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Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:33 pm
by fix
Hapday wrote:Viper and Otis both are proof that the gLiberal propaganda machine can still chime out the same old fear-mongering bullshit, and the mentally challanged still eat it up like the trained seals they are.

Uhh, you two forgot to mention how Harper is a racists ............................. wants to kill all fags..........................and.........................oh, yeah.....and he's a NAZI!!!!!!! I guess you need more of the gLiberal machine's chum today.
:roll: :roll:

Typical spin by a Conservitard.

So which of those quotes from Harper are bullshit Hap?

The racist quote from him..

"You have to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from Eastern Canada; people who live in ghettos and are not integrated into Western Canadian society."

or his endorsement of his own kind..

"Rob is a true reformer and a true conservative. He has been a faithful supporter of mine and I am grateful for his work."

- Stephen Harper endorsing Calgary West Conservative MP Rob Anders, who in 2001 called Nelson Mandela "a Communist and terrorist."

Or the many others that have spewed out of his mouth since his days at the NCC..

Dolt. :roll:

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:43 pm
by fix
tough love wrote:^
Who is the idiot, Hap?
They who recognize the inner lemon, or they who kick the tires and argue the merits of the wreaks exterior.

Perhaps some folk enjoy being continously lied to???

So how aboot our new immigration policy, 'eh?
Making it easier for foreign students to steal jobs away from real Canadians, making it easier for immigrants to get their parents and grandparents into the country so they can suck on the Govn teet.
Sounds ever so poli-caring and liberal vote seeking correct, it surly does, by gummy.

Anyone expecting honesty from any poli-party, best make ready for a very long wait.

VOTE NEW TORY...Today's Lesser Evil.
So what do you think about Harper's plan for the cities..

Oops wait, that's right he doesn't have one.

This just in.. Harper's star candidate to run in the Quebec Pontiac riding, Lawrence Cannon is also named as one of those who benefited from the sponsership saga..

"Mr. Cannon and his company AmeriContact received $25,000 in sponsorship money in 2001 after contact with Alfonso Gagliano office.

That makes him guilty too eh?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:25 am
by tough love
They are all guilty, some more than others.

Here's a little ditty about a dirty guy named Pockets, who wants to undress errr address the Nation tonite.

Thu, April 21, 2005
Liberals trying to change the channel
By GREG WESTON -- Sun Ottawa Bureau

Political strategists call it "changing the channel" - diverting voters' attention away from a damaging negative issue by inundating the public with other more positive messages.

As a clearly desperate Paul Martin takes to the airwaves to address the nation tonight, the Liberals are hoping the PM can convince voters to tune into something -- anything -- other than the Gomery inquiry and its daily feed of sleaze and corruption.

The extraordinary move caps a week of Martin's government frantically wearing the buttons off the Liberal channel changer.

First, it was a blizzard of policy announcements, all of them clearly rushed out the door to meet an emergency entirely political and Liberal.

In the past five business days alone, the government of Mr. Dithers has announced plans to implement the Kyoto environmental accord, another plan for cities, another one to fast-track immigrant grannies into the country.

There was $100 million of our money announced for a Human Rights Museum in Winnipeg, the pet project of the Liberal-friendly Asper family, owners of big newspapers and television stations that might be handy for the Grits in an election.

Then came the breathless release of the foreign policy review, promised barely nine years ago and evidently still not ready for the printers, the documents replete with fun typos such as the government spending "close to $9.5 in security measures since 9/11."

Yesterday, the Liberals announced a benefits bonanza for Canadian veterans.

Tomorrow, who knows what's next in the Liberal goodie bag? Or perhaps more to the point: Who cares?

Despite the avalanche of announcements, the polls suggest most Canadian voters aren't being distracted, their political antennae still turned to all Gomery, all the time.

Now this: The government's public relations blitz having failed to fool anyone with an IQ in the double digits, the prime minister is going on live television to grovel.

"Prime Minister addresses the nation," the terse press release announces. "Prime Minister Paul Martin will ... speak about the sponsorship program and the current situation in Parliament."

This immediately touched off great speculation among the parliamentary media that Martin might be going on live television to call a snap election.

But unless Mr. Dithers has lost his marbles, he won't be leading the charge to the polls tonight, nor anytime soon.

For one thing, an election called now would be sharing daily media coverage with the ongoing Gomery inquiry, right up to voting day. Goodbye, Mr. Dithers.

The other theory being floated around media circles well into the cocktail hour last night was that Martin would suddenly prorogue Parliament, ending the current legislative session and shutting down the Commons possibly until the fall.

This would cleverly thwart any move by the opposition parties to force a spring election the Liberals might lose, and give Canadian voters a few months to cool down.

The only problem with this scenario, according to parliamentary experts we contacted, is that without the Commons in session to approve appropriations, the government would run out of money by July.

(Okay, calm down. Of course, starving the Liberals for cash is a great idea, but it isn't going to happen.)

The idea that Martin may spring a whopper tonight is largely rooted in the fact that, historically, prime ministers have only dared to intrude on prime-time TV on the rare occasions the nation has been in crisis.

Instead, what we are likely to hear tonight is Martin begging voters to spare the Liberal Party from a political crisis of its own corruption.

In short, Liberal strategists are hoping tonight's performance will convince voters to "change the channel."

On that, they may well get their wish.

Vote New Tory...Todays Lesser Evil

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:30 am
by BSmack
Sounds like the Canadian liberals are taking a page from Karl Rove's playbook. Props to them.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:47 am
by fix
tough love wrote:^
They are all guilty, some more than others.

Here's a little ditty about a dirty guy named Pockets, who wants to undress errr address the Nation tonite.
Martin is dirty?

I suppose you have some proof of this?
Prove it.

*Grabs snickers bar*

Thu, April 21, 2005
Liberals trying to change the channel
By GREG WESTON -- Sun Ottawa Bureau

Political strategists call it "changing the channel" - diverting voters' attention away from a damaging negative issue by inundating the public with other more positive messages.

As a clearly desperate Paul Martin takes to the airwaves to address the nation tonight, the Liberals are hoping the PM can convince voters to tune into something -- anything -- other than the Gomery inquiry and its daily feed of sleaze and corruption.

