, Corky.
No, because that might have impacted his election.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:42 pm
by bradhusker
Left Seater wrote:Again, show me a poll on Nov 1st.

Further, if you have ever seen or been asked on an exit poll you know how unreliable they are. Most exit polling is done in the early morning so the media and idealist leaning groups on both sides can point to it during the election day. The idealist groups often ask the questions to those they think will support their position rather than taking "the next 100 voters to exit the polls."

Excellent take Left seater, When you poll likely voters by phone and ask if they will vote for a black man? "YES, of course I will be voting for Obama". Then, in November, in the privacy of a voting booth? "Fuck that monkey, he ruined this great country, im sending him back to kenya"
(circles Romney)

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:57 pm
by bradhusker
Goober McTuber wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:The polls were accurate in showing the Walker victory.

But when they show an Obama victory, they're wrong. Oh, ok.

We'll see in November. :)
The polls showed it would be a close race. It wasn't. It was an across the board Republican sweep and in a blue state. That doesn't bode well for Bathhouse Barry. Wisconsin is definitely in play.
I think it was more recall election pushback than anything else. Wisconsin will go to Obama in November. And again, it was NOT a sweep. Democrats took control of the Senate.
Sorry GOOB, but exit polls are about as useful as your limp penis. Ask a voter if they;ll vote for a black man? And they'll tell you YES every single day of the week. COME NOVEMBER in the privacy of a voting booth? They'll send that monkey back to Kenya so fast, ur head will spin, as they darken the oval for Romney.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:58 pm
by mvscal
Goober McTuber wrote:No, because that might have impacted his election.
What? Would labor goons hate him even more? Besides he already accomplished his objectives and you're just talking out of your ass now.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:08 pm
by Truman
Dinsdale wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:I guess the voters really want to see how lob-sided the socio-economic makeup of this country can become before it goes tits-up.

For all intensive purposes?

Is it just a roost?
Saw that.

Catch-and-release stream of consciousness, Dins; DiS had a tough enough night as it was.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:25 pm
by Cuda
Truman wrote: DiS had a tough enough night as it was.
Walker wins & Jerry Sandusky loses. Diego is about ready to join Goober in the back seat of Goober's car, iding away inside the closed garage

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:44 pm
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:No, because that might have impacted his election.
What? Would labor goons hate him even more?
No. The exit polling showed that a number of people who voted for Walker did so just because they feared the recall process was going to be an everyday occurrence. Some of those people may have reached a tipping point with a little more of Scooter’s heavy-handed style of governance.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:48 pm
by Truman
Cuda wrote:...iding away inside the closed garage
You, on the other hand, should never expect such courtesies. :doh:

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:49 pm
by mvscal
Oh, OK. So let's recap this here. Some people may or may not have voted for Walker based on some hypothetical "heavy handed" legislation that Walker has no demonstrated intention of passing? And that is your "silver lining"?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You got your cunt kicked in. Sit down, shut up and deal with it.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:55 pm
by bradhusker
mvscal wrote:Oh, OK. So let's recap this here. Some people may or may not have voted for Walker based on some hypothetical "heavy handed" legislation that Walker has no demonstrated intention of passing? And that is your "silver lining"?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You got your cunt kicked in. Sit down, shut up and deal with it.
At this point and time, I'd like to tell GOOB a lil' something. GOOB, if you think this loss hurts? Just wait till Nebraska dry - rapes Wiscy in Lincoln in a few months. I'll be there, Heck, I might even buy you some ice cold suds. No hard feelings?

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:06 pm
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:Oh, OK. So let's recap this here. Some people may or may not have voted for Walker based on some hypothetical "heavy handed" legislation that Walker has no demonstrated intention of passing? And that is your "silver lining"?
It has nothing to do with any silver lining. You asked why he didn't ram through any more legislation (like right to work). I made a suggestion as to why.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:07 pm
by Sirfindafold
A McGoober Melt.

Who didn't see that coming?

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:16 pm
by bradhusker
Sirfindafold wrote:A McGoober Melt.

Who didn't see that coming?
Just wait till Nebraska fucks Wiscy in Lincoln? After that bloodbath Goobs will be a full blown homosexual. No turning back whatsoever.

Re: Wisconsin election

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:16 pm
by War Wagon
no, Goobs gets props for handling this setback like an adult though I must admit I was hoping he'd at least kick a few chairs.