The extraordinary move caps a week of Martin's government frantically wearing the buttons off the Liberal channel changer.

First, it was a blizzard of policy announcements, all of them clearly rushed out the door to meet an emergency entirely political and Liberal.

In the past five business days alone, the government of Mr. Dithers has announced plans to implement the Kyoto environmental accord, another plan for cities, another one to fast-track immigrant grannies into the country.

There was $100 million of our money announced for a Human Rights Museum in Winnipeg, the pet project of the Liberal-friendly Asper family, owners of big newspapers and television stations that might be handy for the Grits in an election.

Then came the breathless release of the foreign policy review, promised barely nine years ago and evidently still not ready for the printers, the documents replete with fun typos such as the government spending "close to $9.5 in security measures since 9/11."

Yesterday, the Liberals announced a benefits bonanza for Canadian veterans.

Tomorrow, who knows what's next in the Liberal goodie bag? Or perhaps more to the point: Who cares?

Despite the avalanche of announcements, the polls suggest most Canadian voters aren't being distracted, their political antennae still turned to all Gomery, all the time.

Now this: The government's public relations blitz having failed to fool anyone with an IQ in the double digits, the prime minister is going on live television to grovel.

"Prime Minister addresses the nation," the terse press release announces. "Prime Minister Paul Martin will ... speak about the sponsorship program and the current situation in Parliament."

This immediately touched off great speculation among the parliamentary media that Martin might be going on live television to call a snap election.

But unless Mr. Dithers has lost his marbles, he won't be leading the charge to the polls tonight, nor anytime soon.

For one thing, an election called now would be sharing daily media coverage with the ongoing Gomery inquiry, right up to voting day. Goodbye, Mr. Dithers.

The other theory being floated around media circles well into the cocktail hour last night was that Martin would suddenly prorogue Parliament, ending the current legislative session and shutting down the Commons possibly until the fall.

This would cleverly thwart any move by the opposition parties to force a spring election the Liberals might lose, and give Canadian voters a few months to cool down.

The only problem with this scenario, according to parliamentary experts we contacted, is that without the Commons in session to approve appropriations, the government would run out of money by July.

(Okay, calm down. Of course, starving the Liberals for cash is a great idea, but it isn't going to happen.)

The idea that Martin may spring a whopper tonight is largely rooted in the fact that, historically, prime ministers have only dared to intrude on prime-time TV on the rare occasions the nation has been in crisis.

Instead, what we are likely to hear tonight is Martin begging voters to spare the Liberal Party from a political crisis of its own corruption.

In short, Liberal strategists are hoping tonight's performance will convince voters to "change the channel."

On that, they may well get their wish.

Vote New Tory...Todays Lesser Evil
Bah.. it's an editorial written by a non-trustworthy source, the Sun.

Nothing but right wing propoganda.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 12:13 pm
by tough love
Otis Wrote:
Bah.. it's an editorial written by a non-trustworthy source, the Sun.

Nothing but right wing propoganda.


Right Wing, Left Wing, is what keeps the de$potbird afloat.

BtW...Pockets did promise 100Mil of Canada's dollars to that Dead Asper Fantasy, after he made it very clear that his gov wasn't going to cover the Crouton_Promise (100mil) but only WHEN the truth came out about his libby theiving ways at the scam_bag inquiry.

The timing of his change of heart must of just been coincidental. :wink:

VOTE NEW TORY...Todays Lesser Evil.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:36 pm
by tough love
Just *sniffles* remember, Folks *sniffles* everything PM Pockets say's and does *sniffles* it's for the love *sniffles* of Canada and all of it's *sniffles* peoples. *snifffllles* I'm sorry, I'm too emotional to continue posting.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:59 am
by fix
Nice company your boy Harper keeps tl..
Harper spokesman apologizes for bin Laden remark


Friday, April 22, 2005 Updated at 12:42 PM EST

Globe and Mail Update

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's director of communications apologized Friday for referring to Canada's Prime Minister as “Osama bin Martin.”

Geoff Norquay, director of communications for the Leader of the Opposition, said he meant the reference to the international terrorist leader as a joke.

“Yesterday, I made a comment to a reporter about the nature and staging of the Prime Minister's televised recorded remarks,” Mr. Norquay said in a statement.

The comments, he said, were made “off the cuff” and were “intended in jest.”

“My comment was inappropriate, and I regret that it has caused offence,” he said. “I withdraw it with my sincere apologies.”

Mr. Norquay's comments were reported by The Globe and Mail in Friday's edition in a story describing the run-up to Prime Minister Paul Martin's national televised speech.

“We walked into the meeting ... [and found] Osama bin Laden Martin is mailing his tapes in from the cave and that he's got six minutes in English and six minutes in French . . . We wanted more or less the equivalent in production values for Stephen,” Mr. Norquay said in the story.

The comments caused an immediate firestorm in the House of Commons on Friday, with Liberal MPs demanding that the Conservatives apologize for the remarks.

Finance Minister Ralph Goodale called the comparison “absolutely horrendous.”

“Surely, Mr. Speaker, this defies all the rules of civility and decency,” Mr. Goodale said. “As we begin the day, I would invite the deputy leader of the Conservative party to disavow that comparison.”

Deputy Leader Peter Mackay responded initially that “perhaps the Prime Minister should come here and deal with that situation himself.”

He later read from Mr. Norquay's apology.
Just another in a long line of bigoted racist comments from Harper and his cronies..

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:42 pm
by tough love
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's director of communications apologized Friday for referring to Canada's Prime Minister as “Osama bin Martin.”
Otis Claws at Sticks:
Nice company your boy Harper keeps tl..
You do realize that your man, 'Pockets' is ass deep in a corruption investigation because of the company he keeps, right?

Osama bin Martin



UNRACK the apology.

Names are just flames for media games, but it's the Lies and Corruption which will burn you... :P

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 2:12 pm
by fix
tough love wrote:Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's director of communications apologized Friday for referring to Canada's Prime Minister as “Osama bin Martin.”
Otis Claws at Sticks:
Nice company your boy Harper keeps tl..
You do realize that your man, 'Pockets' is ass deep in a corruption investigation because of the company he keeps, right?

Osama bin Martin



UNRACK the apology.

Names are just flames for media games, but it's the Lies and Corruption which will burn you... :P
Really? So the Conservitards hollering and whining about Carolyn Parrish was just for kicks?
tough love wrote:Names are just for media games, but it's Harper's pro-Iraq war stance that will kill you.. but what's a few dead Canadian soldiers when we can share in a few barrels of oil between friends right ;)

A bit hypocritical of you to support the party that would have us in Iraq...

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:34 pm
by tough love
I only support that which is todays lesser evil.

Your Criminal Poli-Tards corruption has gotten out of control, and needs to be eradicated for the good of Canada, as well as for the good of the Liberal Party itself.
Think of this crop of lying laughing stocks as a cancer which needs to be removed, if the liberal body as whole is to ever be truely healthy again.
Accept your Party's needed operation, allowing it to recuperate for a few years, and pray or whatever libby heathens do in hopes that the necessary selective surgery has been a success.
I am expecting that the closer we get to the end of mans time, the general publics tolerance for poli-lies and bull_crap will lessen.

Just so you know...I base this hope on the fact that Canada (as well as many other Nations of this Earth, for that matter) has always held a moral superiority to the States, so I am not basing my expectation and hope on the disturbing nature of that which I witness unfolding within Bu$h America.

What's the sence of posting on a smack board if you don't include everyone. :wink:

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:49 pm
by fix
tough love wrote:I only support that which is todays lesser evil.
Cool, so you won't be voting for the ReformedConservitardAlliance party then.

Liberal NDP or Green?
Your Criminal Poli-Tards corruption has gotten out of control, and needs to be eradicated for the good of Canada, as well as for the good of the Liberal Party itself.
Uh.. hello.. you have heard about the Gomery inquiry right?
The one ordered by the PM himself on his very first day in office.. the one meant to clean up the corruption that took place by a rogue portion of the party..
The one which Harper's using to hold the country's business hostage over in the house of commons, instead of allowing the judge to complete his report.

Think of this crop of lying laughing stocks as a cancer which needs to be removed, if the liberal body as whole is to ever be truely healthy again.
Accept your Party's needed operation, allowing it to recuperate for a few years, and pray or whatever libby heathens do in hopes that the necessary selective surgery has been a success.
If the worst case scenario does occur, Harper being elected with a majority government.. 4 years will be more than enough time to revitalise the party simply by Harper's own failures.
Just so you know...I base this hope on the fact that Canada (as well as many other Nations of this Earth, for that matter) has always held a moral superiority to the States, so I am not basing my expectation and hope on the disturbing nature of that which I witness unfolding within Bu$h America.
You're supporting Harper and praying for a miracle?
That makes no sense.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 8:46 pm
by tough love
There is only one viable party at this time which can save Canada and the true Liberal Party from these corruptable poli-po$ers, and that would be the lesser evil of the New Tory's.
Otis Wrote:
Uh.. hello.. you have heard about the Gomery inquiry right?
The one ordered by the PM himself on his very first day in office.. the one meant to clean up the corruption that took place by a rogue portion of the party..
The one which Harper's using to hold the country's business hostage over in the house of commons, instead of allowing the judge to complete his report.
Harper, nor his people are the Scam_Bags which has cost this country dearly.
Hopefully enough folks realize that Pockets knew full well that his jig was up, and that the de$pots only way out was to go through whatever motions he could to appear to be innocent, while hoping enough Canadians were to dumb to figure his act out.
Calling for the G_I was nothing more than Martin applying a defence by using an offense.
I doubt Canada will be as gullible this time around.
If the worst case scenario does occur, Harper being elected with a majority government.. 4 years will be more than enough time to revitalise the party simply by Harper's own failures.
Works for me; and if you are not just another partisan stooge like most, you just may be surprised what wrongdoings honesty can undo in just four short years.
One thing for sure, if elected, the country will hold the New Tory's to a much higher standard of performance than they ever did hold these Lying Libby's, and the Alliance know this, which is what would be a huge plus for all of Canada.
I fully expect the Alliance would do an excellent job in their first term, if for any other reason, to prove themselves worthy of our trust.
After that, it's anyone guess; which is why 'we the people' need protections put in place to prevent the type of corruption which has become too common a practice within our elected community.
You're supporting Harper and praying for a miracle?
That makes no sense.
Expecting a miracle is expecting a poli-po$er to do the right thing.
Again...Supporting Todays Lesser Evil, is all. 8)

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 9:33 pm
by fix
There is only one viable party at this time which can save Canada and the true Liberal Party from these corruptable poli-po$ers, and that would be the lesser evil of the New Tory's.
BHAHAA.. which version are you referring to the "New Tory's" as?
The Reform version?
The Alliance Party version?
Or their latest attempt at being successful by marketing their same campaign under a different banner?

Take down the window dressing that they have out front and the insides still reek of the same old platforms that they're hiding from public view.
Harper, nor his people are the Scam_Bags which has cost this country dearly.
Oh but they are tl.. yes indeed they are.
How many days now have they filibustered parliament by their obsession over the scandal?
There is work to be done.. like passing a budget so that this country can carry on..
But no.. their partisan politics is far more important.. :roll:
And give them some time in power.. you'll soon find out that they are much worse than Martin's predecessor.
Hell, all one needs to do is remember those good old Mulroney days.
Or the Harris/Eves style of government in this province.
Hopefully enough folks realize that Pockets knew full well that his jig was up, and that the de$pots only way out was to go through whatever motions he could to appear to be innocent, while hoping enough Canadians were to dumb to figure his act out.
Calling for the G_I was nothing more than Martin applying a defence by using an offense.
You're not making any sense here once again tl..

Martin on his very first day in office, the very first day that he had the authority to demand an inquiry, called for one to be held.
How does that relate to him using it as a defence when he himself demanded that all of the bullshit be brought out into the open by an idependant inquiry.

Oh wait.. Justice Gomery is in on it right?
Someone slipped him a brown envelope full of money too eh?

I forgot about your conspiracy theory, my mistake.
I doubt Canada will be as gullible this time around.
Well now that all depends if they have the chance to vote with all of the facts known to them.
Or if they're forced into an early election (which the majority of Canadians have already said they don't want)
by the Conseritards lust for power and are forced to vote based solely on what, until the final report is issued, is only heresay and innuendos.
Works for me; and if you are not just another partisan stooge like most, you just may be surprised what wrongdoings honesty can undo in just four short years.
Or how many dead soliders can be lost to a few barrels of pork and oil eh? ;)
One thing for sure, if elected, the country will hold the New Tory's to a much higher standard of performance than they ever did hold these Lying Libby's, and the Alliance know this, which is what would be a huge plus for all of Canada.
Hang on now.. are they the Tory's or the Alliance party?

Not that it matters.. same bunch of neo-cons trying to disguise themselves under a different costume..
I fully expect the Alliance would do an excellent job in their first term, if for any other reason, to prove themselves worthy of our trust.
Ah so you are acknowledging then that this is the Alliance party which was formed based on a lie and a scam (s'up Peter MacKay) and not the true original Progressive Conservative party that they are trying to portray themselves as representing.

Do you believe in the tooth fairy too tl?
After that, it's anyone guess; which is why 'we the people' need protections put in place to prevent the type of corruption which has become too common a practice within our elected community.
4 years is plenty of time to fiscally ruin a country tl..
And it will happen under a Harper government..

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:12 pm
by tough love
Is it safe to say that you are convinced that there is only one poli-mindset which is capable or ever will be capable of effectively ruling a country?
What's next, only the Liberal_Minded need apply to vote cuz all else are lesser humans, terrorists, or traitors.

Me thinks someone has spent to much time hanging with the Pub_Uglies.

Fear and rhetoric aside: Canada needs to hang these libbys in the wind and have the over-stink aired out of 'em for a spell.

Sat's Wpg Free Press (not The Sun) has a piece on a recent Ipos-Reid Poll showing Harpers Conservatards holding a "solid" 5 point lead over Martins Corruptables-> in Ontario...Unseen in 20 years.

Me like all WooHoo :)

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:30 pm
by fix
tough love wrote:Is it safe to say that you are convinced that there is only one poli-mindset which is capable or ever will be capable of effectively ruling a country?
No, not at all.
I have voted Tory (s'up young and naive) and NDP in the past.
But the current situation leaves no choice, Harper's leading what is really the Reformed Alliance party.. and for them I will never vote.
Jack is Jack.. he's honest but he's no Tommy Douglas or Ed Broadbent.
I'd consider voting for him but only if it were proven that Martin was directly involved and guilty of a criminal charge.
What's next, only the Liberal_Minded need apply to vote cuz all else are lesser humans, terrorists, or traitors.
Nah.. that's Harper's territory..

See: "Albertans should build firewalls around Alberta"

"You’ve got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society.”

Me thinks someone has spent to much time hanging with the Pub_Uglies.
Nope.. same opinion as I held a couple of years ago.. If this election were being led by JC.. I'd be casting a vote for someone else. Martin isn't JC.. he's just dealing with the legacy of his predecessor.
Fear and rhetoric aside: Canada needs to hang these libbys in the wind and have the over-stink aired out of 'em for a spell.
If by tossing those found guilty of criminal activity with the stink into a jail cell and kicking the other bagmen involved with them out of the Liberal party for good, then I'm with you.
Martin has said as much too.
Sat's Wpg Free Press (not The Sun) has a piece on a recent Ipos-Reid Poll showing Harpers Conservatards holding a "solid" 5 point lead over Martins Corruptables-> in Ontario...Unseen in 20 years.

Me like all WooHoo :)
Ya.. reminds me of only one year ago.

You remember the good old days of a Harper lead in the polls leading up to the last election where pundits and Harperites were predicting a majority Tory government.

Only to see his lead dwindle and his party go down to defeat one more time..

Good times.. :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 5:27 pm
by tough love
Otis Wrote;
You remember the good old days of a Harper lead in the polls leading up to the last election where pundits and Harperites were predicting a majority Tory government.
In Ontario???

When it's all said and done, contrary to what some would have the all believe, one party over another really doesn't make that much of a dif, given the nature of the beast.

If the elected could be bound to their promises, as well the public having measures in place to keep these poli-posers honest, that would mean a whole lot more than who is in the drivers seat.

Varoom Varoom - Go New Tory - Todays Lesser Evil Vehicle.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:28 pm
by fix
Here's a bone for you Harper fans...


Now this next one.. I can't find any fault with...


Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:27 am
by tough love

Il est bon de voir que les amis très bons d'aujourd'hui au Québec ont toujours un grand sens de l'humour, quand il vient à rire de d'autres. :wink:

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:38 am
by fix
tough love wrote::lol:

Il est bon de voir que les amis très bons d'aujourd'hui au Québec ont toujours un grand sens de l'humour, quand il vient à rire de d'autres. :wink:
Ils ont besoin de parce qu'ils savent que le reste de Canada riaient à eux quand ils étaient menés par la chaîne fumant rire stocke, René-Lévesque

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:56 am
by tough love
Google's Language Tool Sucks.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:06 am
by fix
De quel est cet outil de langue de google que vous parlez ?

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:23 am
by tough love
According to Google Language Interpretations, Otis Wrote:
Of which is this tool of language of google which you speak?
Prop's Google_L for that one being more understandable than some of the others I ran by.


Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:07 pm
by tough love
Oh Oh, More Bad New's for Martin:


Angry Bono attacks Canadian leader

Outspoken rocker Bono has hit out at Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin for breaking his promise to increase foreign aid.

The U2 frontman, famed for his campaign against world poverty, slammed the politician during a radio interview, saying he was "bewildered and disappointed".

In a final jibe at Martin, Bono read out the Prime Minister's office telephone number over the air and urged listeners to pester him with angry calls. ... =y4x9x489z

DAMN: The Prime Minister of The New and Improved World Order of The Perpetually Stoned is also "bewildered and disappointed" with our Pockets.

What will British Columbia do now?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 11:47 am
by fix
Speaking of polls..
The Decima Research poll, conducted Thursday to Sunday, indicates the Conservatives were still out in front, favoured by 32 per cent of respondents compared with 27 per cent for the Liberals. The NDP was at 21 per cent and the Bloc Quebecois was at 15 per cent nationally, or 58 per cent in Quebec.

Last week, a Decima poll put the Tories at 35 per cent and the Liberals at 28 per cent.

An Ipsos Reid poll conducted over the weekend put decided voter support at 34 per cent for the Conservatives, 31 per cent for the Liberals, 18 for the New Democratic Party and five per cent for the Green party.

The survey of 1,000 people, conducted for CanWest-Global, polled one-thousand people and is considered accurate within 3.1 per cent, 19 times out of 20.

Of those asked, 61 per cent said they would prefer to have an election after the final Gomery report is issued while 49 per cent said last Thursday's broadcast speech by Martin was an attempt to hang on to power.
just like last year..

Could the tide be turning? ... hub=Canada

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:16 pm
by tough love
Yes, the tide could turn.

Still; for those who enjoy watching the sport of Po$er Scrambling, you must admit that it's been a pretty good season so far.

Todays Highlites:

Freakin Jack L offering to publicly take Martin's Dick up his heathen ass, just so he can bask in the illusion of his precieved importance, is pretty darn terrific.

Your Libby Guys covering the country like beheaded royality, dispensing publicly paid for extravagant gifts upon their subjects; which come with the threat that if they are not re-elected, those bright and shiny temptations will not come to pass.
Or the threat of that waste of a National Day Care Program promise not being able to be kept if they are not re-elected... How long have they been dangling the same retard carrot now, like 10 freakin years or what???

Yes, the tide could turn.
If the people buy their Bull_Crap
In Martins favor; the Canadian public has already proven that they can be gullible idiots more than once.

ps...having a great time, wish you were here. :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:20 pm
by tough love

This Pic cracked me up.

Harpers Lips. :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:09 am
by Smoked Meat
tough love and Otis you both failed your french exam so don't even think about applying to the Federal Government. :P

P.s. Jeancula = J'encula

translation: When I was in power I fucked all the Canadians

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:05 pm
by tough love
Try the Google Language Tool, where any language can be fun.

It was the google language tool which done did butcher the french versions of my posts.

English to French.
C'était l'outil de langue de google que fait avez envoyé à la boucherie la version française de mes poteaux.
Je suis seulement coupable pour tous les autres.

French to English:
It was the tool of language of google which makes sent to butchery the French version of my posts.

I take complete responcibility for my dreadful english posts, but in this case, either Google is out of whack, or the French Language is. :wink:

p.s...Otis is a stupidhead.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:30 pm
by fix
Harper accuses Martin of making a "Deal with the devil"


What a fucking hypocrite Harper is.. he's the one that's in bed with the other party that wants nothing more than to rip this country apart.

And he's threatening to topple the government despite the fact that the majority of Canadians have explicitly said, they don't want an election held right now..

What a pathetic excuse of a so-called wannabe leader..

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:21 pm
by Hapday
Otis wrote:Harper accuses Martin of making a "Deal with the devil"


What a fucking hypocrite Harper is.. he's the one that's in bed with the other party that wants nothing more than to rip this country apart...
Just how is he 'in bed' with the other party? Just because they will both boot the gLiberals and Mr.Dithers out, doesn't mean they are 'in bed together'.
Otis wrote:And he's threatening to topple the government despite the fact that the majority of Canadians have explicitly said, they don't want an election held right now....
When do Canadians ever want an election? The election is going to happen in June and Mr.Dithers will rightfully be booted out of office.
Otis wrote:What a pathetic excuse of a so-called wannabe leader..
Seeing how you swing from Mr.Dither's nutsack, that comment is hillarious. :lol: :lol: :lol:

BTW Otis, how long have you worked for the gLiberal Party?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:05 pm
by tough love
As much as I would enjoy seeing Harper wearing Martins balls for ear_rings, I have to agree that he would be ill_advised to go after 'em at this time.

LayladsLayton pulled off a decent despot play; something which Harper and these New Tory's seem to lack the ability there of, prolly cuz they are to honest to be effective at the art of public deception for the sake of self-interest.
Regardless, Paper_ Jacks Open_Ness to the heathen Martins dick has set himself up to be perceived as the defender of the poor in the eyes of the clueless who reside in this land of the complacent, where but a few minutes of media engineered preception and empty promise appears to hold more weight than years of corruption and acts of wasteful mis-managment.

Harper must know that truth usually ends up being a dead issue come any election where the electorate have been ruled to be fooled from birth.

Here's a various collection of takes from other opinionated assholes concerning this matter, which some may find interesting.

The Toronto Star:
Voices: PM's deal with the NDP

We asked what you think of Prime Minister Paul Martin’s deal with the NDP which will ensure that the NDP supports the government’s budget. Here's what you had to say:

This deal is political genius on behalf of Layton and Martin. When Harper pulls the plug, he will effectively begin the campaign as the champion of corporate tax breaks. How many common Canadians want to vote for that?
Jonas Kiedrowski, Leader, Sask., April 27

I voted NDP, all the while knowing that it was a principled vote that wouldn't win. Why would I (or the other 20% or so of the population) find it a bad thing for Layton to gain a little ground?
Erik Sommers, Toronto, April 27

This is what a minority government must do: communicate, compromise and make a deal in order to move forward. I support Prime Minister Martin.
Krystyna Engel, Barrie, April 27

I'm very happy with the deal. The budget was OK before the changes, but now even more money will go to social programmes which most Canadians want. The corporate tax cuts will materialize anyway. I'm praying that the majority of Canadians will opt for a more caring society and not for Stephen Harper's version of America North.
Enid Kammin, Toronto, April 27

Jack Layton continues to fight for the priorities he has always defended. That Martin has to be forced, kicking and screaming, into supporting even a moderately progressive budget measure puts the lie to his claim to 'share' NDP/progressive values.
Stephen Moore, Regina, April 27

Only last week Stephen Harper was complaining that the minority government was behaving like it was a majority. Now that they are behaving like a minority - taking the policies of the other parties on board, Harper complains its a disgrace and a "deal with the devil". He can't have it both ways, and to call the NDP the Devil is simply inappropriate behaviour for any politician who thinks he's Prime Minister material.
Gareth Hitchings, Ottawa, April 27

You know, I wish people would stop complaining. What did they expect to happen with a minority government? Compromise. That's the entire essence of it. Any politician in his right mind would attempt to hold on to power and they all think it's because they are doing the right thing and any person who thinks Harper would be doing any different or the Tories are any less corrupt are deluding themselves.
Matthew Ardill, Toronto, April 27

The Martin/Layton deal is a good one for Ontario in general and Toronto in particular and brings forward or enhances several useful programs including the transfer of gas tax money to cities. It also may avert an immediate election; it would be much better to see the final Gomery Report first and an election now is not likely to produce a majority or stable government as the most likely result would be the Conservatives getting the most seats but being unable to rely on any of the other parties for support.
David Crawford, Toronto, April 27

Stephan Harper threatens to bring down the government over their deal with the NDP. The arrogance of the man is breathtaking. Canadians turned him down less than a year ago and have no interest in putting him into power now. Let the Liberals and the NDP work together and see what they can do to salvage this Parliament before we are forced into dealing with another one.
Bill Smith, Burlington, Ontario,, April 27

Do any of the 'outraged' people out there even know what a minority government is? In order to do anything, a minority government needs the support of other parties. Period. Don't blame Martin for playing the cards he was dealt.
Joe Smith, Toronto, April 27

Considering that three out of four parties in the House of Commons are either "centrist" or left of centre, it's hard to see how Martin making a deal on education and healthcare like this is "a deal with the devil". Of course if the Conservatives think that a very large proportion of the Canadian voting public are devils, then it sounds like they're the ones with the problem.
Hari Balaraman, Vancouver, April 27

What else will Mr. Martin do to keep the Liberals in power? The man and the party will sell out at the drop of a hat in their quest to hang onto power. Is this what Canadians are looking for in leadership and good government? I think not. Not only are they corrupt from head to tail - They would have us believe that the budget they presented with nary a penny to spare has suddenly room for an additional $4.6 billion in spending. I cannot wait for this election.
Craig Young, Fredericton, April 27

The NDP-Liberal deal is terrible for Canadians. It strikes a blow to a fragile economy. Harper needs to form a majority and push through real change that will help everyone, not just Jack Layton's special interest groups.
Kevin Chan, Toronto, April 27

I didn't realize the "devil" was the working class, students, and the environment. Harper is so out of touch it is scary, and the last thing I want, and many people of all political stripes I talk to agree, is another election so soon. At least let Gomery finish his job. Innocent until proven otherwise is a pretty basic principle in our society.
Sasha Furlani, Toronto, April 27

Issues like the environment, housing, and day care are vital and long-neglected. If we're finally getting some action on them, why worry about how it happened?
Andrew Malcolmson, Toronto, April 27

I just don't see how the Liberals are doing anything different than any other party would in a minority situation. If you don't have a majority, it should be self-evident that you would have to work with other parties to ensure that there would be enough votes for legislation or budgets to pass.
Jay Pausner, Owen Sound, April 27

Tax cuts for small and medium-sized businesses, funding for lower tuition fees, investment in the environment and Kyoto, and a commitment to affordable housing. Am I missing something here, or is this Liberal-NDP budget deal not exactly what every Canadian citizen (who doesn't head a multi-national corporation) should want? Wake up people, and recognize that real progress and compromise are exactly what's needed to sustain the future of Canadian politics.
Mike Hurley, London, April 27

It's a good deal. We do NOT need another election right now, especially when the cost of the election is much more than the $100 million lost in Adscam. Once again, Harper and his Reform party colleagues are showing themselves to be power hungry, not caring how they might hurt the country.
Kevin Rogers, Toronto, April 27

Sure as every day the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, you can count on being able to buy Liberals using taxpayers' hard-earned money. Stephen Harper can't pull the plug soon enough.
Mark Thompson, Brampton, April 27

Having spent the past four months in the USA, I would elect the devil incarnate before I would risk letting a group of religious extremists, market economy fanatics, gun nuts, and warmongers take over in Ottawa.
Keith Fairfield, Fergus, April 27

The long established policy of the NDP is to redistribute wealth to the citizens who have created it. This is the way to build healthy communities. Corporate tax cuts only enable the wealthy to further exploit the poor all around the world for their own personal profit. The NDP has always used whatever influence it could to keep the Liberals to their election promises.
Paul Chislett, Sudbury, April 27

At least somebody is trying to salvage something positive from this disaster of a Parliament. Layton's the only one who wants to make a difference. I hope the next Parliament has more people like him sitting there.
Jeff Atkinson, Ottawa, April 27

This sort of compromise is exactly what Canadians voted for. I wish Jack Layton had also demanded cabinet positions. How else is the NDP ever going to prove that it can actually govern? Also, why do some people take compromise as a sign of defeat? Everyone felt the Liberals needed to be humbled. This is exactly what is happening.
Mark Orr, Toronto, April 27

I applaud this latest move. With quality of life declining all across the country, the $4.6 billion is a badly needed injection into Canada's flailing social programs. It's about time we put people and quality of life above economics and large corporations.
Kyle Rea, London, April 27

Funny how the only politician who seems to be able to bring anything good out of this whole mess is Jack Layton. Paul Martin was wise to partner up with Layton on this deal - the majority of Canadians don't support Harper and the Conservatives. Voters who elected Bloc, NDP and even Liberal MP's are centre-left, and this is an agenda for Canada that they should be proud of.
Allie Deschamps, Toronto, April 27

This is a desperate attempt by the Liberals to hold onto power.
Kevin Weidlich, Calgary, April 27

It boggles my mind that people think Harper wouldn’t do the same or worse to "hold onto power" (if he had it).
Barry Campbell, Richmond Hill, April 27

Martin is certainly struggling to hang on and was forced into this, but what’s wrong with redemption?
Sandra Hobbs, North Bay, April 27

This is not the way to present a budget. The negotiations should have taken place before the budget was presented to the house.
Jim Whittier, Midland, April 27

PM Martin sells out to the NDP to "make Parliament work." If he was really interested in making Parliament work, then why didn’t he and his ministers answer simple questions from the opposition straightforwardly during Question Period?
Dennis Taylor, Calgary, April 27

Even though some say Martin is pandering to the NDP, I would much prefer that than having the Conservatives colluding with the separatists to force an election which no one wants but will inevitably result in a strong pro-separatist showing in Quebec.
Justin Tyleman, Toronto, April 27

I applaud Martin for being able to compromise to move forward. This is simply what a minority government leader needs to do to get things done.
Edwin Kao, Toronto, April 27

How can anybody accept that the Liberals spent months cooking up a budget only to have a last-minute significant rewrite for the sole purpose of staying in power?
Karl Morant, Guelph, April 27

Let’s face it, folks, the real reason Harper and his right-wing cronies want to bring down the Liberals has nothing to do with the budget, but rather it is to prevent a vote on same-sex marriage, because Harper knows he’ll lose that one!
Ian Ross, Toronto, April 27

I see nothing wrong with the PM’s budget deal with the NDP. It benefits Canadians and Torontonians. I simply would like to see the government govern.
Robin Kelly, Toronto, April 27

As a card carrying NDPer, I am proud that my leader had the fortitude to act in the best interest of the nation, instead of mere political advantage.
Kenneth Chisholm, London, Ont., April 27

It has become patently clear for everyone there is no leadership here. Just more politics with more cynical electors.
Ed Goerz, Oshawa, April 27

I’m surprised that it took so long for these parties to realize that in a minority government, the only chance it has of standing is to actually communicate and deal with each other.
Paul Girling, Toronto, April 27

This is how a minority government works! Compromise is not always such a bad thing.
Dana Cane, Whitby, April 27

This is truly outrageous behaviour. Paul Martin is making a mockery of our government and is showing Canadians what many of us have known all along: He is a person who is willing to say, do and promise anything to hold on to power.
Rav Mlait, Vancouver, April 27

Hopefully this deal will help the NDP emerge as a true alternative for us Canadians scared of the Conservatives and tired of the Liberals.
Yuval Grinspun, Toronto, April 27

This is a sad example of how badly we need election reform in this country. What we now have is a party that earned only about 10 per cent of votes from eligible voters propping up a party that received only about 22 per cent and they get to set the priorities of spending billions of our dollars.
Mel Blacker, London, April 27

Jack Layton would appear to be the early winner. If the government is defeated over the budget, he can say he tried. If it passes, he can claim he is the champion for social programs.
Canaan Rhodes, Halifax, April 27

This is what a minority government is supposed to be about - different parties working together for the good of the country.
Peter Sinclair, Toronto, Apr. 27

Paul Martin is selling out his country in desperation to hang on to power. Mr. Goodale should resign his position to Mr. Layton.
Joanne Keizer, Burlington, Apr. 27

If the devil had enough seats in the House of Commons, I believe that Paul Martin and his Liberals would not hesitate to make a deal with him to stay in power.
James Lumbers, Desboro, Apr. 27

Its about time the Liberal government invested in education and housing instead of tax breaks for corporations. Too bad they won’t do it without being forced.
Jeremiah Bennett, Toronto, Apr. 27

If the NDP - with 19 seats - can dictate the terms of a G7 nation’s finances, then we have lost our collective marbles. What a sad series of events. I am now a Conservative.
Mike Jones, Wasaga Beach, Apr. 27

That $4.6 billion was set to reduce corporate taxes to stimulate job growth. The short-sighted NDP fails to understand that "jobs" are the only reason we have social programs. The Liberals understand this, but are willing to kill job growth for their political gains.
Jamie Wile, Toronto, Apr.27

How much more will it cost Canadians to keep Mr. Martin around for another 8 months? Spending $300 million for an election we are going to have anyway, would now save us $5 billion. And we thought the Sponsorship Program was a scam.
John Beaudette, Whitby

Never, never, never, never, well, ok. Is there anything Martin won’t say yes to? Does he have no principles at all? Having said that, i’m confident a lot of the initiatives in the budget will never be implemented. Liberals never fulfill their promises.
Georgia McCarthy, Toronto, Apr. 27

[This] convinces me that the Liberals must be defeated. Sadly, the once-proud Liberals have become a party of waste, mismanagement and corruption. They have become the most morally bankrupt government in this nation’s history. It’s now time to give Stephen Harper and the Conservatives a chance.
Jon Hulstein Powell River, BC, Apr. 27

And Martin accuses the Conservatives of being power hungry and political opportunists without principle.
James Stevenson, Ottawa

Whatever Liberal Party negatives there are can only be blamed on the Chretien Administration, Martins Liberals are all good all the time, unlike those New Tory Cabbage_Heads .
Otis, T1B.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:02 pm
by fix
Uh oh..

Harper's flower has wilted..
OTTAWA (CP) - A Conservative lead in popular support seems to have evaporated this week...

The survey by GPC Research had the two parties in a virtual dead heat: 27 per cent of respondents said they would vote Liberal and 25 per cent said they would opt for the Conservatives if an election were held ... 47-cp.html


Good to see you back Hap, we missed your kool-aid drinking, poor misguided Conservitard asinine point of view.
tough love wrote:Whatever Liberal Party negatives there are can only be blamed on the Chretien Administration, Martins Liberals are all good all the time, unlike those New Tory Cabbage_Heads .
Otis, T1B.
That's right tl you know very well that I'm no fan of Chretien. And those negatives should be blamed on the Cretin administration because with Chretien, we would have the proof. Because a proof is a proof and when you have a good proof it's because it's proven.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:03 pm
by Hapday
Yeah I saw that article about the latest polls. I guess the tards in Southern Ontario are still willing to support their corruption-filled gLiberals and Mr.Dithers. No real surprise there, after all it is the arsehole of Canada.

Yeah, it's all Chrietien's fault. Martin was the number two guy in Chretien's cabinet but his hands are clean. :roll: :roll: :roll: I wonder when Martin's phone records to Kinsella are produced if that will be enough for the tards in Southern Ontario to wake up. I doubt it though. They were........ah.......talking about hockey.......yeah, that's it! :roll: :roll:

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:11 pm
by Hapday
Great column in the Ottawa Sun today:
Deal with the devil, and be burned


Congratulations, Jack, on landing the biggest ad sponsorship contract of them all -- $4.6 billion that not even the real Finance Minister could stop.

Over the top, you say? Think about it.

Jack claims that he hopped in bed with the devil to make Canada stronger, the cash was dished out behind closed doors, no real work was done, and the public, Parliament and the premiers had no say. I bet if there was a contract at all, it was written on toilet paper, the previous prime minister having used up all the paper napkins.

Isn't that exactly the way the Department of Public Works, the PMO, the Privy Council Office, the army of political jackals and the school of private sector sharks operated in Adscam? Jack's price just had a few more zeros attached to it -- all in the public interest you understand.

Hard to believe that just a week ago, Jack was traducing the Liberals for their contempt of Parliament. He was really mad that the government cancelled Opposition Days. Now he has the distinction of personally installing a new foundation under the national outhouse of the current government -- and doing it in secret, mano a mano, just the way the Grits like it.

What can I say except that Tommy Douglas wasn't voted the greatest Canadian for doing secret pinkie shakes with people who violated every principle his party stood for.

Jack has helped the Liberals as much as he has hurt his party. He has decided to share the opprobrium for the sponsorship scandal by playing it down, exactly the way Paul Martin has been doing for months. On the night of Paul's trip to the electronic confessional last week, Jack said that Ad scam was not a national crisis, it was a Liberal crisis. It is not the first time that the national leader of the NDP has dozed off in class.

The fountainhead of the sponsorship scandal was the former prime minister himself, who personally signed for and controlled the funds issued by Treasury Board.

We know from the Gomery Commission that the Privy Council Office coordinated some of the contracts.

We know that the Prime Minister's Office approved contracts.

We know that Crown Corporations, an integral part of Canada's institutional framework, were used as conduits to hide sleazy deals and move large amounts of public money to Liberal supporters.

We know that the dankest stable in the federal system, the Department of Public Works, was a willing handmaiden to its political masters -- despite the outrageous impropriety of broken guidelines, contracts with large fees and little or no work, and personal abuse of public funds by leading political figures and their supporters.

Throw in the fact that the bilious spectacle of federal corruption in Quebec has given an injection of steroids to sovereignty supporters, and how much more national can it get, Jack?

While Jack fervently defends his unholy alliance with the Liberals one thing remains unshakably true -- no matter what kind of deal the devil offers, you must refuse. And that fact comes from the foundational truth that a public figure who has presided over or participated in corruption of the institutions of government is a public figure to be removed at the earliest opportunity, not supported.

There is no such thing as a corrupt, but otherwise admirable police officer. There is no such thing as a dishonest but otherwise fair businessman. There is no such thing as an outstanding civil servant, if only we don't count the lying, cheating, and stealing. And there is no such thing as a deal with the devil. Jack should take a time-out and read a novel about a certain German astrologer who made a pact with Mephistopheles and reflect on how it turned out.

As for his own deal, a classic belly-flop of arguing that the end justifies the means, the book on that is already in. Jack thought he had exchanged corporate tax cuts for the rich and powerful for billions in spending on social programs. But not for nothing is the devil legendary for his slipperiness. Having compromised the NDP, the prime minister promptly announced that the same tax cuts would be reintroduced in a separate piece of legislation which he would defy the Conservatives to defeat!

So where does that leave Jack and the NDP? Between the devil and the deep blue sea. If they soft-peddle their criticisms of a government that has miserably failed in its duty to enhance public confidence in the integrity, objectivity, and impartiality of the federal government, the NDP will join the tawdry list of bought and paid for commodities.

If they try to sting the Liberals with eleventh-hour criticisms in an election, Mephistopheles will remind them, and the public, of the deal that Jack willingly made and kept.

And if, as I suspect, they turn on Stephen Harper and the Conservatives as the real enemies of Canadian values, they will become part of an infernal machine grinding away on behalf of the corrupt, the arrogant, and the contemptuous in the Liberal Party who have been so deeply tainted themselves they no longer know or care what they have done to the country.

Be advised: Bad moon on the rise and the devil's in a deal-making mood.

Now before Otis jumps on Harris for being a right-wing wacko, Michael Harris voted for the Green Party in the last election. This also isn't the former Premier of Ontario, Mike Harris. Same name different guy.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:36 pm
by fix
Hapday wrote:Great column in one of the Conservitard's media mothpieces, Ottawa Sun today

Rhetoric, spin, rhetoric, spin...
FTFY.. ;)

Great editorial cartoon that really sums up what the current political scene is..


Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 10:19 pm
by tough love
Accurate toon 'cept for the footing.
They should be standing upon a huge heap of elitist crap, cuz that's what poli-poser systems are really about.


Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 10:28 pm
by fix
tough love wrote:Accurate toon 'cept for the footing.
They should be standing upon a huge heap of elitist crap, cuz that's what poli-poser systems are really about.

Tea ?

Actually, if by some fluke Harper does manage to get elected, I was considering the merits of forming an Ontario First Party.
A party to compete with the other two regional seperatist parties.. the Bloc (Quebec) and the ReformedAllianceConservitard party (Alberta and a couple of devoted kool-aid drinkers from the east)

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 10:48 pm
by tough love
Coffee would be nice.
If by some fluke Harper did get elected, many a naysayer would be pleasently surprised, for the first term at least.
Lower taxes, and surprise surprise a better healthcare system will be a certainty. As well; a more accountable Canadian Government will be introduced.

CBC Fatcats being hung out to dry would be a bonus. :wink:

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 6:13 am
by fix
Well I doubt than many naysayers would be pleasantly surprised by lower taxes since the Tory way is to provide huge corporate tax breaks for their fat cats and if by better you mean two-tier healthcare that provides another opportunity for corporate swindling.

Canada just won't eat the bullshit that Harper's serving.
